
171 lines
5.7 KiB

* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
theory AutoLevity_Hooks
* This file installs the dependency tracing hooks so that they
* will be active in the current Isabelle session. These are the
* toplevel command hooks for tracing dependencies, and a shutdown
* hook for writing out the dependencies when the session finishes.
(* Install toplevel command hooks. *)
setup \<open>
case getenv "AUTOLEVITY" of
"1" => (tracing ("Setting up AUTOLEVITY=1");
AutoLevity_Base.setup_command_hook {trace_apply = false})
| "2" => (tracing ("Setting up AUTOLEVITY=2");
AutoLevity_Base.setup_command_hook {trace_apply = true})
| _ => I
(* Collect all the traces and write them to a combined file. *)
ML \<open>
structure AutoLevity_Combined_Report = struct
(* Session-qualified theory name -> JSON ouput lines *)
fun levity_report_for thy_name: string list option =
val thy = Thy_Info.get_theory thy_name;
val thy_short_name = Context.theory_name thy;
val trans = AutoLevity_Base.get_transactions ();
in if Symtab.defined trans thy_short_name then
AutoLevity_Theory_Report.get_reports_for_thy thy
|> AutoLevity_Theory_Report.string_reports_of
(* This has the usual race condition, but should be very unlikely in practice *)
fun local_temp_file path = let
val dir = Path.dir path;
val file = Path.file_name path;
fun try_path () = let
(* avoid colliding with other processes *)
val pid = Posix.ProcEnv.getpid () |> Posix.Process.pidToWord |> SysWord.toInt;
(* timestamp *)
val now = Time.now () |> Time.toMilliseconds;
(* serialized pseudorandom state within this process *)
val rand = Random.random_range 100000 999999;
val temp_id = Library.space_implode "-" (map string_of_int [pid, now, rand]);
val temp_path = Path.append dir (Path.basic (file ^ ".tmp" ^ temp_id));
in if File.exists temp_path
((* again, this should be very unlikely in practice *)
warning ("local_temp_file: (unlikely) failed attempt: " ^
Path.implode temp_path);
try_path ())
(File.append temp_path ""; (* create empty file *)
in try_path () end;
(* Output all traces in this session to given path.
Wraps each theory in the session in a JSON dictionary as follows:
"session": <escaped session name>,
"content": [
<theory "foo" content>,
<theory "bar" content>,
fun levity_report_all output_path: unit =
val this_session = Session.get_name ();
(* Use a temp file for atomic output. Note that we don't use
File.tmp_path or similar because the standard /tmp/isabelle-*
tmpdir might not be on the same file system as output_path,
whereas we can only rename atomically on the same file system *)
val temp_path = local_temp_file output_path;
(* Wrap individual theory reports in a JSON dictionary as follows:
"theory": <escaped theory name>,
"content": <theory content as JSON dictionary>
Note that this closes and re-opens the output file
over and over. But it's better than building the entire
combined output in memory. *)
fun dump_all _ [] = ()
| dump_all (first: bool) (thy_name::remaining) = let
val _ = @{print} ("Reporting on " ^ thy_name ^ "...")
val separator = if first then "" else ", "; (* from previous item *)
val json_start = [separator, "{", quote "theory", ":", JSON_string_encode thy_name, ",\n",
quote "content", ":"];
val json_end = ["}\n"];
in case levity_report_for thy_name of
NONE => (
@{print} ("No transaction record for " ^ thy_name);
dump_all first remaining
| SOME thy_report => (
File.append_list temp_path (json_start @ thy_report @ json_end);
dump_all false remaining
val thy_names = Thy_Info.get_names ();
val _ = File.write_list temp_path
["{", quote "session", ":", JSON_string_encode this_session, ",\n",
quote "content", ":", "[\n"];
val _ = dump_all true thy_names;
val _ = File.append_list temp_path ["]\n", "}"];
val _ = OS.FileSys.rename {
old = Path.implode (Path.expand temp_path),
new = Path.implode (Path.expand output_path)
@{print} ("Report written to: " ^ Path.implode output_path);
(* Wrapper that outputs to the Isabelle build log directory *)
fun levity_session_log () =
val this_session = Session.get_name ();
val fname = this_session ^ ".lev";
val output_path = Path.make ["log", fname]
|> Path.append (Path.explode (getenv "ISABELLE_OUTPUT"));
val session_traces = AutoLevity_Base.get_transactions ();
if Symtab.is_empty session_traces
(* AutoLevity does not collect traces for interactive PIDE sessions,
* so don't overwrite the levity log *)
then warning ("No traces for session: " ^ this_session)
else levity_report_all output_path
handle exn =>
(* from Pure/Tools/build.ML *)
(List.app (fn msg => writeln (encode_lines (YXML.content_of msg)))
(Runtime.exn_message_list exn);
Exn.reraise exn);
(* Do the output when the Isabelle session finishes.
The session shutdown hook requires a patch to Isabelle, so we wrap
this code to be a no-op on vanilla Isabelle installations. *)
ML \<open>
try (ML_Context.eval ML_Compiler.flags @{here})
(ML_Lex.read_text ("Session.register_shutdown_hook AutoLevity_Combined_Report.levity_session_log", @{here}))