
510 lines
17 KiB
Standard ML

* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
structure ExprDatatype =
type numliteral_info =
{value: IntInf.int, suffix : string, base : StringCvt.radix}
(* use of IntInf makes no difference in Poly, but is useful in mlton *)
type 'a wrap = 'a RegionExtras.wrap
type 'a ctype = 'a CType.ctype
datatype literalconstant_node =
NUMCONST of numliteral_info
| STRING_LIT of string
type literalconstant = literalconstant_node wrap
datatype binoptype =
LogOr | LogAnd | Equals | NotEquals | BitwiseAnd | BitwiseOr
| BitwiseXOr
| Lt | Gt | Leq | Geq | Plus | Minus | Times | Divides | Modulus
| RShift | LShift
datatype unoptype = Negate | Not | Addr | BitNegate
type var_info = (int CType.ctype * more_info) option ref
datatype expr_node =
BinOp of binoptype * expr * expr
| UnOp of unoptype * expr
| CondExp of expr * expr * expr
| Constant of literalconstant
| Var of string * var_info
| StructDot of expr * string
| ArrayDeref of expr * expr
| Deref of expr
| TypeCast of expr ctype wrap * expr
| Sizeof of expr
| SizeofTy of expr ctype wrap
| EFnCall of expr * expr list
| CompLiteral of expr ctype * (designator list * initializer) list
| Arbitrary of expr ctype
| MKBOOL of expr
and expr = E of expr_node wrap
and initializer =
InitE of expr
| InitList of (designator list * initializer) list
and designator =
DesignE of expr
| DesignFld of string
datatype ecenv =
CE of {enumenv : (IntInf.int * string option) Symtab.table,
(* lookup is from econst name to value and the
name of the type it belongs to, if any
(they can be anonymous) *)
typing : expr -> int ctype,
structsize : string -> int}
end (* struct *)
signature EXPR =
datatype binoptype = datatype ExprDatatype.binoptype
datatype unoptype = datatype ExprDatatype.unoptype
datatype expr_node = datatype ExprDatatype.expr_node
datatype initializer = datatype ExprDatatype.initializer
datatype designator = datatype ExprDatatype.designator
datatype literalconstant_node = datatype ExprDatatype.literalconstant_node
type expr
type numliteral_info = ExprDatatype.numliteral_info
type literalconstant = ExprDatatype.literalconstant
val unopname : unoptype -> string
val unop_compare : unoptype * unoptype -> order
val binopname : binoptype -> string
val binop_compare : binoptype * binoptype -> order
val expr_string : expr -> string
val numconst_type : numliteral_info -> 'a CType.ctype (* can raise Subscript *)
val eval_litconst : literalconstant -> IntInf.int * 'a CType.ctype
val enode : expr -> expr_node
val eleft : expr -> SourcePos.t
val eright : expr -> SourcePos.t
val ewrap : expr_node * SourcePos.t * SourcePos.t -> expr
val ebogwrap : expr_node -> expr
val eFail : expr * string -> exn
val expr_compare : expr * expr -> order
val is_number : expr -> bool
val fncall_free : expr -> bool
val eneeds_sc_protection : expr -> bool
val expr_int : IntInf.int -> expr
val eval_binop :
(SourcePos.t * SourcePos.t) ->
binoptype * (IntInf.int * 'a CType.ctype) * (IntInf.int * 'a CType.ctype) ->
IntInf.int * 'a CType.ctype
datatype ecenv = datatype ExprDatatype.ecenv (* "enumerated constant environment" *)
val eclookup : ecenv -> string -> (IntInf.int * string option) option
val constify_abtype : ecenv -> expr CType.ctype -> int CType.ctype
val consteval : ecenv -> expr -> IntInf.int
structure Expr : EXPR =
open RegionExtras
open CType
open ExprDatatype
(* can raise Subscript *)
fun numconst_type {value,base,suffix} = let
val suffix = String.translate (str o Char.toLower) suffix
val suffixU = CharVector.exists (fn c => c = #"u") suffix
val suffixLL = String.isPrefix "ll" suffix orelse
String.isSuffix "ll" suffix
val suffixL = (String.isPrefix "l" suffix orelse
String.isSuffix "l" suffix)
val type_index = if suffixLL then 4 else if suffixL then 2 else 0
(* where to start looking in the typesequence *)
val typesequence = [Signed Int, Unsigned Int,
Signed Long, Unsigned Long,
Signed LongLong, Unsigned LongLong]
fun search i = let
val candidate = List.nth(typesequence, i)
if suffixU andalso is_signed candidate then search (i + 1)
else if base = StringCvt.DEC andalso not suffixU andalso
not (is_signed candidate)
then search (i + 1)
else if imax candidate >= value then candidate
else search (i + 1)
search type_index
fun eval_litconst lc = let
val fi = IntInf.fromInt
case node lc of
NUMCONST nc => (#value nc, numconst_type nc)
| STRING_LIT _ => (Feedback.errorStr'(left lc, right lc,
"Don't evaluate string literals!");
(fi 1, Signed Int))
fun unopname opn =
case opn of
Negate => "-"
| Not => "!"
| Addr => "&"
| BitNegate => "~"
val unop_compare = inv_img_cmp unopname String.compare
fun binopname opn =
case opn of
Lt => "<"
| Gt => ">"
| Leq => "<="
| Geq => ">="
| Equals => "=="
| NotEquals => "!="
| LogOr => "||"
| LogAnd => "&&"
| Plus => "+"
| Times => "*"
| Minus => "-"
| Divides => "/"
| BitwiseAnd => "&"
| BitwiseOr => "|"
| BitwiseXOr => "^"
| RShift => ">>"
| LShift => "<<"
| Modulus => "%"
val binop_compare = inv_img_cmp binopname String.compare
type var_info = (int ctype * more_info) option ref
fun eleft (E w) = valOf (Region.left (Region.Wrap.region w))
handle Option => bogus
fun eright (E w) = valOf (Region.right (Region.Wrap.region w))
handle Option => bogus
fun enode (E w) = node w
fun eregion (E w) = Region.Wrap.region w
fun ewrap (n, l, r) = E (wrap(n,l,r))
fun ebogwrap en = E (bogwrap en)
fun eFail (e, s) = Fail (Region.toString (eregion e) ^ ": " ^ s)
fun fncall_free e =
case enode e of
BinOp(_, e1, e2) => fncall_free e1 andalso fncall_free e2
| UnOp(_, e) => fncall_free e
| CondExp(e1,e2,e3) => fncall_free e1 andalso fncall_free e2 andalso
fncall_free e3
| StructDot(e, _) => fncall_free e
| ArrayDeref(e1, e2) => fncall_free e1 andalso fncall_free e2
| Deref e => fncall_free e
| TypeCast(_, e) => fncall_free e
| EFnCall _ => false
| CompLiteral (_, dilist) => List.all dinit_fncall_free dilist
| _ => true
and dinit_fncall_free (dis, init) =
List.all difncall_free dis andalso init_fncall_free init
and difncall_free (DesignE e) = fncall_free e
| difncall_free (DesignFld _) = true
and init_fncall_free (InitE e) = fncall_free e
| init_fncall_free (InitList dis) = List.all dinit_fncall_free dis
fun is_number e =
case enode e of
Constant litw => (case node litw of NUMCONST _ => true | _ => false)
| _ => false
fun sint i = {value = i, suffix = "", base = StringCvt.DEC}
fun expr_int i = ebogwrap (Constant (bogwrap (NUMCONST (sint i))))
fun expr_string e =
case enode e of
BinOp _ => "BinOp"
| UnOp _ => "UnOp"
| CondExp _ => "CondExp"
| Constant _ => "Constant"
| Var(nm, _) => "Var" ^ nm
| StructDot _ => "StructDot"
| ArrayDeref _ => "ArrayDeref"
| Deref _ => "Deref"
| TypeCast _ => "TypeCast"
| Sizeof _ => "Sizeof"
| SizeofTy _ => "SizeofTy"
| EFnCall _ => "EFnCall"
| CompLiteral _ => "CompLit"
| Arbitrary _ => "Arbitrary"
| _ => "[whoa! Unknown expr type]"
fun radn r = let
open StringCvt
case r of
BIN => 2
| OCT => 8
| DEC => 10
| HEX => 16
fun nli_compare (nli1, nli2) = let
val {value = v1, suffix = s1, base = r1} = nli1
val {value = v2, suffix = s2, base = r2} = nli2
pair_compare (pair_compare (IntInf.compare, String.compare),
measure_cmp radn)
(((v1, s1), r1), ((v2, s2), r2))
(* ignores location information *)
fun lc_compare (lc1, lc2) =
case (node lc1, node lc2) of
(NUMCONST nli1, NUMCONST nli2) => nli_compare (nli1, nli2)
| (NUMCONST _, _) => LESS
| (STRING_LIT s1, STRING_LIT s2) => String.compare(s1, s2)
fun vi_compare((s1,vi1 : var_info), (s2,vi2)) =
case String.compare(s1, s2) of
if vi1 = vi2 then EQUAL
else option_compare (inv_img_cmp #1 (ctype_compare Int.compare))
(!vi1, !vi2)
| x => x
(* ignores location information *)
fun expr_compare (e1,e2) =
case String.compare (expr_string e1, expr_string e2) of
case (enode e1, enode e2) of
(BinOp(opn1, e11, e12), BinOp(opn2, e21, e22)) =>
(case binop_compare(opn1,opn2) of
EQUAL => list_compare expr_compare ([e11,e12], [e21,e22])
| x => x)
| (UnOp p1, UnOp p2) => pair_compare(unop_compare, expr_compare) (p1, p2)
| (CondExp(e11,e12,e13), CondExp(e21,e22,e23)) =>
list_compare expr_compare ([e11,e12,e13], [e21,e22,e23])
| (Constant lc1, Constant lc2) => lc_compare (lc1, lc2)
| (Var vi1, Var vi2) => vi_compare (vi1, vi2)
| (StructDot p1, StructDot p2) =>
pair_compare (expr_compare, String.compare) (p1,p2)
| (ArrayDeref p1, ArrayDeref p2) =>
pair_compare (expr_compare, expr_compare) (p1,p2)
| (Deref e1, Deref e2) => expr_compare (e1, e2)
| (TypeCast p1, TypeCast p2) =>
pair_compare (inv_img_cmp node (ctype_compare expr_compare),
(p1, p2)
| (Sizeof e1, Sizeof e2) => expr_compare (e1, e2)
| (SizeofTy ty1, SizeofTy ty2) =>
inv_img_cmp node (ctype_compare expr_compare) (ty1, ty2)
| (EFnCall(e1, elist1), EFnCall(e2, elist2)) =>
list_compare expr_compare (e1::elist1, e2::elist2)
| (CompLiteral p1, CompLiteral p2) =>
pair_compare (ctype_compare expr_compare,
list_compare (pair_compare (list_compare d_cmp, i_cmp)))
(p1, p2)
| (Arbitrary ty1, Arbitrary ty2) => ctype_compare expr_compare (ty1, ty2)
| (MKBOOL e1, MKBOOL e2) => expr_compare (e1, e2)
| _ => raise Fail ("expr_compare: can't happen: " ^ expr_string e1)
| x => x
and d_cmp p =
case p of
(DesignE e1, DesignE e2) => expr_compare (e1, e2)
| (DesignE _, _) => LESS
| (_, DesignE _) => GREATER
| (DesignFld fld1, DesignFld fld2) => String.compare (fld1, fld2)
and i_cmp p =
case p of
(InitE e1, InitE e2) => expr_compare (e1,e2)
| (InitE _, _) => LESS
| (_, InitE _) => GREATER
| (InitList dil1, InitList dil2) =>
list_compare (pair_compare (list_compare d_cmp, i_cmp)) (dil1, dil2)
fun bool b = (if b then IntInf.fromInt 1 else IntInf.fromInt 0, Signed Int)
fun safeop (l,r) destty f x = let
val dmod = imax destty + 1
val dmin = imin destty
val result = f x
val overflow = result >= dmod orelse result < dmin
val result' = if overflow then (result mod dmod, destty)
else (result, destty)
if overflow andalso is_signed destty then
Feedback.errorStr'(l,r,"Signed overflow")
else ();
fun eval_binop (l, r) (binop, (n1,ty1), (n2,ty2)) = let
open IntInf
val destty = case binop of
LShift => integer_promotions ty1
| RShift => integer_promotions ty2
| _ => arithmetic_conversion (ty1, ty2)
val safeop = fn f => safeop (l,r) destty f (n1,n2)
case binop of
Lt => bool (n1 < n2)
| Gt => bool (n1 > n2)
| Leq => bool (n1 <= n2)
| Geq => bool (n1 >= n2)
| Equals => bool (n1 = n2)
| NotEquals => bool (n1 <> n2)
| LogOr => bool (n1 <> 0 orelse n2 <> 0)
| LogAnd => bool (n1 <> 0 andalso n2 <> 0)
| Plus => safeop op+
| Times => safeop op*
| Minus => safeop op-
| Divides => safeop (op div)
| Modulus => safeop (op mod)
| BitwiseAnd => (andb(n1, n2), destty)
| BitwiseOr => (orb(n1, n2), destty)
| BitwiseXOr => (xorb(n1, n2), destty)
| LShift => (if n2 < 0 orelse n2 >= ty_width destty then
Feedback.errorStr'(l,r,"Invalid/overflowing shift")
else ();
safeop (fn (n1,n2) => <<(n1, Word.fromInt (toInt n2))))
| RShift => (if n2 < 0 orelse n2 >= ty_width destty orelse
(is_signed destty andalso n1 < 0)
Feedback.errorStr'(l,r,"Invalid/overflowing shift")
else ();
safeop (fn (n1,n2) => ~>>(n1, Word.fromInt (toInt n2))))
val fi = IntInf.fromInt
fun eval_unop (l, r, uop, (n, ty)) = let
open IntInf
val destty = integer_promotions ty
case uop of
Negate => safeop (l,r) destty ~ n
| Not => bool (n = 0)
| Addr => (Feedback.errorStr'(l,r, "Can't evaluate address-of in constant \
(fi 0, Signed Int))
| BitNegate => (notb n, destty)
fun eclookup (CE {enumenv,...}) s = Symtab.lookup enumenv s
fun consteval0 (ecenv as CE {enumenv, typing, structsize}) e = let
val fi = IntInf.fromInt
val zero = (fi 0, Signed Int)
fun Fail s = (Feedback.errorStr'(eleft e, eright e, s); zero)
val consteval = consteval0 ecenv
case enode e of
BinOp (bop, e1, e2) => eval_binop (eleft e, eright e)
(bop, consteval e1, consteval e2)
| UnOp (uop, e) => eval_unop (eleft e, eright e, uop, consteval e)
| Constant lc => eval_litconst lc
| Var (s,_) => let
case Symtab.lookup enumenv s of
NONE => Fail ("Variable "^s^ " can't appear in a constant expression")
| SOME (v, _) => (v, Signed Int)
| StructDot _ =>
Fail "Can't evaluate fieldref in constant expression"
| ArrayDeref _ =>
Fail "Can't evaluate array deref in constant expression"
| Deref _ => Fail "Can't evaluate deref in constant expression"
| CondExp(g,t,e) => if #1 (consteval g) <> fi 0 then consteval t
else consteval e
| SizeofTy ty => (fi (sizeof structsize (constify_abtype ecenv (node ty))),
| Sizeof e0 => (fi (sizeof structsize (typing e0)),
| MKBOOL e => bool (#1 (consteval e) <> fi 0)
| TypeCast(destty, e0) => let
val (v,_) = consteval e0
safeop (eleft e, eright e) (node destty) (fn x => x) v
| _ => Fail ("Unexpected expression form (" ^ expr_string e ^
") in consteval")
and consteval ecenv e = #1 (consteval0 ecenv e)
and constify_abtype ecenv (ty : expr ctype) : int ctype = let
fun recurse ty =
case ty of
Array (ty0, SOME sz) => Array (recurse ty0,
SOME (IntInf.toInt (consteval ecenv sz)))
| Array (ty0, NONE) => Array(recurse ty0, NONE)
| Ptr ty => Ptr (recurse ty)
| Signed x => Signed x
| PlainChar => PlainChar
| Unsigned x => Unsigned x
| StructTy s => StructTy s
| EnumTy x => EnumTy x
| Bitfield(b,e) => Bitfield (b, IntInf.toInt (consteval ecenv e))
| Ident s => Ident s
| Function (retty, args) => Function (recurse retty, map recurse args)
| Void => Void
| Bool => Bool
| _ => raise Fail ("constify_abtype: unexpected type form: "^tyname0 (K "") ty)
recurse ty
(* predicates on expressions to determine if they can't be evaluated freely
when on the rhs of a short-circuiting operator. *)
fun bop_needs_scprot bop =
case bop of
Divides => true
| Modulus => true
| RShift => true
| LShift => true
| _ => false
fun uop_needs_scprot _ = false
fun eneeds_sc_protection e =
case enode e of
BinOp(bop, e1, e2) => bop_needs_scprot bop orelse
eneeds_sc_protection e1 orelse
eneeds_sc_protection e2
| UnOp(uop, e) => uop_needs_scprot uop orelse eneeds_sc_protection e
| CondExp(e1,e2,e3) => List.exists eneeds_sc_protection [e1,e2,e3]
| Constant _ => false
| Var _ => false
| StructDot (e,_) => eneeds_sc_protection e
| ArrayDeref _ => true (* could try to figure out if the array is
a pointer, but even if it isn't, there
should be bounds checking going on *)
| Deref _ => true
| TypeCast (_, e) => eneeds_sc_protection e
| Sizeof _ => false
| SizeofTy _ => false
| EFnCall _ => true
| CompLiteral (_, dis) => List.exists (i_needs_scprot o #2) dis
| Arbitrary _ => false
| _ => raise Fail ("eneeds_sc_protection: can't handle "^expr_string e)
and i_needs_scprot i =
case i of
InitE e => eneeds_sc_protection e
| InitList dis => List.exists (i_needs_scprot o #2) dis
end (* struct *)