
168 lines
3.5 KiB
Standard ML

* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
structure StrictCBasics =
fun inputLine istr = case TextIO.inputLine istr of
NONE => ""
| SOME s => s
fun assoc (l, x) =
case l of
[] => NONE
| (k,v) :: rest => if k = x then SOME v else assoc(rest, x)
fun list_compare cfn =
let fun comp ([],[]) = EQUAL
| comp ([], _) = LESS
| comp (_, []) = GREATER
| comp (h1::t1, h2::t2) =
case cfn (h1,h2) of EQUAL => comp (t1,t2) | x => x
in comp end;
fun pair_compare (acmp, bcmp) ((a1, b1), (a2, b2)) =
case acmp(a1, a2) of
EQUAL => bcmp(b1, b2)
| x => x
fun option_compare cfn vals =
case vals of
| (NONE, _) => LESS
| (_, NONE) => GREATER
| (SOME v1, SOME v2) => cfn(v1, v2)
fun measure_cmp f (x,y) = Int.compare(f x, f y)
fun inv_img_cmp f c (x,y) = c (f x, f y)
open StrictCBasics
fun apsnd f (x,y) = (x,f y)
structure Hoare =
fun varname s = s ^ "_'"
infix 1 |> ||>> |->
structure Basics =
fun cons h t = h::t
fun x |> f = f x
fun (x,y) ||>> f = let val (z, y') = f y in ((x,z), y') end
fun (x,y) |-> f = f x y
fun pair x y = (x,y)
val the = valOf
fun snd (x,y) = y
fun these NONE = []
| these (SOME l) = l
fun fold _ [] y = y
| fold f (x :: xs) y = fold f xs (f x y)
fun fold_rev _ [] y = y
| fold_rev f (x :: xs) y = f x (fold_rev f xs y)
fun K x y = x
fun I x = x
fun the_default x (SOME y) = y
| the_default x NONE = x;
open Basics
infix mem
structure Library =
type 'a ord = 'a * 'a -> order
val int_ord = Int.compare
val fast_string_ord = String.compare
fun maps f [] = []
| maps f (x :: xs) = f x @ maps f xs
fun filter_out f = List.filter (not o f)
fun fold_index f = let
fun fold_aux (_: int) [] y = y
| fold_aux i (x :: xs) y = fold_aux (i + 1) xs (f (i, x) y)
fold_aux 0
fun member eq list x = let
fun memb [] = false
| memb (y :: ys) = eq (x, y) orelse memb ys
in memb list end
fun x mem xs = member (op =) xs x
fun insert eq x xs = if member eq xs x then xs else x :: xs
fun remove eq x xs = if member eq xs x then
filter_out (fn y => eq (x, y)) xs
else xs
fun update eq x xs = cons x (remove eq x xs)
fun merge _ ([], ys) = ys
| merge eq (xs, ys) = fold_rev (insert eq) ys xs
fun swap (x,y) = (y,x)
fun subset eq (xs, ys) = List.all (member eq ys) xs
(*set equality*)
fun eq_list eq (list1, list2) = let
fun eq_lst (x :: xs, y :: ys) = eq (x, y) andalso eq_lst (xs, ys)
| eq_lst _ = true
length list1 = length list2 andalso eq_lst (list1, list2)
fun eq_set eq (xs, ys) =
eq_list eq (xs, ys) orelse
(subset eq (xs,ys) andalso subset (eq o swap) (ys,xs))
fun apfst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
fun separate sep list = let
fun recurse acc list =
case list of
[] => List.rev acc
| [e] => List.rev (e::acc)
| e::rest => recurse (sep::e::acc) rest
recurse [] list
fun uncurry f (x,y) = f x y
fun single x = [x]
fun get_first f l =
case l of
[] => NONE
| h :: t => (case f h of NONE => get_first f t | x => x)
val is_some = isSome
val pointer_eq = MLton.eq
fun prod_ord a_ord b_ord ((x, y), (x', y')) =
(case a_ord (x, x') of EQUAL => b_ord (y, y') | ord => ord);
open Library