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* Copyright Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
section \<open>Lemmas on sublists\<close>
theory More_Sublist
lemma same_length_is_parallel:
assumes len: "\<forall>y \<in> set as. length y = x"
shows "\<forall>x \<in> set as. \<forall>y \<in> set as - {x}. x \<parallel> y"
proof (rule, rule)
fix x y
assume xi: "x \<in> set as" and yi: "y \<in> set as - {x}"
from len obtain q where len': "\<forall>y \<in> set as. length y = q" ..
show "x \<parallel> y"
proof (rule not_equal_is_parallel)
from xi yi show "x \<noteq> y" by auto
from xi yi len' show "length x = length y" by (auto dest: bspec)
lemma sublist_equal_part:
"prefix xs ys \<Longrightarrow> take (length xs) ys = xs"
by (clarsimp simp: prefix_def)
lemma prefix_length_less:
"strict_prefix xs ys \<Longrightarrow> length xs < length ys"
apply (clarsimp simp: strict_prefix_def)
apply (frule prefix_length_le)
apply (rule ccontr, simp)
apply (clarsimp simp: prefix_def)
lemmas take_less = take_strict_prefix
lemma not_prefix_longer:
"\<lbrakk> length xs > length ys \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<not> prefix xs ys"
by (clarsimp dest!: prefix_length_le)
lemma map_prefixI:
"prefix xs ys \<Longrightarrow> prefix (map f xs) (map f ys)"
by (clarsimp simp: prefix_def)
lemma list_all2_induct_suffixeq [consumes 1, case_names Nil Cons]:
assumes lall: "list_all2 Q as bs"
and nilr: "P [] []"
and consr: "\<And>x xs y ys.
\<lbrakk>list_all2 Q xs ys; Q x y; P xs ys; suffix (x # xs) as; suffix (y # ys) bs\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> P (x # xs) (y # ys)"
shows "P as bs"
proof -
define as' where "as' == as"
define bs' where "bs' == bs"
have "suffix as as' \<and> suffix bs bs'" unfolding as'_def bs'_def by simp
then show ?thesis using lall
proof (induct rule: list_induct2 [OF list_all2_lengthD [OF lall]])
case 1 show ?case by fact
case (2 x xs y ys)
show ?case
proof (rule consr)
from "2.prems" show "list_all2 Q xs ys" and "Q x y" by simp_all
then show "P xs ys" using "2.hyps" "2.prems" by (auto dest: suffix_ConsD)
from "2.prems" show "suffix (x # xs) as" and "suffix (y # ys) bs"
by (auto simp: as'_def bs'_def)
lemma take_prefix:
"(take (length xs) ys = xs) = prefix xs ys"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case Nil then show ?case by simp
case Cons then show ?case by (cases ys) auto