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* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory BCorres2_AI
locale BCorres2_AI =
fixes state :: "'a::state_ext itself"
assumes handle_arch_fault_reply_bcorres[wp]:
"\<And>a b c d.
bcorres (handle_arch_fault_reply a b c d :: 'a state \<Rightarrow> _)
(handle_arch_fault_reply a b c d)"
assumes arch_get_sanitise_register_info_bcorres[wp]:
"\<And>t. bcorres (arch_get_sanitise_register_info t :: 'a state \<Rightarrow> _)
(arch_get_sanitise_register_info t)"
assumes make_arch_fault_msg_bcorres[wp]:
"\<And> a b.
bcorres (make_arch_fault_msg a b :: 'a state \<Rightarrow> _)
(make_arch_fault_msg a b)"
assumes arch_switch_to_thread_bcorres[wp]:
"\<And>t. bcorres (arch_switch_to_thread t :: 'a state \<Rightarrow> _)
(arch_switch_to_thread t)"
assumes arch_switch_to_idle_thread_bcorres[wp]:
"bcorres (arch_switch_to_idle_thread :: 'a state \<Rightarrow> _)
definition all_but_exst where
"all_but_exst P \<equiv> (\<lambda>s. P (kheap s) (cdt s) (is_original_cap s)
(cur_thread s) (idle_thread s)
(machine_state s) (interrupt_irq_node s)
(interrupt_states s) (arch_state s))"
lemma ef_mk_ef: "empty_fail f \<Longrightarrow> mk_ef (f s) = f s"
apply (clarsimp simp add: empty_fail_def mk_ef_def)
apply (drule_tac x=s in spec)
apply (case_tac "f s")
apply force
lemma all_but_obvious: "all_but_exst (\<lambda>a b c d e f g h i.
x = \<lparr>kheap = a, cdt = b, is_original_cap = c,
cur_thread = d, idle_thread = e,
machine_state = f, interrupt_irq_node = g,
interrupt_states = h, arch_state = i, exst = (exst x)\<rparr>) x"
apply (simp add: all_but_exst_def)
lemma bluh: assumes a: "x =
\<lparr>kheap = kheap ba, cdt = cdt ba,
is_original_cap = is_original_cap ba,
cur_thread = cur_thread ba, idle_thread = idle_thread ba,
machine_state = machine_state ba,
interrupt_irq_node = interrupt_irq_node ba,
interrupt_states = interrupt_states ba,
arch_state = arch_state ba, exst = exst x\<rparr>"
shows "x\<lparr>exst := exst ba\<rparr> = ba"
apply (subst a)
apply simp
lemma valid_cs_trans_state[simp]: "valid_cs a b (trans_state g s) = valid_cs a b s"
by(simp add: valid_cs_def)
lemmas obj_at[simp] = more_update.obj_at_update[of a b g s for a b g s]
lemma valid_tcb_state[simp]: "valid_tcb_state a (trans_state g s) = valid_tcb_state a s"
by (simp add: valid_tcb_state_def split: thread_state.splits)
lemma valid_bound_ntfn[simp]: "valid_bound_ntfn a (trans_state g s) = valid_bound_ntfn a s"
by (simp add: valid_bound_ntfn_def split: option.splits)
lemma valid_arch_tcb_trans[simp]: "valid_arch_tcb t (trans_state g s) = valid_arch_tcb t s"
by (auto elim: valid_arch_tcb_pspaceI)
lemma valid_tcb_trans_state[simp]: "valid_tcb a b (trans_state g s) = valid_tcb a b s"
apply (simp add: valid_tcb_def)
lemmas valid_bound_tcb[simp] = valid_bound_tcb_exst[of a g s for a g s]
lemma valid_ep_trans_state[simp]: "valid_ep a (trans_state g s) = valid_ep a s"
apply (simp add: valid_ep_def split: endpoint.splits)
lemma valid_ntfn_trans_state[simp]: "valid_ntfn a (trans_state g s) = valid_ntfn a s"
apply (simp add: valid_ntfn_def split: ntfn.splits)
lemma valid_obj_trans_state[simp]: "valid_obj a b (trans_state g s) = valid_obj a b s"
apply (simp add: valid_obj_def
split: kernel_object.splits option.splits)
lemma dxo_ex: "((),x :: det_ext state) \<in> fst (do_extended_op f s) \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>e :: det_ext. x = (trans_state (\<lambda>_. e) s)"
apply (clarsimp simp add: do_extended_op_def
bind_def gets_def in_monad
select_f_def mk_ef_def
apply force
locale is_extended' =
fixes f :: "'a det_ext_monad"
assumes a: "\<And>P. \<lbrace>all_but_exst P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. all_but_exst P\<rbrace>"
context is_extended' begin
lemmas v = use_valid[OF _ a, OF _ all_but_obvious,simplified all_but_exst_def, THEN bluh]
lemma ex_st: "(a,x :: det_ext state) \<in> fst (f s) \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>e :: det_ext. x = (trans_state (\<lambda>_. e) s)"
apply (drule v)
apply (simp add: trans_state_update')
apply (rule_tac x="exst x" in exI)
apply simp
lemmas all_but_exst[wp] = a[simplified all_but_exst_def]
lemma lift_inv: "(\<And>s g. P (trans_state g s) = P s) \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>"
apply (clarsimp simp add: valid_def)
apply (drule ex_st)
apply force
abbreviation (input) "I P \<equiv> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_.P\<rbrace>"
lemma obj_at[wp]: "I (obj_at a b)" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma st_tcb_at[wp]: "I (st_tcb_at a b)" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_obj[wp]: "I (valid_obj a b)" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_pspace[wp]: "I (valid_pspace)" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_mdb[wp]: "I valid_mdb" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_ioc[wp]: "I valid_ioc" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_idle[wp]: "I valid_idle" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma only_idle[wp]: "I only_idle" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma if_unsafe_then_cap[wp]: "I if_unsafe_then_cap" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_reply_caps[wp]: "I valid_reply_caps" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_reply_masters[wp]: "I valid_reply_masters" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_global_refs[wp]: "I valid_global_refs" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_arch_state[wp]: "I valid_arch_state" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_irq_node[wp]: "I valid_irq_node" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_irq_handlers[wp]: "I valid_irq_handlers" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_machine_state[wp]: "I valid_machine_state" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_vspace_objs[wp]: "I valid_vspace_objs" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_arch_caps[wp]: "I valid_arch_caps" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_global_objs[wp]: "I valid_global_objs" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_global_vspace_mappings[wp]: "I valid_global_vspace_mappings" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_kernel_mappings[wp]: "I valid_kernel_mappings" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma equal_kernel_mappings[wp]: "I equal_kernel_mappings" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_asid_map[wp]: "I valid_asid_map" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma pspace_in_kernel_window[wp]: "I pspace_in_kernel_window" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma cap_refs_in_kernel_window[wp]: "I cap_refs_in_kernel_window" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma invs[wp]: "I invs" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma cur_tcb[wp]: "I cur_tcb" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_objs[wp]: "I (valid_objs)" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma pspace_aligned[wp]: "I (pspace_aligned)" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma pspace_distinct[wp]: "I (pspace_distinct)" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma caps_of_state[wp]: "I (\<lambda>s. P (caps_of_state s))" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma cte_wp_at[wp]: "I (\<lambda>s. P (cte_wp_at P' p s))" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma no_cap_to_obj_dr_emp[wp]: "I (no_cap_to_obj_dr_emp x)" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemma valid_vs_lookup[wp]: "I (valid_vs_lookup)"
proof goal_cases
interpret Arch .
case 1 show ?case by (rule lift_inv, simp)
lemma typ_at[wp]: "I (\<lambda>s. P (typ_at T p s))" by (rule lift_inv,simp)
lemmas typ_ats[wp] = abs_typ_at_lifts [OF typ_at]
locale is_extended = is_extended' +
constrains f :: "unit det_ext_monad"
assumes b: "empty_fail f"
context is_extended begin
lemma dxo_eq[simp]:
"do_extended_op f = f"
apply (simp add: do_extended_op_def all_but_exst_def
get_def select_f_def modify_def put_def
wrap_ext_op_det_ext_ext_def ef_mk_ef[OF b])
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp add: bind_def)
apply rule
apply simp
apply safe
apply (simp | force | frule v)+
lemma all_but_exst_update[simp]:
"all_but_exst P (trans_state f s) = all_but_exst P s"
apply (simp add: all_but_exst_def)
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: set_scheduler_action,tcb_sched_action,next_domain,
cap_move_ext "all_but_exst P"
(simp: Let_def)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp]: cap_move_ext
global_interpretation set_scheduler_action_extended: is_extended "set_scheduler_action a"
by (unfold_locales; wp)
global_interpretation tcb_sched_action_extended: is_extended "tcb_sched_action a b"
by (unfold_locales; wp)
global_interpretation next_domain_extended: is_extended "next_domain"
by (unfold_locales; wp)
global_interpretation cap_move_ext: is_extended "cap_move_ext a b c d"
by (unfold_locales; wp)
lemmas rec_del_simps_ext =
rec_del.simps [THEN ext[where f="rec_del args" for args]]
lemma rec_del_s_bcorres:
notes rec_del.simps[simp del]
"s_bcorres (rec_del c) (rec_del c) s"
proof (induct s rule: rec_del.induct, simp_all only: fail_s_bcorres_underlying rec_del_simps_ext(5-))
case (1 slot exposed s) show ?case
apply (simp add: rec_del.simps)
apply wp
apply (simp split: prod.splits | intro impI conjI allI)+
apply (wp drop_sbcorres_underlying)[1]
apply (wp "1")
case (2 slot exposed s)
show ?case
apply (simp add: rec_del.simps)
apply (wp "2" | wpc | simp split: prod.splits | intro impI conjI allI | (rule ssubst[rotated, where s="fst x" for x], rule "2",simp+) | wp_once drop_sbcorres_underlying)+
case (3 slot exposed s)
show ?case
apply (simp add: rec_del.simps)
apply (wp | wp_once drop_sbcorres_underlying)+
case (4 slot exposed s)
show ?case
apply (simp add: rec_del.simps)
apply (simp add: in_monad | wp "4" | intro impI conjI | wp_once drop_sbcorres_underlying)+
lemmas rec_del_bcorres = use_sbcorres_underlying[OF rec_del_s_bcorres]
crunch (bcorres)bcorres[wp]: cap_delete truncate_state
lemma cap_revoke_s_bcorres:
"s_bcorres (cap_revoke slot) (cap_revoke slot) s"
proof (induct rule: cap_revoke.induct[where ?a1.0=s])
case (1 slot s)
show ?case
apply (simp add: cap_revoke.simps)
apply wp
apply (wp gets_s_bcorres_underlyingE' | simp)+
apply (subgoal_tac "(Inr (exst s'a),s'a) \<in> fst (liftE (gets exst) s'a)")
prefer 2
apply (simp add: in_monad)
apply (rule "1"[simplified],(simp add: in_monad | force)+)
apply (simp add: | force | wp drop_sbcorres_underlying)+
lemmas cap_revoke_bcorres = use_sbcorres_underlying[OF cap_revoke_s_bcorres]
crunch (bcorres)bcorres[wp]: "Tcb_A.restart",as_user,option_update_thread truncate_state (simp: gets_the_def ignore: clearMemory check_cap_at gets_the getRegister setRegister getRestartPC setNextPC)
lemma check_cap_at_bcorres[wp]: "bcorres f f' \<Longrightarrow> bcorres (check_cap_at a b f) (check_cap_at a b f')"
apply (simp add: check_cap_at_def)
apply (wp | simp)+
lemma invoke_domain_bcorres[wp]: "bcorres (invoke_domain t d) (invoke_domain t d)"
by (simp add: invoke_domain_def, wp)
lemma truncate_state_detype[simp]: "truncate_state (detype x s) = detype x (truncate_state s)"
apply (simp add: detype_def trans_state_def)
lemma resolve_address_bits'_sbcorres:
"s_bcorres (resolve_address_bits' TYPE('a::state_ext) a)
(resolve_address_bits' TYPE(unit) a) s"
proof (induct a arbitrary: s rule: resolve_address_bits'.induct[where ?a0.0="TYPE('a::state_ext)"])
case (1 z cap cref s')
show ?case
apply (simp add: resolve_address_bits'.simps)
apply (wp | wpc | intro impI conjI allI | simp split: cap.splits | (rule "1", (simp add: in_monad | force)+) | wp_once drop_sbcorres_underlying)+
lemma resolve_address_bits_bcorres[wp]: "bcorres (resolve_address_bits a) (resolve_address_bits a)"
apply (simp add: resolve_address_bits_def)
apply (rule use_sbcorres_underlying)
apply (rule resolve_address_bits'_sbcorres)
lemma bcorres_cap_fault_on_failure[wp]: "bcorres f f' \<Longrightarrow> bcorres (cap_fault_on_failure a b f) (cap_fault_on_failure a b f')"
apply (simp add: cap_fault_on_failure_def)
apply wpsimp
lemmas in_use_frame_truncate[simp] = more_update.in_user_frame_update[where f="\<lambda>_.()"]
lemma lookup_error_on_failure_bcorres[wp]: "bcorres b b' \<Longrightarrow> bcorres (lookup_error_on_failure a b) (lookup_error_on_failure a b')"
apply (simp add: lookup_error_on_failure_def)
apply wpsimp
lemma empty_on_failure_bcorres[wp]: "bcorres f f' \<Longrightarrow> bcorres (empty_on_failure f) (empty_on_failure f')"
apply (simp add: empty_on_failure_def)
apply wpsimp
lemma unify_failure_bcorres[wp]: "bcorres f f' \<Longrightarrow> bcorres (unify_failure f) (unify_failure f')"
apply (simp add: unify_failure_def)
apply wpsimp
lemma const_on_failure_bcorres[wp]: "bcorres f f' \<Longrightarrow> bcorres (const_on_failure c f) (const_on_failure c f')"
apply (simp add: const_on_failure_def)
apply wpsimp
crunch (bcorres)bcorres[wp]: lookup_target_slot,lookup_cap,load_cap_transfer truncate_state (simp: gets_the_def ignore: loadWord)
lemma get_receive_slots_bcorres[wp]: "bcorres (get_receive_slots a b) (get_receive_slots a b)"
by (cases b; wpsimp)
lemma (in BCorres2_AI) make_fault_msg_bcorres[wp]:
"bcorres (make_fault_msg a b :: 'a state \<Rightarrow> _) (make_fault_msg a b)"
apply (cases a)
apply (wp | wpc | simp | intro impI conjI allI)+
lemma (in BCorres2_AI) handle_fault_reply_bcorres[wp]:
"bcorres (handle_fault_reply a b c d :: 'a state \<Rightarrow> _) (handle_fault_reply a b c d)"
apply (cases a)
apply (wp | simp)+
crunch (bcorres)bcorres[wp]: lookup_source_slot,ensure_empty,lookup_pivot_slot truncate_state
declare option.case_cong[cong]
crunch (bcorres)bcorres[wp]: range_check truncate_state
lemma decode_read_registers_bcorres[wp]: "bcorres (decode_read_registers a (cap.ThreadCap b)) (decode_read_registers a (cap.ThreadCap b))"
apply (simp add: decode_read_registers_def)
apply (wp | wpc | simp)+
lemma decode_write_registers_bcorres[wp]: "bcorres (decode_write_registers a (cap.ThreadCap b)) (decode_write_registers a (cap.ThreadCap b))"
apply (simp add: decode_write_registers_def)
apply (wp | wpc | simp)+
lemma decode_copy_registers_bcorres[wp]: "bcorres (decode_copy_registers a (cap.ThreadCap b) e) (decode_copy_registers a (cap.ThreadCap b) e)"
apply (simp add: decode_copy_registers_def)
apply (wp | wpc | simp)+
lemma alternative_first:"x \<in> fst (f s) \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> fst ((f \<sqinter> g) s)"
by (simp add: alternative_def)
lemma alternative_second:"x \<in> fst (g s) \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> fst ((f \<sqinter> g) s)"
by (simp add: alternative_def)
lemma bcorres_underlying_dest: "bcorres_underlying l f k \<Longrightarrow> ((),s') \<in> fst (f s) \<Longrightarrow>
((),l s') \<in> fst (k (l s))"
apply (clarsimp simp add: bcorres_underlying_def s_bcorres_underlying_def)
apply force
lemma trans_state_twice[simp]: "trans_state (\<lambda>_. e) (trans_state f s) = trans_state (\<lambda>_. e) s"
by (rule trans_state_update'')
lemma guarded_sub_switch: "((),x) \<in> fst (guarded_switch_to word s) \<Longrightarrow>
((),x) \<in> fst (switch_to_thread word s)
\<and> (\<exists>y. get_tcb word s = Some y \<and> runnable (tcb_state y))"
apply (clarsimp simp add: guarded_switch_to_def bind_def
lemma truncate_state_updates[simp]:
"truncate_state (scheduler_action_update f s) = truncate_state s"
"truncate_state (ready_queues_update g s) = truncate_state s"
by (rule trans_state_update'')+
lemma get_before_assert_opt:
"do s \<leftarrow> assert_opt x; s' \<leftarrow> get; f s s' od
= do s' \<leftarrow> get; s \<leftarrow> assert_opt x; f s s' od"
apply (cases x, simp_all add: assert_opt_def)
apply (simp add: ext exec_get)
lemma s_bcorres_get_left:
"(s_bcorres_underlying t (get >>= f) g s)
= (s_bcorres_underlying t (f s) g s)"
by (simp add: s_bcorres_underlying_def exec_get)
lemma get_outside_alternative:
"alternative (get >>= f) g
= do s \<leftarrow> get; alternative (f s) g od"
by (simp add: alternative_def exec_get fun_eq_iff)
lemmas schedule_unfold_all = schedule_def allActiveTCBs_def
get_thread_state_def thread_get_def getActiveTCB_def
context BCorres2_AI begin
lemma switch_thread_bcorreses:
"bcorres (switch_to_idle_thread :: 'a state \<Rightarrow> _) switch_to_idle_thread"
"bcorres (switch_to_thread t :: 'a state \<Rightarrow> _) (switch_to_thread t)"
apply (simp_all add: switch_to_idle_thread_def switch_to_thread_def)
apply (wp | simp)+
lemma guarded_switch_bcorres: "s_bcorres (guarded_switch_to t :: 'a state \<Rightarrow> _) schedule s"
using switch_thread_bcorreses(2)[where t=t]
apply (clarsimp simp: schedule_unfold_all s_bcorres_underlying_def
in_monad in_select
split del: if_split)
apply (drule guarded_sub_switch)
apply (rule_tac x=t in exI, clarsimp split del: if_split)
apply (drule_tac s=s in drop_sbcorres_underlying)
apply (clarsimp simp: s_bcorres_underlying_def)
apply (auto intro!: alternative_second)
lemma choose_thread_bcorres: "BCorres2_AI TYPE(det_ext)
\<Longrightarrow> s_bcorres choose_thread schedule s"
apply (frule BCorres2_AI.switch_thread_bcorreses(1))
apply (simp add: choose_thread_def gets_def s_bcorres_get_left
apply (clarsimp simp: schedule_def s_bcorres_underlying_def)
apply (drule_tac s=s in drop_sbcorres_underlying)
apply (clarsimp simp: s_bcorres_underlying_def)
apply (auto intro!: alternative_second simp: exec_gets)
lemma tcb_sched_action_bcorres:
"bcorres (tcb_sched_action a b) (return ())"
by (clarsimp simp: bcorres_underlying_def s_bcorres_underlying_def return_def
dest!: tcb_sched_action_extended.ex_st)
(* FIXME move if useful *)
lemma if_s_bcorres_underlying[wp]:
"(P \<Longrightarrow> s_bcorres_underlying t f f' s) \<Longrightarrow> (\<not>P \<Longrightarrow> s_bcorres_underlying t g g' s)
\<Longrightarrow> s_bcorres_underlying t (if P then f else g) (if P then f' else g') s"
by (simp add: return_s_bcorres_underlying)
lemma schedule_choose_new_thread_bcorres1:
"BCorres2_AI TYPE(det_ext) \<Longrightarrow> bcorres schedule_choose_new_thread schedule"
unfolding schedule_choose_new_thread_def
apply (clarsimp simp: bcorres_underlying_def)
apply (simp add: schedule_det_ext_ext_def s_bcorres_get_left
gets_def get_thread_state_def thread_get_def gets_the_def
bind_assoc get_before_assert_opt ethread_get_def schedule_switch_thread_fastfail_def
apply (rule conjI; clarsimp)
apply (rule s_bcorres_underlying_split[where g'="\<lambda>_. return ()",
OF _ choose_thread_bcorres, simplified]
s_bcorres_underlying_split[where f'="return ()", simplified]
| fastforce simp: s_bcorres_underlying_def set_scheduler_action_def
when_def exec_gets simpler_modify_def return_def
next_domain_def Let_def)+
lemma schedule_bcorres1:
notes bsplits =
s_bcorres_underlying_split[where g'="\<lambda>_. return ()",
OF _ choose_thread_bcorres, simplified]
s_bcorres_underlying_split[where g'="\<lambda>_. return ()",
OF _ BCorres2_AI.guarded_switch_bcorres, simplified]
s_bcorres_underlying_split[where f'="return ()", simplified]
notes bdefs = schedule_det_ext_ext_def s_bcorres_get_left
gets_def get_thread_state_def thread_get_def gets_the_def
bind_assoc get_before_assert_opt ethread_get_def
schedule_switch_thread_fastfail_def when_def
tcb_sched_action_bcorres drop_sbcorres_underlying return_s_bcorres_underlying
notes unfolds = s_bcorres_underlying_def set_scheduler_action_def
simpler_modify_def return_def
shows "BCorres2_AI TYPE(det_ext) \<Longrightarrow> bcorres (schedule :: (unit,det_ext) s_monad) schedule"
supply if_split[split del]
apply (clarsimp simp: bcorres_underlying_def fail_def)
apply (simp add: bdefs)
apply (simp add: assert_opt_def)
apply (simp split: option.split, intro conjI impI)
apply (simp add: s_bcorres_underlying_def fail_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (split scheduler_action.split, intro conjI impI)
(* resume current *)
subgoal for s
apply (clarsimp simp: s_bcorres_underlying_def schedule_def allActiveTCBs_def
in_monad in_select getActiveTCB_def
split: if_split)
apply (fastforce simp add: switch_to_idle_thread_def in_monad in_select ex_bool_eq)
(* switch to *)
subgoal for s cttcb
apply clarsimp
apply (rule bsplits)+
apply (simp add: bdefs)
apply (simp add: assert_opt_def)
apply (split option.split, simp, intro conjI impI)
apply (simp add: s_bcorres_underlying_def fail_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: ethread_get_when_def split: if_split)
apply (rule conjI; clarsimp)
apply (simp add: bdefs)
apply (simp add: assert_opt_def)
apply (split option.split, simp, intro conjI impI)
apply (simp add: s_bcorres_underlying_def fail_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: bdefs split: if_split
| rule conjI
| rule bsplits
| erule drop_sbcorres_underlying[OF schedule_choose_new_thread_bcorres1]
| fastforce simp: unfolds)+
apply (clarsimp simp: bdefs split: if_split
| rule conjI
| rule bsplits
| erule drop_sbcorres_underlying[OF schedule_choose_new_thread_bcorres1])+