
749 lines
35 KiB

* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory CNode_DP
imports Invocation_DP RWHelper_DP
lemma decode_cnode_copy_same_parent_rvu:
"\<lbrakk>intent = CNodeCopyIntent dest_index dest_depth src_index src_depth rights;
cap_object cap = cap_object target;
get_index caps 0 = Some (cap ,cap_ref);
\<forall>cap'. reset_cap_asid cap' = reset_cap_asid src_cap
\<longrightarrow> Q (InsertCall (derived_cap (update_cap_rights (cap_rights cap' \<inter> rights) cap'))
(cap_object cap, offset src_index sz)
(cap_object target, offset dest_index sz)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace> K (one_lvl_lookup target (unat dest_depth) sz \<and>
guard_equal target dest_index (unat dest_depth) \<and>
is_cnode_cap target \<and>
one_lvl_lookup cap (unat src_depth) sz \<and>
guard_equal cap src_index (unat src_depth) \<and>
is_cnode_cap cap) and
< (cap_object cap) \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode sz)
\<and>* (cap_object cap, offset src_index sz) \<mapsto>c src_cap
\<and>* (cap_object target, offset dest_index sz) \<mapsto>c NullCap \<and>* R>
and K (unat src_depth \<le> word_bits \<and> 0 < unat src_depth \<and>
unat dest_depth \<le> word_bits \<and> 0 < unat dest_depth) \<rbrace>
decode_cnode_invocation target target_ref caps intent
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. Q rv\<rbrace>, -"
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def Let_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: decode_cnode_invocation_def split_def split: sum.splits)
apply (wp hoare_whenE_wp | simp)+
apply (rule validE_validE_R)
apply (wp derive_cap_invE)+
apply (rule validE_validE_R)
apply (rule lookup_slot_for_cnode_op_rvu' [where r=sz and cap=src_cap])
apply simp
apply wp+
apply (rule validE_validE_R)
apply (rule lookup_slot_for_cnode_op_rvu'[where r=sz and cap=NullCap])
apply (simp, wp throw_on_none_rv validE_R_validE)
apply (clarsimp split: option.splits)
apply (intro conjI)
apply (clarsimp dest!: mapu_dest_opt_cap simp:conj_comms)
apply (clarsimp simp: sep_conj_assoc user_pointer_at_def Let_def)
apply sep_solve
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI)
apply (sep_select_asm 2)
apply (clarsimp dest!: opt_cap_sep_imp simp:conj_comms)
apply (clarsimp simp: sep_conj_assoc user_pointer_at_def Let_def)+
apply sep_solve
lemma invoke_cnode_insert_cdl_current_domain[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_domain s)\<rbrace>
invoke_cnode (InsertCall cap src_slot dest_slot)
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (cdl_current_domain s) \<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: invoke_cnode_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp alternative_wp | wpc | clarsimp)+
lemma invoke_cnode_move_cdl_current_domain[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_domain s)\<rbrace>
invoke_cnode (MoveCall a b c)
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (cdl_current_domain s) \<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: invoke_cnode_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp | wpc | clarsimp)+
lemma seL4_CNode_Mint_sep:
\<guillemotleft>root_tcb_id \<mapsto>f tcb \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Root CNode.\<close>
cnode_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode root_size) \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Client cnode.\<close>
dest_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode dest_size) \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap to the root CNode.\<close>
(root_tcb_id, tcb_cspace_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap to the client CNode.\<close>
(cnode_id, dest_root_slot) \<mapsto>c dest_root_cap \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap that the root task has to its own CNode.\<close>
(cnode_id, cnode_cap_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap' \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap to be copied, in the root CNode.\<close>
(cnode_id, src_slot) \<mapsto>c src_cap \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Where to copy the cap (in the client CNode).\<close>
(dest_id, dest_slot) \<mapsto>c NullCap \<and>*
R\<guillemotright> s \<and>
valid_src_cap src_cap data \<and>
one_lvl_lookup cnode_cap 32 root_size \<and>
one_lvl_lookup cnode_cap' (unat src_depth) root_size \<and>
one_lvl_lookup dest_root_cap (unat dest_depth) dest_size \<and>
\<comment> \<open>We need some word invariants\<close>
unat src_depth \<le> word_bits \<and>
0 < unat src_depth \<and>
unat dest_depth \<le> word_bits \<and>
0 < unat dest_depth \<and>
is_tcb tcb \<and>
is_cnode_cap dest_root_cap \<and>
is_cnode_cap cnode_cap \<and>
is_cnode_cap cnode_cap' \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap' src_index (unat src_depth) \<and>
guard_equal dest_root_cap dest_index (unat dest_depth) \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap src_root word_bits \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap dest_root word_bits \<and>
\<comment> \<open>Caps point to the right objects.\<close>
cap_object cnode_cap = cnode_id \<and>
cap_object cnode_cap' = cnode_id \<and>
cap_object dest_root_cap = dest_id \<and>
\<comment> \<open>Cap slots match their cptrs.\<close>
dest_root_slot = offset dest_root root_size \<and>
cnode_cap_slot = offset src_root root_size \<and>
src_slot = offset src_index root_size \<and>
dest_slot = offset dest_index dest_size \<and>
cap' = update_cap_data_det data (update_cap_rights (cap_rights src_cap \<inter> rights) src_cap) \<and>
(is_ep_cap src_cap \<or> is_ntfn_cap src_cap \<longrightarrow> cap_badge src_cap = 0) \<and>
cap_has_type src_cap \<and> \<not> is_untyped_cap src_cap
seL4_CNode_Mint dest_root dest_index dest_depth src_root src_index src_depth rights data
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. \<guillemotleft> root_tcb_id \<mapsto>f tcb \<and>*
cnode_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode root_size) \<and>*
dest_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode dest_size) \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_cspace_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>*
(cnode_id, dest_root_slot) \<mapsto>c dest_root_cap \<and>*
(cnode_id, cnode_cap_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap' \<and>*
(cnode_id, src_slot) \<mapsto>c src_cap \<and>*
(dest_id, dest_slot) \<mapsto>c derived_cap cap' \<and>* R\<guillemotright>\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:seL4_CNode_Mint_def sep_state_projection2_def)
apply (rule do_kernel_op_pull_back)
apply (rule hoare_name_pre_state)
apply (simp add:is_tcb_def split:cdl_object.split_asm)
apply (rename_tac cdl_tcb)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule call_kernel_with_intent_allow_error_helper[where check=True,simplified,rotated -1])
apply assumption
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply (rule hoare_post_imp[OF _
apply (sep_select 5,assumption)
apply wp[1]
apply (rule_tac P = "root_tcb_id \<mapsto>f Tcb cdl_tcb \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>*
cnode_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode root_size) \<and>*
dest_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode dest_size) \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_cspace_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap \<and>*
(cnode_id, offset dest_root root_size) \<mapsto>c dest_root_cap \<and>*
(cnode_id, offset src_root root_size) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap' \<and>*
(cnode_id, offset src_index root_size) \<mapsto>c src_cap \<and>*
(dest_id, offset dest_index dest_size) \<mapsto>c NullCap \<and>* R"
in mark_tcb_intent_error_sep_inv)
apply wp[1]
apply (rule corrupt_ipc_buffer_sep_inv)
apply (rule_tac P = "(\<exists>cap''. reset_cap_asid cap'' = reset_cap_asid cap' \<and>
iv = InvokeCNode (InsertCall (derived_cap cap'')
(cap_object cnode_cap, offset src_index root_size)
(cap_object dest_root_cap,offset dest_index dest_size)))"
in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply (elim conjE exE)
apply simp
apply (rule false_e_explode)
apply (rule no_exception_conj')
apply (wp cnode_insert_cap_cdl_current_thread)[1]
apply (rule no_exception_conj')
apply (wp)[1]
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr)
apply (rule_tac R = "(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* R" for R
in invoke_cnode_insert_cap')
apply simp
apply (rule conjI[rotated])
apply (rule sep_any_imp_c'_conj[where cap = RestartCap])
apply (frule sep_map_c_asid_reset[where ptr = "(cap_object dest_root_cap, offset dest_index dest_size)"
,OF reset_cap_asid_derived])
apply simp
apply (sep_solve)
apply sep_solve
apply (assumption)
apply (rule_tac Q = "\<lambda>r. (\<lambda>s. cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id \<and>
cdl_current_domain s = minBound) and
< (root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* Q > and
K (\<exists>cap''. reset_cap_asid cap'' = reset_cap_asid cap' \<and> iv = InvokeCNode
(InsertCall (derived_cap cap'') (cap_object cnode_cap, offset src_index root_size)
(cap_object dest_root_cap, offset dest_index dest_size)))" for Q
in hoare_strengthen_post[rotated])
apply (clarsimp simp:cap_of_insert_call_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (sep_select 2,assumption)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (drule reset_cap_asid_cap_type)
apply (simp)
apply (rule_tac x = cap'' in exI)
apply (simp add:reset_cap_asid_derived)
apply (wp set_cap_wp set_cap_all_scheduable_tcbs)[1]
apply (rule_tac P = "is_cnode_cap (fst (c,ref))" in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply (clarsimp simp: decode_invocation_simps split_def)
apply (rule liftME_wp)
apply (rule decode_cnode_mint_rvu)
apply (simp add:lookup_extra_caps_def mapME_def sequenceE_def get_index_def)
apply (rule wp_no_exception_seq)
apply wp[1]
apply clarsimp
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_rvu[where r = root_size and
cap = cnode_cap and cap'=cnode_cap'])
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_rvu[where r = root_size and
cap = cnode_cap and cap' = dest_root_cap])
apply (clarsimp simp:Let_def)
apply (wp hoare_vcg_ball_lift
sep_inv_to_all_scheduable_tcbs[OF update_thread_intent_update]
hoare_vcg_imp_lift hoare_vcg_ex_lift hoare_vcg_all_lift
is_cnode_cap_guard_equal update_thread_intent_update update_thread_cnode_at
| clarsimp)+
apply (intro conjI impI)
apply (sep_solve)
apply sep_solve
apply (clarsimp simp:conj_comms cnode_non_ep)
apply (thin_tac "(P \<and>* Q) (sep_state_projection sa)" for P Q)
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def Let_def word_bits_def)
apply (intro conjI impI allI, simp_all)
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply sep_solve
apply (frule reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap)
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: cnode_cap_non_ep_related get_index_def)[1]
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply sep_solve
apply (clarsimp dest!: reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap)
apply sep_solve
apply clarsimp+
apply (fastforce cong: cap_type_bad_cong dest!: reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap)+
apply (drule(1) reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap | simp)+
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply sep_solve
apply (clarsimp dest!:reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap)
apply (clarsimp dest!:reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap)
apply (metis reset_cap_asid_update_cap_data reset_cap_asid_update_cap_rights)
apply (sep_solve)
lemma seL4_CNode_Mutate_sep:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. \<guillemotleft>
root_tcb_id \<mapsto>f tcb \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c - \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Root CNode.\<close>
cnode_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode root_size) \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Client cnode.\<close>
dest_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode dest_size) \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap to the root CNode.\<close>
(root_tcb_id, tcb_cspace_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap to the client CNode.\<close>
(cnode_id, dest_root_slot) \<mapsto>c dest_root_cap \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap that the root task has to its own CNode.\<close>
(cnode_id, cnode_cap_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap' \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap to be copied, in the root CNode.\<close>
(cnode_id, src_slot) \<mapsto>c src_cap \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Where to copy the cap (in the client CNode).\<close>
(dest_id, dest_slot) \<mapsto>c NullCap \<and>*
R\<guillemotright> s \<and>
one_lvl_lookup cnode_cap 32 root_size \<and>
one_lvl_lookup cnode_cap' (unat src_depth) root_size \<and>
one_lvl_lookup dest_root_cap (unat dest_depth) dest_size \<and>
\<comment> \<open>We need some word invariants\<close>
unat src_depth \<le> word_bits \<and>
0 < unat src_depth \<and>
unat dest_depth \<le> word_bits \<and>
0 < unat dest_depth \<and>
is_tcb tcb \<and>
is_cnode_cap dest_root_cap \<and>
is_cnode_cap cnode_cap \<and>
is_cnode_cap cnode_cap' \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap' src_index (unat src_depth) \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap src_index (unat src_depth) \<and>
guard_equal dest_root_cap dest_index (unat dest_depth ) \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap src_root word_bits \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap dest_root word_bits \<and>
\<comment> \<open>Caps point to the right objects.\<close>
cap_object cnode_cap = cnode_id \<and>
cap_object cnode_cap' = cnode_id \<and>
cap_object dest_root_cap = dest_id \<and>
\<comment> \<open>Cap slots match their cptrs.\<close>
dest_root_slot = offset dest_root root_size \<and>
cnode_cap_slot = offset src_root root_size \<and>
src_slot = offset src_index root_size \<and>
dest_slot = offset dest_index dest_size \<and>
cap' = update_cap_data_det data src_cap \<and>
valid_src_cap src_cap data \<and> \<not> ep_related_cap src_cap \<and> cap_has_type src_cap
seL4_CNode_Mutate dest_root dest_index dest_depth src_root src_index src_depth data
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. \<guillemotleft> root_tcb_id \<mapsto>f tcb \<and>*
cnode_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode root_size) \<and>*
dest_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode dest_size) \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_cspace_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>*
(cnode_id, dest_root_slot) \<mapsto>c dest_root_cap \<and>*
(cnode_id, cnode_cap_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap' \<and>*
(cnode_id, src_slot) \<mapsto>c NullCap \<and>*
(dest_id, dest_slot) \<mapsto>c cap' \<and>* R\<guillemotright>\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:seL4_CNode_Mutate_def sep_state_projection2_def)
apply (rule do_kernel_op_pull_back)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule_tac
intent_op = "CNodeIntent (CNodeMutateIntent dest_index dest_depth src_index src_depth data)"
and intent_cptr = dest_root
and intent_extra = "[src_root]" in call_kernel_with_intent_no_fault_helper)
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply (rule hoare_post_imp[OF _
apply (sep_select 5,assumption)
apply wp
apply wp
apply (rule_tac P = "\<exists>dcap.
reset_cap_asid dcap = reset_cap_asid src_cap \<and>
iv = InvokeCNode
(MoveCall (update_cap_data_det data dcap)
(cap_object cnode_cap', offset src_index root_size)
(cap_object dest_root_cap, offset dest_index dest_size))"
in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule false_e_explode)
apply (rule no_exception_conj')
apply (wp cnode_move_cap_cdl_current_thread)[1]
apply (rule no_exception_conj')
apply wp[1]
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr)
apply (rule_tac R = "(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* R" for R
in invoke_cnode_move_cap)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI[rotated])
apply (rule sep_any_imp_c'_conj[where cap = RestartCap])
apply (subst(asm) sep_map_c_asid_reset[where cap' = " (update_cap_data_det data src_cap)"])
apply (simp add:reset_cap_asid_update_cap_data)
apply (sep_solve)
apply sep_solve
apply (assumption)
apply (rule_tac Q = "\<lambda>r. < (root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* Q >
and (\<lambda>a. cdl_current_thread a = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain a = minBound) and K(\<exists>dcap.
reset_cap_asid dcap = reset_cap_asid src_cap \<and>
iv = InvokeCNode
(MoveCall (update_cap_data_det data dcap)
(cap_object cnode_cap', offset src_index root_size)
(cap_object dest_root_cap, offset dest_index dest_size)))" for Q
in hoare_strengthen_post[rotated])
apply (clarsimp)
apply (intro conjI)
apply (sep_solve)
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_any_exist sep_conj_assoc
sep_map_c_conj sep_map_f_conj Let_def
split:if_splits option.splits,fastforce)
apply (wp set_cap_wp set_cap_all_scheduable_tcbs)
apply (rule_tac P = "is_cnode_cap c" in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply (simp add:decode_invocation_simps)
apply (rule liftME_wp)
apply (rule decode_cnode_mutate_rvu)
apply (simp add:lookup_extra_caps_def Let_def
mapME_def sequenceE_def get_index_def)
apply (rule wp_no_exception_seq)
apply wp
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_rvu[where r = root_size])
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_rvu[where r = root_size])
apply (rule validE_validE_R)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_rvu[where r = root_size])
apply (clarsimp simp:get_index_def)
apply (wp hoare_vcg_ball_lift sep_inv_to_all_scheduable_tcbs[OF update_thread_intent_update]
hoare_vcg_imp_lift hoare_vcg_ex_lift hoare_vcg_all_lift
update_thread_intent_update update_thread_cnode_at | clarsimp simp:Let_def)+
apply (clarsimp simp:conj_comms)
apply (intro conjI impI ballI)[1]
apply (clarsimp dest!:sep_map_f_tcb_at simp:object_at_def)
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def Let_def word_bits_def)
apply (intro conjI,simp+)
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply sep_solve
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def Let_def word_bits_def)
apply (intro conjI allI)
apply (simp add:cnode_non_ep cong: cap_type_bad_cong)+
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply sep_solve
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def Let_def word_bits_def)
apply (intro conjI allI)
apply (fastforce cong: cap_type_bad_cong)+
apply (drule(1) reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap | simp)+
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply sep_solve
apply clarsimp
apply (intro conjI,fastforce cong: cap_type_bad_cong)
apply (metis cap_object_reset_cap_asid)
apply (fastforce)
apply sep_solve
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def
Let_def word_bits_def cnode_cap_non_ep_related)
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply (intro conjI,fastforce+)
lemma seL4_CNode_Move_sep:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. \<guillemotleft>
root_tcb_id \<mapsto>f tcb \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c - \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Root CNode.\<close>
cnode_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode root_size) \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Client cnode.\<close>
dest_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode dest_size) \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap to the root CNode.\<close>
(root_tcb_id, tcb_cspace_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap to the client CNode.\<close>
(cnode_id, dest_root_slot) \<mapsto>c dest_root_cap \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap that the root task has to its own CNode.\<close>
(cnode_id, cnode_cap_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap' \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Cap to be copied, in the root CNode.\<close>
(cnode_id, src_slot) \<mapsto>c src_cap \<and>*
\<comment> \<open>Where to copy the cap (in the client CNode).\<close>
(dest_id, dest_slot) \<mapsto>c NullCap \<and>*
R\<guillemotright> s \<and>
one_lvl_lookup cnode_cap 32 root_size \<and>
one_lvl_lookup cnode_cap' (unat src_depth) root_size \<and>
one_lvl_lookup dest_root_cap (unat dest_depth) dest_size \<and>
\<comment> \<open>We need some word invariants\<close>
unat src_depth \<le> word_bits \<and>
0 < unat src_depth \<and>
unat dest_depth \<le> word_bits \<and>
0 < unat dest_depth \<and>
is_tcb tcb \<and>
is_cnode_cap dest_root_cap \<and>
is_cnode_cap cnode_cap \<and>
is_cnode_cap cnode_cap' \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap' src_index (unat src_depth) \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap src_index (unat src_depth) \<and>
guard_equal dest_root_cap dest_index (unat dest_depth ) \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap src_root word_bits \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap dest_root word_bits \<and>
\<comment> \<open>Caps point to the right objects.\<close>
cap_object cnode_cap = cnode_id \<and>
cap_object cnode_cap' = cnode_id \<and>
cap_object dest_root_cap = dest_id \<and>
\<comment> \<open>Cap slots match their cptrs.\<close>
dest_root_slot = offset dest_root root_size \<and>
cnode_cap_slot = offset src_root root_size \<and>
src_slot = offset src_index root_size \<and>
dest_slot = offset dest_index dest_size \<and>
src_cap \<noteq> NullCap
seL4_CNode_Move dest_root dest_index dest_depth src_root src_index src_depth
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. \<guillemotleft> root_tcb_id \<mapsto>f tcb \<and>*
cnode_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode root_size) \<and>*
dest_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode dest_size) \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_cspace_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>*
(cnode_id, dest_root_slot) \<mapsto>c dest_root_cap \<and>*
(cnode_id, cnode_cap_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap' \<and>*
(cnode_id, src_slot) \<mapsto>c NullCap \<and>*
(dest_id, dest_slot) \<mapsto>c src_cap \<and>* R\<guillemotright>\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:seL4_CNode_Move_def sep_state_projection2_def)
apply (rule do_kernel_op_pull_back)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule_tac
intent_op = "CNodeIntent (CNodeMoveIntent dest_index dest_depth src_index src_depth)"
and intent_cptr = dest_root
and intent_extra = "[src_root]" in call_kernel_with_intent_no_fault_helper)
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply (rule hoare_post_imp[OF _ set_cap_wp])
apply (sep_select 5,assumption)
apply wp
apply wp
apply (rule_tac P = "\<exists>dcap. reset_cap_asid dcap = reset_cap_asid src_cap \<and>
iv = InvokeCNode (MoveCall dcap
(cap_object cnode_cap', offset src_index root_size)
(cap_object dest_root_cap, offset dest_index dest_size))"
in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule false_e_explode)
apply (rule no_exception_conj')
apply (wp cnode_move_cap_cdl_current_thread)[1]
apply (rule no_exception_conj')
apply wp[1]
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr)
apply (rule_tac R = "(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* R" for R
in invoke_cnode_move_cap)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI[rotated])
apply (rule sep_any_imp_c'_conj[where cap = RestartCap])
apply (subst(asm) sep_map_c_asid_reset[where cap' = "src_cap"])
apply simp
apply (sep_solve)
apply sep_solve
apply (assumption)
apply (rule_tac Q = "\<lambda>r. < (root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* Q>
and (\<lambda>a. cdl_current_thread a = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain a = minBound) and K(\<exists>dcap.
reset_cap_asid dcap = reset_cap_asid src_cap \<and>
iv = InvokeCNode
(MoveCall dcap
(cap_object cnode_cap', offset src_index root_size)
(cap_object dest_root_cap, offset dest_index dest_size)))" for Q
in hoare_strengthen_post[rotated])
apply (clarsimp)
apply (sep_select 3,assumption)
apply (wp set_cap_wp set_cap_all_scheduable_tcbs)
apply (rule_tac P = "is_cnode_cap c" in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply (simp add:decode_invocation_simps)
apply (rule liftME_wp)
apply (rule decode_cnode_move_rvu)
apply (simp add:lookup_extra_caps_def Let_def
mapME_def sequenceE_def get_index_def)
apply (rule wp_no_exception_seq)
apply wp
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_rvu[where r = root_size])
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_rvu[where r = root_size])
apply (rule validE_validE_R)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_rvu[where r = root_size])
apply (clarsimp simp:get_index_def)
apply (wp hoare_vcg_ball_lift sep_inv_to_all_scheduable_tcbs[OF update_thread_intent_update]
hoare_vcg_imp_lift hoare_vcg_ex_lift hoare_vcg_all_lift
update_thread_intent_update update_thread_cnode_at | clarsimp simp:Let_def)+
apply (clarsimp simp:conj_comms)
apply (intro conjI impI ballI)
apply (clarsimp dest!:sep_map_f_tcb_at simp:object_at_def)
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def Let_def word_bits_def)
apply (intro conjI,simp+)
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply sep_solve[1]
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def Let_def word_bits_def)
apply (intro conjI allI)
apply (simp add:cnode_non_ep cong: cap_type_bad_cong)+
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply sep_solve[1]
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def Let_def word_bits_def)
apply (intro conjI allI)
apply (fastforce cong: cap_type_bad_cong)+
apply (drule(1) reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap | simp | fast)+
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply sep_solve[1]
apply (clarsimp cong: cap_type_bad_cong)
apply sep_solve
apply (simp add:sep_any_map_c_imp)
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def
Let_def word_bits_def cnode_cap_non_ep_related)
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply (intro conjI,fastforce+)
(* FIXME, move *)
lemma update_cap_rights_reset_cap_asid:
"\<lbrakk>reset_cap_asid cap = reset_cap_asid cap'; rights = rights'\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> reset_cap_asid (update_cap_rights rights cap) = reset_cap_asid (update_cap_rights rights' cap')"
by (case_tac cap',auto simp: update_cap_rights_def dest!:reset_cap_asid_simps2 )
(* Slightly different to the rules above.
* This lemma copies a cap from the root cnode to
* the root cnode (rather than to a different cnode).
lemma seL4_CNode_Copy_sep:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. \<guillemotleft>root_tcb_id \<mapsto>f tcb \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>*
cnode_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode root_size) \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_cspace_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap \<and>*
(cnode_id, cnode_cap_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap' \<and>*
(cnode_id, src_slot) \<mapsto>c src_cap \<and>*
(cnode_id, dest_slot) \<mapsto>c NullCap \<and>* R\<guillemotright>
s \<and>
one_lvl_lookup cnode_cap 32 root_size \<and>
one_lvl_lookup cnode_cap' (unat src_depth) root_size \<and>
one_lvl_lookup cnode_cap' (unat dest_depth) root_size \<and>
unat src_depth \<le> word_bits \<and>
0 < unat src_depth \<and>
unat dest_depth \<le> word_bits \<and>
0 < unat dest_depth \<and>
is_tcb tcb \<and>
is_cnode_cap cnode_cap \<and>
is_cnode_cap cnode_cap' \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap src_index (unat src_depth) \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap' src_index (unat src_depth) \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap' dest_index (unat dest_depth) \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap src_root word_bits \<and>
guard_equal cnode_cap dest_root word_bits \<and>
src_index' = src_index \<and>
cap_object cnode_cap = cnode_id \<and>
cap_object cnode_cap' = cnode_id \<and>
cnode_cap_slot = offset dest_root root_size \<and>
cnode_cap_slot = offset src_root root_size \<and>
src_slot = offset src_index root_size \<and>
dest_slot = offset dest_index root_size \<and>
cap_has_type src_cap \<and>
\<not> is_untyped_cap src_cap\<rbrace>
seL4_CNode_Copy dest_root dest_index dest_depth src_root src_index' src_depth UNIV
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. \<guillemotleft>root_tcb_id \<mapsto>f tcb \<and>*
cnode_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode root_size) \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_cspace_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>*
(cnode_id, cnode_cap_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap' \<and>*
(cnode_id, src_slot) \<mapsto>c src_cap \<and>*
(cnode_id, dest_slot) \<mapsto>c derived_cap (update_cap_rights (cap_rights src_cap) src_cap) \<and>* R\<guillemotright>\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:seL4_CNode_Copy_def sep_state_projection2_def)
apply (rule do_kernel_op_pull_back)
apply (rule hoare_name_pre_state)
apply (simp add:is_tcb_def split:cdl_object.split_asm)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule call_kernel_with_intent_allow_error_helper[where check=True,simplified,rotated -1])
apply assumption
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply (rule hoare_post_imp[OF _
apply (sep_select 4,assumption)
apply wp[1]
apply (rule_tac P = "root_tcb_id \<mapsto>f tcb \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>*
cnode_id \<mapsto>f CNode (empty_cnode root_size) \<and>*
(root_tcb_id, tcb_cspace_slot) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap \<and>*
(cnode_id, offset src_root root_size) \<mapsto>c cnode_cap' \<and>*
(cnode_id, offset src_index root_size) \<mapsto>c src_cap \<and>*
(cnode_id, offset dest_index root_size) \<mapsto>c NullCap \<and>* R"
in mark_tcb_intent_error_sep_inv)
apply wp[1]
apply (rule corrupt_ipc_buffer_sep_inv)
apply (rule_tac P = "(\<exists>cap''. reset_cap_asid cap'' = reset_cap_asid src_cap
\<and> iv = InvokeCNode (InsertCall (derived_cap (update_cap_rights (cap_rights cap'') cap''))
(cap_object cnode_cap', offset src_index root_size)
(cap_object cnode_cap', offset dest_index root_size)))"
in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply (elim conjE exE)
apply simp
apply (rule false_e_explode)
apply (rule no_exception_conj')
apply (wp cnode_insert_cap_cdl_current_thread)[1]
apply (rule no_exception_conj')
apply wp[1]
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr)
apply (rule_tac R = "(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* R" for R
in invoke_cnode_insert_cap')
apply simp
apply (rule conjI[rotated])
apply (rule sep_any_imp_c'_conj[where cap = RestartCap])
apply (frule sep_map_c_asid_reset[where ptr = "(cnode_id, offset dest_index root_size)"
,OF reset_cap_asid_derived[OF update_cap_rights_reset_cap_asid]])
apply (erule cap_rights_reset_cap_asid)
apply simp
apply (sep_solve)
apply sep_solve
apply (assumption)
apply (rule_tac Q = "\<lambda>r. (\<lambda>s. cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound) and
< (root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* Q> and
K (\<exists>cap''. reset_cap_asid cap'' = reset_cap_asid src_cap \<and> iv = InvokeCNode
(InsertCall (derived_cap (update_cap_rights (cap_rights cap'') cap'')) (cnode_id, offset src_index root_size)
(cnode_id, offset dest_index root_size)))" for Q
in hoare_strengthen_post[rotated])
apply (clarsimp simp:cap_of_insert_call_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (sep_select 2,assumption)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (drule reset_cap_asid_cap_type)
apply (simp)
apply (rule_tac x = cap'' in exI)
apply (simp add:reset_cap_asid_derived)
apply (wp set_cap_wp set_cap_all_scheduable_tcbs)[1]
apply (rule_tac P = "(fst (c,ref)) = cnode_cap'
\<and> get_index cs 0 = Some (cnode_cap',(cap_object cnode_cap',
offset src_root root_size))" in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply (clarsimp simp: decode_invocation_simps split_def)
apply (rule liftME_wp)
apply wp
apply (rule decode_cnode_copy_same_parent_rvu[where src_cap = src_cap and cap = cnode_cap'])
apply (rule refl)
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x = cap' in exI)
apply fastforce
apply (simp add:lookup_extra_caps_def Let_def
mapME_def sequenceE_def get_index_def)
apply (rule wp_no_exception_seq)
apply wp[1]
apply clarsimp
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_rvu[where r = root_size])
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_rvu[where r = root_size])
apply (clarsimp simp:Let_def)
apply (wp hoare_vcg_ball_lift sep_inv_to_all_scheduable_tcbs[OF update_thread_intent_update]
hoare_vcg_imp_lift hoare_vcg_ex_lift hoare_vcg_all_lift is_cnode_cap_guard_equal
update_thread_intent_update update_thread_cnode_at | clarsimp simp:Let_def)+
apply (intro conjI impI)
apply sep_solve
apply sep_solve
apply (clarsimp simp:conj_comms)
apply (thin_tac "(P \<and>* Q) (sep_state_projection sa)" for P Q)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def Let_def word_bits_def)
apply (intro conjI,simp+)
apply sep_solve
apply (intro conjI impI ballI allI, simp_all)
apply (frule reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap)
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: cnode_cap_non_ep_related get_index_def)[1]
apply (clarsimp simp:user_pointer_at_def Let_def word_bits_def sep_conj_assoc)
apply sep_solve
apply (fastforce dest!: reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap)+
apply sep_solve
apply (drule(1) reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap | simp)+
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_conj_assoc)
apply sep_solve
apply (clarsimp dest!:reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap)
apply (clarsimp dest!:reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap)
apply sep_solve