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* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
Types of exceptions in the abstract model.
chapter "Error and Fault Messages"
theory ExceptionTypes_A
imports MiscMachine_A
text {*
There are two types of exceptions that can occur in the kernel:
faults and errors. Faults are reported to the user's fault handler.
Errors are reported to the user directly.
Capability lookup failures can be be either fault or error,
depending on context.
datatype lookup_failure
= InvalidRoot
| MissingCapability nat
| DepthMismatch nat nat
| GuardMismatch nat "bool list"
datatype fault
= CapFault obj_ref bool lookup_failure
| VMFault data "data list"
| UnknownSyscallException data
| UserException data data
datatype syscall_error
= InvalidArgument nat
| InvalidCapability nat
| IllegalOperation
| RangeError data data
| AlignmentError
| FailedLookup bool lookup_failure
| TruncatedMessage
| DeleteFirst
| RevokeFirst
| NotEnoughMemory data
text {* Preemption in the system is caused by the arrival of hardware interrupts
which are tagged with their hardware IRQ. *}
datatype interrupt = Interrupted irq
text {* Create a message from a system-call failure to be returned to the
thread attempting the operation that failed. *}
msg_from_lookup_failure :: "lookup_failure \<Rightarrow> data list"
"msg_from_lookup_failure InvalidRoot = [1]"
| "msg_from_lookup_failure (MissingCapability n) = [2, of_nat n]"
| "msg_from_lookup_failure (DepthMismatch n m) = [3, of_nat n, of_nat m]"
| "msg_from_lookup_failure (GuardMismatch n g) = [4, of_nat n, of_bl g, of_nat (size g)]"
msg_from_syscall_error :: "syscall_error \<Rightarrow> (data \<times> data list)"
"msg_from_syscall_error (InvalidArgument n) = (1, [of_nat n])"
| "msg_from_syscall_error (InvalidCapability n) = (2, [of_nat n])"
| "msg_from_syscall_error IllegalOperation = (3, [])"
| "msg_from_syscall_error (RangeError minv maxv) = (4, [minv, maxv])"
| "msg_from_syscall_error AlignmentError = (5, [])"
| "msg_from_syscall_error (FailedLookup s lf) = (6, [if s then 1 else 0]@(msg_from_lookup_failure lf))"
| "msg_from_syscall_error TruncatedMessage = (7, [])"
| "msg_from_syscall_error DeleteFirst = (8, [])"
| "msg_from_syscall_error RevokeFirst = (9, [])"
| "msg_from_syscall_error (NotEnoughMemory n) = (10, [n])"