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50 KiB

* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
theory Detype_AI
imports "./$L4V_ARCH/ArchRetype_AI"
context begin interpretation Arch .
locale Detype_AI =
fixes state_ext_type :: "'a :: state_ext itself"
assumes valid_globals_irq_node:
"\<And>s cap ptr irq. \<lbrakk> valid_global_refs (s :: 'a state); cte_wp_at ((=) cap) ptr s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> interrupt_irq_node s irq \<notin> cap_range cap"
assumes caps_of_state_ko:
"\<And>cap s. valid_cap cap (s :: 'a state)
\<Longrightarrow> is_untyped_cap cap \<or>
cap_range cap = {} \<or>
(\<forall>ptr \<in> cap_range cap. \<exists>ko. kheap s ptr = Some ko)"
assumes mapM_x_storeWord:
"\<And>ptr. is_aligned ptr word_size_bits
\<Longrightarrow> mapM_x (\<lambda>x. storeWord (ptr + of_nat x * word_size) 0) [0..<n]
= modify (underlying_memory_update
(\<lambda>m x. if \<exists>k. x = ptr + of_nat k \<and> k < n * word_size then 0 else m x))"
assumes empty_fail_freeMemory:
"empty_fail (freeMemory ptr bits)"
assumes valid_ioports_detype:
"valid_ioports (s::'a state) \<Longrightarrow> valid_ioports (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
lemma obj_at_detype[simp]:
"obj_at P p (detype S s) = (p \<notin> S \<and> obj_at P p s)"
by (clarsimp simp: obj_at_def detype_def)
lemma pspace_detype[simp]:
"(kheap (detype S s) ptr = Some x)
= (kheap s ptr = Some x \<and> ptr \<notin> S)"
by (simp add: detype_def)
lemma cte_wp_at_detype[simp]:
"(cte_wp_at P p (detype S s))
= (cte_wp_at P p s \<and> fst p \<notin> S)"
apply (case_tac "fst p \<in> S")
apply (simp add: cte_wp_at_cases)+
lemma pred_tcb_at_detype[simp]:
"(pred_tcb_at proj P t (detype S s))
= (pred_tcb_at proj P t s \<and> t \<notin> S)"
by (fastforce simp add: pred_tcb_at_def)
lemma cdt_detype[simp]:
"cdt (detype S s) = cdt s"
by (simp add: detype_def)
lemma caps_of_state_detype[simp]:
"caps_of_state (detype S s) =
(\<lambda>p. if fst p \<in> S then None else caps_of_state s p)"
by (clarsimp simp add: caps_of_state_cte_wp_at
intro!: ext)
lemma state_refs_of_detype:
"state_refs_of (detype S s) = (\<lambda>x. if x \<in> S then {} else state_refs_of s x)"
by (rule ext, simp add: state_refs_of_def detype_def)
obj_reply_refs :: "cap \<Rightarrow> machine_word set"
"obj_reply_refs cap \<equiv> obj_refs cap \<union>
(case cap of cap.ReplyCap t m R \<Rightarrow> {t} | _ \<Rightarrow> {})"
lemma ex_cte_cap_to_obj_ref_disj:
"ex_cte_cap_wp_to P ptr s
\<Longrightarrow> ((\<exists>ptr'. cte_wp_at (\<lambda>cap. fst ptr \<in> obj_refs cap) ptr' s)
\<or> (\<exists>ptr' irq. cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.IRQHandlerCap irq)) ptr' s
\<and> ptr = (interrupt_irq_node s irq, [])))"
apply (clarsimp simp: ex_cte_cap_wp_to_def cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (frule cte_refs_obj_refs_elem, erule disjE)
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
"descendants_range_in S p \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. \<forall>p' \<in> descendants_of p (cdt s). cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. cap_range c \<inter> S = {}) p' s"
lemma descendants_range_in_lift:
assumes st: "\<And>P. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (cdt s)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. P (cdt s)\<rbrace>"
assumes untyped_range: "\<And>P p. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. Q s \<and> cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. P (cap_range c)) p s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. P (cap_range c)) p s\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>Q and descendants_range_in S slot\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. descendants_range_in S slot\<rbrace>"
apply (clarsimp simp:descendants_range_in_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wps st)
apply (rule hoare_vcg_ball_lift)
apply (wp untyped_range)
apply clarsimp
lemma set_cap_descendants_range_in:
shows "\<lbrace>cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. cap_range c = cap_range cap) slot and descendants_range_in S slot\<rbrace>
set_cap cap slot \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. descendants_range_in S slot\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_name_pre_state)
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp descendants_range_in_lift
[where Q = "cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. cap_range c = cap_range cap) slot"] )
apply (wp set_cap_cte_wp_at)
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)+
lemma empty_descendants_range_in:
"descendants_of p (cdt s) = {} \<Longrightarrow> descendants_range_in S p s"
by (clarsimp simp:descendants_range_in_def)
lemma valid_mdb_descendants_range_in:
"valid_mdb s \<Longrightarrow> descendants_range_in S p s = (\<forall>p'\<in>descendants_of p (cdt s).
\<exists>c. (null_filter (caps_of_state s)) p' = Some c \<and> cap_range c \<inter> S = {})"
apply (clarsimp simp:descendants_range_in_def
apply (intro ext iffI ballI impI)
apply (frule(1) bspec)
apply (frule(1) descendants_of_cte_at)
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state null_filter_def descendants_of_def)
apply (clarsimp simp:valid_mdb_no_null)
apply (drule(1) bspec)
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state null_filter_def cap_range_def split:if_split_asm)
"descendants_range cap p \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. \<forall>p' \<in> descendants_of p (cdt s). cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. cap_range c \<inter> cap_range cap = {}) p' s"
lemma descendants_rangeD:
"\<lbrakk> descendants_range cap p s; cdt s \<Turnstile> p \<rightarrow> p' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>c. caps_of_state s p' = Some c \<and> cap_range c \<inter> cap_range cap = {}"
by (simp add: descendants_range_def descendants_of_def cte_wp_at_caps_of_state
del: split_paired_All)
lemma subset_splitE:
"\<lbrakk>A \<subseteq> B \<or> B \<subseteq> A \<or> A \<inter> B = {} ; A \<subset> B \<Longrightarrow>P;B \<subset> A \<Longrightarrow>P ;A = B \<Longrightarrow> P; A \<inter> B = {} \<Longrightarrow> P\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>P"
apply (simp add:subset_iff_psubset_eq)
apply (elim disjE)
apply auto
lemma cap_range_untyped_range_eq[simp]:
"is_untyped_cap a \<Longrightarrow> cap_range a = untyped_range a"
by (clarsimp simp:is_cap_simps cap_range_def)
lemma (in Detype_AI) untyped_cap_descendants_range:
"\<lbrakk>valid_pspace (s :: 'a state); caps_of_state s p = Some cap; is_untyped_cap cap;valid_mdb s;
q\<in> descendants_of p (cdt s) \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. (cap_range c \<inter> usable_untyped_range cap = {})) q s"
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_pspace_def)
apply (frule(1) descendants_of_cte_at)
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (case_tac "is_untyped_cap capa")
apply (frule(1) valid_cap_aligned[OF caps_of_state_valid])
apply (frule_tac cap = capa in valid_cap_aligned[OF caps_of_state_valid])
apply simp
apply (frule_tac c = capa in untyped_range_non_empty)
apply simp
apply (frule_tac c = cap in untyped_range_non_empty)
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp:valid_mdb_def)
apply (drule untyped_incD)
apply simp+
apply clarify
apply (erule subset_splitE)
apply simp
apply (thin_tac "P\<longrightarrow>Q" for P Q)+
apply (clarsimp simp:descendants_of_def)
apply (drule(1) trancl_trans)
apply (simp add:vmdb_abs_def valid_mdb_def vmdb_abs.no_loops)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp:descendants_of_def | erule disjE)+
apply (drule(1) trancl_trans)
apply (simp add:vmdb_abs_def valid_mdb_def vmdb_abs.no_loops)+
apply (thin_tac "P\<longrightarrow>Q" for P Q)+
apply (erule(1) disjoint_subset2[OF usable_range_subseteq])
apply (simp add:Int_ac)
apply (drule(1) caps_of_state_valid)+
apply (frule_tac cap = capa in caps_of_state_ko)
apply (elim disjE)
apply clarsimp+
apply (clarsimp simp:valid_cap_def is_cap_simps valid_untyped_def
simp del:usable_untyped_range.simps untyped_range.simps)
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (clarsimp dest!: int_not_emptyD simp del:usable_untyped_range.simps untyped_range.simps)
apply (thin_tac "\<forall>x y z. P x y z" for P)
apply (drule(1) bspec)
apply (clarsimp dest!: int_not_emptyD simp del:usable_untyped_range.simps untyped_range.simps)
apply (drule_tac x = x in spec)
apply (clarsimp simp del:usable_untyped_range.simps untyped_range.simps)
apply (drule(2) p_in_obj_range )
apply (erule impE)
apply (erule(1) notemptyI[OF IntI[OF _ subsetD[OF usable_range_subseteq]]])
apply (simp add:is_cap_simps)
apply assumption
apply blast
lemma untyped_children_in_mdbEE:
assumes ass: "untyped_children_in_mdb s" "cte_wp_at ((=) cap) ptr s" "is_untyped_cap cap" "cte_wp_at P ptr' s"
and step1: "\<And>cap'. \<lbrakk>cte_wp_at ((=) cap') ptr' s; P cap'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> obj_refs cap' \<inter> untyped_range cap \<noteq> {}"
and step2: "\<And>cap'. \<lbrakk>cte_wp_at ((=) cap') ptr' s; cap_range cap' \<inter> untyped_range cap \<noteq> {};ptr' \<in> descendants_of ptr (cdt s) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Q"
shows "Q"
using ass
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (rule step2)
apply (simp add:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (drule step1[rotated])
apply (simp add:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (simp add:cap_range_def)
apply blast
apply (simp add:untyped_children_in_mdb_def del:split_paired_All)
apply (drule_tac x = ptr in spec)
apply (drule_tac x = ptr' in spec)
apply (erule impE)
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (drule step1[rotated])
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)+
"clear_um S \<equiv> (machine_state_update \<circ> underlying_memory_update)
(\<lambda>m p. if p\<in>S then 0 else m p)"
interpretation clear_um:
p_arch_idle_update_int_eq "clear_um S"
by unfold_locales (simp_all add: clear_um_def)
lemma descendants_range_inD:
"\<lbrakk>descendants_range_in S p s;p'\<in>descendants_of p (cdt s);caps_of_state s p' = Some cap\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> cap_range cap \<inter> S = {}"
by (auto simp:descendants_range_in_def cte_wp_at_caps_of_state dest!:bspec)
lemma descendants_range_def2:
"descendants_range cap p = descendants_range_in (cap_range cap) p"
by (simp add:descendants_range_in_def descendants_range_def)
lemma detype_clear_um_independent:
"detype S (clear_um T s) = clear_um T (detype S s)"
by (auto simp add: detype_def clear_um_def ext)
(* FIXME: move *)
lemma (in pspace_update_eq) zombies_final_eq[iff]:
"zombies_final (f s) = zombies_final s"
by (simp add: zombies_final_def is_final_cap'_def)
lemma valid_mdb_clear_um [iff]:
"valid_mdb (clear_um S s) = valid_mdb s"
by (simp add: clear_um_def)
lemma valid_ioc_clear_um[iff]:
"valid_ioc (clear_um S s) = valid_ioc s"
by (simp add: clear_um_def)
lemma cur_tcb_clear_um[iff]: "cur_tcb (clear_um S s) = cur_tcb s"
by (simp add: clear_um_def cur_tcb_def)
lemma untyped_children_in_mdb_clear_um[iff]:
"untyped_children_in_mdb (clear_um S s) = untyped_children_in_mdb s"
by (simp add: untyped_children_in_mdb_def clear_um_def)
lemma descendants_inc_empty_slot:
assumes desc_inc :"descendants_inc m cs'"
assumes mdb:"mdb_cte_at (\<lambda>p. \<exists>c. cs p = Some c \<and> cap.NullCap \<noteq> c) m"
assumes dom:"\<forall>x\<in> dom cs. (cs' x = cs x)"
shows "descendants_inc m cs"
using desc_inc
apply (simp add:descendants_inc_def del:split_paired_All)
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (drule spec)+
apply (erule(1) impE)
apply (simp add:descendants_of_def)
apply (frule tranclD)
apply (drule tranclD2)
apply (simp add:cdt_parent_rel_def is_cdt_parent_def)
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule mdb_cte_atD[OF _ mdb])+
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule bspec[OF dom,OF domI])+
apply simp
lemma descendants_range_imply_no_descendants:
"\<lbrakk>descendants_range cap p s;descendants_inc (cdt s) (caps_of_state s);
is_untyped_cap cap; caps_of_state s p = Some cap;valid_objs s;valid_mdb s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> descendants_of p (cdt s)= {}"
apply (simp add:descendants_range_def is_cap_simps descendants_inc_def del:split_paired_All)
apply (elim exE)
apply (rule equals0I)
apply (drule(1) bspec)
apply (drule spec)+
apply (erule(1) impE)
apply (drule(1) descendants_of_cte_at)
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state simp del:split_paired_All)
apply (drule(1) physical_valid_cap_not_empty_range[OF caps_of_state_valid_cap,rotated])
apply simp
apply auto
locale detype_locale =
fixes cap and ptr and s
assumes cap: "cte_wp_at ((=) cap) ptr s"
and untyped: "is_untyped_cap cap"
and nodesc: "descendants_range cap ptr s"
and invs: "invs s"
and child: "untyped_children_in_mdb s"
context detype_locale begin
lemma drange:"descendants_range_in (cap_range cap) ptr (s :: 'a state)"
using nodesc
by (simp add:descendants_range_def2)
lemma iflive: "if_live_then_nonz_cap s"
using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def valid_pspace_def)
lemma live_okE:
"\<And>P p. \<lbrakk> obj_at P p s; \<And>obj. P obj \<Longrightarrow> live obj \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> p \<notin> untyped_range cap"
apply (drule if_live_then_nonz_capD [OF iflive])
apply simp
apply (rule notI)
apply (erule ex_nonz_cap_toE)
apply (erule untyped_children_in_mdbEE [OF child cap untyped])
apply (clarsimp simp: zobj_refs_to_obj_refs)
apply blast
apply (drule descendants_range_inD[OF drange])
apply (simp add:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (simp add:untyped)
lemma ifunsafe: "if_unsafe_then_cap s"
using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def valid_pspace_def)
lemma globals: "valid_global_refs s"
using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def)
(* this is should be true *)
lemma state_refs: "state_refs_of (detype (untyped_range cap) s) = state_refs_of s"
apply (rule ext, clarsimp simp add: state_refs_of_detype)
apply (rule sym, rule equals0I, drule state_refs_of_elemD)
apply (drule live_okE, rule refs_of_live, clarsimp)
apply simp
lemma idle: "idle_thread (detype (untyped_range cap) s) = idle_thread s"
by (simp add: detype_def)
lemma valid_arch_caps: "valid_arch_caps s"
using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def)
(* moreover *)
lemma valid_arch_state: "valid_arch_state s" using invs
by clarsimp
(* moreover *)
lemma ut_mdb: "untyped_mdb (cdt s) (caps_of_state s)"
using invs
by (clarsimp dest!: invs_mdb simp add: valid_mdb_def)
lemma arch_state_det: "\<And>r. arch_state (detype r s) = arch_state s" (* SIMP DUP*)
by (simp add: detype_def)
lemma no_obj_refs:
"\<And>slot cap' x. \<lbrakk> caps_of_state s slot = Some cap';
x \<in> obj_refs cap'; x \<in> untyped_range cap \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> False"
using cap untyped
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (drule (2) untyped_mdbD)
apply blast
apply (rule ut_mdb)
apply (drule descendants_range_inD[OF drange])
apply (simp add:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (simp add:cap_range_def)
apply blast
lemma valid_pspace: "valid_pspace s" using invs
by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def)
lemma valid_global_objs: "valid_global_objs s"
using invs by (clarsimp simp: invs_def valid_state_def)
lemma cap_is_valid: "valid_cap cap s"
by (rule cte_wp_valid_cap[OF cap invs_valid_objs[OF invs]])
locale Detype_AI_2 =
fixes cap ptr s
assumes detype_invariants:
"\<lbrakk> cte_wp_at ((=) cap) ptr s
; is_untyped_cap cap
; descendants_range cap ptr s
; invs s
; untyped_children_in_mdb s
; ct_active s
\<Longrightarrow> (invs and untyped_children_in_mdb)
(detype (untyped_range cap) (clear_um (untyped_range cap) s))"
locale detype_locale_gen_1 = Detype_AI "TYPE('a)" + detype_locale cap ptr s
for cap ptr
and s :: "('a :: state_ext) state" +
assumes valid_cap:
"\<And>cap'. \<lbrakk> s \<turnstile> cap'; obj_reply_refs cap' \<subseteq> (UNIV - untyped_range cap) \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> detype (untyped_range cap) s \<turnstile> cap'"
assumes glob_det: "\<And>r. global_refs (detype r s) = global_refs s"
assumes arch_valid_obj:
"\<And>p ao. \<lbrakk>ko_at (ArchObj ao) p s; arch_valid_obj ao s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> arch_valid_obj ao (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
assumes sym_hyp_refs_detype:
"sym_refs (state_hyp_refs_of (detype (untyped_range cap) s))"
assumes tcb_arch_detype:
"\<And>p t. \<lbrakk>ko_at (TCB t) p s; valid_arch_tcb (tcb_arch t) s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> valid_arch_tcb (tcb_arch t) (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
locale detype_locale_gen_2 = detype_locale_gen_1 cap ptr s
for cap ptr
and s :: "('a :: state_ext) state" +
assumes detype_invs_assms:
"valid_idle (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
"valid_arch_state (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
"valid_vspace_objs (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
"valid_arch_caps (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
"valid_kernel_mappings (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
"valid_global_objs (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
"valid_asid_map (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
"valid_global_vspace_mappings (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
"equal_kernel_mappings (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
"pspace_in_kernel_window (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
"valid_machine_state (clear_um (untyped_range cap) (detype (untyped_range cap) s))"
"pspace_respects_device_region (clear_um (untyped_range cap) (detype (untyped_range cap) s))"
"cap_refs_respects_device_region (clear_um (untyped_range cap) (detype (untyped_range cap) s))"
locale detype_locale_arch = detype_locale + Arch
context detype_locale_gen_1
lemma irq_node:
"interrupt_irq_node (s :: 'a state) irq \<notin> untyped_range cap"
using valid_globals_irq_node [OF globals cap]
by (simp add: cap_range_def)
lemma non_null_present:
"\<And>p. cte_wp_at ((\<noteq>) cap.NullCap) p s \<Longrightarrow> fst p \<notin> untyped_range cap"
apply (drule if_unsafe_then_capD[OF _ ifunsafe], simp)
apply (drule ex_cte_cap_to_obj_ref_disj, erule disjE)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule untyped_children_in_mdbEE[OF child cap untyped])
apply blast
apply (drule descendants_range_inD[OF drange])
apply (simp add:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (simp add:untyped)
apply (clarsimp simp: irq_node)
lemma non_filter_detype:
"null_filter (caps_of_state s) = null_filter (caps_of_state (detype (untyped_range cap) s))"
apply (intro iffI ext)
apply (clarsimp simp: null_filter_def split:if_splits)+
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (clarsimp dest!:caps_of_state_cteD)
apply (frule non_null_present[OF cte_wp_at_weakenE])
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply simp
lemma non_null_caps:
"\<And>p c. \<lbrakk> caps_of_state s p = Some c; c \<noteq> cap.NullCap \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> fst p \<notin> untyped_range cap"
by (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state non_null_present)
lemma vreply: "valid_reply_caps s"
using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def)
lemma vmaster: "valid_reply_masters s"
using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def)
lemma valid_cap2:
"\<And>cap'. \<lbrakk> \<exists>p. cte_wp_at ((=) cap') p s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> obj_reply_refs cap' \<subseteq> (UNIV - untyped_range cap)"
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: obj_reply_refs_def, erule disjE)
apply (erule untyped_children_in_mdbEE [OF child cap untyped])
apply blast
apply (drule descendants_range_inD[OF drange])
apply (simp add:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (simp add:untyped)
apply (clarsimp split: cap.split_asm bool.split_asm)
apply (rename_tac t master rights)
apply (case_tac master, simp_all)
apply (frule valid_reply_mastersD' [OF _ vmaster])
apply (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state dest: non_null_caps)
apply (subgoal_tac "has_reply_cap t s")
apply (drule valid_reply_capsD [OF _ vreply])
apply (simp add: pred_tcb_at_def)
apply (fastforce simp: live_def dest: live_okE)
apply (fastforce simp: has_reply_cap_def is_reply_cap_to_def elim:cte_wp_at_lift)
(* invariants BEGIN *)
named_theorems detype_invs_lemmas
lemma refsym : "sym_refs (state_refs_of s)"
using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def valid_pspace_def)
lemma hyprefsym : "sym_refs (state_hyp_refs_of s)"
using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def valid_pspace_def)
lemma refs_of: "\<And>obj p. \<lbrakk> ko_at obj p s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> refs_of obj \<subseteq> (UNIV - untyped_range cap \<times> UNIV)"
by (fastforce intro: refs_of_live dest!: sym_refs_ko_atD[OF _ refsym] live_okE)
lemma refs_of2: "\<And>obj p. kheap s p = Some obj
\<Longrightarrow> refs_of obj \<subseteq> (UNIV - untyped_range cap \<times> UNIV)"
by (simp add: refs_of obj_at_def)
lemma valid_obj: "\<And>p obj. \<lbrakk> valid_obj p obj s; ko_at obj p s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> valid_obj p obj (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_obj_def
split: Structures_A.kernel_object.split_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_cs_def)
apply (drule well_formed_cnode_valid_cs_size)
apply (rule valid_cap)
apply fastforce
apply (rule valid_cap2)
apply (erule ranE)
apply (fastforce simp: obj_at_def intro!: cte_wp_at_cteI)
apply (frule refs_of)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_tcb_def obj_at_def tcb_arch_detype)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (erule ballEI)
apply (clarsimp elim!: ranE)
apply (erule valid_cap [OF _ valid_cap2])
apply (fastforce intro!: cte_wp_at_tcbI)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_tcb_state_def valid_bound_ntfn_def
split: Structures_A.thread_state.split_asm option.splits)
apply (frule refs_of)
apply (rename_tac endpoint)
apply (case_tac endpoint, (fastforce simp: valid_ep_def)+)
apply (frule refs_of)
apply (rename_tac notification ntfn_ext)
apply (case_tac "ntfn_obj ntfn_ext")
apply (auto simp: valid_ntfn_def ntfn_bound_refs_def split: option.splits)
apply (auto intro: arch_valid_obj)
lemma valid_objs_detype[detype_invs_lemmas] : "valid_objs (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
using invs_valid_objs[OF invs]
apply (clarsimp simp add: valid_objs_def dom_def)
apply (erule allE, erule impE, erule exI)
apply (clarsimp elim!: valid_obj)
apply (simp add: obj_at_def)
lemma pspace_aligned_detype[detype_invs_lemmas] : "pspace_aligned (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
using invs_psp_aligned[OF invs]
apply (clarsimp simp: pspace_aligned_def)
apply (drule bspec, erule domI)
apply (clarsimp simp: detype_def)
lemma sym_refs_detype[detype_invs_lemmas] :
"sym_refs (state_refs_of (detype (untyped_range cap) s))"
using refsym by (simp add: state_refs)
lemmas [detype_invs_lemmas] = sym_hyp_refs_detype
lemma pspace_distinct_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]: "pspace_distinct (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
apply (insert invs, drule invs_distinct)
apply (auto simp: pspace_distinct_def)
lemma cut_tcb_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]:
assumes ct_act: "ct_active s"
shows "cur_tcb (detype (untyped_range cap) s)" (* CT_ACT *)
apply (insert ct_act invs)
apply (drule tcb_at_invs)
apply (simp add: cur_tcb_def ct_in_state_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: detype_def pred_tcb_at_def)
apply (fastforce simp: live_def dest: live_okE)
lemma live_okE2: "\<And>obj p. \<lbrakk> kheap s p = Some obj; live obj \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> p \<notin> untyped_range cap"
by (simp add: live_okE[where P=live] obj_at_def)
lemma untyped_mdb : "\<And>m. untyped_mdb m (caps_of_state s)
\<Longrightarrow> untyped_mdb m (\<lambda>p. if fst p \<in> untyped_range cap then None else caps_of_state s p)"
apply (simp only: untyped_mdb_def)
apply (elim allEI)
apply clarsimp
lemma untyped_inc : "\<And>m. untyped_inc m (caps_of_state s)
\<Longrightarrow> untyped_inc m (\<lambda>p. if fst p \<in> untyped_range cap then None else caps_of_state s p)"
apply (simp only: untyped_inc_def)
apply (elim allEI)
apply clarsimp
lemma reply_caps_mdb : "\<And>m. reply_caps_mdb m (caps_of_state s)
\<Longrightarrow> reply_caps_mdb m (\<lambda>p. if fst p \<in> untyped_range cap then None else caps_of_state s p)"
apply (simp only: reply_caps_mdb_def)
apply (elim allEI)
apply (clarsimp elim!: exEI)
apply (fastforce dest: non_null_caps)
lemma reply_masters_mdb : "\<And>m. reply_masters_mdb m (caps_of_state s)
\<Longrightarrow> reply_masters_mdb m (\<lambda>p. if fst p \<in> untyped_range cap then None else caps_of_state s p)"
apply (simp only: reply_masters_mdb_def)
apply (elim allEI)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule(1) bspec)
apply (fastforce dest: non_null_caps)
lemma reply_mdb : "\<And>m. reply_mdb m (caps_of_state s)
\<Longrightarrow> reply_mdb m (\<lambda>p. if fst p \<in> untyped_range cap then None else caps_of_state s p)"
by (simp add: reply_mdb_def reply_caps_mdb reply_masters_mdb)
context detype_locale_gen_1 begin
lemma valid_mdb_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]: "valid_mdb (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
apply (insert invs, drule invs_mdb)
apply (simp add: valid_mdb_def)
apply (rule context_conjI)
apply (safe intro!: mdb_cte_atI elim!: untyped_mdb untyped_inc reply_mdb)
apply (drule(1) mdb_cte_atD)
apply (clarsimp dest!: non_null_present)
apply (drule(1) mdb_cte_atD)
apply (clarsimp dest!: non_null_present)
apply (erule descendants_inc_empty_slot)
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state swp_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: ut_revocable_def detype_def del: split_paired_All)
apply (simp add: irq_revocable_def detype_def del: split_paired_All)
apply (simp add: reply_master_revocable_def detype_def del: split_paired_All)
apply (simp add: valid_arch_mdb_detype)
lemma valid_ioports_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]:
"valid_ioports (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
apply (insert invs, drule invs_valid_ioports)
by (clarsimp simp: valid_ioports_detype)
lemma untype_children_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]: "untyped_children_in_mdb (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
apply (insert child)
apply (simp add: untyped_children_in_mdb_def)
apply (erule allEI)+
apply (clarsimp simp: detype_def)
lemma live_nonz_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]: "if_live_then_nonz_cap (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
apply (insert iflive)
apply (simp add: if_live_then_nonz_cap_def ex_nonz_cap_to_def)
apply (erule allEI)
apply (rule impI, erule conjE, drule(1) mp)
apply (erule exEI)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule non_null_present [OF cte_wp_at_weakenE])
apply clarsimp+
lemma irq_node_detype[simp]: (* duplicated lemma *)
"\<And>r. interrupt_irq_node (detype r s) = interrupt_irq_node s"
by (simp add: detype_def)
lemma INV_9[detype_invs_lemmas]: "if_unsafe_then_cap (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
apply (insert ifunsafe)
apply (simp add: if_unsafe_then_cap_def ex_cte_cap_wp_to_def)
apply (erule allEI, rule impI)
apply (erule allEI)
apply (clarsimp del: exE)
apply (erule exEI)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule(1) non_null_caps)
apply (frule non_null_present [OF cte_wp_at_weakenE])
apply clarsimp+
lemma zombies_final: "zombies_final s"
using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def valid_pspace_def)
lemma zombies_final_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]: "zombies_final (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
apply (insert zombies_final)
apply (simp add: zombies_final_def final_cap_at_eq)
apply (elim allEI)
apply (rule impI, erule conjE, drule(1) mp)
apply (elim exEI conjE conjI allEI)
apply (rule impI, elim conjE)
apply simp
lemma valid_refs_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]: "valid_global_refs (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
using globals
by (simp add: valid_global_refs_def valid_refs_def glob_det)
lemma valid_reply_caps_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]:
"valid_reply_caps (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
using vreply
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_reply_caps_def has_reply_cap_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (erule allEI)
apply (rule impI)
apply (elim impE exE conjE, intro exI, assumption)
apply (simp add: pred_tcb_at_def)
apply (fastforce simp: live_def dest: live_okE)
apply (clarsimp simp: unique_reply_caps_def)
lemma valid_irq_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]: "valid_irq_node (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
using invs valid_globals_irq_node [OF globals cap]
by (simp add: valid_irq_node_def invs_def valid_state_def cap_range_def)
lemma valid_reply_masters_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]:
"valid_reply_masters (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
using vmaster by (clarsimp simp: valid_reply_masters_def)
lemma valid_irq_handlers_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]:
"valid_irq_handlers (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
using invs
apply (simp add: valid_irq_handlers_def ran_def irq_issued_def
invs_def valid_state_def)
apply (force simp: detype_def)
lemma only_idle_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]: "only_idle (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
proof -
have "only_idle s"
using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def)
thus ?thesis
apply (clarsimp simp: only_idle_def)
apply (simp add: detype_def)
lemma cap_refs_in_kernel_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]:
"cap_refs_in_kernel_window (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
proof -
have "cap_refs_in_kernel_window s"
using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def)
thus ?thesis
apply (simp add: cap_refs_in_kernel_window_def
valid_refs_def arch_state_det)
lemma valid_ioc_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]: "valid_ioc (detype (untyped_range cap) s)"
proof -
have "valid_ioc s" using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def)
thus ?thesis
apply (simp add: valid_ioc_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: detype_def neq_commute)
apply (drule spec, drule spec, erule impE, assumption)
apply (frule_tac p="(a,b)" in non_null_present[simplified neq_commute])
apply simp
(* FIXME: consider to source out. *)
lemma p2pm1_to_mask: "\<And>p n. p + 2 ^ n - 1 = p + mask n" (* SIMP *)
by (simp add: mask_2pm1 field_simps)
lemma valid_irq_states_detype[detype_invs_lemmas]: "valid_irq_states
(clear_um (untyped_range cap) (detype (untyped_range cap) s))"
proof -
have "valid_irq_states s" using invs by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def)
thus ?thesis
apply(clarsimp simp: clear_um_def detype_def valid_irq_states_def)
context detype_locale_gen_2 begin
lemma invariants:
assumes ct_act: "ct_active s"
shows "(invs and untyped_children_in_mdb)
(detype (untyped_range cap) (clear_um (untyped_range cap) s))"
using detype_invs_lemmas detype_invs_assms ct_act
by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def valid_pspace_def
detype_clear_um_independent clear_um.state_refs_update clear_um.state_hyp_refs_update)
(* detype_locale_gen_2 cap ptr s *)
(* FIXME: move *)
lemma gets_modify_comm2:
"\<forall>s. g (f s) = g s \<Longrightarrow>
(do x \<leftarrow> modify f; y \<leftarrow> gets g; m x y od) =
(do y \<leftarrow> gets g; x \<leftarrow> modify f; m x y od)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (drule spec)
by (rule gets_modify_comm)
lemma dmo_detype_comm:
assumes "empty_fail f"
shows "do_machine_op f >>= (\<lambda>s. modify (detype S)) =
modify (detype S) >>= (\<lambda>s. do_machine_op f)"
proof -
have machine_state_detype: "\<forall>s. machine_state (detype S s) = machine_state s"
by (simp add: detype_def)
have detype_msu_independent:
"\<And>f. detype S \<circ> machine_state_update f = machine_state_update f \<circ> detype S"
by (simp add: detype_def ext)
from assms
show ?thesis
apply (simp add: do_machine_op_def split_def bind_assoc)
apply (simp add: gets_modify_comm2[OF machine_state_detype])
apply (rule arg_cong_bind1)
apply (simp add: empty_fail_def select_f_walk[OF empty_fail_modify]
modify_modify detype_msu_independent)
lemma (in Detype_AI) delete_objects_def2:
"delete_objects ptr bits \<equiv>
do modify (detype {ptr..ptr + 2 ^ bits - 1});
do_machine_op (freeMemory ptr bits)
by (rule eq_reflection)
(simp add: delete_objects_def dmo_detype_comm[OF empty_fail_freeMemory])
(* FIXME: move *)
lemma modify_modify_bind:
"(modify f >>= (\<lambda>_. (modify g >>= h))) =
(modify (g \<circ> f) >>= h)"
by (simp add: modify_modify bind_assoc[symmetric])
lemma dmo_untyped_children_in_mdb[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. untyped_children_in_mdb s\<rbrace>
do_machine_op f
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. untyped_children_in_mdb s\<rbrace>"
by (wp | simp add: untyped_mdb_alt[symmetric] do_machine_op_def split_def)+
lemma detype_machine_state_update_comm:
"detype S (machine_state_update f s) =
machine_state_update f (detype S s)"
by (case_tac s, simp add: detype_def ext)
lemma interrupt_irq_node_detype[simp]:
"interrupt_irq_node (detype S s) = interrupt_irq_node s"
by (simp add: detype_def)
lemma cte_wp_at_delete_objects[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. Q (cte_wp_at (P (interrupt_irq_node s)) p s) \<and>
fst p \<notin> {ptr..ptr + 2 ^ bits - 1}\<rbrace>
delete_objects ptr bits
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. Q (cte_wp_at (P (interrupt_irq_node s)) p s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: delete_objects_def do_machine_op_def split_def)
apply wp
apply (simp add: detype_machine_state_update_comm)
lemma cdt_delete_objects[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (cdt s)\<rbrace> delete_objects ptr bits \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (cdt s)\<rbrace>"
by (wp | simp add: delete_objects_def do_machine_op_def split_def)+
lemma of_nat_le_pow:
"\<lbrakk>x < 2 ^ n; n \<le> len_of TYPE('a)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> of_nat x \<le> (mask n :: 'a :: len word)"
apply (drule_tac a="2::nat" in power_increasing, simp)
apply (frule less_le_trans, assumption)
apply (frule of_nat_mono_maybe_le[OF unat_lt2p[of "mask n:: 'a :: len word"],
folded word_bits_def])
apply simp
apply (simp add: unat_mask min_def)
apply (erule iffD1)
apply simp
lemma maxword_len_conv': "(x::machine_word) + max_word = x - 1" by (simp add: max_word_def)
(* FIXME: copied from Retype_C and slightly adapted. *)
lemma (in Detype_AI) mapM_x_storeWord_step:
assumes al: "is_aligned ptr sz"
and sz2: "word_size_bits \<le> sz"
and sz: "sz <= word_bits"
shows "mapM_x (\<lambda>p. storeWord p 0) [ptr , ptr + word_size .e. ptr + 2 ^ sz - 1] =
modify (underlying_memory_update
(\<lambda>m x. if x \<in> {x. \<exists>k. x = ptr + of_nat k \<and> k < 2 ^ sz} then 0 else m x))"
using al sz
apply (simp only: upto_enum_step_def field_simps cong: if_cong)
apply (subst if_not_P)
apply (subst not_less)
apply (erule is_aligned_no_overflow)
apply (simp add: mapM_x_map comp_def upto_enum_word maxword_len_conv' del: upt.simps)
apply (simp add: Suc_unat_mask_div_obfuscated[simplified mask_2pm1] min_def)
apply (subst mapM_x_storeWord)
apply (erule is_aligned_weaken [OF _ sz2])
apply (rule arg_cong)
apply (subgoal_tac "2^word_size_bits = (word_size :: nat)")
apply (cut_tac power_add[symmetric,of "2::nat" "sz - word_size_bits" word_size_bits])
apply (simp only: le_add_diff_inverse2[OF sz2])
apply (simp add: word_size_size_bits_nat)
lemma (in Detype_AI) mapM_storeWord_clear_um:
"is_aligned p n \<Longrightarrow> word_size_bits\<le>n \<Longrightarrow> n<=word_bits \<Longrightarrow>
do_machine_op (mapM_x (\<lambda>p. storeWord p 0) [p, p + word_size .e. p + 2 ^ n - 1]) =
modify (clear_um {x. \<exists>k. x = p + of_nat k \<and> k < 2 ^ n})"
apply (simp add: mapM_x_storeWord_step)
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp add: do_machine_op_def select_f_def split_def simpler_modify_def
simpler_gets_def bind_def return_def clear_um_def)
lemma intvl_range_conv':
"\<lbrakk>is_aligned (ptr::'a :: len word) bits; bits \<le> len_of TYPE('a)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(\<exists>k. x = ptr + of_nat k \<and> k < 2 ^ bits) \<longleftrightarrow> (ptr \<le> x \<and> x \<le> ptr + 2 ^ bits - 1)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: x_power_minus_1 mask_2pm1[symmetric])
apply (frule is_aligned_no_overflow'[simplified mask_2pm1[symmetric]])
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule word_plus_mono_right2, assumption)
apply (frule (2) of_nat_le_pow)
apply (rule word_plus_mono_right)
apply (rule word_of_nat_le)
apply (simp add: unat_mask)
apply simp
apply (subgoal_tac "\<exists>x'. x = ptr + of_nat x' \<and> x' < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)")
apply clarsimp
apply (drule(1) word_le_minus_mono_left [where x=ptr])
apply (simp only: p_assoc_help add_diff_cancel2)
apply (rule_tac x="x'" in exI)
apply (clarsimp simp: word_le_nat_alt unat_of_nat mask_2pm1[symmetric])
apply (auto simp: unat_mask min_def le_less)[1]
apply (rule_tac x="unat (x - ptr)" in exI)
apply simp
(* FIXME: The following lemma is similar to StoreWord_C.intvl_range_conv *)
(* FIXME: move *)
lemma intvl_range_conv:
"\<lbrakk>is_aligned (ptr :: 'a :: len word) bits; bits \<le> len_of TYPE('a)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
{x. \<exists>k. x = ptr + of_nat k \<and> k < 2 ^ bits} = {ptr .. ptr + 2 ^ bits - 1}"
by (rule set_eqI) (simp add: intvl_range_conv')
(* FIXME: move *)
lemma gets_modify_def:
"gets f >>= (\<lambda>x. modify (g x)) = modify (\<lambda>s. g (f s) s)"
by (simp add: simpler_gets_def simpler_modify_def bind_def)
lemma valid_pspace_well_formed_cnode[intro?]:
"\<lbrakk>valid_pspace s; kheap s x = Some (CNode sz ct)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> well_formed_cnode_n sz ct"
by (erule (1) well_formed_cnode_valid_cs_size [OF valid_cs_sizeI])
lemmas cte_wp_at_cte_at = cte_wp_at_weakenE [OF _ TrueI]
lemma cte_wp_at_domI:
"cte_wp_at P c s \<Longrightarrow> fst c \<in> dom (kheap s)"
by (auto elim: cte_wp_atE)
lemmas cte_wp_at_casesE [consumes 1, case_names CapTable TCB] = cte_wp_atE
lemma dom_known_length:
"\<lbrakk> dom f = {x. length x = n}; f xs = Some cap \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> n = length xs"
by (drule domI[where m=f], simp)
lemma (in Detype_AI) cte_map_not_null_outside: (*FIXME: arch_split*)
"\<lbrakk> cte_wp_at ((\<noteq>) cap.NullCap) p (s :: 'a state);
cte_wp_at ((=) cap) p' s;is_untyped_cap cap;
descendants_range cap p' s; untyped_children_in_mdb s;
if_unsafe_then_cap s; valid_global_refs s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> fst p \<notin> untyped_range cap"
apply (simp add:descendants_range_def2)
apply (case_tac "cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. is_zombie c \<and> obj_ref_of c = fst p) p s")
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (erule(2) untyped_children_in_mdbEE[where ptr'=p])
apply (simp add:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state is_cap_simps)
apply (clarsimp simp:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state is_cap_simps)
apply (drule descendants_range_inD)
apply (simp add:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply (simp add:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply simp
apply (drule(1) if_unsafe_then_capD, simp)
apply (drule ex_cte_cap_to_obj_ref_disj, erule disjE)
apply (clarsimp simp del:untyped_range.simps)+
apply (erule(1) untyped_children_in_mdbEE [where P="\<lambda>c. fst p \<in> f c" for f])
apply simp+
apply fastforce
apply (drule(1) descendants_range_inD)
apply (simp add:cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule(1) valid_globals_irq_node, fastforce simp: cap_range_def)
lemma corres_submonad2:
"\<lbrakk> submonad f r g fn; submonad f' r' g' fn';
\<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> sr \<and> g s \<and> g' s' \<longrightarrow> (f s, f' s') \<in> ssr;
\<forall>s s' ss ss'. ((s, s') \<in> sr \<and> (ss, ss') \<in> ssr) \<longrightarrow> (r ss s, r' ss' s') \<in> sr;
corres_underlying ssr nf nf' rvr P P' x x'\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> corres_underlying sr nf nf' rvr (g and P o f) (g' and P' o f') (fn x) (fn' x')"
apply (subst submonad.fn_is_sm, assumption)+
apply (clarsimp simp: submonad_fn_def)
apply (rule corres_split' [OF _ _ stateAssert_sp stateAssert_sp])
apply (fastforce simp: corres_underlying_def stateAssert_def get_def
assert_def return_def bind_def)
apply (rule corres_split' [where r'="\<lambda>x y. (x, y) \<in> ssr",
OF _ _ gets_sp gets_sp])
apply (clarsimp simp: corres_gets)
apply (rule corres_split' [where r'="\<lambda>(x, x') (y, y'). rvr x y \<and> (x', y') \<in> ssr",
OF _ _ hoare_post_taut hoare_post_taut])
apply clarsimp
apply (rule corres_split' [where r'=dc, OF _ _ hoare_post_taut hoare_post_taut])
apply (simp add: corres_modify')
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: corres_underlying_def select_f_def)
apply fastforce
lemma corres_submonad3:
"\<lbrakk>submonad f r g fn; submonad f' r' g' fn';
\<forall>s s'. (s, s') \<in> sr \<and> g s \<and> g' s' \<longrightarrow> (f s, f' s') \<in> ssr;
\<forall>s s' ss ss'. ((s, s') \<in> sr \<and> (ss, ss') \<in> ssr) \<longrightarrow>
(r ss s, r' ss' s') \<in> sr;
\<forall>s. G s \<longrightarrow> g s \<and> P (f s); \<forall>s'. G' s' \<longrightarrow> g' s' \<and> P' (f' s');
corres_underlying ssr nf nf' rvr P P' x x'\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> corres_underlying sr nf nf' rvr G G' (fn x) (fn' x')"
apply (subst submonad.fn_is_sm, assumption)+
apply (clarsimp simp: submonad_fn_def)
apply (rule corres_split' [OF _ _ stateAssert_sp stateAssert_sp])
apply (fastforce simp: corres_underlying_def stateAssert_def get_def
assert_def return_def bind_def)
apply (rule corres_split' [where r'="\<lambda>x y. (x, y) \<in> ssr",
OF _ _ gets_sp gets_sp])
apply (clarsimp simp: corres_gets)
apply (rule corres_split' [where r'="\<lambda>(x, x') (y, y'). rvr x y \<and> (x', y') \<in> ssr",
OF _ _ hoare_post_taut hoare_post_taut])
apply clarsimp
apply (rule corres_split' [where r'=dc, OF _ _ hoare_post_taut hoare_post_taut])
apply (simp add: corres_modify')
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: corres_underlying_def select_f_def)
apply fastforce
lemma invs_untyped_children[elim!]:
"invs s \<Longrightarrow> untyped_children_in_mdb s"
by (clarsimp simp: invs_def valid_state_def valid_mdb_def
lemma dmo_valid_cap[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. s \<turnstile> cap.UntypedCap dev base magnitude idx\<rbrace>
do_machine_op f
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. s \<turnstile> cap.UntypedCap dev base magnitude idx\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: do_machine_op_def split_def | wp)+
lemma (in Detype_AI)cte_map_not_null_outside':
"\<lbrakk>cte_wp_at ((=) (cap.UntypedCap dev q n m)) p' (s :: 'a state);
descendants_range (cap.UntypedCap dev q n m) p' s; untyped_children_in_mdb s;
if_unsafe_then_cap s; valid_global_refs s;
cte_wp_at ((\<noteq>) cap.NullCap) p s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> fst p \<notin> untyped_range (cap.UntypedCap dev q n m)"
by (erule (1) cte_map_not_null_outside, simp_all)
lemma refl_spec[simp]:
"\<not> (\<forall>x. x \<noteq> y)"
by clarsimp
lemma pre_helper:
"\<And>base x n. \<lbrakk> is_aligned (base :: machine_word) (n + (a::nat)); n + a < word_bits \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> base + (x && mask n) * 2^a \<in> {base .. base + 2 ^ (n + a) - 1}"
apply (subgoal_tac "(x && mask n) * bit(a) < 2 ^ (n + a)")
apply simp
apply (rule context_conjI)
apply (erule(1) is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply (subst add_diff_eq[symmetric])
apply (rule word_plus_mono_right)
apply simp
apply (erule is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply simp
apply (simp add: power_add)
apply (rule word_mult_less_mono1)
apply (rule and_mask_less_size, simp add: word_size word_bits_def)
apply (simp add: p2_gt_0 word_bits_def)
apply (simp add: word_bits_def)
apply (drule power_strict_increasing[where a="2 :: nat"], simp_all)
apply (simp add: power_add[where a="2::nat"])
lemmas ucast_ucast_mask_8 = ucast_ucast_mask[where 'a=8, simplified, symmetric]
lemma pspace_no_overlap_obj_range:
"\<lbrakk> pspace_no_overlap S s; kheap s p = Some obj \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> obj_range p obj \<inter> S = {}"
by (auto simp add: pspace_no_overlap_def obj_range_def field_simps)
(* FIXME: generalised version of Arch_AI.range_cover_full *)
lemma range_cover_full:
"\<lbrakk>is_aligned (ptr :: 'a :: len word) sz;sz < len_of TYPE('a)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> range_cover ptr sz sz (Suc 0)"
by (clarsimp simp:range_cover_def
unat_eq_0 le_mask_iff[symmetric] word_and_le1)
lemma range_cover_plus_us:
"range_cover ptr sz (m + us) (Suc 0) \<Longrightarrow> range_cover ptr sz m (2^us)"
apply (erule range_cover_rel)
apply simp+
lemma caps_overlap_reserved_subseteq:
"\<lbrakk>caps_overlap_reserved B s; A\<subseteq> B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> caps_overlap_reserved A s"
apply (clarsimp simp:caps_overlap_reserved_def)
apply (drule(1) bspec)
apply (erule disjoint_subset2)
apply simp
lemma range_cover_le:
"\<lbrakk>range_cover ptr sz us m; n\<le>m\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> range_cover ptr sz us n"
by (clarsimp simp:range_cover_def)
lemma range_cover_ptr_le:
"\<lbrakk>range_cover ptr sz us (Suc (Suc n));ptr\<noteq> 0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ptr \<le> ptr + (1 + of_nat n << us)"
apply (frule range_cover_subset[where p = 0
,OF range_cover_le[where n = "Suc n"]])
apply simp+
apply (frule is_aligned_no_overflow[OF range_cover.aligned])
apply (simp add:shiftl_t2n field_simps)
apply (erule order_trans)+
apply (rule word_sub_1_le)
apply (drule(1) range_cover_no_0[where p = "Suc n"])
apply simp
apply (simp add:word_arith_nat_Suc power_add[symmetric] field_simps)
lemma range_cover_tail_mask:
"\<lbrakk>range_cover ptr sz us (Suc (Suc n));ptr \<noteq> 0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ptr + ((1::machine_word) + of_nat n << us) && ~~ mask sz = ptr && ~~ mask sz"
apply (frule(1) range_cover_ptr_le)
apply (subst word_plus_and_or_coroll2[symmetric,where w = "mask sz" and t = ptr])
apply (subst add.commute)
apply (subst add.assoc)
apply (subst is_aligned_add_helper[THEN conjunct2,OF is_aligned_neg_mask])
apply (simp add:range_cover_def)
apply (simp add:word_less_nat_alt)
apply (rule le_less_trans[OF unat_plus_gt])
apply (frule range_cover.range_cover_compare[where p = "Suc n"])
apply simp
apply (drule range_cover.sz)
apply (simp add:word_arith_nat_Suc shiftl_t2n power_add[symmetric] field_simps)
apply simp
lemma range_cover_unat:
"range_cover (ptr :: 'a :: len word) sz sb n
\<Longrightarrow> unat ((ptr && mask sz) + (of_nat n * 2^ sb)) =
unat (ptr && mask sz) + unat ( (of_nat n) * (2::'a word) ^ sb)"
apply (rule unat_add_lem[THEN iffD1])
apply (rule le_less_trans)
apply (frule range_cover.unat_of_nat_shift[OF _ le_refl le_refl])
apply (simp add:field_simps)
apply (subst add.commute)
apply (erule range_cover.range_cover_compare_bound)
apply (rule power_strict_increasing)
apply (clarsimp simp:range_cover_def)+
lemma range_cover_offset:
assumes offset: "p < n"
and cover : "range_cover ptr sz us n"
shows "range_cover (ptr + (of_nat p) * 2 ^ us) sz us (n - p)"
using assms range_cover.range_cover_compare_bound[OF cover]
apply (clarsimp simp:range_cover_def)
apply (intro conjI)
apply (erule aligned_add_aligned)
apply (subst mult.commute)
apply (simp add:is_aligned_shiftl_self[unfolded shiftl_t2n])
apply simp
apply (rule nat_mult_le_cancel1[where k = "2^ us",THEN iffD1])
apply simp
apply (subst diff_mult_distrib2)
apply (simp add: add_mult_distrib2)
apply (simp add:shiftr_div_2n' field_simps minus_mod_eq_mult_div[symmetric])
apply (rule le_trans[where j = "(n-p) * 2 ^ us + unat (ptr + of_nat p * 2 ^ us && mask sz)"])
apply (clarsimp simp:field_simps diff_mult_distrib diff_le_mono2)
apply (subst mask_eqs[symmetric])
apply (subst less_mask_eq[where x = "(ptr && mask sz) + of_nat p * 2 ^ us"])
apply (simp add:word_less_nat_alt)
apply (rule le_less_trans[OF unat_plus_gt])
apply (erule range_cover.range_cover_compare[OF cover])
apply (simp add:range_cover_unat[OF range_cover_le[OF cover]] field_simps)
apply (simp add:range_cover.unat_of_nat_shift[OF cover] diff_mult_distrib)
apply (simp add:field_simps power_add[symmetric]
range_cover.range_cover_compare_bound[OF cover])
lemma range_cover_bound:
assumes cover:"range_cover ptr sz us n"
shows "0<n \<Longrightarrow> ptr \<le> ptr + of_nat n * 2^ us - 1"
apply (cut_tac range_cover_subset[OF cover,where p = 0])
apply (cut_tac Retype_AI.range_cover_subset_not_empty[OF _ cover , where x = 0])
apply (clarsimp simp del: atLeastatMost_subset_iff)
apply (drule_tac c=ptr in subsetD)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (cut_tac range_cover_not_zero[OF _ cover])
apply (simp add:word_gt_0)+
lemma range_cover_compare_offset:
"\<lbrakk>range_cover ptr sz us t; n + 1 < t;ptr \<noteq> 0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ptr + (of_nat n << us) \<le> ptr + (1 + of_nat n << us)"
apply (simp add:shiftl_t2n field_simps)
apply (rule order_trans[OF range_cover_bound])
apply (rule range_cover_offset[rotated])
apply (erule_tac n = "n+1" in range_cover_le)
apply simp+
apply (simp add:field_simps)
apply (rule word_sub_1_le)
apply (drule_tac n = "n + 2" and p = "n + 1" in range_cover_no_0)
apply (erule range_cover_le)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (simp add:field_simps)
lemma range_cover_sz':
"range_cover (a :: 'a :: len word) b bits d \<Longrightarrow> bits < len_of TYPE('a)"
by (clarsimp simp:range_cover_def)
(* FIXME: move to GenericLib *)
lemma if3_fold2:
"(if P then x else if Q then x else y) = (if P \<or> Q then x else y)" by simp
(* FIXME: move *)
lemma not_emptyI:
"\<And>x A B. \<lbrakk>x\<in>A; x\<in>B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<inter> B\<noteq> {}"
by auto