
541 lines
25 KiB

* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
theory Auto_Separation_Algebra
imports "AutoCorres" "../../lib/sep_algebra/Separation_Algebra"
keywords "sep_instance" :: thy_goal
lemmas sep_conj_def = Separation_Algebra.sep_algebra_class.sep_conj_def
instantiation "unit" :: stronger_sep_algebra
definition "zero_unit \<equiv> ()"
definition "plus_unit \<equiv> (\<lambda>h2 h2. ()) :: unit \<Rightarrow> unit \<Rightarrow> unit"
definition "sep_disj_unit \<equiv>(\<lambda>h1 h2. True) :: unit \<Rightarrow> unit \<Rightarrow> bool"
apply (default)
apply (clarsimp simp: zero_unit_def plus_unit_def sep_disj_unit_def)+
instantiation "bool" :: stronger_sep_algebra
definition "zero_bool \<equiv> False"
definition "plus_bool \<equiv> (op \<or>)"
definition "sep_disj_bool \<equiv> \<lambda>p q. p \<longrightarrow> \<not>q"
apply (default)
apply (auto simp: zero_bool_def plus_bool_def sep_disj_bool_def)+
instantiation "fun" :: (type,stronger_sep_algebra) stronger_sep_algebra
definition "zero_fun \<equiv> (\<lambda>x. 0)"
definition "plus_fun f f' \<equiv> (\<lambda>x. if f x = 0 then f' x else f x)"
definition "sep_disj_fun \<equiv> (\<lambda>f f'. \<forall>x. (f x = 0 \<or> f' x = 0)) :: ('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> bool "
apply default
apply (fastforce simp: zero_fun_def sep_disj_fun_def plus_fun_def)+
apply (clarsimp simp: zero_fun_def sep_disj_fun_def plus_fun_def, safe)
apply (fastforce)+
ML {*
type sep_info =
plus_thm : thm option,
disj_thm : thm option,
zero_thm : thm option,
sep_thms : thm list,
sep_heap_arrows : (term * thm) Typtab.table,
sep_heap_getters : (term * thm) Typtab.table,
sep_heap_setters : (term * thm) Typtab.table
fun mk_sep_info (plus_thm : thm option) (disj_thm : thm option) (zero_thm : thm option)
(sep_heap_arrows : (term * thm) Typtab.table) (sep_heap_getters : (term * thm) Typtab.table)
( sep_heap_setters : (term * thm) Typtab.table) (sep_thms : thm list) =
{plus_thm = plus_thm,
disj_thm = disj_thm,
zero_thm = zero_thm,
sep_thms = sep_thms,
sep_heap_arrows = sep_heap_arrows,
sep_heap_getters = sep_heap_getters,
sep_heap_setters = sep_heap_setters}
ML {*
fun upd_plus_thm (sep_info : sep_info) plus =
{plus_thm = plus,
disj_thm = #disj_thm sep_info,
zero_thm = #zero_thm sep_info,
sep_thms = #sep_thms sep_info,
sep_heap_arrows = #sep_heap_arrows sep_info,
sep_heap_getters = #sep_heap_getters sep_info,
sep_heap_setters = #sep_heap_setters sep_info}
fun upd_disj_thm (sep_info : sep_info) disj =
{plus_thm = #plus_thm sep_info,
disj_thm = disj,
zero_thm = #zero_thm sep_info,
sep_thms = #sep_thms sep_info,
sep_heap_arrows = #sep_heap_arrows sep_info,
sep_heap_getters = #sep_heap_getters sep_info,
sep_heap_setters = #sep_heap_setters sep_info}
fun upd_zero_thm (sep_info : sep_info) zero =
{plus_thm = #plus_thm sep_info,
disj_thm = #disj_thm sep_info,
zero_thm = zero,
sep_thms = #sep_thms sep_info,
sep_heap_arrows = #sep_heap_arrows sep_info,
sep_heap_getters = #sep_heap_getters sep_info,
sep_heap_setters = #sep_heap_setters sep_info}
fun upd_heap_arrows (sep_info : sep_info) arr =
{plus_thm = #plus_thm sep_info,
disj_thm = #disj_thm sep_info,
zero_thm = #zero_thm sep_info,
sep_heap_arrows = arr,
sep_thms = #sep_thms sep_info,
sep_heap_getters = #sep_heap_getters sep_info,
sep_heap_setters = #sep_heap_setters sep_info}
fun upd_heap_getters (sep_info : sep_info) getters =
{plus_thm = #plus_thm sep_info,
disj_thm = #disj_thm sep_info,
zero_thm = #zero_thm sep_info,
sep_heap_arrows = #sep_heap_arrows sep_info,
sep_heap_getters = getters,
sep_thms = #sep_thms sep_info,
sep_heap_setters = #sep_heap_setters sep_info}
fun upd_heap_setters (sep_info : sep_info) setters =
{plus_thm = #plus_thm sep_info,
disj_thm = #disj_thm sep_info,
zero_thm = #zero_thm sep_info,
sep_thms = #sep_thms sep_info,
sep_heap_arrows = #sep_heap_arrows sep_info,
sep_heap_getters = #sep_heap_getters sep_info,
sep_heap_setters = setters}
fun upd_thms (sep_info : sep_info) thms =
{plus_thm = #plus_thm sep_info,
disj_thm = #disj_thm sep_info,
zero_thm = #zero_thm sep_info,
sep_thms = thms,
sep_heap_arrows = #sep_heap_arrows sep_info,
sep_heap_getters = #sep_heap_getters sep_info,
sep_heap_setters = #sep_heap_setters sep_info
ML {* val print_type = dest_Type #> fst *}
ML {* fun mk_lifted_globals_record stateT rvals ctxt =
val xs = rvals
val state_t = "lifted_globals_ext" |> Syntax.read_term ctxt
betapplys (state_t, xs)
|> Syntax.check_term ctxt
ML {*
val get_data = HeapInfo.get #> Symtab.lookup;
fun zero_lifted_globals subT global_types heap_types =
let fun make_zero_heap heap_type = (@{mk_term "(\<lambda>(_ :: ?'T ptr). arbitrary_zero :: (?'T))" ('T)} heap_type)
fun make_zero_valid_heap heap_type = (@{mk_term "(\<lambda>_. False) :: ?'T ptr \<Rightarrow> bool" ('T)} heap_type)
fun make_zero global_type = @{mk_term "arbitrary_zero :: ?'T" ('T)} global_type
map make_zero global_types @
map make_zero_heap heap_types @
map make_zero_valid_heap heap_types @
[@{term "0\<^sub>? :: 'b"}] |>
mk_lifted_globals_record subT
val make_conj = @{mk_term "?P \<and> ?Q" (P, Q)}
val make_conj_list = foldr1 make_conj;
fun get_more ctxt t = "lifted_globals.more" |> Syntax.read_term ctxt
declare [[ML_print_depth=1000]]
ML {*
fun promote subT (Const (str, typ)) = Const (str, subT --> (typ |> range_type));
ML {*
fun sep_disj_lifted_globals ctxt subT heap_types heap_valid_getters h1 h2 =
fun make_valid_disjoint heap_type =
let val heap_valid_getter = Typtab.lookup heap_valid_getters heap_type |> the |> Const |> promote subT
(* val heap_valid_getter' = Const (fst heap_valid_getter, subT --> (heap_valid_getter |> snd |> range_type)) *)
@{mk_term "(\<lambda> l r. ?f l ## (?f r)) " (f)} (heap_valid_getter) $ h1 $ h2
val typ = subT |> dest_Type |> snd |> hd;
val more = get_more ctxt subT
(* val more_disjoint = @{mk_term "\<lambda>(f :: ?'T => ?'M :: stronger_sep_algebra) (l:: ?'T) (r :: ?'T ).
(f l) ## (f r)" ('T, 'M)} (subT, typ) $ more $ h1 $ h2 *)
val is_valid_disjoint = map make_valid_disjoint heap_types
make_conj_list is_valid_disjoint
ML {* fun setup_heap_zero stateT heap_type global_types sep_info ctxt =
val (_, thm, ctxt) = Utils.define_const_args "zero_lifted_globals_ext" false (zero_lifted_globals stateT global_types heap_type ctxt) [] ctxt
(upd_zero_thm sep_info (SOME thm), ctxt)
end *}
ML {* fun setup_heap_disj stateT heap_types heap_valid_getters sep_info ctxt =
val term = sep_disj_lifted_globals ctxt stateT heap_types heap_valid_getters (Free ("s0", stateT)) (Free ("s1", stateT))
val (_, thm, ctxt') = Utils.define_const_args "sep_disj_lifted_globals_ext" false (term) [("s0", stateT), ("s1", stateT)] ctxt
(upd_disj_thm sep_info (SOME thm), ctxt')
end *}
fun plus_lifted_globals ctxt subT global_names global_getters heap_types heap_getters heap_valid_getters h1 h2 =
fun make_global_plus global_name =
let val global_getter = global_name |> Symtab.lookup global_getters |> the |> snd |> promote subT
in @{mk_term "\<lambda>l r. arbitrary_add (?f l) (?f r)"(f)} global_getter $ h1 $ h2 end;
fun make_heap_plus heap_type =
let val heap_getter = heap_type |> Typtab.lookup heap_getters |> the |> Const |> promote subT
val heap_valid_getter = heap_type |> Typtab.lookup heap_valid_getters |> the |> Const |> promote subT
"\<lambda>l r.
\<lambda>x. if ?valid l x then ?heap l x else if ?valid r x then ?heap r x else
arbitrary_add ( ?heap l x) ( ?heap r x) " (heap, valid)}
(heap_getter, heap_valid_getter) $ h1 $ h2)
fun make_heap_valid_plus heap_type =
let val heap_valid_getter = heap_type |> Typtab.lookup heap_valid_getters |> the |> Const |> promote subT
(@{mk_term "\<lambda>l r.
(?valid l) + (?valid r)" (valid)} heap_valid_getter $ h1 $ h2)
val typ = subT |> dest_Type |> snd |> hd;
val more = get_more ctxt subT
map make_global_plus global_names @
map make_heap_plus heap_types @
map make_heap_valid_plus heap_types @
[(@{mk_term "\<lambda>l r.
arbitrary_add (?f l) (?f r)" (f)} (more) $ h1 $ h2)] |>
mk_lifted_globals_record subT
ML {*
fun setup_heap_plus stateT global_names global_getters heap_types heap_getters heap_valid_getters sep_info ctxt =
val term = (plus_lifted_globals ctxt stateT global_names global_getters heap_types
heap_getters heap_valid_getters (Free ("s0", stateT)) (Free ("s1", stateT)) ctxt)
val (_, thm, ctxt') = Utils.define_const_args "plus_lifted_globals_ext" false term
[("s0", stateT), ("s1", stateT)] ctxt
(upd_plus_thm sep_info (SOME thm), ctxt')
ML {*
fun make_arrow stateT heap_type heap_getters heap_valid_getters p v=
val heap_getter = heap_type |> Typtab.lookup heap_getters |> the |> Const
val heap_valid = heap_type |> Typtab.lookup heap_valid_getters |> the |> Const
@{mk_term "\<lambda>p v s. ?h s p = v \<and> ?v' s p" (h, v')}
(heap_getter, heap_valid) $ p $ v
fun split_on _ [] = [] |
split_on f (x::xs) = if f x then xs else split_on f xs ;
fun hds s = String.substring (s,0,1)
fun setup_arrows stateT heap_types heap_getters heap_valid_getters sep_info ctxt =
val (arrowt, _, ctxt') = Utils.define_const_args "sep_generic_arrow" true
(@{mk_term "undefined :: (?'h ptr => ?'h => ?'T \<Rightarrow> bool)" ('T, 'h) } (stateT, @{typ 'h})) [] ctxt
val ctxt'' = Local_Theory.notation true Syntax.mode_default [(arrowt, Infixl ("\<mapsto>s", 50))] ctxt'
fun setup_arrow (heap_type,(sep_info,ctxt)) =
val pointer = (Free ("p", Utils.gen_typ @{typ "'a ptr"} [heap_type]))
val value = (Free ("v", heap_type))
val term = (make_arrow stateT heap_type heap_getters heap_valid_getters pointer value)
val arr_name = "sep_map_" ^ HeapLiftBase.name_from_type heap_type
val arrow = "\<mapsto>" ^ (HeapLiftBase.name_from_type heap_type |> hds)
val fix = Infixl (arrow, 50)
val (t , thm, ctxt') = Utils.define_const_args arr_name false term
[("p", Utils.gen_typ @{typ "'a ptr"} [heap_type]) , ("v", heap_type) ] ctxt
val ctxt'' = Local_Theory.notation true Syntax.mode_default [(t , fix)] ctxt'
val genarrowstr = arrowt |> dest_Const |> fst
val sep_info = sep_info |> #sep_heap_arrows |> Typtab.update (heap_type, (t,thm)) |> upd_heap_arrows sep_info
(sep_info, ctxt'' |>
Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = true, pervasive = false} (K (Adhoc_Overloading.generic_add_overloaded genarrowstr )) |>
Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = true, pervasive = false} (K (Adhoc_Overloading.generic_add_variant genarrowstr t)))
in foldr setup_arrow (sep_info,ctxt'') heap_types
ML {* Utils.expand_type_abbrevs; @{theory}; Proof_Context.theory_of;*}
ML {* fun liberalise_type _ (Type (s,[])) = (s,[]) |> Type |
liberalise_type t (Type (s,(xs))) = if (Long_Name.base_name s) = "lifted_globals_ext" then
(Type (s, t :: (tl xs))) else
(Type (s, map (liberalise_type t) (xs)));
ML {*
fun make_rewrite heap_getters heap_setters heap_type sep_info ctxt =
val heap_getter = heap_type |> Typtab.lookup heap_getters |> the |> Const
val heap_setter = heap_type |> Typtab.lookup heap_setters |> the |> Const
val get_heap_term = @{mk_term "gets (\<lambda>s. ?f s p) " (f)} (heap_getter)
val set_heap_term = @{mk_term "modify (?f (\<lambda>a. a(p := v)))" (f)} heap_setter
val (t, thy, ctxt) = Utils.define_const_args ("get_" ^ (HeapLiftBase.name_from_type heap_type)) false get_heap_term [("p", Utils.gen_typ @{typ "'a ptr"} [heap_type])] ctxt
val (t', thy', ctxt) = Utils.define_const_args ("set_" ^ (HeapLiftBase.name_from_type heap_type)) false set_heap_term [("p", Utils.gen_typ @{typ "'a ptr"} [heap_type]), ("v", heap_type)] ctxt
val localise_term = @{mk_term "modify (\<lambda>s. ?f (\<lambda>a. a(p:= f s)) (s)) \<equiv> do v <- gets f; ?g p v od" (f,g)} (heap_setter, t')
val localise_simps = @{thms modify_def gets_def put_def fun_upd_def get_def return_def bind_def }
val localise_term' = @{mk_term "Trueprop (modify (\<lambda>s. ?f (\<lambda>a. a(p:= f a s)) s) = do a <- gets (\<lambda>s. f (?h s) s); ?g p a od)" (f,h,g)} (heap_setter, heap_getter, t')
val prove_localise = force_tac
(ctxt addsimps localise_simps addsimps [thy'])
val localise_thm = Goal.prove ctxt ["f", "p"] [] localise_term (fn _ => prove_localise 1)
val localise'_thm = Goal.prove ctxt ["f", "p"] [] localise_term' (fn _ => prove_localise 1)
val sep_info = sep_info |> #sep_thms |> (fn x => x @ [localise_thm, localise'_thm, Thm.symmetric thy,Thm.symmetric thy']) |> upd_thms sep_info
val sep_info = sep_info |> #sep_heap_getters |> Typtab.update (heap_type, (t,thy)) |> upd_heap_getters sep_info
val sep_info = sep_info |> #sep_heap_setters |> Typtab.update (heap_type, (t',thy')) |> upd_heap_setters sep_info
(sep_info, ctxt)
ML {*
fun make_struct_rewrite (structs : HeapLiftBase.struct_info list) sep_info ctxt =
val structs = structs |> map #field_info |> List.concat
fun make_struct_rewrite_inner strct =
let val getter = strct |> #getter
val setter = strct |> #setter
val getter_rewrite_term = @{mk_term "Trueprop (gets (\<lambda>s. ?P (f s) ) =
do c <- gets f;
return (?P c )
od )" (P)} getter
val getter_rewrite_term' = @{mk_term "Trueprop (gets (\<lambda>s a. ?P (f s) ) =
do c <- gets f;
return (\<lambda>a. ?P c ) od )" (P)} getter
val setter_rewrite_term = @{mk_term "Trueprop (gets (\<lambda>s . ?P (f s) (g s)) =
do c <- gets f;
d <- gets g;
return ( ?P c d )
od )" (P)} setter
val setter_rewrite_term' = @{mk_term "Trueprop (gets (\<lambda>s a . ?P (f s) (g s)) =
do c <- gets f;
d <- gets g;
return (\<lambda>a. ?P c d )
od )" (P)} setter
val getter_rewrite = Goal.prove ctxt ["f"] [] getter_rewrite_term (fn _ => Skip_Proof.cheat_tac ctxt 1)
val getter_rewrite' = Goal.prove ctxt ["f"] [] getter_rewrite_term' (fn _ => Skip_Proof.cheat_tac ctxt 1)
val setter_rewrite = Goal.prove ctxt ["f", "g"] [] setter_rewrite_term (fn _ => Skip_Proof.cheat_tac ctxt 1)
val setter_rewrite' = Goal.prove ctxt ["f", "g"] [] setter_rewrite_term' (fn _ => Skip_Proof.cheat_tac ctxt 1)
in [setter_rewrite,setter_rewrite', getter_rewrite, getter_rewrite'] end;
fun upd_sep_info_list info xs = info |> #sep_thms |> (fn x => x @ xs) |> upd_thms info
in map make_struct_rewrite_inner structs |> List.concat |> upd_sep_info_list sep_info
fun make_rewrites heap_types heap_getters heap_setters structs sep_info ctxt =
val (sep_info, ctxt) = foldr (fn (htype, (info, ctxt)) => (make_rewrite heap_getters heap_setters htype info ctxt) ) (sep_info,ctxt) heap_types
val sep_info = (make_struct_rewrite structs sep_info ctxt)
val thms= sep_info |> #sep_thms
(sep_info, Utils.define_lemmas "sep_thms" thms ctxt |> snd )
ML {* val myss = ref HOL_basic_ss *}
ML {* val mythm = ref @{thms iffI} *}
ML {* fun prove_get_leaf_lemma heap_type ((sep_info : sep_info), ctxt) =
val (heap_getter, heap_getter_def) = heap_type |> Typtab.lookup (#sep_heap_getters sep_info) |> the
val (heap_arrow, heap_arrow_def) = heap_type |> Typtab.lookup (#sep_heap_arrows sep_info) |> the
val plus_thm = sep_info |> #plus_thm |> the
val proof_term = @{mk_term
" Trueprop (
\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. (?arr p x \<and>* R) s\<rbrace>
?getter p
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. pred_conj (?arr p x \<and>* R) ( K (rv = x))\<rbrace> )" (arr,getter)}
(heap_arrow, heap_getter)
val thms = [@{thm sep_conj_def},
@{thm pred_conj_def},
heap_getter_def, heap_arrow_def, plus_thm]
val name = heap_getter |> dest_Const |> fst |> Long_Name.base_name
fun proof_tac ctxt = fast_force_tac (ctxt addsimps thms)
val get_wp = Goal.prove ctxt ["x", "p","R"] [] proof_term (fn _ => proof_tac ctxt 1)
in (sep_info, Utils.define_lemma (name ^ "_wp") get_wp ctxt |> snd) end; *}
ML {*
fun prove_update_heap_lemma (heap_arrow, heap_arrow_def) heap_update ctxt =
let val proof_term = @{mk_term "((?arr p x) s \<Longrightarrow> (?arr p v) (?heap_update (\<lambda>s. fun_upd s p v) s))" (arr,heap_update)} (heap_arrow, heap_update)
val proof = clarsimp_tac (ctxt addsimps [heap_arrow_def])
in Goal.prove ctxt ["x", "p", "v","s"] [] proof_term (fn x => proof 1)
fun prove_set_leaf_lemma (heap_type, heap_updater) ((sep_info : sep_info), ctxt) =
val (heap_setter, heap_setter_def) = heap_type |> Typtab.lookup (#sep_heap_setters sep_info) |> the
val (heap_arrow, heap_arrow_def) = heap_type |> Typtab.lookup (#sep_heap_arrows sep_info) |> the
val disj_thm = sep_info |> #disj_thm |> the
val plus_thm = sep_info |> #plus_thm |> the
val proof_term = @{mk_term
" Trueprop (
\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. (?arr p x \<and>* R) s\<rbrace>
?setter p v
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. (?arr p v \<and>* R)\<rbrace> )" (arr,setter)}
(heap_arrow, heap_setter)
val thms = @{thms fun_upd_def} @ [ heap_arrow_def, disj_thm, plus_thm]
val name = heap_setter |> dest_Const |> fst |> Long_Name.base_name
val heap_update_lemma = prove_update_heap_lemma (heap_arrow, heap_arrow_def) (heap_updater) ctxt
fun proof_tac ctxt = clarsimp_tac (ctxt addsimps [heap_setter_def]) THEN'
etac @{thm sep_conjE} THEN'
rtac @{thm sep_conjI} THEN'
etac heap_update_lemma THEN'
fast_force_tac (ctxt) THEN_ALL_NEW
fast_force_tac (ctxt addsimps thms)
val set_wp = Goal.prove ctxt ["x", "p","R", "v"] [] proof_term (fn x => proof_tac (#context x) 1 )
in (sep_info, Utils.define_lemma (name ^ "_wp") set_wp ctxt |> snd) end; *}
ML {*
fun prove_get_leaf_lemmas heap_types sep_info ctxt =
foldr (uncurry prove_get_leaf_lemma) (sep_info, ctxt) heap_types
fun prove_set_leaf_lemmas heap_types sep_info ctxt =
foldr (uncurry prove_set_leaf_lemma) (sep_info, ctxt) heap_types
ML {*
fun force_tac ctxt =
(Classical.clarify_tac ctxt 1 THEN
IF_UNSOLVED (Simplifier.asm_full_simp_tac ctxt 1) THEN
ALLGOALS (Classical.first_best_tac ctxt))
fun zipWith (x::xs) (y::ys) f = f x y :: zipWith xs ys f |
zipWith _ _ _ = []
fun tester str thy =
let val data = get_data thy str |> the
val typ = data |> #globals_type |> print_type
val stateT = data |> #globals_type |> dest_Type ||> (K [@{typ 'b}]) |> Type
val heap_types = data |> #heap_getters |> Typtab.dest |> map fst
val heap_valid_getters = data |> #heap_valid_getters
val heap_getters = data |> #heap_getters
val heap_setters = data |> #heap_setters
val global_types = data |> #global_fields |> map (fn (_,_,z) => z)
val global_names = data |> #global_fields |> map (fn (x,_,_) => x)
val global_getters = data |> #global_field_getters
val structs = data |> #structs |> Symtab.dest |> map snd
val sep_info = mk_sep_info NONE NONE NONE Typtab.empty Typtab.empty Typtab.empty []
fun tup_list (x : sep_info)
= [x |> #plus_thm |> the,
x |> #zero_thm |> the,
x |> #disj_thm |> the]
fun proof_tac thms ctxt =
val equality = Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt "lifted_globals.equality" ;
val simpset = ctxt addsimps @{thms sep_add_left_commute sep_disj_commute sep_add_assoc sep_add_commute
left_commute zero_fun_def plus_fun_def sep_disj_fun_def zero_bool_def
commute} addsimps thms
val intros = [equality, @{thm ext}]
Class.default_intro_tac ctxt [] THEN
((resolve_tac ctxt intros ORELSE'
force_tac simpset ) |> REPEAT_ALL_NEW |> TRYALL)
in thy
|> Class.instantiation ([typ], [("'a", @{sort type})], @{sort stronger_sep_algebra})
|> setup_heap_zero stateT heap_types global_types sep_info
|-> setup_heap_disj stateT heap_types heap_valid_getters
|-> setup_heap_plus stateT global_names global_getters heap_types heap_getters heap_valid_getters
|-> setup_arrows stateT heap_types heap_getters heap_valid_getters
|-> make_rewrites heap_types heap_getters heap_setters structs
|> (fn (info, ctxt) => (info, (info,ctxt) |> (apfst (tup_list #> proof_tac) #-> Class.prove_instantiation_instance)))
|-> prove_get_leaf_lemmas heap_types
|-> prove_set_leaf_lemmas (heap_setters |> Typtab.dest |> map (fn x => x ||> Const)) |> snd
Adhoc_Overloading.is_overloaded @{context} "\<mapsto>"
ML {*
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "sep_instance"} "instantiate and prove type arity"
(Parse.path >>
(fn str => tester str |> Toplevel.begin_local_theory true #> Toplevel.end_local_theory));
(* get_data @{theory} "swap.c" |> the |> #structs *)