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* Copyright 2023, Proofcraft Pty Ltd
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
theory Corres_Cases
imports Corres_UL
text \<open>
This file defines the following main methods for safe data type case distinctions on
corres/corres_underlying predicates.
\<^item> corres_cases_left: case distinction on abstract monad
\<^item> corres_cases_right: case distinction on concrete monad
\<^item> corres_cases: try corres_cases_left, then corres_cases_right
\<^item> corres_cases_both: simultaneous (quadratic) case distinction on both sides, with safe
elimination of trivially contradictory cases.
The first 3 methods take no arguments, corres_cases_both takes an optional simp argument to,
for example, unfold relations that synchronise cases between the abstract and concrete side.
The case distinctions work if the entire monad is a "case" statement, or if the monad is a
@{const bind} or @{const bindE} term with a "case" statement in the head position.
There is an existing method for case distinctions (@{method wpc}), but this method is not
flexible enough for @{term corres}: consider the goal
@{text "\<And>x. corres r (?G x) ?G' (case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b y) m"} -- if we perform
case distinction on @{term x}, then we can transform @{text "?G x"} into
@{text "\<lambda>x s. (x = None \<longrightarrow> ?Q1 x s) \<and> (\<forall>y. x = Some y \<longrightarrow> ?Q2 x y s)"},
but we cannot do the same with @{text "?G'"}, because @{text "?G'"} does not depend on @{text x}.
The best we can do is @{text "?G' = \<lambda>s. ?A s \<and> ?B s"}, which so far seems to be good enough
in our manual proofs.
The @{method wpc} method will try to treat both preconditions uniformly and fail on @{text "?G'"}.
Extending @{method wpc} to deal with guards in a non-uniform way would be possible, but would make
setup for new constants even more messy than it already is. Instead we re-use the general idea
here (in Eisbach instead of ML), and leave the @{method wpc} setup clean for other uses.
section \<open>Helper functions and definitions\<close>
(* The following three definitions are originally by Dan Matichuck from the Eisbach
CorresK_Method example *)
(* Retrieve a split rule for a target term that is expected to be a case statement. *)
ML \<open>
fun get_split_rule ctxt target =
val (hdTarget, args) = strip_comb (Envir.eta_contract target)
val (constNm, _) = dest_Const hdTarget
val constNm_fds = String.fields (fn c => c = #".") constNm
val _ = if String.isPrefix "case_" (List.last constNm_fds) then ()
else raise TERM ("Not a case statement", [target])
val typeNm = (String.concatWith "." o rev o tl o rev) constNm_fds
val split = Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt (typeNm ^ ".split")
val vars = Term.add_vars (Thm.prop_of split) []
val datatype_name = List.nth (rev constNm_fds, 1)
fun T_is_datatype (Type (nm, _)) = (Long_Name.base_name nm = Long_Name.base_name datatype_name)
| T_is_datatype _ = false
val datatype_var =
case find_first (fn ((_, _), T') => T_is_datatype T') vars of
SOME (ix, _) => ix
| NONE => error ("Couldn't find datatype in thm: " ^ datatype_name)
val split' = Drule.infer_instantiate ctxt
[(datatype_var, Thm.cterm_of ctxt (List.last args))] split
in SOME split' end
handle TERM _ => NONE;
(* The above function as an attribute. The term argument is expected to be a case statement. *)
attribute_setup get_split_rule = \<open>Args.term >>
(fn t => Thm.rule_attribute [] (fn context => fn _ =>
case get_split_rule (Context.proof_of context) t of
SOME thm => thm
| NONE => Drule.free_dummy_thm))\<close>
(* Apply a split rule to a goal. Example usage:
apply_split f "\<lambda>f. corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' f f'"
The first (free) f is expected to be a case statement and is used to extract the split rule.
The second term is expected to take this f as a parameter and provide the term context of the
case statement in the goal so the split rule is applied to the correct occurrence of the case
method apply_split for f :: 'a and R :: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool" =
(match [[get_split_rule f]] in U: "(?x :: bool) = ?y" \<Rightarrow>
\<open>match U[THEN iffD2] in U': "\<And>H. ?A \<Longrightarrow> H (?z :: 'c)" \<Rightarrow>
\<open>match (R) in "R' :: 'c \<Rightarrow> bool" for R' \<Rightarrow>
\<open>rule U'[where H=R']\<close>\<close>\<close>)
(* This predicate provides an abstraction for guard/precondition terms for transformations
on those guards.
P and P' are the abstract and concrete preconditions before the transformation
Q and Q' are the abstract and concrete preconditions after the transformation
R is the predicate to be transformed.
private definition corres_case_helper ::
"(('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<times> ('b \<Rightarrow> bool)) \<Rightarrow> (('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<times> ('b \<Rightarrow> bool)) \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"corres_case_helper \<equiv> \<lambda>(P, P') (Q, Q') R. (\<forall>s. P s \<longrightarrow> Q s) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>s. P' s \<longrightarrow> Q' s) \<longrightarrow> R"
(* The following lemmas enable us to lift preconditions of corres_case_helper over conjunction,
universal quantifiers, and implication. Note that there are strong versions for forall/implies
where both guards are treated uniformly, and weak versions, where forall/implies is dropped
in one guard, but not the other.
The collection of the lemmas below is used to process the term R in corres_case_helper and
create appropriately lifted guard/preconditions during that procedure. The names and general
idea are from the WPC theory.
private lemma corres_case_helperI:
"corres_case_helper (P, P') (P, P') R \<Longrightarrow> R"
by (simp add: corres_case_helper_def)
private lemma corres_case_conj_process:
"\<lbrakk> corres_case_helper (P, P') (A, A') R; corres_case_helper (P, P') (B, B') S \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> corres_case_helper (P, P') (\<lambda>s. A s \<and> B s, \<lambda>s. A' s \<and> B' s) (R \<and> S)"
by (clarsimp simp add: corres_case_helper_def)
private lemma corres_case_all_process:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>x. corres_case_helper (P, P') (Q x, Q' x) (R x) \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> corres_case_helper (P, P') (\<lambda>s. \<forall>x. Q x s, \<lambda>s. \<forall>x. Q' x s) (\<forall>x. R x)"
by (clarsimp simp: corres_case_helper_def subset_iff)
private lemma corres_case_all_process_weak:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>x. corres_case_helper (P, P') (Q x, Q') (R x) \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> corres_case_helper (P, P') (\<lambda>s. \<forall>x. Q x s, Q') (\<forall>x. R x)"
by (clarsimp simp: corres_case_helper_def subset_iff)
private lemma corres_case_imp_process:
"\<lbrakk> S \<Longrightarrow> corres_case_helper (P, P') (Q, Q') R \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> corres_case_helper (P, P') (\<lambda>s. S \<longrightarrow> Q s, \<lambda>s. S \<longrightarrow> Q' s) (S \<longrightarrow> R)"
by (clarsimp simp add: corres_case_helper_def subset_iff)
private lemma corres_case_imp_process_weak:
"\<lbrakk> S \<Longrightarrow> corres_case_helper (P, P') (Q, Q') R \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> corres_case_helper (P, P') (\<lambda>s. S \<longrightarrow> Q s, Q') (S \<longrightarrow> R)"
by (clarsimp simp add: corres_case_helper_def subset_iff)
private lemmas corres_case_process =
corres_case_conj_process corres_case_all_process corres_case_imp_process
private lemmas corres_case_process_weak =
corres_case_conj_process corres_case_all_process_weak corres_case_imp_process_weak
(* Turn goals of the form
(\<forall>y. x = SomeConstr y \<longrightarrow> corres (?P x) P' (SomeConstr y) g) \<and>
(\<forall>y. x = OtherConstr y \<longrightarrow> corres (?P x) P' (OtherConstr y) g) \<and>
into multiple goals of the form
\<And>y. x = SomeConstr y \<Longrightarrow> corres (?P1 x y) ?P'1 (SomeConstr y) g)
\<And>y. x = OtherConstr y \<Longrightarrow> corres (?P2 x y) ?P'2 (OtherConstr y) g)
with instantiations
?P x = \<lambda>s. (\<forall>y. x = SomeConstr y \<longrightarrow> ?P1 x y s) \<and> (\<forall>y. x = OtherConstr y \<longrightarrow> ?P2 x y s)
?P' = \<lambda>s. ?P'1 s \<and> ?P'2 s
We do this by first transforming the goal into a corres_case_helper goal, and then applying
the corresponding lifting rules. We first try to get both sides (?P and ?P') to have
quantifiers and implications to get a stronger statement, and fall back to the weaker \<and> for ?P'
shown above when that doesn't work (e.g. because ?P' might not depend on x).
When all lifting rules have applied, we transform the goal back into a corres goal using the
provided helper rule (e.g. corres_case_helper_corres_left below).
private method corres_cases_body uses helper =
determ \<open>rule corres_case_helperI, repeat_new \<open>rule corres_case_process\<close>; rule helper
| rule corres_case_helperI, repeat_new \<open>rule corres_case_process_weak\<close>; rule helper\<close>
(* Instances of corres_case_helper for left and right side of the corres predicate.
These lemmas bind the corres guards to the corres_case_helper guards. *)
private lemma corres_case_helper_corres_left:
"corres_underlying sr nf nf' r Q Q' f f' \<Longrightarrow>
corres_case_helper (P, P') (Q, Q') (corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' f f')"
by (auto simp: corres_case_helper_def elim!: corres_guard_imp)
private lemma corres_case_helper_corres_right:
"corres_underlying sr nf nf' r Q' Q f f' \<Longrightarrow>
corres_case_helper (P, P') (Q, Q') (corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P' P f f')"
by (auto simp: corres_case_helper_def elim!: corres_guard_imp)
section \<open>Main method definitions\<close>
(* Case distinction on abstract side *)
method corres_cases_left =
determ \<open>
(match conclusion in
"corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' (f >>= g) f'" for sr nf nf' r P P' f g f'
\<Rightarrow> \<open>apply_split f "\<lambda>f. corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' (f >>= g) f'"\<close>
\<bar> "corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' (f >>=E g) f'" for sr nf nf' r P P' f g f'
\<Rightarrow> \<open>apply_split f "\<lambda>f. corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' (f >>=E g) f'"\<close>
\<bar> "corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' f f'" for sr nf nf' r P P' f f'
\<Rightarrow> \<open>apply_split f "\<lambda>f. corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' f f'"\<close>),
corres_cases_body helper: corres_case_helper_corres_left\<close>
(* case distinction on concrete side *)
method corres_cases_right =
determ \<open>
(match conclusion in
"corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' f (f' >>= g)" for sr nf nf' r P P' f g f'
\<Rightarrow> \<open>apply_split f' "\<lambda>f'. corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' f (f' >>= g)"\<close>
\<bar> "corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' f (f' >>=E g)" for sr nf nf' r P P' f g f'
\<Rightarrow> \<open>apply_split f' "\<lambda>f'. corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' f (f' >>=E g)"\<close>
\<bar> "corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' f f'" for sr nf nf' r P P' f f'
\<Rightarrow> \<open>apply_split f' "\<lambda>f'. corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' f f'"\<close>),
corres_cases_body helper: corres_case_helper_corres_right\<close>
(* single case distinction on either left or right, whichever works first *)
method corres_cases = corres_cases_left | corres_cases_right
(* Case distinction on abstract and concrete side with quadractic blowup, but attempt to solve
contradictory side conditions by simp. Cases that are solved by simp will produce \<top> as guard
so that no free schematics are introduced into later goals. *)
method corres_cases_both uses simp =
(* corres_pre first, so that the ";" later only refers to corres goals, not the final implications *)
determ \<open>
(corres_cases_left; corres_cases_right;
(solves \<open>rule corres_inst[where P=\<top> and P'=\<top>], simp add: simp\<close>)?)\<close>
section \<open>Examples and tests\<close>
(* abstract side *)
lemma "corres_underlying srel nf nf' rrel (G x) G' (case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b y) m"
(* produces strong (forall, implies) guard conditions in the final implications for both sides *)
apply corres_cases
"\<And>x. corres_underlying srel nf nf' rrel (?G x) ?G' (case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b y) m"
(* produces weak (just ?A \<and> ?B) guard conditions for concrete side, because ?G' does not
depend on "x", on which we do the case distinction *)
apply corres_cases
(* abstract side, with bind *)
lemma "corres_underlying srel nf nf' rrel G G' ((case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b y) >>= g) m"
apply corres_cases
(* abstract side, with bindE *)
lemma "corres_underlying srel nf nf' rrel G G' ((case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b y) >>=E g) m"
apply corres_cases
(* concrete side: *)
lemma "corres_underlying srel nf nf' rrel G G' m (case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b y)"
apply corres_cases
"\<And>x. corres_underlying srel nf nf' rrel ?G (?G' x) m (case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b y)"
apply corres_cases
lemma "corres_underlying srel nf nf' rrel G G' m ((case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b y) >>= g)"
apply corres_cases
lemma "corres_underlying srel nf nf' rrel G G' m ((case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b y) >>=E g)"
apply corres_cases
(* both sides: *)
lemma "corres_underlying srel nf nf' rrel G G' (case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b)
(case x of None \<Rightarrow> a' | Some y \<Rightarrow> b' y)"
(* two cases remain (both None, both Some); eliminated cases have guard \<top> in final implication *)
apply corres_cases_both
"\<And>x y. corres_underlying srel nf nf' rrel (?G x) (?G' y) (case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b)
(case y of None \<Rightarrow> a' | Some y \<Rightarrow> b' y)"
(* 4 cases remain, because none are contradictory *)
apply corres_cases_both
(* some example relation between abstract and concrete values *)
"none_rel x y \<equiv> (x = None) = (y = None)"
"none_rel x y \<Longrightarrow>
corres_underlying srel nf nf' rrel G G' (case x of None \<Rightarrow> a | Some y \<Rightarrow> b)
(case y of None \<Rightarrow> a' | Some y \<Rightarrow> b' y)"
(* two cases remain, none_rel is untouched in the cases that remain, but unfolded in the
ones that were eliminated *)
apply (corres_cases_both simp: none_rel_def)