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* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
chapter "Abstract Specification Instantiations"
theory Deterministic_A
text \<open>
The kernel specification operates over states of type @{typ "'a state"}, which
includes all of the abstract kernel state plus an extra field, @{term exst}
of type @{typ "'a"}. By choosing an appropriate concrete type for @{typ "'a"},
we obtain different \emph{instantiations} of this specification, at differing
levels of abstraction. The abstract specification is thus \emph{extensible}.
The basic technique, and its motivation, are described in~\cite{Matichuk_Murray_12}.
Here, we define two such instantiations. The first yields a
largely-deterministic specification by instantiating @{typ "'a"} with
a record that includes concrete scheduler state and
information about sibling ordering in the capability derivation tree (CDT).
We call the resulting
specification the \emph{deterministic abstract specification} and it is
defined below in \autoref{s:det-spec}.
The second instantiation uses the type @{typ unit} for @{typ 'a}, yielding
a specification that is far more nondeterministic. In particular, the
scheduling behaviour and the order in which capabilities are deleted during
a \emph{revoke} system call both become completely nondeterministic.
We call this second instantiation the
\emph{nondeterministic abstract specification} and it is defined below in
text \<open>Translate a state of type @{typ "'a state"} to one of type @{typ "'b state"}
via a function @{term t} from @{typ "'a"} to @{typ "'b"}.
definition trans_state :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a state \<Rightarrow> 'b state" where
"trans_state t s = \<lparr>kheap = kheap s, cdt = cdt s, is_original_cap = is_original_cap s,
cur_thread = cur_thread s, idle_thread = idle_thread s,
machine_state = machine_state s,
interrupt_irq_node = interrupt_irq_node s,
interrupt_states = interrupt_states s, arch_state = arch_state s,
exst = t(exst s)\<rparr>"
lemma trans_state[simp]: "kheap (trans_state t s) = kheap s"
"cdt (trans_state t s) = cdt s"
"is_original_cap (trans_state t s) = is_original_cap s"
"cur_thread (trans_state t s) = cur_thread s"
"idle_thread (trans_state t s) = idle_thread s"
"machine_state (trans_state t s) = machine_state s"
"interrupt_irq_node (trans_state t s) = interrupt_irq_node s"
"interrupt_states (trans_state t s) = interrupt_states s"
"arch_state (trans_state t s) = arch_state s"
"exst (trans_state t s) = (t (exst s))"
"exst (trans_state (\<lambda>_. e) s) = e"
apply (simp add: trans_state_def)+
lemma trans_state_update[simp]:
"trans_state t (kheap_update f s) = kheap_update f (trans_state t s)"
"trans_state t (cdt_update g s) = cdt_update g (trans_state t s)"
"trans_state t (is_original_cap_update h s) = is_original_cap_update h (trans_state t s)"
"trans_state t (cur_thread_update i s) = cur_thread_update i (trans_state t s)"
"trans_state t (idle_thread_update j s) = idle_thread_update j (trans_state t s)"
"trans_state t (machine_state_update k s) = machine_state_update k (trans_state t s)"
"trans_state t (interrupt_irq_node_update l s) = interrupt_irq_node_update l (trans_state t s)"
"trans_state t (arch_state_update m s) = arch_state_update m (trans_state t s)"
"trans_state t (interrupt_states_update p s) = interrupt_states_update p (trans_state t s)"
apply (simp add: trans_state_def)+
lemma trans_state_update':
"trans_state f = exst_update f"
apply (rule ext)
apply simp
lemma trans_state_update''[simp]:
"trans_state t' (trans_state t s) = trans_state (\<lambda>e. t' (t e)) s"
apply simp
text \<open>Truncate an extended state of type @{typ "'a state"}
by effectively throwing away all the @{typ "'a"} information.
abbreviation "truncate_state \<equiv> trans_state (\<lambda>_. ())"
section "Deterministic Abstract Specification"
text \<open>\label{s:det-spec}
The deterministic abstract specification tracks the state of the scheduler
and ordering information about sibling nodes in the CDT.\<close>
text \<open>The current scheduler action,
which is part of the scheduling state.\<close>
datatype scheduler_action =
| switch_thread (sch_act_target : obj_ref)
| choose_new_thread
type_synonym domain = word8
record etcb =
tcb_priority :: "priority"
tcb_time_slice :: "nat"
tcb_domain :: "domain"
definition default_priority :: "priority" where
"default_priority \<equiv> minBound"
definition default_domain :: "domain" where
"default_domain \<equiv> minBound"
definition default_etcb :: "etcb" where
"default_etcb \<equiv> \<lparr>tcb_priority = default_priority, tcb_time_slice = timeSlice, tcb_domain = default_domain\<rparr>"
type_synonym ready_queue = "obj_ref list"
text \<open>
For each entry in the CDT, we record an ordered list of its children.
This encodes the order of sibling nodes in the CDT.
type_synonym cdt_list = "cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> cslot_ptr list"
definition work_units_limit :: "machine_word" where
"work_units_limit = 0x64"
text \<open>
The extended state of the deterministic abstract specification.
record det_ext =
work_units_completed_internal :: "machine_word"
scheduler_action_internal :: scheduler_action
ekheap_internal :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> etcb option"
domain_list_internal :: "(domain \<times> machine_word) list"
domain_index_internal :: nat
cur_domain_internal :: domain
domain_time_internal :: "machine_word"
ready_queues_internal :: "domain \<Rightarrow> priority \<Rightarrow> ready_queue"
cdt_list_internal :: cdt_list
text \<open>
The state of the deterministic abstract specification extends the
abstract state with the @{typ det_ext} record.
type_synonym det_state = "det_ext state"
text \<open>Accessor and update functions for the extended state of the
deterministic abstract specification.
"work_units_completed (s::det_state) \<equiv> work_units_completed_internal (exst s)"
"work_units_completed_update f (s::det_state) \<equiv> trans_state (work_units_completed_internal_update f) s"
"scheduler_action (s::det_state) \<equiv> scheduler_action_internal (exst s)"
"scheduler_action_update f (s::det_state) \<equiv> trans_state (scheduler_action_internal_update f) s"
"ekheap (s::det_state) \<equiv> ekheap_internal (exst s)"
"ekheap_update f (s::det_state) \<equiv> trans_state (ekheap_internal_update f) s"
"domain_list (s::det_state) \<equiv> domain_list_internal (exst s)"
"domain_list_update f (s::det_state) \<equiv> trans_state (domain_list_internal_update f) s"
"domain_index (s::det_state) \<equiv> domain_index_internal (exst s)"
"domain_index_update f (s::det_state) \<equiv> trans_state (domain_index_internal_update f) s"
"cur_domain (s::det_state) \<equiv> cur_domain_internal (exst s)"
"cur_domain_update f (s::det_state) \<equiv> trans_state (cur_domain_internal_update f) s"
"domain_time (s::det_state) \<equiv> domain_time_internal (exst s)"
"domain_time_update f (s::det_state) \<equiv> trans_state (domain_time_internal_update f) s"
"ready_queues (s::det_state) \<equiv> ready_queues_internal (exst s)"
"ready_queues_update f (s::det_state) \<equiv> trans_state (ready_queues_internal_update f) s"
"cdt_list (s::det_state) \<equiv> cdt_list_internal (exst s)"
"cdt_list_update f (s::det_state) \<equiv> trans_state (cdt_list_internal_update f) s"
type_synonym 'a det_ext_monad = "(det_state,'a) nondet_monad"
text \<open>
Basic monadic functions for operating on the extended state of the
deterministic abstract specification.
get_etcb :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> det_state \<Rightarrow> etcb option"
"get_etcb tcb_ref es \<equiv> ekheap es tcb_ref"
ethread_get :: "(etcb \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> 'a det_ext_monad"
"ethread_get f tptr \<equiv> do
tcb \<leftarrow> gets_the $ get_etcb tptr;
return $ f tcb
(* For infoflow, we want to avoid certain read actions, such as reading the priority of the
current thread when it could be idle. Then we need to make sure we do not rely on the result.
undefined is the closest we have to a result that can't be relied on *)
ethread_get_when :: "bool \<Rightarrow> (etcb \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> 'a det_ext_monad"
"ethread_get_when b f tptr \<equiv> if b then (ethread_get f tptr) else return undefined"
definition set_eobject :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> etcb \<Rightarrow> unit det_ext_monad"
"set_eobject ptr obj \<equiv>
do es \<leftarrow> get;
ekh \<leftarrow> return $ (ekheap es)(ptr \<mapsto> obj);
put (es\<lparr>ekheap := ekh\<rparr>)
ethread_set :: "(etcb \<Rightarrow> etcb) \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> unit det_ext_monad"
"ethread_set f tptr \<equiv> do
tcb \<leftarrow> gets_the $ get_etcb tptr;
set_eobject tptr $ f tcb
set_scheduler_action :: "scheduler_action \<Rightarrow> unit det_ext_monad" where
"set_scheduler_action action \<equiv>
modify (\<lambda>es. es\<lparr>scheduler_action := action\<rparr>)"
thread_set_priority :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> priority \<Rightarrow> unit det_ext_monad" where
"thread_set_priority tptr prio \<equiv> ethread_set (\<lambda>tcb. tcb\<lparr>tcb_priority := prio\<rparr>) tptr"
thread_set_time_slice :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> unit det_ext_monad" where
"thread_set_time_slice tptr time \<equiv> ethread_set (\<lambda>tcb. tcb\<lparr>tcb_time_slice := time\<rparr>) tptr"
thread_set_domain :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> domain \<Rightarrow> unit det_ext_monad" where
"thread_set_domain tptr domain \<equiv> ethread_set (\<lambda>tcb. tcb\<lparr>tcb_domain := domain\<rparr>) tptr"
get_tcb_queue :: "domain \<Rightarrow> priority \<Rightarrow> ready_queue det_ext_monad" where
"get_tcb_queue d prio \<equiv> do
queues \<leftarrow> gets ready_queues;
return (queues d prio)
set_tcb_queue :: "domain \<Rightarrow> priority \<Rightarrow> ready_queue \<Rightarrow> unit det_ext_monad" where
"set_tcb_queue d prio queue \<equiv>
modify (\<lambda>es. es\<lparr> ready_queues :=
(\<lambda>d' p. if d' = d \<and> p = prio then queue else ready_queues es d' p)\<rparr>)"
tcb_sched_action :: "(obj_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref list \<Rightarrow> obj_ref list) \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> unit det_ext_monad" where
"tcb_sched_action action thread \<equiv> do
d \<leftarrow> ethread_get tcb_domain thread;
prio \<leftarrow> ethread_get tcb_priority thread;
queue \<leftarrow> get_tcb_queue d prio;
set_tcb_queue d prio (action thread queue)
tcb_sched_enqueue :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref list \<Rightarrow> obj_ref list" where
"tcb_sched_enqueue thread queue \<equiv> if (thread \<notin> set queue) then thread # queue else queue"
tcb_sched_append :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref list \<Rightarrow> obj_ref list" where
"tcb_sched_append thread queue \<equiv> if (thread \<notin> set queue) then queue @ [thread] else queue"
tcb_sched_dequeue :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref list \<Rightarrow> obj_ref list" where
"tcb_sched_dequeue thread queue \<equiv> filter (\<lambda>x. x \<noteq> thread) queue"
definition reschedule_required :: "unit det_ext_monad" where
"reschedule_required \<equiv> do
action \<leftarrow> gets scheduler_action;
case action of switch_thread t \<Rightarrow> tcb_sched_action (tcb_sched_enqueue) t | _ \<Rightarrow> return ();
set_scheduler_action choose_new_thread
possible_switch_to :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> unit det_ext_monad" where
"possible_switch_to target \<equiv> do
cur_dom \<leftarrow> gets cur_domain;
target_dom \<leftarrow> ethread_get tcb_domain target;
action \<leftarrow> gets scheduler_action;
if (target_dom \<noteq> cur_dom) then
tcb_sched_action tcb_sched_enqueue target
else if (action \<noteq> resume_cur_thread) then
tcb_sched_action tcb_sched_enqueue target
set_scheduler_action $ switch_thread target
next_domain :: "unit det_ext_monad" where
"next_domain \<equiv>
modify (\<lambda>s.
let domain_index' = (domain_index s + 1) mod length (domain_list s) in
let next_dom = (domain_list s)!domain_index'
in s\<lparr> domain_index := domain_index',
cur_domain := fst next_dom,
domain_time := snd next_dom,
work_units_completed := 0\<rparr>)"
dec_domain_time :: "unit det_ext_monad" where
"dec_domain_time = modify (\<lambda>s. s\<lparr>domain_time := domain_time s - 1\<rparr>)"
definition set_cdt_list :: "cdt_list \<Rightarrow> (det_state, unit) nondet_monad" where
"set_cdt_list t \<equiv> do
s \<leftarrow> get;
put $ s\<lparr> cdt_list := t \<rparr>
update_cdt_list :: "(cdt_list \<Rightarrow> cdt_list) \<Rightarrow> (det_state, unit) nondet_monad"
"update_cdt_list f \<equiv> do
t \<leftarrow> gets cdt_list;
set_cdt_list (f t)
text \<open>The CDT in the implementation is stored in prefix traversal order.
The following functions traverse its abstract representation here to
yield corresponding information.
definition next_child :: "cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> cdt_list \<Rightarrow> cslot_ptr option" where
"next_child slot t \<equiv> case (t slot) of [] \<Rightarrow> None |
x # xs \<Rightarrow> Some x"
definition next_sib :: "cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> cdt_list \<Rightarrow> cdt \<Rightarrow> cslot_ptr option" where
"next_sib slot t m \<equiv> case m slot of None \<Rightarrow> None |
Some p \<Rightarrow> after_in_list (t p) slot"
function (domintros) next_not_child :: "cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> cdt_list \<Rightarrow> cdt \<Rightarrow> cslot_ptr option" where
"next_not_child slot t m = (if next_sib slot t m = None
then (case m slot of
None \<Rightarrow> None |
Some p \<Rightarrow> next_not_child p t m)
else next_sib slot t m)"
by auto
(* next_slot traverses the cdt, replicating mdb_next in the Haskell spec.
The cdt is traversed child first, by next_child
going to a nodes first child when it exists,
otherwise next_not_child looks up the tree until it finds
a new node to visit as a sibling of its self or some ancestor *)
definition next_slot :: "cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> cdt_list \<Rightarrow> cdt \<Rightarrow> cslot_ptr option" where
"next_slot slot t m \<equiv> if t slot \<noteq> []
then next_child slot t
else next_not_child slot t m"
text \<open>\emph{Extended operations} for the deterministic abstract specification.\<close>
definition max_non_empty_queue :: "(priority \<Rightarrow> ready_queue) \<Rightarrow> ready_queue" where
"max_non_empty_queue queues \<equiv> queues (Max {prio. queues prio \<noteq> []})"
definition default_ext :: "apiobject_type \<Rightarrow> domain \<Rightarrow> etcb option" where
"default_ext type cdom \<equiv>
case type of TCBObject \<Rightarrow> Some (default_etcb\<lparr>tcb_domain := cdom\<rparr>)
| _ \<Rightarrow> None"
definition retype_region_ext :: "obj_ref list \<Rightarrow> apiobject_type \<Rightarrow> unit det_ext_monad" where
"retype_region_ext ptrs type \<equiv> do
ekh \<leftarrow> gets ekheap;
cdom \<leftarrow> gets cur_domain;
ekh' \<leftarrow> return $ foldr (\<lambda>p ekh. (ekh(p := default_ext type cdom))) ptrs ekh;
modify (\<lambda>s. s\<lparr>ekheap := ekh'\<rparr>)
definition cap_swap_ext where
"cap_swap_ext \<equiv> (\<lambda> slot1 slot2 slot1_op slot2_op.
update_cdt_list (\<lambda>list. list(slot1 := list slot2, slot2 := list slot1));
(\<lambda>list. case if slot2_op = Some slot1 then Some slot2
else if slot2_op = Some slot2 then Some slot1 else slot2_op of
None \<Rightarrow> (case if slot1_op = Some slot1 then Some slot2
else if slot1_op = Some slot2 then Some slot1 else slot1_op of
None \<Rightarrow> list
| Some slot2_p \<Rightarrow> list(slot2_p := list_replace (list slot2_p) slot1 slot2))
| Some slot1_p \<Rightarrow>
(case if slot1_op = Some slot1 then Some slot2
else if slot1_op = Some slot2 then Some slot1 else slot1_op of
None \<Rightarrow> list(slot1_p := list_replace (list slot1_p) slot2 slot1)
| Some slot2_p \<Rightarrow>
if slot1_p = slot2_p
then list(slot1_p := list_swap (list slot1_p) slot1 slot2)
else list(slot1_p := list_replace (list slot1_p) slot2 slot1,
slot2_p := list_replace (list slot2_p) slot1 slot2)))
definition cap_move_ext where
"cap_move_ext \<equiv> (\<lambda> src_slot dest_slot src_p dest_p.
update_cdt_list (\<lambda>list. case (dest_p) of
None \<Rightarrow> list |
Some p \<Rightarrow> list (p := list_remove (list p) dest_slot));
if (src_slot = dest_slot) then return () else
update_cdt_list (\<lambda>list. case (src_p) of
None \<Rightarrow> list |
Some p \<Rightarrow> list (p := list_replace (list p) src_slot dest_slot));
update_cdt_list (\<lambda>list. list (src_slot := [], dest_slot := (list src_slot) @ (list dest_slot)))
definition cap_insert_ext where
"cap_insert_ext \<equiv> (\<lambda> src_parent src_slot dest_slot src_p dest_p.
update_cdt_list (\<lambda>list. case (dest_p) of
None \<Rightarrow> list |
Some p \<Rightarrow> (list (p := list_remove (list p) dest_slot)));
update_cdt_list (\<lambda>list. case (src_p) of
None \<Rightarrow> list (
src_slot := if src_parent then [dest_slot] @ (list src_slot) else list src_slot) |
Some p \<Rightarrow> list (
src_slot := if src_parent then [dest_slot] @ (list src_slot) else list src_slot,
p := if (src_parent \<and> p \<noteq> src_slot) then (list p) else if (src_slot \<noteq> dest_slot) then (list_insert_after (list p) src_slot dest_slot) else (dest_slot # (list p))))
definition empty_slot_ext where
"empty_slot_ext \<equiv> (\<lambda> slot slot_p.
update_cdt_list (\<lambda>list. case slot_p of None \<Rightarrow> list (slot := []) |
Some p \<Rightarrow> if (p = slot) then list(p := list_remove (list p) slot) else list (p := list_replace_list (list p) slot (list slot), slot := [])))"
definition create_cap_ext where
"create_cap_ext \<equiv> (\<lambda> untyped dest dest_p. do
update_cdt_list (\<lambda>list. case dest_p of
None \<Rightarrow> list |
Some p \<Rightarrow> (list (p := list_remove (list p) dest)));
update_cdt_list (\<lambda>list. list (untyped := [dest] @ (list untyped)))
definition next_revoke_cap where
"next_revoke_cap \<equiv> (\<lambda>slot ext. the (next_child slot (cdt_list ext)))"
free_asid_select :: "(asid_high_index \<rightharpoonup> 'a) \<Rightarrow> asid_high_index"
"free_asid_select \<equiv> \<lambda>asid_table. fst (hd (filter (\<lambda>(x,y). x \<le> 2 ^ asid_high_bits - 1 \<and> y = None) (assocs asid_table)))"
free_asid_pool_select :: "(asid_low_index \<rightharpoonup> 'a) \<Rightarrow> asid \<Rightarrow> asid_low_index"
"free_asid_pool_select \<equiv> (\<lambda>pool base.
fst (hd ((filter (\<lambda> (x,y). ucast x + base \<noteq> 0 \<and> y = None) (assocs pool)))))"
definition update_work_units where
"update_work_units \<equiv>
modify (\<lambda>s. s\<lparr>work_units_completed := work_units_completed s + 1\<rparr>)"
definition reset_work_units where
"reset_work_units \<equiv>
modify (\<lambda>s. s\<lparr>work_units_completed := 0\<rparr>)"
definition work_units_limit_reached where
"work_units_limit_reached \<equiv> do
work_units \<leftarrow> gets work_units_completed;
return (work_units_limit \<le> work_units)
text \<open>
A type class for all instantiations of the abstract specification. In
practice, this is restricted to basically allow only two sensible
implementations at present: the deterministic abstract specification and
the nondeterministic one.
class state_ext =
fixes unwrap_ext :: "'a state \<Rightarrow> det_ext state"
fixes wrap_ext :: "(det_ext \<Rightarrow> det_ext) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> 'a)"
fixes wrap_ext_op :: "unit det_ext_monad \<Rightarrow> ('a state,unit) nondet_monad"
fixes wrap_ext_bool :: "bool det_ext_monad \<Rightarrow> ('a state,bool) nondet_monad"
fixes select_switch :: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
fixes ext_init :: "'a"
definition detype_ext :: "obj_ref set \<Rightarrow> 'z::state_ext \<Rightarrow> 'z" where
"detype_ext S \<equiv> wrap_ext (\<lambda>s. s\<lparr>ekheap_internal := (\<lambda>x. if x \<in> S then None else ekheap_internal s x)\<rparr>)"
instantiation det_ext_ext :: (type) state_ext
definition "unwrap_ext_det_ext_ext == (\<lambda>x. x) :: det_ext state \<Rightarrow> det_ext state"
definition "wrap_ext_det_ext_ext == (\<lambda>x. x) ::
(det_ext \<Rightarrow> det_ext) \<Rightarrow> det_ext \<Rightarrow> det_ext"
definition "wrap_ext_op_det_ext_ext == (\<lambda>x. x) ::
(det_ext state \<Rightarrow> ((unit \<times> det_ext state) set) \<times> bool)
\<Rightarrow> det_ext state \<Rightarrow> ((unit \<times> det_ext state) set) \<times> bool"
definition "wrap_ext_bool_det_ext_ext == (\<lambda>x. x) ::
(det_ext state \<Rightarrow> ((bool \<times> det_ext state) set) \<times> bool)
\<Rightarrow> det_ext state \<Rightarrow> ((bool \<times> det_ext state) set) \<times> bool"
definition "select_switch_det_ext_ext == (\<lambda>_. True) :: det_ext\<Rightarrow> bool"
(* this probably doesn't satisfy the invariants *)
definition "ext_init_det_ext_ext \<equiv>
\<lparr>work_units_completed_internal = 0,
scheduler_action_internal = resume_cur_thread,
ekheap_internal = Map.empty (idle_thread_ptr \<mapsto> default_etcb),
domain_list_internal = [(0,15)],
domain_index_internal = 0,
cur_domain_internal = 0,
domain_time_internal = 15,
ready_queues_internal = const (const []),
cdt_list_internal = const []\<rparr> :: det_ext"
instance ..
section "Nondeterministic Abstract Specification"
text \<open>\label{s:nondet-spec}
The nondeterministic abstract specification instantiates the extended state
with the unit type -- i.e. it doesn't have any meaningful extended state.
instantiation unit :: state_ext
definition "unwrap_ext_unit == (\<lambda>_. undefined) :: unit state \<Rightarrow> det_ext state"
definition "wrap_ext_unit == (\<lambda>f s. ()) :: (det_ext \<Rightarrow> det_ext) \<Rightarrow> unit \<Rightarrow> unit"
definition "wrap_ext_op_unit == (\<lambda>m. return ()) ::
(det_ext state \<Rightarrow> ((unit \<times> det_ext state) set) \<times> bool) \<Rightarrow> unit state \<Rightarrow> ((unit \<times> unit state) set) \<times> bool"
definition "wrap_ext_bool_unit == (\<lambda>m. select UNIV) ::
(det_ext state \<Rightarrow> ((bool \<times> det_ext state ) set) \<times> bool) \<Rightarrow> unit state \<Rightarrow> ((bool \<times> unit state) set) \<times> bool"
definition "select_switch_unit == (\<lambda>s. False) :: unit \<Rightarrow> bool"
definition "ext_init_unit \<equiv> () :: unit"
instance ..
text \<open>Run an extended operation over the extended state without
modifying it and use the return value to choose between two computations
to run.
lemmas ext_init_def = ext_init_det_ext_ext_def ext_init_unit_def
definition OR_choice :: "bool det_ext_monad \<Rightarrow> ('z::state_ext state,'a) nondet_monad \<Rightarrow> ('z state,'a) nondet_monad \<Rightarrow> ('z state,'a) nondet_monad" where
"OR_choice c f g \<equiv>
ex \<leftarrow> get;
(rv,_) \<leftarrow> select_f (mk_ef ((wrap_ext_bool c) ex));
if rv then f else g
definition OR_choiceE :: "bool det_ext_monad \<Rightarrow> ('z::state_ext state,'e + 'a) nondet_monad \<Rightarrow> ('z state,'e + 'a) nondet_monad \<Rightarrow> ('z state,'e + 'a) nondet_monad" where
"OR_choiceE c f g \<equiv>
ex \<leftarrow> liftE get;
(rv,_) \<leftarrow> liftE $ select_f (mk_ef ((wrap_ext_bool c) ex));
if rv then f else g
text \<open>Run an extended operation over the extended state to update the
extended state, ignoring any return value that the extended operation might
definition do_extended_op :: "unit det_ext_monad \<Rightarrow> ('z::state_ext state,unit) nondet_monad" where
"do_extended_op eop \<equiv> do
ex \<leftarrow> get;
(_,es') \<leftarrow> select_f (mk_ef ((wrap_ext_op eop) ex));
modify (\<lambda> state. state\<lparr>exst := (exst es')\<rparr>)
text \<open>
Use the extended state to choose a value from a bounding set @{term S} when
@{term select_switch} is true. Otherwise just select from @{term S}.
definition select_ext :: "(det_ext state \<Rightarrow> 'd) \<Rightarrow> ('d set) \<Rightarrow> ('a::state_ext state,'d) nondet_monad" where
"select_ext a S \<equiv> do
s \<leftarrow> get;
x \<leftarrow> if (select_switch (exst s)) then (return (a (unwrap_ext s)))
else (select S);
assert (x \<in> S);
return x
(*Defined here because it's asserted before empty_slot*)
definition valid_list_2 :: "cdt_list \<Rightarrow> cdt \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_list_2 t m \<equiv> (\<forall>p. set (t p) = {c. m c = Some p}) \<and> (\<forall>p. distinct (t p))"
abbreviation valid_list :: "det_ext state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_list s \<equiv> valid_list_2 (cdt_list s) (cdt s)"