
93 lines
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Standard ML

* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
(* Hack to make isabelle sessions continue building after encountering
tactic failures. Provides an alternative version of use_thy and use
to those from pure_setup.ML or ThyInfo.
structure ContinueOnFailure = struct
val thynames = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : string list);
val _ = ThyInfo.add_hook
(K (fn thyname => (thynames := thyname :: (! thynames))));
fun scan_transs_depths [] _ = []
| scan_transs_depths (t :: ts) s =
Toplevel.level s :: scan_transs_depths ts (Toplevel.command t s)
fun dict_of_props props
= "{" ^ commas (map (fn (a, b) => a ^ " = " ^ b) props) ^ "}";
val long_site_of = dict_of_props o Position.properties_of o Toplevel.pos_of;
fun apply_transs [] s = s
| apply_transs ((t, n) :: ts) s
= apply_transs ts (Toplevel.command t s)
handle Interrupt => raise Interrupt
| _ => let
val i = find_index (fn (_, n') => n' < n) ts;
val ts' = Library.drop (i, ts);
val t' = fst (hd ts');
tracing ("use_thy_continue: skipping from " ^ Toplevel.str_of t
^ " resuming at " ^ Toplevel.str_of t');
tracing (" (" ^ long_site_of t ^ " - " ^ long_site_of t' ^ ")");
s |> Toplevel.command (IsarCmd.skip_proof Toplevel.empty)
|> apply_transs (Library.drop (i, ts))
fun set_flags () = let in
quick_and_dirty := true;
Toplevel.skip_proofs := false;
Goal.parallel_proofs := 0;
Multithreading.max_threads := 1;
fun use_thy_continue thyname = let
val _ = set_flags ();
val path = Path.explode thyname;
val base = Path.base path |> Path.implode;
val text = File.read (Path.append (Path.dir path) (ThyLoad.thy_path base));
val transs = OuterSyntax.parse (Position.file base) text;
val _ = Toplevel.skip_proofs := true;
val depths = scan_transs_depths transs Toplevel.toplevel;
val _ = Toplevel.skip_proofs := false;
((transs ~~ depths) @ [(Toplevel.commit_exit Position.none, 0)])
fun get_thy_absname thyname
= Path.append (ThyInfo.master_directory thyname)
(Path.basic thyname) |> Path.implode;
fun use_continue mlfile
= (set_flags (); thynames := []; ThyInfo.use mlfile)
handle Interrupt => raise Interrupt
| _ => let
fun trace_loading s = tracing ("use_continue: reloading " ^ s);
tracing "use_continue: got exn, checking for partially-loaded thys";
(! thynames)
|> filter_out (Option.isSome o ThyInfo.lookup_theory)
|> map (use_thy_continue o tap trace_loading o get_thy_absname)
tracing "use_continue: loaded all partially-loaded thys";
use_continue mlfile