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* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory Noninterference_Base_Refinement_Example
(* I don't like the 'refinedby' definition above.
the following example shows why.
let the spec be:
s0 \<rightarrow> s1 \<rightarrow> s1
\<rightarrow> s2 \<rightarrow> s3 \<rightarrow> s3
and let the implementation be:
s0 \<rightarrow> s1 \<rightarrow> s3 \<rightarrow> s3
\<rightarrow> s2 \<rightarrow> s3 \<rightarrow> s3
Then the implementation can transition from s1 \<rightarrow> s3 but the
spec cannot. But the implementation still refines the spec
according to refinedby above. We prove this below.
The 'refinedby' definition above seems to correspond to our
top-level refinement statement on ADTs for seL4.
TODO: - check whether our 'corres' can be derived from the
forward simulation results for seL4.
datatype state = S0 | S1 | S2 | S3
datatype event = OnlyEvent
definition Step :: "event \<Rightarrow> (state \<times> state) set" where
"Step \<equiv> (\<lambda> a. {(S0,S1), (S0,S2), (S1,S1), (S2,S3), (S3,S3)})"
definition Step' :: "event \<Rightarrow> (state \<times> state) set" where
"Step' \<equiv> (\<lambda> a. {(S0,S1), (S0,S2), (S1,S3), (S2,S3), (S3,S3)})"
datatype domain = OnlyDom
definition dom :: "event \<Rightarrow> state \<Rightarrow> domain" where "dom \<equiv> \<lambda> x y. OnlyDom"
definition uwr :: "domain \<Rightarrow> (state \<times> state) set" where "uwr \<equiv> \<lambda> x. {(y,z). True}"
definition policy :: "(domain \<times> domain) set" where "policy \<equiv> {(OnlyDom,OnlyDom)}"
definition out :: "domain \<Rightarrow> state \<Rightarrow> state" where "out \<equiv> \<lambda> d x. x"
lemma execution_Step_0:
"length as = 0 \<Longrightarrow> execution Step S0 as = {S0}"
apply(clarsimp simp: execution_def)
lemma execution_Step'_0:
"length as = 0 \<Longrightarrow> execution Step' S0 as = {S0}"
apply(clarsimp simp: execution_def)
lemma length_nonzero:
"length xs = Suc n \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> as a. xs = as @ [a] \<and> length as = n"
apply(induct xs rule: rev_induct)
apply simp
apply simp
lemma execution_Step_1:
"length as = 1 \<Longrightarrow> execution Step S0 as = {S1,S2}"
apply simp
apply(drule length_nonzero)
apply(subst execution_append_one)
apply(auto simp: execution_def Step_def)
lemma execution_Step'_1:
"length as = 1 \<Longrightarrow> execution Step' S0 as = {S1,S2}"
apply simp
apply(drule length_nonzero)
apply(subst execution_append_one)
apply(auto simp: execution_def Step'_def)
lemma execution_Step_2up:
"\<lbrakk>length as = (Suc n); n \<ge> (Suc 0)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> execution Step S0 as = {S1,S3}"
apply(induct n arbitrary: as)
apply simp
apply simp
apply(case_tac "n=0")
apply(frule length_nonzero)
apply(subst execution_append_one)
apply clarsimp
apply(rule equalityI)
apply clarsimp
apply(drule execution_Step_1[simplified])
apply(fastforce simp: Step_def)
apply (subst execution_Step_1, simp)
apply (fastforce simp: Step_def)
apply(frule length_nonzero)
apply(subst execution_append_one)
apply clarsimp
apply (fastforce simp: Step_def)
lemma execution_Step'_2up:
"\<lbrakk>length as = (Suc n); n \<ge> (Suc 0)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> execution Step' S0 as = {S3}"
apply(induct n arbitrary: as)
apply simp
apply simp
apply(case_tac "n=0")
apply(frule length_nonzero)
apply(subst execution_append_one)
apply clarsimp
apply(rule equalityI)
apply clarsimp
apply(drule execution_Step'_1[simplified])
apply(fastforce simp: Step'_def)
apply (subst execution_Step'_1, simp)
apply (fastforce simp: Step'_def)
apply(frule length_nonzero)
apply(subst execution_append_one)
apply clarsimp
apply (fastforce simp: Step'_def)
interpretation enabled_system_refinement Step S0 dom uwr policy out OnlyDom Step' S0
apply(case_tac s)
apply(auto simp: Step_def uwr_def refl_on_def sym_def trans_def dom_def policy_def)[8]
apply(case_tac d, simp_all add: policy_def)
apply clarsimp
apply(case_tac s, auto simp: Step'_def)
lemma refinedby:
"enabled_system_refinement.refinedby Step S0 Step'"
apply(clarsimp simp: refinedby_def)
apply(case_tac as)
apply(subst (asm) execution_Step'_0, simp)
apply(subst execution_Step_0, simp)
apply assumption
apply(case_tac "length list = 0")
apply(subst (asm) execution_Step'_1, simp)
apply(subst execution_Step_1, simp)
apply assumption
apply(subst (asm) execution_Step'_2up, simp)
apply(case_tac list, fastforce+)
apply(subst execution_Step_2up, simp)
apply(case_tac list, fastforce+)
lemma not_corres:
"\<not> enabled_system_refinement.corres Step S0 Step'"
apply(clarsimp simp: corres_def)
apply(rule_tac x="S1" in exI)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(simp add: reachable_def)
apply(rule_tac x="[OnlyEvent]" in exI)
apply(fastforce simp: Step'_def)
apply(rule_tac x="OnlyEvent" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x="S3" in exI)
apply(fastforce simp: Step_def Step'_def)