
677 lines
25 KiB
Standard ML

* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
(* FIXME: all this should work on Proof.context or local_thy, not theory *)
signature UMM_PROOFS =
type T
val umm_empty_state : T
val umm_finalise : T -> theory -> theory
val umm_struct_calculation :
((string * (string * typ * int Absyn.ctype) list) * T * theory) ->
T * theory
val umm_array_calculation : typ -> int -> T -> theory -> T * theory
structure UMM_Proof_Theorems = Theory_Data (
type T = thm list Symtab.table;
val empty = Symtab.empty
val extend = I
val merge = Symtab.join (fn _ => fn (lhs, rhs) =>
sort_distinct Thm.thm_ord (lhs @ rhs))
structure UMM_Proofs : UMM_PROOFS =
(* Add a list of theorems to our theory data. *)
fun add_data_thms thms thy =
UMM_Proof_Theorems.map (
fold (fn (k,v) => Symtab.map_default (k, []) (fn a => v @ a)) thms) thy
open TermsTypes NameGeneration UMM_TermsTypes
type T = {
starttime : Time.time,
fg_thms : thm list,
typ_info_thms : thm list,
td_names_thms : thm list,
typ_name_thms : thm list,
upd_lift_thms : thm list,
upd_other_thms : thm list,
size_align_thms : thm list,
fl_Some_thms : thm list,
fl_ti_thms : thm list,
records_done : string Binaryset.set,
arrayeltypes_done : typ Binaryset.set,
structsize_done : string Binaryset.set, (* name of struct type *)
szclass_done : (string * string) Binaryset.set
(* name of struct type coupled with sizeclass *)
val umm_empty_state =
{starttime = Time.now (),
fg_thms = [],
typ_info_thms = [],
td_names_thms = [],
typ_name_thms = [],
upd_lift_thms = [],
upd_other_thms = [],
size_align_thms = [],
fl_Some_thms = [],
fl_ti_thms = [],
records_done = Binaryset.empty String.compare,
arrayeltypes_done = Binaryset.empty typ_ord,
structsize_done = Binaryset.empty String.compare,
szclass_done = Binaryset.empty (pair_compare(String.compare, String.compare))};
(* Should these be prefixed by e.g. parser_ ? They can be added to the simpset somewhere else *)
fun umm_finalise st thy = let
val thms = [(("fg_cons_simps", #fg_thms st), []), (* alread in ss *)
(("typ_info_simps", #typ_info_thms st), []),
(("td_names_simps", #td_names_thms st), []), (* alread in ss *)
(("typ_name_simps", #typ_name_thms st), [Simplifier.simp_add]),
(("upd_lift_simps", #upd_lift_thms st), [(* Simplifier.simp_add *)]),
(("upd_other_simps", #upd_other_thms st), [(* Simplifier.simp_add *)]),
(("size_align_simps", #size_align_thms st), []), (* already in ss *)
(("fl_Some_simps", #fl_Some_thms st), []), (* These should be intro simps *)
(("fl_ti_simps", #fl_ti_thms st), [Simplifier.simp_add])
fun mapthis ((nm,thms),attrs) = ((Binding.name nm, thms), attrs)
val (_, thy) = Global_Theory.add_thmss (map mapthis thms) thy
(* Record the theorems in the theory data. *)
val thy = add_data_thms (map fst thms) thy
fun add_st_thms fgs tis tds tns uts uos sas fls fltis
{starttime, fg_thms, typ_info_thms, td_names_thms, typ_name_thms,
upd_lift_thms, upd_other_thms, size_align_thms, fl_Some_thms,
fl_ti_thms, records_done, arrayeltypes_done, structsize_done,
szclass_done} =
{ starttime = starttime,
fg_thms = fgs @ fg_thms,
typ_info_thms = tis @ typ_info_thms,
td_names_thms = tds @ td_names_thms,
typ_name_thms = tns @ typ_name_thms,
upd_lift_thms = uts @ upd_lift_thms,
upd_other_thms = uos @ upd_other_thms,
size_align_thms = sas @ size_align_thms,
fl_Some_thms = fls @ fl_Some_thms,
fl_ti_thms = fltis @ fl_ti_thms,
records_done = records_done,
arrayeltypes_done = arrayeltypes_done,
structsize_done = structsize_done,
szclass_done = szclass_done
fun add_record_done nm {starttime, fg_thms, typ_info_thms, td_names_thms,
typ_name_thms, upd_lift_thms, upd_other_thms,
size_align_thms, fl_Some_thms, fl_ti_thms,
records_done, arrayeltypes_done, structsize_done,
szclass_done} =
{starttime = starttime,
fg_thms = fg_thms,
typ_info_thms = typ_info_thms,
td_names_thms = td_names_thms,
typ_name_thms = typ_name_thms,
upd_lift_thms = upd_lift_thms,
upd_other_thms = upd_other_thms,
size_align_thms = size_align_thms,
fl_Some_thms = fl_Some_thms,
fl_ti_thms = fl_ti_thms,
records_done = Binaryset.add(records_done, nm),
arrayeltypes_done = arrayeltypes_done,
structsize_done = structsize_done,
szclass_done = szclass_done}
fun add_array_done i {starttime, fg_thms, typ_info_thms, td_names_thms,
typ_name_thms, upd_lift_thms, upd_other_thms,
size_align_thms, fl_Some_thms, fl_ti_thms,
records_done, arrayeltypes_done, structsize_done,
szclass_done} =
{starttime = starttime,
fg_thms = fg_thms,
typ_info_thms = typ_info_thms,
td_names_thms = td_names_thms,
typ_name_thms = typ_name_thms,
upd_lift_thms = upd_lift_thms,
upd_other_thms = upd_other_thms,
size_align_thms = size_align_thms,
fl_Some_thms = fl_Some_thms,
fl_ti_thms = fl_ti_thms,
records_done = records_done,
arrayeltypes_done = Binaryset.add(arrayeltypes_done, i),
structsize_done = structsize_done,
szclass_done = szclass_done}
fun add_structsize_done i {starttime, fg_thms, typ_info_thms, td_names_thms,
typ_name_thms, upd_lift_thms, upd_other_thms,
size_align_thms, fl_Some_thms, fl_ti_thms,
records_done, arrayeltypes_done, structsize_done,
szclass_done} =
{starttime = starttime,
fg_thms = fg_thms,
typ_info_thms = typ_info_thms,
td_names_thms = td_names_thms,
typ_name_thms = typ_name_thms,
upd_lift_thms = upd_lift_thms,
upd_other_thms = upd_other_thms,
size_align_thms = size_align_thms,
fl_Some_thms = fl_Some_thms,
fl_ti_thms = fl_ti_thms,
records_done = records_done,
arrayeltypes_done = arrayeltypes_done,
structsize_done = Binaryset.add(structsize_done, i),
szclass_done = szclass_done}
fun add_szclass_done i {starttime, fg_thms, typ_info_thms, td_names_thms,
typ_name_thms, upd_lift_thms, upd_other_thms,
size_align_thms, fl_Some_thms, fl_ti_thms,
records_done, arrayeltypes_done, structsize_done,
szclass_done} =
{starttime = starttime,
fg_thms = fg_thms,
typ_info_thms = typ_info_thms,
td_names_thms = td_names_thms,
typ_name_thms = typ_name_thms,
upd_lift_thms = upd_lift_thms,
upd_other_thms = upd_other_thms,
size_align_thms = size_align_thms,
fl_Some_thms = fl_Some_thms,
fl_ti_thms = fl_ti_thms,
records_done = records_done,
arrayeltypes_done = arrayeltypes_done,
structsize_done = structsize_done,
szclass_done = Binaryset.add(szclass_done, i)}
fun phase st recname s =
if !Feedback.verbosity_level > 2 then let
val tm = (Time.now ()) - (#starttime st)
Output.tracing ("PHASE " ^ s ^ " " ^ recname ^ " " ^
LargeInt.toString (Time.toMilliseconds tm))
else ()
val size_td_simps_arr =
@{thms "size_td_simps"} @
[@{thm "typ_info_array"}, @{thm "array_tag_def"},
@{thm "align_td_array_tag"}]
val size_td_simps_arr_fl =
@{thms "size_td_simps"} @
[@{thm "size_td_array"}, @{thm "align_td_array"}, @{thm "max_def"}]
fun umm_mem_type recname recty typtag_thm tag_def_thm thy = let
val _ = tracing ("Proving UMM inversion for type "^recname^"... ")
val ctxt0 = thy2ctxt thy
val mem_type_instance_t =
Logic.mk_of_class(recty, "CTypesDefs.mem_type")
(* typ_tag TYPE('a struct_scheme) = struct_tag_def *)
val t_def_thms = [typtag_thm, tag_def_thm, @{thm "align_of_def"},
@{thm "size_of_def"}]
val t_def_step = ALLGOALS (asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt0 addsimps t_def_thms))
(* wf_desc *)
val wf_desc_Is = ctxt0 addIs [@{thm "wf_desc_final_pad"},
@{thm "wf_desc_ti_typ_pad_combine"}]
val wf_desc_step = force_tac wf_desc_Is 1
(* wf_size_desc *)
val wf_size_desc_Is =
ctxt0 addIs
[@{thm "wf_size_desc_ti_typ_pad_combine"}, @{thm "wf_size_desc_final_pad"}]
val wf_size_desc_step = force_tac wf_size_desc_Is 1
(* wf_lf *)
infix addsimps'
fun op addsimps' (ctxt, thms) =
Context.proof_map (Simplifier.map_ss (fn ss => ss addsimps thms)) ctxt
val wf_lf_Is =
addIs [@{thm "wf_lf_final_pad"}, @{thm "wf_lf_ti_typ_pad_combine"},
@{thm "wf_desc_final_pad"}, @{thm "wf_desc_ti_typ_pad_combine"},
@{thm "g_ind_ti_typ_pad_combine"}, @{thm "f_ind_ti_typ_pad_combine"},
@{thm "fa_ind_ti_typ_pad_combine"}]
addsimps' [@{thm "comp_def"}]
val wf_lf_step = force_tac wf_lf_Is 1
(* At Raf's request - important if screwed *)
fun dprint_tac s = if !Feedback.verbosity_level > 2 then print_tac ctxt0 s
else all_tac
(* fu_eq_mask *)
val fu_eq_mask_step = auto_tac ctxt0 THEN
resolve_tac ctxt0 [@{thm "fu_eq_mask"}] 1 THEN
dprint_tac "fu_eq_mask [v-2]" THEN
assume_tac ctxt0 1 THEN
dprint_tac "fu_eq_mask [v-1]" THEN
asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt0 addsimps (size_td_simps_arr)) 1 THEN
dprint_tac "fu_eq_mask [v0]" THEN
resolve_tac ctxt0 [@{thm "fu_eq_mask_final_pad"}] 1 THEN
REPEAT (resolve_tac ctxt0 [@{thm "fu_eq_mask_ti_typ_pad_combine"}] 1) THEN
asm_full_simp_tac (ctxt0 addsimps [
@{thm "fu_eq_mask_empty_typ_info"}, @{thm "there_is_only_one"}]) 1 THEN
dprint_tac "fu_eq_mask [v1]" THEN
REPEAT (dprint_tac "forcing" THEN
force_tac (ctxt0 addSIs [@{thm "fc_ti_typ_pad_combine"}]
addsimps' [@{thm "there_is_only_one"}, @{thm "fg_cons_def"}, @{thm "comp_def"}, @{thm "fu_eq_mask_empty_typ_info"},
@{thm "upd_local_def"}]) 1) THEN
dprint_tac "fu_eq_mask [v2]"
val align_dvd_size_step =
(ctxt0 addsimps [
@{thm "align_of_def"}, @{thm "size_of_def"}]) 1
val align_field_step =
(ctxt0 addsimps [
@{thm "align_td_array_tag"}, @{thm "align_field_final_pad"},
@{thm "align_field_ti_typ_pad_combine"},
@{thm "typ_info_array"}, @{thm "array_tag_def"}]) 1
val size_lt_step =
(ctxt0 addsimps
(size_td_simps_arr @
[@{thm "addr_card"}, @{thm "align_of_def"},
@{thm "size_of_def"}, @{thm "align_of_final_pad"}])) 1
val is_mem_type_thm =
Goal.prove_future ctxt0 [] [] mem_type_instance_t
(fn _ => DETERM ((
Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt0 [] THEN
dprint_tac "t_def" THEN
t_def_step THEN
dprint_tac "wf_desc" THEN
wf_desc_step THEN
dprint_tac "wf_size_desc" THEN
wf_size_desc_step) THEN
dprint_tac "wf_lf" THEN
wf_lf_step THEN
dprint_tac "fu_eq_mask" THEN
fu_eq_mask_step THEN
dprint_tac "align_dvd_size" THEN
align_dvd_size_step THEN
dprint_tac "align_field" THEN
align_field_step THEN
dprint_tac "size_lt" THEN
Axclass.add_arity is_mem_type_thm thy
val packed_type_simps = @{thms "packed_type_intro_simps"}
fun umm_packed_type recname recty typtag_thm tag_def_thm fgthms thy = let
val _ = tracing ("Proving UMM packed type for type "^recname^"... ")
val ctxt0 = thy2ctxt thy
val packed_type_instance_t =
Logic.mk_of_class (recty, "PackedTypes.packed_type")
val packed_type_instance_ct = Thm.cterm_of ctxt0 packed_type_instance_t
val pt_ss = (ctxt0 addsimps ([typtag_thm, tag_def_thm] @ packed_type_simps @ fgthms))
(* Try to solve. If we fail, we catch the exception and ignore. *)
val is_packed_type_thm =
Goal.prove_internal ctxt0 [] packed_type_instance_ct
(fn _ => DETERM ((
((fn _ => Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt0 []) THEN_ALL_NEW (asm_simp_tac pt_ss)) 1)))
Axclass.add_arity is_packed_type_thm thy
end handle THM _ => (tracing ("Failed to prove UMM packed type for type "^recname); thy)
exception AlreadyDone
fun calculate_record_size recname (st, thy) ths ty =
if Binaryset.member(#structsize_done st, recname) then (st, thy)
else let
val ctxt = thy2ctxt thy
val tysize_th =
((thy2ctxt thy) addsimps
((@{thm "size_of_def"} :: @{thm "typ_info_array"} ::
@{thm "array_tag_def"} :: @{thm "TWO"} ::
@{thms "size_td_simps"} @ ths)))
(Thm.cterm_of ctxt (mk_sizeof (mk_TYPE ty)))
val _ = let
val ctxt = thy2ctxt thy
val size_t = Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of tysize_th)
(* check that it simplifies to a number *)
numb_to_int size_t
handle e as TERM _ =>
(tracing ("Can't get good computation of size of type " ^
recname ^ " (got this RHS: "^
Syntax.string_of_term ctxt size_t ^ ")");
raise e)
val (thm, thy) = Global_Theory.add_thm ((Binding.name(recname^"_size"),tysize_th),
val thy = add_data_thms [("size_simps", [thm])] thy
(add_structsize_done recname st, thy)
fun umm_struct_calculation ((recname, flds), st, thy) = let
val _ = not (Binaryset.member (#records_done st, recname)) orelse
(tracing ("UMM Proof for "^recname^" already done");
raise AlreadyDone)
(* useful stuff for what is to come *)
val fullrecname = Sign.intern_type thy recname
val recty = Type(fullrecname, [])
val phase = phase st recname
val _ = phase "START"
(* the tag definition for the new type *)
fun gen_tag_pad flds tag =
case flds of
[] => error ("Record ("^recname^") with no fields??")
| [(fldnm, ty, _)] => mk_tag_pad_tm recty ty fldnm thy $ tag
| (fldnm, ty, _)::rest =>
gen_tag_pad rest (mk_tag_pad_tm recty ty fldnm thy $ tag)
val tag_rhs =
final_pad_tm recty $ gen_tag_pad flds (empty_tag_tm recty recname)
val tag_nm = recname^"_tag"
val thy = prim_mk_defn tag_nm tag_rhs thy
handle ERROR s => error ("Defining "^tag_nm^" as\n "^
Syntax.string_of_term_global thy tag_rhs ^
"\nfailed with message: "^s)
val tag_tm = Const(Sign.intern_const thy tag_nm, mk_tag_type recty)
val tag_def_thm = Global_Theory.get_thm thy (tag_nm ^ "_def")
val _ = phase "MADE TAG DEFN"
(* the typ_name_itself definition *)
val typnameitself_lhs =
Const(@{const_name "typ_name_itself"}, mk_itself_type recty -->
typ_name_ty) $ Free("x", mk_itself_type recty)
val typnameitself_rhs = mk_string recname
val typnameitself_triple =
((Binding.name (recname ^ "_typ_name_itself"),
mk_defeqn(typnameitself_lhs, typnameitself_rhs)),
(* the typ_tag definition *)
val typtag_lhs = mk_typ_info_tm recty $ Free("x", mk_itself_type recty)
val typtag_rhs = tag_tm
val typtag_triple =
((Binding.name (recname ^ "_typ_tag"),
mk_defeqn(typtag_lhs, typtag_rhs)),
val typ_info_TYPE = mk_typ_info_of recty
(* make the definitions *)
val (typnameitself_thm, typtag_thm, thy) =
case Global_Theory.add_defs true
[typnameitself_triple, typtag_triple] thy
([x,y], thy) => (x,y,thy)
| _ => raise Fail "UMM_Proofs: Bind error"
val thy = add_data_thms [("typ_name_itself", [typnameitself_thm])] thy
val _ = phase "MEMTYPE"
(* Add the mem_type instance *)
val thy = umm_mem_type recname recty typtag_thm tag_def_thm thy
val _ = phase "SIZE"
val _ = tracing "About to size/align..."
val size_td_thm =
((thy2ctxt thy) addsimps (size_td_simps_arr @ [tag_def_thm, typtag_thm]))
(Thm.cterm_of (thy2ctxt thy) (mk_sizetd typ_info_TYPE))
val (st,thy) = calculate_record_size recname (st,thy) [size_td_thm] recty
val _ = phase "ALIGN"
val _ = tracing "About to size/align 1..."
val align_td_thm =
((thy2ctxt thy) addsimps (size_td_simps_arr
@ [tag_def_thm, typtag_thm, @{thm "align_of_def"}]))
(Thm.cterm_of (thy2ctxt thy) (mk_aligntd typ_info_TYPE))
val (recthms,thy) =
Global_Theory.add_thms [((Binding.name(recname^"_size_of"),size_td_thm),[]),
val (typtag_thm, thy) =
Global_Theory.add_thms [((Binding.name(recname ^ "_typ_info"), typtag_thm),[])]
thy |> apfst hd
val _ = phase "TYPNAME"
val _ = tracing "About to type typ_name ..."
val typ_name_thm =
((thy2ctxt thy) addsimps [tag_def_thm, typtag_thm])
(Thm.cterm_of (thy2ctxt thy) (mk_typ_name_of recty))
val (typ_name_thm, thy) =
Global_Theory.add_thms [((Binding.name(recname ^ "_typ_name"), typ_name_thm),
val _ = phase "FL"
val _ = tracing "About to type/field fl..."
val flthms = let
val fl_simps = size_td_simps_arr_fl @ @{thms "fl_simps"} @
[tag_def_thm, typtag_thm]
fun fl_thm f = ((Binding.name(recname^"_"^(#1 f) ^"_fl"), Drule.export_without_context (
Simplifier.asm_full_rewrite ((thy2ctxt thy) addsimps fl_simps)
(Thm.cterm_of (thy2ctxt thy) (mk_field_lookup (recty,#1 f))))),[])
map fl_thm flds
val (flthms,thy) = Global_Theory.add_thms flthms thy
val thy = add_data_thms [("fl_simps", flthms)] thy
val _ = phase "FG"
val _ = tracing "About to fg..."
val fgthms = let
fun fg_thm f = Goal.prove_future (thy2ctxt thy) [] []
(mk_prop (mk_fg_cons_tm recty (#2 f) (#1 f) thy))
(fn _ => asm_full_simp_tac
((thy2ctxt thy) addsimps [@{thm "fg_cons_def"}, @{thm comp_def}]) 1)
map fg_thm flds
val _ = phase "PACKEDTYPE"
val thy = umm_packed_type recname recty typtag_thm tag_def_thm fgthms thy
val _ = phase "FLSOME"
val _ = tracing "About to type/field fl_Some ..."
val fl_Some_thms = let
fun fl_thm' (fl, (name, _, _)) = let
val concl_lhs = mk_field_lookup_nofs (recty, name)
val thm =
Simplifier.asm_full_rewrite ((thy2ctxt thy) addsimps [fl])
(Thm.cterm_of (thy2ctxt thy) concl_lhs) |>
((Binding.name(recname^ "_" ^ name ^ "_fl_Some"), thm), [])
map fl_thm' (flthms ~~ flds)
val (fl_Some_thms, thy) = Global_Theory.add_thms fl_Some_thms thy
val _ = phase "FLTI"
val _ = tracing "About to type/field fl_ti ..."
val fl_ti_thms = let
val rl = @{thm "field_lookup_field_ti"}
fun fl_thm' (fl_Some, (name, _, _)) = let
val thm = rl OF [fl_Some]
((Binding.name(recname^ "_" ^ name ^ "_fl_ti"), thm), [])
map fl_thm' (fl_Some_thms ~~ flds)
val (fl_ti_thms, thy) = Global_Theory.add_thms fl_ti_thms thy
val upd_lift_thms = []
val upd_lift_other_thms = []
val _ = phase "NAMES"
val _ = tracing "About to td_names ..."
val td_names_name = recname ^ "_td_names";
val td_names_thm =
((thy2ctxt thy) addsimps
[tag_def_thm, typtag_thm,
@{thm "pad_typ_name_def"}, @{thm "insert_commute"},
@{thm "nat_to_bin_string.simps"}])
(Thm.cterm_of (thy2ctxt thy) (mk_td_names typtag_lhs)) |> Drule.export_without_context
(* Declare the td_names (typ_info_t ..) = ... and add it to the simpset *)
val (td_names_thm, thy) =
Global_Theory.add_thms [((Binding.name td_names_name, td_names_thm),
val thy =
thy |> Context.theory_map
(fn ss => ss addsimps (recthms @ flthms @ fgthms)))
val _ = phase "END"
val _ = tracing "done"
(st |> add_st_thms fgthms [typtag_thm] td_names_thm typ_name_thm
upd_lift_thms upd_lift_other_thms recthms
fl_Some_thms fl_ti_thms
|> add_record_done recname,
end handle TYPE (s, tps, ts) => let
val _ = tracing ("EXN: " ^ s)
raise (TYPE (s, tps, ts))
| AlreadyDone => (st,thy)
fun prove_type_in_szclass (st, thy) ty szclass = let
val tyname = Syntax.string_of_typ (thy2ctxt thy) ty
if Binaryset.member(#szclass_done st, (tyname, szclass)) then (st, thy)
else let
fun tac thy _ =
Class.intro_classes_tac(thy2ctxt thy) [] THEN asm_full_simp_tac (thy2ctxt thy) 1
val instance_t = Logic.mk_of_class(ty, szclass)
val instance_thm =
Goal.prove_future (thy2ctxt thy) [] [] instance_t (tac thy)
val thy = Axclass.add_arity instance_thm thy
val st = add_szclass_done (tyname, szclass) st
Output.state("Proved "^tyname^" :: "^szclass);
(st, thy)
(* prove that the new type is an instance of the class finite *)
(* prove that the new type is an instance of the class fourthousand_count *)
fun umm_array_calculation el_ty n st thy = let
val _ = tracing ("Proving that an array of "^Int.toString n^" "^
Syntax.string_of_typ (thy2ctxt thy) el_ty ^" is a mem_type")
(* Unlike in the struct case, we don't need to establish the new type as
a c_type, because the array operator has already been declared to do this
by the
instance array :: (type,finite) c_type ..
line in ArraysMemInstance.thy.
So we can get straight onto showing that the array type is in mem_type.
This is done exploiting the fact that we have the following instance
in our context already
instance array :: (oneMB_size, fourthousand_count) mem_type
Thanks to the neat instance declarations in ArraysMemInstance.thy
(all those classes with names lt<n>), the fourthousand_count for
the array size will be handled automatically by type-checking.
This means that we just need to do one independent instance proofs,
for el_ty :: oneMB_size
Even that may be done automatically, for certain element types. For
example all the word types have this happen through
instance word :: (len8) oneMB_size
instance word_length8 :: len8
instance word_length16 :: len8
instance word_length32 :: len8
instance word_length64 :: len8
Structures can't be done this way, so those need to get done by hand.
Arrays get to use the
instance array :: (twoToSix_size, fourthousand_count) oneMB_size
if Binaryset.member(#arrayeltypes_done st, el_ty) then (st, thy)
else let
fun ex() = error ("Can't compute an element size class for " ^
Syntax.string_of_typ (thy2ctxt thy) el_ty)
val (tyname, args) = case el_ty of Type p => p | _ => ex()
val (st,thy) =
case args of
[] => (* will be a record type *)
prove_type_in_szclass (st, thy) el_ty "ArraysMemInstance.oneMB_size"
| [_] => (* can compute sizes for words and ptrs *)
if tyname = @{type_name "Word.word"} then (st, thy)
else if tyname = @{type_name "CTypesBase.ptr"} then (st, thy)
else ex()
| [a,_] => let
val _ = tyname = @{type_name "array"} orelse
error "Binary type operator is not array."
(* a is an element type and must be in twoToSix_size *)
val (atyname, aargs) = case a of Type p => p
| _ => error "Array eltype is not Type"
case aargs of
[] => prove_type_in_szclass (st,thy) a "ArraysMemInstance.twoToSix_size"
| [_] => if atyname = @{type_name "word"} orelse
atyname = @{type_name "ptr"}
then (st, thy)
else error ("Unary operator type "^atyname^" not word or ptr")
| _ => ex()
| _ => ex()
(add_array_done el_ty st, thy)
end; (* struct *)