
2124 lines
98 KiB

* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory Finalise_IF
imports Arch_IF IRQMasks_IF
crunch_ignore (add: tcb_sched_action)
crunch cur_thread[wp]: finalise_cap "\<lambda>s. P (cur_thread s)"
(wp: crunch_wps select_wp modify_wp dxo_wp_weak
simp: crunch_simps)
lemma dmo_maskInterrupt_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (do_machine_op (maskInterrupt m irq))"
unfolding maskInterrupt_def
apply(rule use_spec_ev)
apply(rule do_machine_op_spec_reads_respects)
apply(simp add: equiv_valid_def2)
apply(rule modify_ev2)
apply(fastforce simp: equiv_for_def)
apply (wp modify_wp | simp)+
lemma set_irq_state_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (set_irq_state state irq)"
unfolding set_irq_state_def fun_app_def
apply(wp dmo_maskInterrupt_reads_respects)
apply(subst equiv_valid_def2)
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" and P'="\<top>" in modify_ev2)
apply clarsimp
apply(rule conjI)
apply(fastforce intro!: reads_equiv_interrupt_states_update elim: reads_equivE intro: equiv_forI elim: equiv_forE)
apply(fastforce intro!: affects_equiv_interrupt_states_update elim: affects_equivE intro: equiv_forI elim: equiv_forE)
lemma deleted_irq_handler_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (deleted_irq_handler irq)"
unfolding deleted_irq_handler_def
apply(rule set_irq_state_reads_respects)
lemma empty_slot_reads_respects:
notes split_paired_All[simp del] split_paired_Ex[simp del]
"reads_respects aag l (K (is_subject aag (fst slot))) (empty_slot slot free_irq)"
unfolding empty_slot_def fun_app_def
apply (simp add: bind_assoc[symmetric] cong: if_cong)
apply (fold update_cdt_def)
apply (simp add: bind_assoc empty_slot_ext_def cong: if_cong)
apply(rule gen_asm_ev)
apply (wp deleted_irq_handler_reads_respects set_cap_reads_respects set_original_reads_respects update_cdt_list_reads_respects | wpc | simp | (frule aag_can_read_self,fastforce simp: equiv_for_def split: option.splits))+
apply (wp update_cdt_reads_respects get_cap_wp get_cap_rev)
apply(intro impI allI conjI)
apply(fastforce simp: reads_equiv_def2 equiv_for_def elim: states_equiv_forE_cdt dest: aag_can_read_self split: option.splits)+
lemma requiv_get_tcb_eq':
"\<lbrakk>reads_equiv aag s t; aag_can_read aag thread\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
get_tcb thread s = get_tcb thread t"
apply(auto simp: reads_equiv_def2 elim: states_equiv_forE_kheap dest!: aag_can_read_self simp: get_tcb_def split: option.split kernel_object.split)
lemma requiv_the_get_tcb_eq':
"\<lbrakk>reads_equiv aag s t; aag_can_read aag thread\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
the (get_tcb thread s) = the (get_tcb thread t)"
apply(subgoal_tac "get_tcb thread s = get_tcb thread t")
apply(fastforce intro: requiv_get_tcb_eq')
(* FIXME: move *)
lemma set_object_modifies_at_most:
"modifies_at_most aag {pasObjectAbs aag ptr} (\<lambda> s. \<not> asid_pool_at ptr s \<and> (\<forall> asid_pool. obj \<noteq> ArchObj (ASIDPool asid_pool))) (set_object ptr obj)"
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI)
apply(wp set_object_equiv_but_for_labels)
apply clarsimp
(*Not currently considered*)
lemma scheduler_action_states_equiv[simp]: "states_equiv_for P Q R S X st (scheduler_action_update f s) = states_equiv_for P Q R S X st s"
apply (simp add: states_equiv_for_def equiv_for_def equiv_asids_def equiv_asid_def)
crunch states_equiv[wp]: set_thread_state_ext "states_equiv_for P Q R S X st"
lemma set_scheduler_action_reads_respects[wp]:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (set_scheduler_action action)"
by (simp add: set_scheduler_action_def modify_def put_def get_def bind_def equiv_valid_def2 equiv_valid_2_def reads_equiv_scheduler_action_update affects_equiv_scheduler_action_update)
lemma set_thread_state_ext_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (\<lambda>s. is_subject aag (cur_thread s)) (set_thread_state_ext ref)"
apply (case_tac "is_subject aag ref")
apply (simp add: set_thread_state_ext_def when_def get_thread_state_def | wp thread_get_rev)+
apply (simp add: reads_equiv_def)
apply (simp add: set_thread_state_ext_def when_def)
apply (simp add: equiv_valid_def2)
apply (rule equiv_valid_rv_bind[where W="\<top>\<top>"])
apply (clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_2_def get_thread_state_def thread_get_def gets_the_def return_def bind_def assert_opt_def gets_def get_tcb_def fail_def get_def split: option.splits kernel_object.splits)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_bind[where R'="op =" and Q="\<lambda>rv _. rv \<noteq> ref" and Q'="\<lambda>rv _. rv \<noteq> ref"])
apply (rule gen_asm_ev2)
apply (simp add: equiv_valid_def2[symmetric] | wp)+
apply (clarsimp simp: reads_equiv_def)
apply (subst equiv_valid_def2[symmetric])
apply wp
apply force
apply (simp add: reads_equiv_def)
lemma set_thread_state_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (\<lambda>s. is_subject aag (cur_thread s)) (set_thread_state ref ts)"
unfolding set_thread_state_def fun_app_def
apply (simp add: bind_assoc[symmetric]) (*Remove the currently not considered extended op*)
apply (rule pre_ev)
apply (rule_tac P'=\<top> in bind_ev)
apply (rule set_thread_state_ext_reads_respects)
apply(case_tac "aag_can_read aag ref \<or> aag_can_affect aag l ref")
apply(wp set_object_reads_respects gets_the_ev)
apply(fastforce simp: get_tcb_def split: option.splits elim: reads_equivE affects_equivE equiv_forE)
apply(simp add: equiv_valid_def2)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_bind)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_trivial)
apply (wp | simp)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" and P'="\<top>" and L="{pasObjectAbs aag ref}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag ref}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (blast | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule set_object_modifies_at_most)
apply(rule set_object_modifies_at_most)
apply(simp | wp)+
apply(blast dest: get_tcb_not_asid_pool_at)
apply (subst thread_set_def[symmetric, simplified fun_app_def])
apply (wp | simp)+
lemma set_bound_notification_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (\<lambda>s. is_subject aag (cur_thread s)) (set_bound_notification ref ntfn)"
unfolding set_bound_notification_def fun_app_def
apply (rule pre_ev(5)[where Q=\<top>])
apply(case_tac "aag_can_read aag ref \<or> aag_can_affect aag l ref")
apply(wp set_object_reads_respects gets_the_ev)[1]
apply (fastforce simp: get_tcb_def split: option.splits elim: reads_equivE affects_equivE equiv_forE)
apply (simp add: equiv_valid_def2)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_bind)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_trivial)
apply (wp | simp)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" and P'="\<top>" and L="{pasObjectAbs aag ref}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag ref}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (blast | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule set_object_modifies_at_most)
apply(rule set_object_modifies_at_most)
apply(simp | wp)+
apply(blast dest: get_tcb_not_asid_pool_at)
apply simp
lemma set_thread_state_ext_owned_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (\<lambda>s. is_subject aag ref) (set_thread_state_ext ref)"
apply (simp add: set_thread_state_ext_def when_def get_thread_state_def | wp thread_get_rev)+
apply (simp add: reads_equiv_def)
lemma set_thread_state_owned_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (\<lambda>s. is_subject aag ref) (set_thread_state ref ts)"
apply (simp add: set_thread_state_def fun_app_def)
apply (wp set_object_reads_respects gets_the_ev set_thread_state_ext_owned_reads_respects)
apply (force elim: reads_equivE equiv_forE)
lemma set_bound_notification_owned_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (\<lambda>s. is_subject aag ref) (set_bound_notification ref ntfn)"
apply (simp add:set_bound_notification_def fun_app_def)
apply (wp set_object_reads_respects gets_the_ev)
apply (force elim: reads_equivE equiv_forE)
lemma get_thread_state_runnable[wp]: "\<lbrace>st_tcb_at runnable ref\<rbrace> get_thread_state ref \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv _. runnable rv\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: get_thread_state_def thread_get_def)
apply wp
apply (clarsimp simp: st_tcb_at_def obj_at_def get_tcb_def)
lemma set_thread_state_ext_runnable_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (st_tcb_at runnable ref) (set_thread_state_ext ref)"
apply (simp add: set_thread_state_ext_def when_def)
apply (simp add: equiv_valid_def2)
apply (rule equiv_valid_rv_bind[where W="\<top>\<top>" and Q="\<lambda>rv _. runnable rv"])
apply (clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_2_def get_thread_state_def thread_get_def gets_the_def return_def bind_def assert_opt_def gets_def get_tcb_def fail_def get_def split: option.splits kernel_object.splits)
apply (rule gen_asm_ev2)
apply (clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_def2[symmetric] | wp)+
apply (simp add: reads_equiv_def)
apply wp
lemma set_thread_state_runnable_reads_respects:
"runnable ts \<Longrightarrow> reads_respects aag l \<top> (set_thread_state ref ts)"
unfolding set_thread_state_def fun_app_def
apply (simp add: bind_assoc[symmetric]) (*Remove the currently not considered extended op*)
apply (rule pre_ev)
apply (rule_tac P'=\<top> in bind_ev)
apply (rule set_thread_state_ext_runnable_reads_respects)
apply(case_tac "aag_can_read aag ref \<or> aag_can_affect aag l ref")
apply(wp set_object_reads_respects gets_the_ev)
apply(fastforce simp: get_tcb_def split: option.splits elim: reads_equivE affects_equivE equiv_forE)
apply(simp add: equiv_valid_def2)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_bind)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_trivial)
apply (wp | simp)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" and P'="\<top>" and L="{pasObjectAbs aag ref}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag ref}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (blast | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule set_object_modifies_at_most)
apply(rule set_object_modifies_at_most)
apply(simp | wp)+
apply(blast dest: get_tcb_not_asid_pool_at)
apply (subst thread_set_def[symmetric, simplified fun_app_def])
apply (wp thread_set_st_tcb_at | simp)+
lemma set_bound_notification_none_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (set_bound_notification ref None)"
unfolding set_bound_notification_def fun_app_def
apply (rule pre_ev(5)[where Q=\<top>])
apply(case_tac "aag_can_read aag ref \<or> aag_can_affect aag l ref")
apply(wp set_object_reads_respects gets_the_ev)[1]
apply (fastforce simp: get_tcb_def split: option.splits elim: reads_equivE affects_equivE equiv_forE)
apply (simp add: equiv_valid_def2)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_bind)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_trivial)
apply (wp | simp)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" and P'="\<top>" and L="{pasObjectAbs aag ref}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag ref}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (blast | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule set_object_modifies_at_most)
apply(rule set_object_modifies_at_most)
apply(simp | wp)+
apply(blast dest: get_tcb_not_asid_pool_at)
apply simp
lemma get_object_revrv:
"reads_equiv_valid_rv_inv (affects_equiv aag l) aag \<top>\<top> \<top> (get_object ptr)"
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_trivial)
apply wp
lemma set_endpoint_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (set_endpoint ptr ep)"
unfolding set_endpoint_def
apply(simp add: equiv_valid_def2)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_bind)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_guard_imp)
apply(rule get_object_revrv)
apply(simp, simp)
apply(rule_tac R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind)
apply(subst equiv_valid_def2[symmetric])
apply(rule set_object_reads_respects)
apply(rule assert_ev2)
apply(rule assert_wp)+
apply(rule get_object_inv)
lemma get_ep_queue_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (get_ep_queue ep)"
unfolding get_ep_queue_def
apply(rule equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply(wp | wpc)+
lemma get_object_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (K (aag_can_read aag ptr \<or> (aag_can_affect aag l ptr))) (get_object ptr)"
apply (unfold get_object_def fun_app_def)
apply (subst gets_apply)
apply (wp gets_apply_ev | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply (fastforce elim: reads_equivE affects_equivE equiv_forE)
lemma get_endpoint_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (K (aag_can_read aag ptr \<or> aag_can_affect aag l ptr)) (get_endpoint ptr)"
unfolding get_endpoint_def
apply(wp get_object_reads_respects | wpc | simp)+
lemma get_epq_SendEP_ret:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. \<forall>x\<in>set list. P x\<rbrace> get_ep_queue (SendEP list) \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. \<forall>x\<in>set rv. P x\<rbrace>"
apply(simp add: get_ep_queue_def)
lemma get_epq_RecvEP_ret:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. \<forall>x\<in>set list. P x\<rbrace> get_ep_queue (RecvEP list) \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. \<forall>x\<in>set rv. P x\<rbrace>"
apply(simp add: get_ep_queue_def)
fun ep_queue_invisible where
"ep_queue_invisible aag l (SendEP list) = labels_are_invisible aag l ((pasObjectAbs aag) ` (set list))" |
"ep_queue_invisible aag l (RecvEP list) = labels_are_invisible aag l ((pasObjectAbs aag) ` (set list))" |
"ep_queue_invisible aag l IdleEP = True"
(* unneeded now? *)
lemma aag_can_affect_ep_queued:
"\<lbrakk>(pasSubject aag, Reset, pasObjectAbs aag epptr) \<in> pasPolicy aag;
ko_at (Endpoint (SendEP list)) epptr s \<or> ko_at (Endpoint (RecvEP list)) epptr s;
t \<in> set list; pas_refined aag s; valid_objs s; sym_refs (state_refs_of s)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
aag_can_affect aag (pasObjectAbs aag t) t"
apply(erule disjE)
apply(drule_tac P="send_blocked_on epptr" in ep_queued_st_tcb_at'')
apply assumption
apply assumption
apply simp
apply(rule conjI)
apply(erule_tac auth=SyncSend and l'="pasObjectAbs aag t" in affects_reset)
apply(erule pas_refined_mem[rotated])
apply(rule sta_ts)
apply(clarsimp simp: thread_states_def split: option.split simp: tcb_states_of_state_def st_tcb_def2)
apply(case_tac "tcb_state tcb", simp_all)
apply(drule_tac P="receive_blocked_on epptr" in ep_queued_st_tcb_at'')
apply assumption
apply assumption
apply simp
apply(erule_tac auth=Receive and l'="pasObjectAbs aag t" in affects_reset)
apply(erule pas_refined_mem[rotated])
apply(rule sta_ts)
apply(clarsimp simp: thread_states_def split: option.split simp: tcb_states_of_state_def st_tcb_def2)
apply(case_tac "tcb_state tcb", simp_all)
lemma obj_eq_st_tcb_at:
"\<lbrakk>kheap s x = kheap s' x; st_tcb_at P x s'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
st_tcb_at P x s"
apply(clarsimp simp: st_tcb_at_def obj_at_def)
lemma send_blocked_on_tcb_st_to_auth:
"send_blocked_on epptr ts
\<Longrightarrow> (epptr, SyncSend) \<in> tcb_st_to_auth ts"
apply(case_tac ts, simp_all)
lemma receive_blocked_on_tcb_st_to_auth:
"receive_blocked_on epptr ts
\<Longrightarrow> (epptr, Receive) \<in> tcb_st_to_auth ts"
apply(case_tac ts, simp_all)
lemma not_ep_queue_invisible:
"\<lbrakk>\<not> ep_queue_invisible aag l eplist; eplist = SendEP list \<or> eplist = RecvEP list\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(\<exists> t \<in> set list. aag_can_read aag t \<or> aag_can_affect aag l t)"
apply(auto simp: labels_are_invisible_def)
lemma ep_queues_are_invisible_or_eps_are_equal':
"\<lbrakk>(pasSubject aag, Reset, pasObjectAbs aag epptr) \<in> pasPolicy aag;
ko_at (Endpoint ep) epptr s;
ko_at (Endpoint ep') epptr s';
reads_equiv aag s s'; affects_equiv aag l s s';
valid_objs s; sym_refs (state_refs_of s); valid_objs s';
sym_refs (state_refs_of s'); pas_refined aag s; pas_refined aag s'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(\<not> ep_queue_invisible aag l ep) \<longrightarrow> ep = ep'"
apply(rule impI)
apply(case_tac "\<exists> list. ep = SendEP list \<or> ep = RecvEP list")
apply(erule exE)
apply(drule (1) not_ep_queue_invisible)
apply clarsimp
apply(erule disjE)
apply(erule disjE)
apply(drule_tac auth="SyncSend" and t="pasObjectAbs aag t" in reads_read_queued_thread_read_ep)
apply blast
apply(erule pas_refined_mem[rotated])
apply(rule sta_ts)
apply(drule_tac P="send_blocked_on epptr" and s=s and t=t in ep_queued_st_tcb_at'')
apply(simp add: thread_states_def split: option.splits)
apply(clarsimp simp: tcb_states_of_state_def st_tcb_def2 send_blocked_on_tcb_st_to_auth)
apply blast
apply assumption
apply(fastforce dest: reads_affects_equiv_kheap_eq simp: obj_at_def)
apply(drule_tac auth="SyncSend" and t="pasObjectAbs aag t" in reads_read_queued_thread_read_ep)
apply blast
apply(erule pas_refined_mem[rotated])
apply(rule sta_ts)
apply(drule_tac P="send_blocked_on epptr" and s=s and t=t in ep_queued_st_tcb_at'')
apply(simp add: thread_states_def split: option.splits)
apply(clarsimp simp: tcb_states_of_state_def st_tcb_def2 send_blocked_on_tcb_st_to_auth)
apply blast
apply(erule conjE, assumption)
apply(drule_tac x=epptr in reads_affects_equiv_kheap_eq, simp+)
apply(fastforce simp: obj_at_def)
apply(erule disjE)
apply(drule_tac auth="Receive" and t="pasObjectAbs aag t" in reads_read_queued_thread_read_ep)
apply blast
apply(erule pas_refined_mem[rotated])
apply(rule sta_ts)
apply(drule_tac P="receive_blocked_on epptr" and s=s and t=t in ep_queued_st_tcb_at'')
apply(simp add: thread_states_def split: option.splits)
apply(clarsimp simp: tcb_states_of_state_def st_tcb_def2 receive_blocked_on_tcb_st_to_auth)
apply blast
apply assumption
apply(fastforce dest: reads_affects_equiv_kheap_eq simp: obj_at_def)
apply(drule_tac auth="Receive" and t="pasObjectAbs aag t" in reads_read_queued_thread_read_ep)
apply blast
apply(erule pas_refined_mem[rotated])
apply(rule sta_ts)
apply(drule_tac P="receive_blocked_on epptr" and s=s and t=t in ep_queued_st_tcb_at'')
apply(simp add: thread_states_def split: option.splits)
apply(clarsimp simp: tcb_states_of_state_def st_tcb_def2 receive_blocked_on_tcb_st_to_auth)
apply blast
apply(erule conjE, assumption)
apply(drule_tac x=epptr in reads_affects_equiv_kheap_eq, simp+)
apply(fastforce simp: obj_at_def)
apply(case_tac ep, auto)
lemma ep_queues_are_invisible_or_eps_are_equal:
"\<lbrakk>(pasSubject aag, Reset, pasObjectAbs aag epptr) \<in> pasPolicy aag;
ko_at (Endpoint ep) epptr s;
ko_at (Endpoint ep') epptr s';
reads_equiv aag s s'; affects_equiv aag l s s';
valid_objs s; sym_refs (state_refs_of s); valid_objs s';
sym_refs (state_refs_of s'); pas_refined aag s; pas_refined aag s'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(\<not> ep_queue_invisible aag l ep \<or> \<not> ep_queue_invisible aag l ep') \<longrightarrow> ep = ep'"
apply(rule impI)
apply(erule disjE)
apply(blast intro!: ep_queues_are_invisible_or_eps_are_equal'[rule_format])
apply(rule sym)
apply(erule ep_queues_are_invisible_or_eps_are_equal'[rule_format])
apply (assumption | erule reads_equiv_sym | erule affects_equiv_sym)+
lemma get_endpoint_revrv:
"reads_equiv_valid_rv_inv (affects_equiv aag l) aag
(\<lambda>ep ep'. (\<not> ep_queue_invisible aag l ep \<or> \<not> ep_queue_invisible aag l ep') \<longrightarrow> ep = ep')
(pas_refined aag and valid_objs and sym_refs \<circ> state_refs_of and
K ((pasSubject aag, Reset, pasObjectAbs aag epptr) \<in> pasPolicy aag))
(get_endpoint epptr)"
unfolding get_endpoint_def
apply(rule_tac Q="\<lambda> rv. ko_at rv epptr and pas_refined aag and valid_objs and sym_refs \<circ> state_refs_of and (K ((pasSubject aag, Reset, pasObjectAbs aag epptr) \<in> pasPolicy aag))" in equiv_valid_rv_bind)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_guard_imp[OF equiv_valid_rv_trivial])
apply wp
apply(case_tac "\<exists> ep. rv = Endpoint ep")
apply(case_tac "\<exists> ep. rv' = Endpoint ep")
apply (clarsimp split: kernel_object.splits)
apply (rule return_ev2)
apply (rule ep_queues_are_invisible_or_eps_are_equal[simplified])
apply fastforce+
apply(clarsimp split: kernel_object.splits simp: fail_ev2_l fail_ev2_r)
apply(clarsimp split: kernel_object.splits simp: fail_ev2_l fail_ev2_r)
apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post[OF get_object_sp])
by simp
lemma gen_asm_ev2_r:
"\<lbrakk>P' \<Longrightarrow> equiv_valid_2 I A B R P \<top> f f'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
equiv_valid_2 I A B R P (\<lambda>s. P') f f'"
apply(fastforce simp: equiv_valid_2_def)
lemma gen_asm_ev2_l:
"\<lbrakk>P \<Longrightarrow> equiv_valid_2 I A B R \<top> P' f f'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
equiv_valid_2 I A B R (\<lambda>s. P) P' f f'"
apply(fastforce simp: equiv_valid_2_def)
lemma scheduler_action_equiv_but_for_labels[simp]: "equiv_but_for_labels aag A (scheduler_action_update f st) (scheduler_action_update f s) = equiv_but_for_labels aag A st s"
apply (simp add: equiv_but_for_labels_def equiv_for_def equiv_asids_def equiv_asid_def)
crunch equiv_but_for_labels[wp]: set_thread_state_ext "equiv_but_for_labels aag L st"
lemma set_thread_state_equiv_but_for:
"invariant (set_thread_state ptr ts) (equiv_but_for_labels aag {pasObjectAbs aag ptr} st)"
unfolding set_thread_state_def
apply (wp set_object_equiv_but_for_labels hoare_drop_imps | simp | auto dest!: get_tcb_not_asid_pool_at)+
lemma bind_return_unit2:
"f = return () >>= (\<lambda>_. f)"
apply simp
lemma mapM_x_ev2_invisible:
mam: "\<And> ptr. modifies_at_most aag (L ptr) \<top> ((f::word32 \<Rightarrow> (unit,det_ext) s_monad) ptr)"
mam': "\<And> ptr. modifies_at_most aag (L' ptr) \<top> ((f'::word32 \<Rightarrow> (unit,det_ext) s_monad) ptr)"
"equiv_valid_2 (reads_equiv aag) (affects_equiv aag l) (affects_equiv aag l)
op =
(K (\<forall>x. x \<in> set list' \<longrightarrow> (labels_are_invisible aag l (L' x))))
(K (\<forall>x. x \<in> set list \<longrightarrow> (labels_are_invisible aag l (L x))))
(mapM_x f' list') (mapM_x f list)"
apply(induct list)
apply(induct_tac list')
apply (simp add: mapM_x_Nil)
apply (blast intro: return_ev2)
apply (simp add: mapM_x_Cons mapM_x_Nil)
apply (subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply (rule_tac R'="op =" and P="\<lambda> s. labels_are_invisible aag l (L' a)" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply simp
apply(rule gen_asm_ev2_l)
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF ev2_invisible], assumption+)
apply(rule mam')
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI)
apply(wp | simp)+
apply (simp add: mapM_x_Cons)
apply (subst bind_return_unit2)
apply (rule_tac R'="op =" and P'="\<lambda> s. labels_are_invisible aag l (L a)" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply simp
apply(rule gen_asm_ev2_r)
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF ev2_invisible], assumption+)
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI)
apply(wp | simp)+
apply(rule mam)
apply(wp | simp)+
lemma ev2_inv:
inv: "\<And> P. invariant f P"
inv': "\<And> P. invariant g P"
"equiv_valid_2 I A A \<top>\<top> \<top> \<top> f g"
apply(clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_2_def)
apply(drule state_unchanged[OF inv])
apply(drule state_unchanged[OF inv'])
by simp
lemma mapM_x_ev2_r_invisible:
mam: "\<And> ptr. modifies_at_most aag (L ptr) \<top> ((f::word32 \<Rightarrow> (unit,det_ext) s_monad) ptr)"
inv: "\<And> P. invariant g P"
"equiv_valid_2 (reads_equiv aag) (affects_equiv aag l) (affects_equiv aag l)
op = \<top>
(K (\<forall>x. x \<in> set list \<longrightarrow> labels_are_invisible aag l (L x)))
g (mapM_x f list)"
apply(induct list)
apply(simp add: mapM_x_Nil)
apply(rule ev2_inv[OF inv])
apply wp
apply (simp add: mapM_x_Cons)
apply (subst bind_return_unit2)
apply (rule_tac R'="op =" and P'="\<lambda> s. labels_are_invisible aag l (L a)" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply simp
apply(rule gen_asm_ev2_r)
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF ev2_invisible], assumption+)
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI)
apply(wp | simp)+
apply(rule mam)
apply(wp | simp)+
(* MOVE *)
lemma ev2_sym:
symI: "\<And> x y. I x y \<Longrightarrow> I y x"
symA: "\<And> x y. A x y \<Longrightarrow> A y x"
symB: "\<And> x y. B x y \<Longrightarrow> B y x"
symR: "\<And> x y. R x y \<Longrightarrow> R y x"
"equiv_valid_2 I A B R P' P f' f \<Longrightarrow>
equiv_valid_2 I A B R P P' f f'"
apply(clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_2_def)
apply(blast intro: symA symB symI symR)
lemma mapM_x_ev2_l_invisible:
mam: "\<And> ptr. modifies_at_most aag (L ptr) \<top> ((f::word32 \<Rightarrow> (unit,det_ext) s_monad) ptr)"
inv: "\<And> P. invariant g P"
"equiv_valid_2 (reads_equiv aag) (affects_equiv aag l) (affects_equiv aag l)
op =
(K (\<forall>x. x \<in> set list \<longrightarrow> labels_are_invisible aag l (L x)))
(mapM_x f list) g"
apply(rule ev2_sym[OF reads_equiv_sym affects_equiv_sym affects_equiv_sym])
apply(rule mapM_x_ev2_r_invisible[OF mam inv])
lemma set_endpoint_equiv_but_for_labels:
"\<lbrace>equiv_but_for_labels aag L st and K (pasObjectAbs aag epptr \<in> L)\<rbrace>
set_endpoint epptr ep
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. equiv_but_for_labels aag L st\<rbrace>"
unfolding set_endpoint_def
apply (wp set_object_equiv_but_for_labels get_object_wp)
apply (clarsimp simp: asid_pool_at_kheap split: kernel_object.splits simp: obj_at_def)
lemma not_label_is_invisible:
"(\<not> labels_are_invisible aag l {(pasObjectAbs aag x)}) =
(aag_can_read aag x \<or> aag_can_affect aag l x)"
apply(simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)
lemma label_is_invisible:
"(labels_are_invisible aag l {(pasObjectAbs aag x)}) =
(\<not> (aag_can_read aag x \<or> aag_can_affect aag l x))"
apply(simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)
lemma op_eq_unit_taut: "(op =) = (\<lambda> (_:: unit) _. True)"
apply (rule ext | simp)+
lemma ev2_symmetric: "equiv_valid_2 (reads_equiv aag) (affects_equiv aag l) (affects_equiv aag l) op = P P f f' \<Longrightarrow> equiv_valid_2 (reads_equiv aag) (affects_equiv aag l) (affects_equiv aag l) op = P P f' f"
apply (clarsimp simp add: equiv_valid_2_def)
apply (drule_tac x=t in spec)
apply (drule_tac x=s in spec)
apply (fastforce elim: affects_equiv_sym reads_equiv_sym)
lemma reads_respects_ethread_get: "reads_respects aag l (\<lambda>_. is_subject aag thread) (ethread_get f thread)"
apply (simp add: ethread_get_def)
apply wp
apply (drule aag_can_read_self)
apply (fastforce simp add: reads_equiv_def2 get_etcb_def
equiv_for_def states_equiv_for_def)
lemma set_tcb_queue_reads_respects[wp]:
"reads_respects aag l (\<lambda>_. True) (set_tcb_queue d prio queue)"
unfolding equiv_valid_def2 equiv_valid_2_def
apply (clarsimp simp: set_tcb_queue_def bind_def modify_def put_def get_def)
apply (rule conjI | rule affects_equiv_ready_queues_update reads_equiv_ready_queues_update, assumption | fastforce elim: affects_equivE reads_equivE simp: equiv_for_def)+
lemma aag_can_read_self'[simp]:
"aag_can_read_label aag (pasSubject aag)"
by (fastforce intro: reads_lrefl)
lemma gets_apply_ready_queues_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (\<lambda>_. pasDomainAbs aag d = pasSubject aag) (gets_apply ready_queues d)"
apply (rule gets_apply_ev')
apply (fastforce elim: reads_equivE simp: equiv_for_def)
lemma set_tcb_queue_equiv_but_for_labels:
"\<lbrace>equiv_but_for_labels aag L st and K (pasDomainAbs aag d \<in> L)\<rbrace>
set_tcb_queue d prio queue
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. equiv_but_for_labels aag L st\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: set_tcb_queue_def modify_def)
apply wp
apply (force simp: equiv_but_for_labels_def states_equiv_for_def equiv_for_def equiv_asids_def equiv_asid_def)
lemma set_tcb_queue_modifies_at_most:
"modifies_at_most aag L (\<lambda>s. L = {pasDomainAbs aag d}) (set_tcb_queue d prio queue)"
apply (rule modifies_at_mostI)
apply (simp add: set_tcb_queue_def modify_def, wp)
apply (force simp: equiv_but_for_labels_def states_equiv_for_def equiv_for_def equiv_asids_def equiv_asid_def)
lemma set_tcb_queue_modifies_at_most:
"modifies_at_most aag {pasObjectAbs aag thread} (\<lambda>s. True) (set_tcb_queue d prio queue)"
apply (rule modifies_at_mostI)
apply (simp add: set_tcb_queue_def modify_def, wp)
apply (force simp: equiv_but_for_labels_def states_equiv_for_def equiv_for_def equiv_asids_def equiv_asid_def)
(* FIXME: move *)
lemma equiv_valid_rv_trivial':
assumes inv: "\<And> P. \<lbrace> P \<rbrace> f \<lbrace> \<lambda>_. P \<rbrace>"
shows "equiv_valid_rv_inv I A \<top>\<top> Q f"
by(auto simp: equiv_valid_2_def dest: state_unchanged[OF inv])
lemma tcb_sched_action_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag) (tcb_sched_action action thread)"
apply (simp add: tcb_sched_action_def get_tcb_queue_def)
apply (subst gets_apply)
apply (case_tac "aag_can_read aag thread \<or> aag_can_affect aag l thread")
apply (simp add: ethread_get_def)
apply wp
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>s. pasObjectAbs aag thread = pasDomainAbs aag (tcb_domain rv)" in equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply (wp gets_apply_ev')
apply (fastforce elim: reads_equivE affects_equivE equiv_forE)
apply (wp | simp)+
apply (intro conjI impI allI
| fastforce simp: get_etcb_def elim: reads_equivE affects_equivE equiv_forE)+
apply (clarsimp simp: pas_refined_def tcb_domain_map_wellformed_aux_def split: option.splits)
apply (erule_tac x="(thread, tcb_domain y)" in ballE, force)
apply (force intro: domtcbs simp: get_etcb_def)
apply (simp add: equiv_valid_def2 ethread_get_def)
apply (rule equiv_valid_rv_bind)
apply (wp equiv_valid_rv_trivial', simp)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_bind)
prefer 2
apply (wp equiv_valid_rv_trivial, simp)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_bind)
apply (rule_tac P="\<top>" and P'="\<top>" and L="{pasObjectAbs aag thread}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag thread}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (blast | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply (rule set_tcb_queue_modifies_at_most)
apply (rule set_tcb_queue_modifies_at_most)
apply (simp | wp)+
apply (clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_2_def gets_apply_def get_def bind_def return_def labels_are_invisible_def)
apply wp
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI, force)
apply (clarsimp simp: pas_refined_def tcb_domain_map_wellformed_aux_def)
apply (erule_tac x="(thread, tcb_domain y)" in ballE)
apply force
apply (force intro: domtcbs simp: get_etcb_def)
lemma reschedule_required_reads_respects[wp]:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag) reschedule_required"
apply (simp add: reschedule_required_def | wp tcb_sched_action_reads_respects | wpc)+
apply (simp add: reads_equiv_def)
lemma possible_switch_to_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag and pas_cur_domain aag and (\<lambda>s. is_subject aag (cur_thread s))) (possible_switch_to tptr on_same_prio)"
apply (simp add: possible_switch_to_def ethread_get_def)
apply (case_tac "aag_can_read aag tptr \<or> aag_can_affect aag l tptr")
apply ((wp static_imp_wp tcb_sched_action_reads_respects | wpc | simp add: fun_app_def)+)[1]
apply (clarsimp simp: get_etcb_def)
apply ((intro conjI impI allI | elim aag_can_read_self reads_equivE affects_equivE equiv_forE conjE disjE | force)+)[1]
apply clarsimp
apply wp_once
apply wp_once
apply wp_once
apply (simp add: equiv_valid_def2)
apply (rule_tac W="\<top>\<top>" and Q="\<lambda>tcb. pas_refined aag and K (tcb_domain tcb \<noteq> rva)" in equiv_valid_rv_bind)
prefer 3
apply wp
apply (clarsimp simp: gets_the_def get_etcb_def equiv_valid_2_def gets_def bind_def assert_opt_def get_def fail_def return_def split: option.splits)
apply (rule gen_asm_ev2')
apply simp
apply (rule equiv_valid_rv_bind[where W="\<top>\<top>" and Q="\<lambda>rv. pas_refined aag"])
apply (clarsimp simp: gets_the_def get_etcb_def equiv_valid_2_def gets_def bind_def assert_opt_def get_def fail_def return_def split: option.splits)
apply (simp add: equiv_valid_def2[symmetric])
apply (wp tcb_sched_action_reads_respects)
apply (simp add: reads_equiv_def)
apply (wp | simp)+
apply (clarsimp)
apply (rule conjI, force simp: get_etcb_def elim: equiv_forE reads_equivE aag_can_read_self)+
apply (clarsimp simp: get_etcb_def pas_refined_def tcb_domain_map_wellformed_aux_def)
apply (frule_tac x="(tptr, tcb_domain ya)" in bspec, force intro: domtcbs)
apply (erule notE, rule aag_can_read_self)
apply simp
lemma switch_if_required_to_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag and pas_cur_domain aag and (\<lambda>s. is_subject aag (cur_thread s))) (switch_if_required_to a)"
apply (simp add: switch_if_required_to_def possible_switch_to_reads_respects)
lemma attempt_switch_to_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag and pas_cur_domain aag and (\<lambda>s. is_subject aag (cur_thread s))) (attempt_switch_to a)"
apply (simp add: attempt_switch_to_def possible_switch_to_reads_respects)
crunch sched_act[wp]: set_endpoint "\<lambda>s. P (scheduler_action s)"
(wp: crunch_wps)
lemma set_endpoint_valid_sched_action[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_sched_action\<rbrace> set_endpoint ptr ep \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_sched_action\<rbrace>"
by (wp valid_sched_action_lift)
lemma cancel_all_ipc_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag and K (is_subject aag epptr)) (cancel_all_ipc epptr)"
unfolding cancel_all_ipc_def fun_app_def
apply (wp mapM_x_ev'' tcb_sched_action_reads_respects set_thread_state_runnable_reads_respects set_thread_state_pas_refined hoare_vcg_ball_lift mapM_x_wp set_thread_state_runnable_valid_sched_action set_endpoint_reads_respects get_ep_queue_reads_respects get_epq_SendEP_ret get_epq_RecvEP_ret get_endpoint_reads_respects get_endpoint_wp | wpc | clarsimp simp: ball_conj_distrib | rule subset_refl | wp_once hoare_drop_imps | assumption)+
lemma cancel_all_ipc_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag and pas_cur_domain aag and valid_sched and valid_objs and (sym_refs \<circ> state_refs_of) and K ((pasSubject aag, Reset, pasObjectAbs aag epptr) \<in> pasPolicy aag)) (cancel_all_ipc epptr)"
apply(subst (asm) label_is_invisible[symmetric])
apply(clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_def2 simp del: K_def)
apply(rule_tac W="\<lambda> ep ep'. (\<not> ep_queue_invisible aag l ep \<or> \<not> ep_queue_invisible aag l ep') \<longrightarrow> ep = ep'" and Q="\<lambda> rv s. pas_refined aag s" in equiv_valid_rv_bind)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_guard_imp, rule get_endpoint_revrv, simp)
apply(case_tac "rv = rv'")
apply(fold equiv_valid_def2)
apply(rule equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply((wp mapM_x_ev'' set_thread_state_runnable_reads_respects set_endpoint_reads_respects get_ep_queue_reads_respects get_epq_SendEP_ret get_epq_RecvEP_ret get_endpoint_reads_respects get_endpoint_wp reschedule_required_reads_respects tcb_sched_action_reads_respects set_thread_state_pas_refined mapM_x_wp | wpc | simp | rule subset_refl | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+)[2]
apply clarsimp+
apply(clarsimp split: endpoint.splits)
apply(intro allI impI conjI)
apply(fastforce intro: return_ev2)
apply(subst bind_return_unit)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<lambda> rv s. rv = list" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(rule gen_asm_ev2_r)
apply(subst bind_return_unit)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (subst bind_return_unit)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and P=\<top> and P'=\<top> and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_r_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI)
apply(wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac L="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | wp set_endpoint_equiv_but_for_labels | simp)+
apply(rule ev2_inv | wp | simp add: get_ep_queue_def)+
apply(subst bind_return_unit)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(subst bind_return_unit)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_r_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI)
apply(wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac L="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | wp set_endpoint_equiv_but_for_labels | simp)+
apply clarsimp
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<lambda> rv s. rv = list" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(rule gen_asm_ev2_l)
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_l_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI)
apply(wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac L="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | wp set_endpoint_equiv_but_for_labels | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply(rule ev2_inv | wp | simp add: get_ep_queue_def)+
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and P=\<top> and P'=\<top> and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI |
wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac L="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | simp | wp set_endpoint_equiv_but_for_labels | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply clarsimp
apply(rule_tac Q="\<lambda> rv s. rv = list" and Q'="\<lambda> rv s. rv = lista" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(rule gen_asm_ev2_l)
apply(rule gen_asm_ev2_r)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and P=\<top> and P'=\<top> and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: equiv_valid_def2[symmetric])
apply (rule reads_respects_unobservable_unit_return)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI |
wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac L="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | wp set_endpoint_equiv_but_for_labels | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply(rule ev2_inv | wp | simp add: get_ep_queue_def)+
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and P=\<top> and P'=\<top> and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply (wp)
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_l_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI)
apply(wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac L="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | wp set_endpoint_equiv_but_for_labels | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply clarsimp
apply(rule_tac Q="\<lambda> rv s. rv = list" and Q'="\<lambda> rv s. rv = lista" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(rule gen_asm_ev2_l)
apply(rule gen_asm_ev2_r)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and P=\<top> and P'=\<top> and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI |
wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac L="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | wp set_endpoint_equiv_but_for_labels | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply(rule ev2_inv | wp | simp add: get_ep_queue_def)+
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and P=\<top> and P'=\<top> and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI |
wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac L="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag epptr}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | simp | wp set_endpoint_equiv_but_for_labels | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
lemma set_notification_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (set_notification ptr ntfn)"
unfolding set_notification_def
apply(simp add: equiv_valid_def2)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_bind)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_guard_imp)
apply(rule get_object_revrv)
apply(simp, simp)
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_bind)
apply(subst equiv_valid_def2[symmetric])
apply(rule set_object_reads_respects)
apply(rule assert_ev2)
apply(rule assert_wp)+
apply (rule get_object_inv)
lemma get_notification_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (K (aag_can_read aag ptr \<or> aag_can_affect aag l ptr)) (get_notification ptr)"
unfolding get_notification_def
apply(wp get_object_reads_respects hoare_vcg_all_lift | wpc | simp)+
fun ntfn_queue_invisible where
"ntfn_queue_invisible aag l (WaitingNtfn list) = labels_are_invisible aag l ((pasObjectAbs aag) ` (set list))" |
"ntfn_queue_invisible aag l _ = True"
lemma not_ntfn_queue_invisible:
"\<lbrakk>\<not> ntfn_queue_invisible aag l eplist; eplist = WaitingNtfn list\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(\<exists> t \<in> set list. aag_can_read aag t \<or> aag_can_affect aag l t)"
apply(auto simp: labels_are_invisible_def)
lemma ntfn_queues_are_invisible_or_ntfns_are_equal':
"\<lbrakk>(pasSubject aag, Reset, pasObjectAbs aag ntfnptr) \<in> pasPolicy aag;
ko_at (Notification ntfn) ntfnptr s;
ko_at (Notification ntfn') ntfnptr s';
reads_equiv aag s s'; affects_equiv aag l s s';
valid_objs s; sym_refs (state_refs_of s); valid_objs s';
sym_refs (state_refs_of s'); pas_refined aag s; pas_refined aag s'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<not> ntfn_queue_invisible aag l (ntfn_obj ntfn) \<longrightarrow> ntfn_obj ntfn = ntfn_obj ntfn'"
apply(rule impI)
apply(case_tac "\<exists> list. ntfn_obj ntfn = WaitingNtfn list")
apply(erule exE)
apply(drule (1) not_ntfn_queue_invisible)
apply clarsimp
apply(erule disjE)
apply(drule_tac auth="Receive" and t="pasObjectAbs aag t" in reads_read_queued_thread_read_ep)
apply blast
apply(erule pas_refined_mem[rotated])
apply(rule sta_ts)
apply(drule_tac P="receive_blocked_on ntfnptr" and s=s and t=t in ntfn_queued_st_tcb_at')
apply(simp add: thread_states_def split: option.splits)
apply(clarsimp simp: tcb_states_of_state_def st_tcb_def2 receive_blocked_on_tcb_st_to_auth)
apply blast
apply assumption
apply(fastforce dest: reads_affects_equiv_kheap_eq simp: obj_at_def)
apply(drule_tac auth="Receive" and t="pasObjectAbs aag t" in reads_read_queued_thread_read_ep)
apply blast
apply(erule pas_refined_mem[rotated])
apply(rule sta_ts)
apply(drule_tac P="receive_blocked_on ntfnptr" and s=s and t=t in ntfn_queued_st_tcb_at')
apply(simp add: thread_states_def split: option.splits)
apply(clarsimp simp: tcb_states_of_state_def st_tcb_def2 receive_blocked_on_tcb_st_to_auth)
apply blast
apply(erule conjE, assumption)
apply(drule_tac x=ntfnptr in reads_affects_equiv_kheap_eq, simp+)
apply(fastforce simp: obj_at_def)
apply(case_tac "ntfn_obj ntfn", auto)
lemma set_notification_equiv_but_for_labels:
"\<lbrace>equiv_but_for_labels aag L st and K (pasObjectAbs aag ntfnptr \<in> L)\<rbrace>
set_notification ntfnptr ntfn
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. equiv_but_for_labels aag L st\<rbrace>"
unfolding set_notification_def
apply (wp set_object_equiv_but_for_labels get_object_wp)
apply (clarsimp simp: asid_pool_at_kheap split: kernel_object.splits simp: obj_at_def)
lemma cancel_all_signals_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag and K (is_subject aag ntfnptr)) (cancel_all_signals ntfnptr)"
unfolding cancel_all_signals_def
apply ((wp mapM_x_ev'' tcb_sched_action_reads_respects set_thread_state_runnable_reads_respects set_thread_state_pas_refined hoare_vcg_ball_lift mapM_x_wp set_thread_state_runnable_valid_sched_action set_notification_reads_respects get_ep_queue_reads_respects get_epq_SendEP_ret get_epq_RecvEP_ret get_notification_reads_respects get_endpoint_wp set_notification_pas_refined hoare_vcg_all_lift | wpc | clarsimp simp: ball_conj_distrib | rule subset_refl | wp_once hoare_drop_imps | simp)+)[1]
apply (wp hoare_vcg_all_lift)
apply(case_tac "aag_can_read aag ntfnptr \<or> aag_can_affect aag l ntfnptr")
apply((wp mapM_x_ev' set_thread_state_reads_respects set_notification_reads_respects
get_notification_reads_respects hoare_vcg_all_lift
| wpc | simp)+)[1]
apply (wp hoare_drop_imps)
apply simp
apply force
apply(clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_def2 simp del: K_def)
apply(rule_tac W="\<lambda> ntfn ntfn'. (\<not> ntfn_queue_invisible aag l ntfn \<or> \<not> ntfn_queue_invisible aag l ntfn') \<longrightarrow> ntfn = ntfn'" and Q="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_rv_bind)
apply(rule get_notification_revrv)
apply(case_tac "rv = rv'")
apply(fold equiv_valid_def2)
apply(rule equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply((wp mapM_x_ev' set_thread_state_reads_respects set_notification_reads_respects
get_notification_reads_respects hoare_vcg_all_lift
| wpc | simp)+)[1]
apply clarsimp+
apply force
apply(clarsimp split: notification.splits)
apply(intro allI impI conjI)
apply(fastforce intro: return_ev2)
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and P=\<top> and P'=\<top> and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_r_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI |
wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule ev2_invisible_ntfn)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | wp set_notification_equiv_but_for_labels | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply(fastforce intro: return_ev2)
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and P=\<top> and P'=\<top> and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_l_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI |
wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule ev2_invisible_ntfn)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply((rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | wp set_notification_equiv_but_for_labels | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+)[7]
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and P=\<top> and P'=\<top> and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI |
wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule ev2_invisible_ntfn)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply((rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | wp set_notification_equiv_but_for_labels | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+)[7]
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and P=\<top> and P'=\<top> and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_l_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI |
wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule ev2_invisible_ntfn)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply((rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | wp set_notification_equiv_but_for_labels | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+)[7]
apply(fastforce intro: return_ev2)
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and R'="\<top>\<top>" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply(subst bind_return_unit[where f="return ()"])
apply(rule_tac Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>" and P=\<top> and P'=\<top> and R'="op =" in equiv_valid_2_bind_pre)
apply (simp add: op_eq_unit_taut)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_unobservable)
apply wp
apply(rule equiv_valid_2_guard_imp[OF mapM_x_ev2_r_invisible])
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI |
wp set_thread_state_equiv_but_for | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule ev2_invisible_ntfn)
apply (simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply((rule_tac P="\<top>" in modifies_at_mostI | wp set_notification_equiv_but_for_labels | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+)[7]
apply(fastforce intro: return_ev2)
apply wp
lemma get_bound_notification_reads_respects':
"reads_respects aag l (K(is_subject aag thread)) (get_bound_notification thread)"
unfolding get_bound_notification_def thread_get_def
apply (wp | simp)+
apply clarify
apply (rule requiv_get_tcb_eq)
apply simp+
lemma reads_affects_equiv_get_tcb_eq:
"\<lbrakk>aag_can_read aag thread \<or> aag_can_affect aag l thread;
reads_equiv aag s t; affects_equiv aag l s t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
get_tcb thread s = get_tcb thread t"
apply (fastforce simp: get_tcb_def split: kernel_object.splits option.splits simp: reads_affects_equiv_kheap_eq)
lemma thread_get_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (K (aag_can_read aag thread \<or> aag_can_affect aag l thread)) (thread_get f thread)"
unfolding thread_get_def fun_app_def
apply (wp gets_the_ev)
apply (auto intro: reads_affects_equiv_get_tcb_eq)
lemma get_bound_notification_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (\<lambda> s. aag_can_read aag thread \<or> aag_can_affect aag l thread) (get_bound_notification thread)"
unfolding get_bound_notification_def
apply(rule equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply(wp thread_get_reads_respects | simp)+
lemma bound_tcb_at_implies_read:
"\<lbrakk>pas_refined aag s; is_subject aag t; bound_tcb_at (op = (Some x)) t s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> aag_can_read_label aag (pasObjectAbs aag x)"
apply (frule bound_tcb_at_implies_receive, simp)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule_tac l="pasSubject aag" and auth=Receive in reads_ep, simp)
apply (auto simp: aag_can_read_read)
lemma bound_tcb_at_eq:
"\<lbrakk>sym_refs (state_refs_of s); valid_objs s; kheap s ntfnptr = Some (Notification ntfn);
ntfn_bound_tcb ntfn = Some tcbptr; bound_tcb_at (op = (Some ntfnptr')) tcbptr s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ntfnptr = ntfnptr'"
apply (drule_tac x=ntfnptr in sym_refsD[rotated])
apply (fastforce simp: state_refs_of_def)
apply (auto simp: pred_tcb_at_def obj_at_def valid_obj_def valid_ntfn_def is_tcb
state_refs_of_def refs_of_rev
simp del: refs_of_simps
elim!: valid_objsE)
lemma unbind_maybe_notification_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l
(pas_refined aag and invs and K (is_subject aag ntfnptr))
(unbind_maybe_notification ntfnptr)"
apply (clarsimp simp: unbind_maybe_notification_def)
apply wp
apply (case_tac "ntfn_bound_tcb rv")
apply (clarsimp, wp)[1]
-- "interesting case, ntfn is bound"
apply (clarsimp)
apply ((wp set_bound_notification_none_reads_respects set_notification_reads_respects
| wpc
| simp)+)
lemma unbind_notification_is_subj_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag and invs and K (is_subject aag t))
(unbind_notification t)"
apply (clarsimp simp: unbind_notification_def)
apply (wp set_bound_notification_owned_reads_respects set_notification_reads_respects
get_notification_reads_respects get_bound_notification_reads_respects
gbn_wp[unfolded get_bound_notification_def, simplified]
| wpc
| simp add: get_bound_notification_def)+
apply (clarsimp)
apply (rule bound_tcb_at_implies_read, auto)
lemma fast_finalise_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag and invs and K (pas_cap_cur_auth aag cap) and
K (fin \<longrightarrow> (case cap of EndpointCap r badge rights \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag r |
NotificationCap r badge rights \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag r |
_ \<Rightarrow> True)))
(fast_finalise cap fin)"
apply(case_tac cap, simp_all)
apply(wp equiv_valid_guard_imp[OF cancel_all_ipc_reads_respects]
equiv_valid_guard_imp[OF cancel_all_signals_reads_respects]
get_notification_reads_respects get_ntfn_wp
| simp add: when_def
| wpc
| intro conjI impI
| fastforce simp: aag_cap_auth_def cap_auth_conferred_def cap_rights_to_auth_def)+
lemma cap_delete_one_reads_respects_f:
"reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and invs and pas_refined aag and K (is_subject aag (fst slot))) (cap_delete_one slot)"
unfolding cap_delete_one_def fun_app_def
apply(unfold unless_def when_def)
apply(rule equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply(wp is_final_cap_reads_respects
reads_respects_f[OF empty_slot_reads_respects, where st=st and aag=aag]
reads_respects_f[OF fast_finalise_reads_respects, where st=st and aag=aag]
| simp | elim conjE)+
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rva s.
rva = is_final_cap' rv s \<and>
cte_wp_at (op = rv) slot s \<and>
silc_inv aag st s \<and>
is_subject aag (fst slot) \<and> pasObjectAbs aag (fst slot) \<noteq> SilcLabel" in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply wp
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule silc_inv)
apply (erule_tac x=rv in allE, erule_tac x=slot in allE)
apply simp
apply (drule(1) intra_label_capD)
apply (clarsimp simp: cap_points_to_label_def split: cap.splits)
apply force
apply(wp reads_respects_f[OF get_cap_rev, where st=st and aag=aag]
get_cap_auth_wp[where aag=aag]
| simp | elim conjE)+
apply (auto simp: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state silc_inv_def)
lemma get_blocking_object_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (get_blocking_object state)"
unfolding get_blocking_object_def
apply(rule equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply(wp | wpc | simp)+
fun tcb_st_to_auth' where
"tcb_st_to_auth' (BlockedOnSend x xa) = SyncSend" |
"tcb_st_to_auth' (BlockedOnReceive x xa) = Receive" |
"tcb_st_to_auth' (BlockedOnNotification x) = Receive"
lemma owns_thread_blocked_reads_endpoint:
"\<lbrakk>pas_refined aag s; invs s;
st_tcb_at (\<lambda> y. y = state) tptr s;
is_subject aag tptr;
state = (BlockedOnReceive x xa) \<or> state = (BlockedOnSend x xb) \<or> state = BlockedOnNotification x\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> aag_can_read aag x"
apply(rule_tac auth="tcb_st_to_auth' state" in reads_ep)
apply(drule sym, simp, rule pas_refined_mem)
apply(rule_tac s=s in sta_ts)
apply(clarsimp simp: thread_states_def split: option.splits simp: tcb_states_of_state_def st_tcb_at_def get_tcb_def obj_at_def)
apply fastforce
apply assumption
lemma st_tcb_at_sym:
"st_tcb_at (op = x) t s = st_tcb_at (\<lambda> y. y = x) t s"
apply(auto simp: st_tcb_at_def obj_at_def)
lemma blocked_cancel_ipc_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag and invs and st_tcb_at (op = state) tptr and (\<lambda>_. (is_subject aag tptr)))
(blocked_cancel_ipc state tptr)"
unfolding blocked_cancel_ipc_def
apply(wp set_thread_state_owned_reads_respects set_endpoint_reads_respects get_ep_queue_reads_respects get_endpoint_reads_respects get_blocking_object_reads_respects | simp add: get_blocking_object_def | wpc)+
apply(fastforce intro: aag_can_read_self owns_thread_blocked_reads_endpoint simp: st_tcb_at_sym)
lemma select_singleton_ev:
"equiv_valid_inv I B (K (\<exists>a. A = {a})) (select A)"
apply(fastforce simp: equiv_valid_def2 equiv_valid_2_def select_def)
lemma thread_set_fault_pas_refined':
"\<lbrace>pas_refined aag\<rbrace>
thread_set (tcb_fault_update fault) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. pas_refined aag\<rbrace>"
apply(wp thread_set_pas_refined_triv | simp)+
lemma thread_set_fault_empty_invs:
"\<lbrace>invs\<rbrace> thread_set (tcb_fault_update Map.empty) thread \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. invs\<rbrace>"
apply(wp itr_wps(27) | simp)+
lemma thread_set_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (thread_set x y)"
unfolding thread_set_def fun_app_def
apply(case_tac "aag_can_read aag y \<or> aag_can_affect aag l y")
apply(wp set_object_reads_respects)
apply(clarsimp, rule reads_affects_equiv_get_tcb_eq, simp+)[1]
apply(simp add: equiv_valid_def2)
apply(rule equiv_valid_rv_guard_imp)
apply(rule_tac L="{pasObjectAbs aag y}" and L'="{pasObjectAbs aag y}" in ev2_invisible)
apply (assumption | simp add: labels_are_invisible_def)+
apply(rule modifies_at_mostI[where P="\<top>"] | wp set_object_equiv_but_for_labels | simp | (clarify, drule get_tcb_not_asid_pool_at))+
lemma get_thread_state_rev:
"reads_equiv_valid_inv A aag (K (is_subject aag ref)) (get_thread_state ref)"
unfolding get_thread_state_def
by (rule thread_get_rev)
lemma get_irq_slot_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (K (is_subject_irq aag irq)) (get_irq_slot irq)"
unfolding get_irq_slot_def
apply(rule equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply(rule gets_ev)
apply(simp add: reads_equiv_def states_equiv_for_def equiv_for_def
apply(drule aag_can_read_irq_self)
lemma thread_set_tcb_at:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. Q s\<rbrace> thread_set x ptr \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P s\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. tcb_at ptr s \<longrightarrow> Q s\<rbrace> thread_set x ptr \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P s\<rbrace>"
apply (rule use_spec(1))
apply (case_tac "tcb_at ptr s")
apply (clarsimp simp add: spec_valid_def valid_def)
apply (simp add: spec_valid_def thread_set_def set_object_def[abs_def])
apply wp
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: get_tcb_def obj_at_def is_tcb_def split: option.splits Structures_A.kernel_object.splits)
lemma reply_cancel_ipc_reads_respects_f:
notes gets_ev[wp del]
"reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and pas_refined aag and invs and K (is_subject aag tptr)) (reply_cancel_ipc tptr)"
apply (rule gen_asm_ev)
unfolding reply_cancel_ipc_def
apply (wp cap_delete_one_reads_respects_f[where st=st and aag=aag] select_singleton_ev select_inv select_wp
reads_respects_f[OF get_cap_rev, where st=st and aag=aag] assert_wp
reads_respects_f[OF thread_set_reads_respects, where st=st and aag=aag ]
reads_respects_f[OF gets_descendants_of_revrv[folded equiv_valid_def2]]
| simp add: when_def split del: split_if | elim conjE)+
apply(rule_tac Q="\<lambda> rv s. silc_inv aag st s \<and> invs s \<and> pas_refined aag s \<and> is_subject aag tptr \<and>
(\<forall>x\<in>descendants_of (tptr, tcb_cnode_index 2) (cdt s).
is_subject aag (fst x))" in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply(wp thread_set_tcb_fault_update_silc_inv hoare_vcg_imp_lift hoare_vcg_ball_lift
thread_set_fault_empty_invs thread_set_fault_pas_refined' | wps | simp)+
apply(fastforce dest: descendants_of_owned)
lemma cancel_signal_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l ((\<lambda>s. is_subject aag (cur_thread s)) and K (aag_can_read_label aag (pasObjectAbs aag ntfnptr) \<or>
aag_can_affect aag l ntfnptr)) (cancel_signal threadptr ntfnptr)"
unfolding cancel_signal_def
apply(wp set_thread_state_reads_respects set_notification_reads_respects get_notification_reads_respects hoare_drop_imps | wpc | simp)+
lemma cancel_signal_owned_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (K (is_subject aag threadptr) and K (aag_can_read_label aag (pasObjectAbs aag ntfnptr) \<or>
aag_can_affect aag l ntfnptr)) (cancel_signal threadptr ntfnptr)"
unfolding cancel_signal_def
apply(wp set_thread_state_owned_reads_respects set_notification_reads_respects get_notification_reads_respects hoare_drop_imps | wpc | simp)+
lemma cancel_ipc_reads_respects_f:
"reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and pas_refined aag and invs and
(K (is_subject aag t)))
(cancel_ipc t)"
unfolding cancel_ipc_def
apply(wp reads_respects_f[OF blocked_cancel_ipc_reads_respects, where st=st and Q="\<top>"]
reply_cancel_ipc_reads_respects_f[where st=st]
reads_respects_f[OF cancel_signal_owned_reads_respects, where st=st and Q="\<top>"]
reads_respects_f[OF get_thread_state_rev, where st=st and Q="\<top>"] gts_wp
| wpc | simp add: blocked_cancel_ipc_def | erule conjE)+
apply(clarsimp simp: st_tcb_at_def obj_at_def)
apply(rule owns_thread_blocked_reads_endpoint)
apply (simp add: st_tcb_at_def obj_at_def | blast)+
lemma suspend_reads_respects_f:
"reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and pas_refined aag and invs and
(K (is_subject aag thread))) (suspend thread)"
unfolding suspend_def
apply(wp reads_respects_f[OF set_thread_state_owned_reads_respects, where st=st and Q="\<top>"] reads_respects_f[OF tcb_sched_action_reads_respects, where st=st and Q=\<top>] set_thread_state_pas_refined| simp)+
apply(wp cancel_ipc_reads_respects_f[where st=st] cancel_ipc_silc_inv)
lemma arch_finalise_cap_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag and invs and
cte_wp_at (op = (ArchObjectCap cap)) slot and
K(pas_cap_cur_auth aag (ArchObjectCap cap))) (arch_finalise_cap cap is_final)"
apply (rule gen_asm_ev)
unfolding arch_finalise_cap_def
apply (case_tac cap)
apply simp
apply (simp split: bool.splits)
apply (intro impI conjI)
apply (
wp delete_asid_pool_reads_respects
| simp add: invs_psp_aligned invs_arch_objs invs_valid_objs valid_cap_def
split: option.splits bool.splits | intro impI conjI allI |
elim conjE |
(rule aag_cap_auth_subject,assumption,assumption) |
(drule cte_wp_valid_cap)
lemma deleting_irq_handler_reads_respects:
"reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and invs and pas_refined aag and K (is_subject_irq aag irq)) (deleting_irq_handler irq)"
unfolding deleting_irq_handler_def
apply(wp cap_delete_one_reads_respects_f
reads_respects_f[OF get_irq_slot_reads_respects]
| simp | blast)+
lemma finalise_cap_reads_respects:
"reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and pas_refined aag and invs and cte_wp_at (op = cap) slot and K (pas_cap_cur_auth aag cap)
and K (final \<longrightarrow> (case cap of EndpointCap r badge rights \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag r |
NotificationCap r badge rights \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag r |
_ \<Rightarrow> True))) (finalise_cap cap final)"
apply(case_tac cap, simp_all split del: split_if)
apply ((wp cancel_all_ipc_reads_respects cancel_all_signals_reads_respects
suspend_reads_respects_f[where st=st] deleting_irq_handler_reads_respects
unbind_notification_invs unbind_maybe_notification_invs
| simp add: when_def split del: split_if
add: invs_valid_objs invs_sym_refs aag_cap_auth_def
cap_auth_conferred_def cap_rights_to_auth_def
cap_links_irq_def aag_has_auth_to_Control_eq_owns
| rule aag_Control_into_owns_irq
| clarsimp split del: split_if
| rule conjI
| wp_once reads_respects_f[where st=st]
| blast
| clarsimp)+)[11]
apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp)
by (wp arch_finalise_cap_reads_respects reads_respects_f[where st=st] arch_finalise_cap_silc_inv | simp | elim conjE)+
lemma cap_swap_for_delete_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (K (is_subject aag (fst slot1) \<and> is_subject aag (fst slot2))) (cap_swap_for_delete slot1 slot2)"
unfolding cap_swap_for_delete_def
apply(simp add: when_def)
apply(rule conjI, rule impI)
apply(rule equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply(wp cap_swap_reads_respects get_cap_rev)
apply(rule impI, wp)
lemma rec_del_pas_refined'':
"\<lbrace>pas_refined aag and K (case call of
CTEDeleteCall slot exposed \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag (fst slot) |
FinaliseSlotCall slot exposed \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag (fst slot) |
ReduceZombieCall cap slot exposed \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag (fst slot) \<and>
is_subject aag (obj_ref_of cap))\<rbrace>
rec_del call \<lbrace>K (pas_refined aag)\<rbrace>"
apply(rule validE_cases_valid)
apply(rule_tac E="K (pas_refined aag)" in hoare_post_impErr)
apply(rule rec_del_pas_refined')
lemma owns_cnode_owns_obj_ref_of_child_cnodes_threads_and_zombies:
"\<lbrakk>pas_refined aag s; is_subject aag (fst slot);
cte_wp_at (op = cap) slot s; is_cnode_cap cap \<or> is_thread_cap cap \<or> is_zombie cap\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> is_subject aag (obj_ref_of cap)"
apply(frule (1) cap_cur_auth_caps_of_state[rotated])
apply(simp add: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply(clarsimp simp: aag_cap_auth_def)
apply(case_tac cap, simp_all add: is_zombie_def)
apply(drule_tac x=Control in bspec)
apply (clarsimp simp: cap_auth_conferred_def)
apply(erule (1) aag_Control_into_owns)
apply(drule_tac x=Control in bspec)
apply (clarsimp simp: cap_auth_conferred_def)
apply(erule (1) aag_Control_into_owns)
apply(drule_tac x=Control in bspec)
apply (clarsimp simp: cap_auth_conferred_def)
apply(erule (1) aag_Control_into_owns)
lemma only_timer_irq_inv_irq_state_independent_A[simp, intro!]:
"irq_state_independent_A (only_timer_irq_inv irq st)"
apply (clarsimp simp: irq_state_independent_A_def only_timer_irq_inv_def only_timer_irq_def irq_is_recurring_def is_irq_at_def)
lemma only_timer_irq_inv_wuc_update[simp]:
"only_timer_irq_inv irq st (work_units_completed_update f s) = only_timer_irq_inv irq st s"
by (clarsimp simp: only_timer_irq_inv_def only_timer_irq_def irq_is_recurring_def is_irq_at_def)
lemma rec_del_only_timer_irq:
"\<lbrace>only_timer_irq_inv irq (st::det_ext state)\<rbrace> rec_del call \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. only_timer_irq irq\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: only_timer_irq_inv_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre, rule only_timer_irq_pres)
apply (rule hoare_pre, wp rec_del_irq_masks)
apply (wp rec_del_domain_sep_inv | force)+
lemma rec_del_only_timer_irq_inv:
"\<lbrace>only_timer_irq_inv irq (st::det_ext state)\<rbrace> rec_del call \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. only_timer_irq_inv irq st\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: only_timer_irq_inv_def)
apply (rule hoare_wp_simps)
apply (rule hoare_conjI)
apply (wp rec_del_domain_sep_inv rec_del_only_timer_irq | force simp: only_timer_irq_inv_def)+
lemma set_cap_only_timer_irq_inv:
"\<lbrace>only_timer_irq_inv irq (st::det_ext state) and K (domain_sep_inv_cap False cap)\<rbrace>
set_cap cap slot \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. only_timer_irq_inv irq st\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: only_timer_irq_inv_def)
apply (wp only_timer_irq_pres set_cap_domain_sep_inv | force)+
lemma finalise_cap_only_timer_irq_inv:
"\<lbrace>only_timer_irq_inv irq (st::det_ext state)\<rbrace>
finalise_cap cap final \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. only_timer_irq_inv irq st\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: only_timer_irq_inv_def)
apply (wp only_timer_irq_pres | force)+
lemma rec_del_spec_reads_respects_f:
notes drop_spec_valid[wp_split del] drop_spec_validE[wp_split del]
drop_spec_ev[wp_split del] rec_del.simps[simp del]
"spec_reads_respects_f s aag l (silc_inv aag st and only_timer_irq_inv irq st' and einvs and simple_sched_action and pas_refined aag and
valid_rec_del_call call and
emptyable (slot_rdcall call) and
(\<lambda>s. \<not> exposed_rdcall call \<longrightarrow>
ex_cte_cap_wp_to (\<lambda>cp. cap_irqs cp = {}) (slot_rdcall call) s) and
K (case call of
CTEDeleteCall slot exposed \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag (fst slot) |
FinaliseSlotCall slot exposed \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag (fst slot) |
ReduceZombieCall cap slot exposed \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag (fst slot) \<and>
is_subject aag (obj_ref_of cap)))
(rec_del call)"
proof (induct s rule: rec_del.induct, simp_all only: rec_del_fails drop_spec_ev[OF fail_ev_pre])
case (1 slot exposed s) show ?case
apply(rule spec_equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply(simp add: rec_del.simps split_def when_def)
apply(wp drop_spec_ev[OF returnOk_ev_pre] drop_spec_ev[OF liftE_ev] hoareE_TrueI
reads_respects_f[OF empty_slot_reads_respects, where st=st] empty_slot_silc_inv)
apply(rule "1.hyps")
apply(rule_tac Q'="\<lambda>r s. silc_inv aag st s \<and> is_subject aag (fst slot)" in hoare_post_imp_R)
apply((wp validE_validE_R'[OF rec_del_silc_inv] | fastforce simp: silc_inv_def)+)[2]
apply simp
case (2 slot exposed s) show ?case
apply(simp add: rec_del.simps)
apply(rule spec_equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply(wp drop_spec_ev[OF returnOk_ev] drop_spec_ev[OF liftE_ev]
set_cap_reads_respects_f "2.hyps" preemption_point_inv'
drop_spec_ev[OF preemption_point_reads_respects_f[where st=st and st'=st']]
validE_validE_R'[OF rec_del_silc_inv] rec_del_invs rec_del_respects(2)
| simp add: split_def split del: split_if | (rule irq_state_independent_A_conjI, simp)+)+
apply(rule_tac Q'="\<lambda>rv s. emptyable (slot_rdcall (ReduceZombieCall (fst rvb) slot exposed)) s \<and> (\<not> exposed \<longrightarrow>
ex_cte_cap_wp_to (\<lambda>cp. cap_irqs cp = {}) slot s) \<and>
is_subject aag (fst slot)" in hoare_post_imp_R)
apply(wp rec_del_emptyable reduce_zombie_cap_to)
apply simp
apply(wp drop_spec_ev[OF liftE_ev] set_cap_reads_respects_f[where st=st] set_cap_silc_inv[where st=st] | simp)+
apply(wp replace_cap_invs set_cap_cte_wp_at set_cap_sets final_cap_same_objrefs
set_cap_cte_cap_wp_to hoare_vcg_const_Ball_lift static_imp_wp
drop_spec_ev[OF liftE_ev] finalise_cap_reads_respects set_cap_silc_inv
| simp add: cte_wp_at_eq_simp
| erule finalise_cap_not_reply_master[simplified Inr_in_liftE_simp])+
apply(rule hoare_strengthen_post)
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>fin s. silc_inv aag st s
\<and> only_timer_irq_inv irq st' s
(\<not> cap_points_to_label aag (fst fin) (pasObjectAbs aag (fst slot)) \<longrightarrow>
(\<exists>lslot. lslot \<in> slots_holding_overlapping_caps (fst fin) s \<and>
pasObjectAbs aag (fst lslot) = SilcLabel))
\<and> einvs s \<and> replaceable s slot (fst fin) rv
\<and> cte_wp_at (op = rv) slot s \<and> s \<turnstile> (fst fin)
\<and> ex_cte_cap_wp_to (appropriate_cte_cap rv) slot s
\<and> (\<forall>t\<in>obj_refs (fst fin). halted_if_tcb t s)
\<and> pas_refined aag s
\<and> emptyable slot s
\<and> simple_sched_action s
\<and> pas_cap_cur_auth aag (fst fin)
\<and> is_subject aag (fst slot) \<and>
(case (fst fin) of Zombie ptr bits n \<Rightarrow> is_subject aag (obj_ref_of (fst fin)) | _ \<Rightarrow> True) \<and> (is_zombie (fst fin) \<or> fst fin = NullCap) \<and>
(is_zombie (fst fin) \<or> fst fin = NullCap)" in hoare_vcg_conj_lift)
apply(wp finalise_cap_invs finalise_cap_replaceable finalise_cap_makes_halted finalise_cap_auth' finalise_cap_ret_is_subject finalise_cap_ret' finalise_cap_silc_inv finalise_cap_ret_is_silc finalise_cap_only_timer_irq_inv)[1]
apply(rule finalise_cap_cases[where slot=slot])
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (erule disjE)
apply (clarsimp simp: cap_irq_opt_def cte_wp_at_def is_zombie_def
split: cap.split_asm split_if_asm
elim!: ranE dest!: caps_of_state_cteD)
apply(clarsimp cong: conj_cong simp: conj_comms)
apply(rename_tac word option nat)
apply(drule_tac s="{word}" in sym)
apply clarsimp
apply(rule conjI, fastforce)
apply(clarsimp, rule conjI)
apply(fastforce simp: silc_inv_def)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(fastforce simp: domain_sep_inv_def domain_sep_inv_cap_def
apply(rule conjI[rotated], force)
apply(clarsimp simp: ex_cte_cap_wp_to_def)+
apply(rule_tac x="a" in exI, rule_tac x="b" in exI)
apply(clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_def appropriate_cte_cap_def)
apply(drule_tac x="cap" in fun_cong)
apply(clarsimp simp: appropriate_cte_cap_def split: cap.splits)
apply(clarsimp cong: conj_cong simp: conj_comms)
apply(wp drop_spec_ev[OF liftE_ev] is_final_cap_reads_respects | simp)+
apply(rule_tac Q="\<lambda> rva s. rva = is_final_cap' rv s \<and> cte_wp_at (op = rv) slot s \<and>
only_timer_irq_inv irq st' s \<and>
silc_inv aag st s \<and>
pas_refined aag s \<and>
pas_cap_cur_auth aag rv \<and>
invs s \<and> valid_list s \<and> valid_sched s \<and> simple_sched_action s \<and>
s \<turnstile> rv \<and>
is_subject aag (fst slot) \<and>
emptyable slot s \<and>
ex_cte_cap_wp_to (appropriate_cte_cap rv) slot s"
in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply (wp is_final_cap_is_final | simp)+
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule silc_inv)
apply (erule_tac x=rv in allE, erule_tac x=slot in allE)
apply simp
apply (erule disjE)
apply (drule(1) intra_label_capD)
apply (clarsimp simp: cap_points_to_label_def split: cap.splits)
apply (simp add: silc_inv_def)
apply (force simp: owns_cnode_owns_obj_ref_of_child_cnodes_threads_and_zombies)
apply(wp drop_spec_ev[OF liftE_ev] reads_respects_f[OF get_cap_rev, where st=st and Q="\<top>"] get_cap_wp | simp)+
apply(clarsimp cong: conj_cong simp:invs_valid_objs invs_arch_state invs_psp_aligned)
apply(intro conjI impI | clarsimp | assumption)+
apply(erule (1) cap_cur_auth_caps_of_state[rotated])
apply(simp add: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply(fastforce dest: cte_wp_at_valid_objs_valid_cap simp: invs_valid_objs)
apply(drule if_unsafe_then_capD)
apply(simp add: invs_ifunsafe)
apply simp
apply(clarsimp simp: ex_cte_cap_wp_to_def)
case (3 ptr bits n slot s) show ?case
apply(simp add: rec_del.simps)
apply(rule spec_equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply(wp drop_spec_ev[OF liftE_ev] drop_spec_ev[OF returnOk_ev] reads_respects_f[OF cap_swap_for_delete_reads_respects] cap_swap_for_delete_silc_inv drop_spec_ev[OF assertE_ev])+
apply(fastforce simp: silc_inv_def)
case (4 ptr bits n slot s) show ?case
apply(simp add: rec_del.simps)
apply(rule spec_equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply(wp drop_spec_ev[OF returnOk_ev] drop_spec_ev[OF liftE_ev] set_cap_reads_respects_f drop_spec_ev[OF assertE_ev] get_cap_wp "4.hyps" reads_respects_f[OF get_cap_rev, where st=st and Q="\<top>"] validE_validE_R'[OF rec_del_silc_inv] | simp add: in_monad)+
apply (rule_tac Q'="\<lambda> _. silc_inv aag st and
K (pasObjectAbs aag (fst slot) \<noteq> SilcLabel \<and> is_subject aag (fst slot))" in hoare_post_imp_R)
prefer 2
apply (clarsimp)
apply(rule conjI, assumption)
apply(rule impI)
apply (drule silc_invD)
apply assumption
apply(simp add: intra_label_cap_def)
apply(rule exI)
apply(rule conjI)
apply assumption
apply(fastforce simp: cap_points_to_label_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: slots_holding_overlapping_caps_def2 ctes_wp_at_def)
apply(wp validE_validE_R'[OF rec_del_silc_inv] | simp)+
apply (clarsimp simp add: zombie_is_cap_toE)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state zombie_ptr_emptyable silc_inv_def)
lemmas rec_del_reads_respects_f = use_spec_ev[OF rec_del_spec_reads_respects_f]
lemma cap_delete_reads_respects:
"reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and only_timer_irq_inv irq st' and einvs and simple_sched_action and pas_refined aag and emptyable slot and K (is_subject aag (fst slot)))
(cap_delete slot)"
unfolding cap_delete_def
apply(wp rec_del_spec_reads_respects_f | rule use_spec_ev | simp | elim conjE | force)+
(*NOTE: Required to dance around the issue of the base potentially
being zero and thus we can't conclude it is in the current subject.*)
lemma requiv_arm_asid_table_asid_high_bits_of_asid_eq':
"\<lbrakk>pas_cap_cur_auth aag (ArchObjectCap (ASIDPoolCap ptr base)); reads_equiv aag s t; pas_refined aag x\<rbrakk>
arm_asid_table (arch_state s) (asid_high_bits_of base) =
arm_asid_table (arch_state t) (asid_high_bits_of base)"
apply (subgoal_tac "asid_high_bits_of 0 = asid_high_bits_of 1")
apply(case_tac "base = 0")
apply(subgoal_tac "is_subject_asid aag 1")
apply ((auto intro: requiv_arm_asid_table_asid_high_bits_of_asid_eq
aag_cap_auth_ASIDPoolCap_asid) |
(auto simp: asid_high_bits_of_def asid_low_bits_def))+
lemma pt_cap_aligned:
"\<lbrakk>caps_of_state s p = Some (ArchObjectCap (PageTableCap word x));
valid_caps (caps_of_state s) s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> is_aligned word pt_bits"
by (auto simp: obj_ref_of_def pt_bits_def pageBits_def
dest!: cap_aligned_valid[OF valid_capsD, unfolded cap_aligned_def,
THEN conjunct1])
lemma arch_recycle_cap_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l (pas_refined aag and invs and
cte_wp_at (op = (ArchObjectCap cap)) slot and
K (pas_cap_cur_auth aag (ArchObjectCap cap) \<and>
(is_pg_cap (ArchObjectCap cap) \<longrightarrow> has_recycle_rights (ArchObjectCap cap))) )
(arch_recycle_cap is_final cap)"
unfolding arch_recycle_cap_def
apply (cases slot)
apply (rule gen_asm_ev)
apply (unfold is_pg_cap_def)
apply (case_tac cap, simp_all split del: split_if)
apply (subst gets_apply)
by (
wp static_imp_wp modify_arch_state_reads_respects
liftE_wp assert_wp
| wpc
| simp add: when_def invs_valid_objs
invs_psp_aligned pte_ref_def
split del: split_if
| intro impI conjI allI cte_wp_at_pt_exists_cap
| elim conjE
| rule requiv_arm_asid_table_asid_high_bits_of_asid_eq'
| (rule aag_cap_auth_subject, assumption, assumption)
| (simp add: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state
split del: split_if,
subst word_aligned_pt_slots[OF pt_cap_aligned
[OF _ valid_objs_caps
[OF invs_valid_objs]]],
| wp_once hoare_drop_imps
| wp_once hoare_vcg_all_lift
| wp_once mapM_x_wp'[where f="swp store_pte InvalidPTE"]
| wp_once mapM_x_wp'[where f="swp store_pde InvalidPDE"]
| clarify del: notI split del: split_if
section "globals_equiv"
lemma maskInterrupt_no_mem:
"invariant (maskInterrupt a b) (\<lambda>ms. P (underlying_memory ms))"
apply(unfold maskInterrupt_def)
apply(wp modify_wp)
by simp
lemma maskInterrupt_no_exclusive:
"invariant (maskInterrupt a b) (\<lambda>ms. P (exclusive_state ms))"
apply(unfold maskInterrupt_def)
apply(wp modify_wp)
by simp
lemma globals_equiv_interrupt_states_update:
"globals_equiv st (s\<lparr> interrupt_states := x \<rparr>) = globals_equiv st s"
by(auto simp: globals_equiv_def idle_equiv_def)
lemma set_irq_state_valid_global_objs:
"invariant (set_irq_state state irq) (valid_global_objs)"
apply(simp add: set_irq_state_def)
apply(wp modify_wp)
apply(fastforce simp: valid_global_objs_def)
lemma set_irq_state_globals_equiv:
"invariant (set_irq_state state irq) (globals_equiv st)"
apply(simp add: set_irq_state_def)
apply(wp dmo_no_mem_globals_equiv maskInterrupt_no_mem maskInterrupt_no_exclusive modify_wp)
apply(simp add: globals_equiv_interrupt_states_update)
lemma cancel_all_ipc_globals_equiv':
"\<lbrace> globals_equiv st and valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>
cancel_all_ipc epptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>_. globals_equiv st and valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>"
unfolding cancel_all_ipc_def
apply(wp mapM_x_wp[OF _ subset_refl] set_thread_state_globals_equiv
set_endpoint_globals_equiv hoare_vcg_all_lift get_object_inv
dxo_wp_weak | wpc | simp
| wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
lemma cancel_all_ipc_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace> globals_equiv st and valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>
cancel_all_ipc epptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>_. globals_equiv st \<rbrace>"
apply(rule hoare_strengthen_post[OF cancel_all_ipc_globals_equiv'])
by simp
lemma set_notification_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace> globals_equiv st and valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>
set_notification ptr ntfn
\<lbrace> \<lambda>_. globals_equiv st \<rbrace>"
unfolding set_notification_def
apply(wp set_object_globals_equiv get_object_wp | simp)+
apply(fastforce simp: valid_ko_at_arm_def obj_at_def)+
lemma set_notification_valid_ko_at_arm:
"\<lbrace> valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace> set_notification ptr ntfn \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_ko_at_arm\<rbrace>"
unfolding set_notification_def
apply (wp get_object_wp)
apply(fastforce simp: valid_ko_at_arm_def get_tcb_ko_at obj_at_def)
lemma cancel_all_signals_globals_equiv':
"\<lbrace> globals_equiv st and valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>
cancel_all_signals epptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>_. globals_equiv st and valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>"
unfolding cancel_all_signals_def
apply(wp mapM_x_wp[OF _ subset_refl] set_thread_state_globals_equiv
set_notification_valid_ko_at_arm dxo_wp_weak
set_notification_globals_equiv hoare_vcg_all_lift | wpc | simp
| wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
lemma cancel_all_signals_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace> globals_equiv st and valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>
cancel_all_signals epptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>_. globals_equiv st \<rbrace>"
apply(rule hoare_strengthen_post[OF cancel_all_signals_globals_equiv'])
by simp
lemma unbind_notification_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace>globals_equiv st and valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>
unbind_notification t
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. globals_equiv st\<rbrace>"
unfolding unbind_notification_def
by (wp gbn_wp set_bound_notification_globals_equiv set_notification_valid_ko_at_arm
| wpc
| simp)+
lemma unbind_notification_valid_ko_at_arm[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>
unbind_notification t
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_ko_at_arm\<rbrace>"
unfolding unbind_notification_def
by (wp gbn_wp set_bound_notification_valid_ko_at_arm set_notification_valid_ko_at_arm
| wpc
| simp)+
lemma unbind_maybe_notification_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace>globals_equiv st and valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>
unbind_maybe_notification a
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. globals_equiv st\<rbrace>"
unfolding unbind_maybe_notification_def
by (wp gbn_wp set_bound_notification_globals_equiv set_notification_valid_ko_at_arm
set_notification_globals_equiv get_ntfn_wp
| wpc
| simp)+
lemma unbind_maybe_notification_valid_ko_at_arm[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>
unbind_maybe_notification a
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_ko_at_arm\<rbrace>"
unfolding unbind_maybe_notification_def
by (wp gbn_wp set_bound_notification_valid_ko_at_arm set_notification_valid_ko_at_arm
| wpc
| simp)+
crunch valid_global_objs: fast_finalise "valid_global_objs"
(wp: crunch_wps dxo_wp_weak ignore: reschedule_required)
lemma fast_finalise_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace> globals_equiv st and valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace>
fast_finalise cap final
\<lbrace> \<lambda>_. globals_equiv st \<rbrace>"
apply(case_tac cap)
apply(clarsimp simp: when_def | wp cancel_all_ipc_globals_equiv cancel_all_signals_globals_equiv unbind_maybe_notification_globals_equiv | rule conjI)+
lemma tcb_sched_action_enqueue_valid_ko_at_arm[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_ko_at_arm\<rbrace> tcb_sched_action tcb_sched_enqueue word \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_ko_at_arm\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: tcb_sched_action_def)
apply wp
apply (simp add: etcb_at_def)
lemma tcb_sched_action_dequeue_valid_ko_at_arm[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_ko_at_arm\<rbrace> tcb_sched_action tcb_sched_dequeue word \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_ko_at_arm\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: tcb_sched_action_def)
apply wp
apply (simp add: etcb_at_def)
crunch valid_ko_at_arm[wp]: fast_finalise "valid_ko_at_arm" (wp: mapM_x_wp' dxo_wp_weak ignore: reschedule_required)
crunch valid_ko_at_arm[wp]: set_original "valid_ko_at_arm" (simp: valid_ko_at_arm_def)
crunch valid_ko_at_arm[wp]: set_cdt "valid_ko_at_arm" (simp: valid_ko_at_arm_def)
crunch valid_ko_at_arm[wp]: cap_insert "valid_ko_at_arm" (wp: hoare_drop_imps dxo_wp_weak simp: crunch_simps ignore: cap_insert_ext)
crunch valid_ko_at_arm[wp]: set_message_info "valid_ko_at_arm"
crunch valid_ko_at_arm[wp]: set_extra_badge "valid_ko_at_arm"
crunch valid_ko_at_arm[wp]: copy_mrs "valid_ko_at_arm" (wp: mapM_wp')
crunch valid_ko_at_arm[wp]: set_mrs "valid_ko_at_arm" (wp: mapM_x_wp' simp: zipWithM_x_mapM_x simp: arm_global_pd_not_tcb)
crunch globals_equiv[wp]: deleted_irq_handler "globals_equiv st"
lemma transfer_caps_valid_ko_at_arm[wp]:
"\<lbrace> valid_ko_at_arm \<rbrace> transfer_caps a b c d e f\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_ko_at_arm\<rbrace>"
unfolding transfer_caps_def
apply (wp | wpc)+
apply (wp transfer_caps_loop_pres cap_insert_valid_ko_at_arm)
apply (simp)
lemma empty_slot_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace>globals_equiv st and valid_ko_at_arm\<rbrace> empty_slot s b\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. globals_equiv st\<rbrace>"
unfolding empty_slot_def
apply (wp set_cap_globals_equiv'' set_original_globals_equiv hoare_vcg_if_lift2
set_cdt_globals_equiv dxo_wp_weak
hoare_drop_imps hoare_vcg_all_lift | wpc| simp)+
crunch globals_equiv: cap_delete_one "globals_equiv st"
(wp: set_cap_globals_equiv'' hoare_drop_imps simp: crunch_simps unless_def)
crunch valid_ko_at_arm[wp]: thread_set "valid_ko_at_arm" (simp: arm_global_pd_not_tcb)
lemma set_asid_pool_valid_ko_at_arm[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_ko_at_arm\<rbrace> set_asid_pool a b\<lbrace>\<lambda>_.valid_ko_at_arm\<rbrace>"
unfolding set_asid_pool_def
apply (wp get_object_wp | wpc)+
apply(fastforce simp: valid_ko_at_arm_def get_tcb_ko_at obj_at_def)
crunch valid_ko_at_arm[wp]: finalise_cap "valid_ko_at_arm"
(wp: hoare_vcg_if_lift2 hoare_drop_imps select_wp modify_wp mapM_wp' dxo_wp_weak
simp: unless_def crunch_simps
ignore: empty_slot_ext)
lemma delete_asid_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace>globals_equiv st and valid_arch_state \<rbrace>
delete_asid asid pd
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. globals_equiv st\<rbrace>"
unfolding delete_asid_def
apply (wp set_vm_root_globals_equiv set_asid_pool_globals_equiv invalidate_asid_entry_globals_equiv
flush_space_globals_equiv invalidate_asid_entry_valid_ko_at_arm
| wpc | simp add: valid_arch_state_ko_at_arm)+
lemma pagebitsforsize_ge_2[simp] :
"2 \<le> pageBitsForSize vmpage_size"
apply (induct vmpage_size)
apply simp+
lemma arch_finalise_cap_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace>globals_equiv st and valid_global_objs and valid_arch_state and pspace_aligned and valid_arch_objs and valid_global_refs and valid_vs_lookup\<rbrace>
arch_finalise_cap cap b
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. globals_equiv st\<rbrace>"
apply (induct cap)
apply (simp_all add:arch_finalise_cap_def)
apply (wp delete_asid_pool_globals_equiv case_option_wp unmap_page_globals_equiv
unmap_page_table_globals_equiv delete_asid_globals_equiv |
wpc | clarsimp split: bool.splits option.splits | intro impI conjI)+
lemma arch_finalise_cap_globals_equiv' : "\<lbrace>globals_equiv st and invs\<rbrace>
arch_finalise_cap cap b \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. globals_equiv st\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_weaken_pre)
apply (rule arch_finalise_cap_globals_equiv)
apply (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def valid_pspace_def valid_arch_caps_def)
lemma mapM_x_swp_store_kernel_base_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace>invs and globals_equiv st and cte_wp_at (op = (ArchObjectCap (PageDirectoryCap word option)))
mapM_x (swp store_pde InvalidPDE)
(map ((\<lambda>x. x + word) \<circ> swp op << 2)
[0.e.(kernel_base >> 20) - 1])
\<lbrace>\<lambda>y s. globals_equiv st s \<and>
invs s\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp mapM_x_swp_store_pde_invs_unmap mapM_x_swp_store_pde_globals_equiv)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule invs_valid_objs)
apply (frule invs_valid_global_refs)
apply (intro impI conjI allI)
apply (simp add: cte_wp_at_page_directory_not_in_globals
lemma arch_recycle_cap_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace>globals_equiv st and cte_wp_at (op = (ArchObjectCap arch_cap)) slot and invs\<rbrace>
arch_recycle_cap is_final arch_cap
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. globals_equiv st\<rbrace>"
unfolding arch_recycle_cap_def
apply (simp |wpc | wp modify_wp set_asid_pool_globals_equiv invs_valid_ko_at_arm
| clarsimp simp add: valid_pspace_def pbfs_less_wb page_caps_do_not_overlap_arm_globals_frame
split: arch_cap.splits | intro impI conjI allI)+
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>r s. globals_equiv st s \<and> invs s" in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply (wp mapM_x_swp_store_kernel_base_globals_equiv)
apply clarsimp
apply assumption
apply simp
apply (wp arch_finalise_cap_globals_equiv'
| wpc | simp)+
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>r s. globals_equiv st s \<and> invs s" in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply (wp mapM_x_swp_store_kernel_base_globals_equiv)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>r s. globals_equiv st s \<and> invs s" in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply (wp mapM_x_swp_store_kernel_base_globals_equiv)
apply auto