
234 lines
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Standard ML

* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
type 'a ctype = 'a Absyn.ctype
type expr = Absyn.expr
(* predicates on classes of C types *)
val scalar_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val ptr_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val integer_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val assignment_compatible : (int ctype * int ctype * expr) -> bool
val constant_type : Absyn.literalconstant -> 'a ctype
val fndes_convert : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
val binop_type :
SourcePos.t * SourcePos.t * Absyn.binoptype * int ctype * int ctype -> int ctype
val unop_type : Absyn.unoptype * 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
val expr_type : Absyn.ecenv ->
(string * (string * int ctype) list) list ->
(string -> int ctype option) ->
Absyn.expr -> int ctype
structure ExpressionTyping : EXPRESSION_TYPING =
open Basics Absyn
fun cast_compatible fromty toty = scalar_type fromty andalso scalar_type toty
fun fndes_convert (ty as Function _) = Ptr ty
| fndes_convert x = x
fun constant_type c =
case node c of
NUMCONST i => Absyn.numconst_type i
| STRING_LIT _ => Ptr PlainChar
fun assignment_compatible (newtype, oldtype, oldexp) = let
(* need to look at old exp to allow
ptr = 0;
val is_lit0 = case enode oldexp of
Constant lc => let
case node lc of
NUMCONST i => #value i = IntInf.fromInt 0
| _ => false
| _ => false
(newtype = oldtype) orelse
(integer_type newtype andalso integer_type oldtype) orelse
(newtype = Bool andalso scalar_type oldtype) orelse
(integer_type oldtype andalso is_lit0 andalso ptr_type newtype) orelse
(ptr_type newtype andalso oldtype = Ptr Void) orelse
(ptr_type oldtype andalso newtype = Ptr Void)
fun relop Lt = true
| relop Gt = true
| relop Leq = true
| relop Geq = true
| relop Equals = true
| relop NotEquals = true
| relop _ = false
fun binop_type (l, r, bop, ty1, ty2) = let
fun badtypemsg () =
"Bad types (" ^ tyname ty1 ^ " and " ^ tyname ty2 ^
") as arguments to "^binopname bop);
raise Feedback.WantToExit "Can't continue")
case bop of
LogOr => if scalar_type ty1 andalso scalar_type ty2
then Signed Int
else badtypemsg ()
| LogAnd => if scalar_type ty1 andalso scalar_type ty2 then Signed Int
else badtypemsg ()
| _ => if relop bop then
if ty1 = ty2 andalso scalar_type ty1 then Signed Int
else if integer_type ty1 andalso integer_type ty2 then Signed Int
else if ptr_type ty1 andalso ptr_type ty2 andalso
(bop = NotEquals orelse bop = Equals) andalso
(ty1 = Ptr Void orelse ty2 = Ptr Void) then Signed Int
else badtypemsg()
else (* must be arithmetic of some form *)
if integer_type ty1 andalso integer_type ty2 then
arithmetic_conversion(ty1, ty2)
else if ptr_type ty1 andalso integer_type ty2 andalso
(bop = Plus orelse bop = Minus) then ty1
else if ptr_type ty2 andalso integer_type ty1 andalso bop = Plus then ty2
else if ptr_type ty1 andalso ptr_type ty2 andalso ty1 = ty2 andalso
bop = Minus
then ImplementationTypes.ptrdiff_t
"Bad types ("^tyname ty1^" and "^tyname ty2^
") as arguments to arithmetic op");
raise Feedback.WantToExit "Can't continue")
fun unop_type (unop, ty) =
case unop of
Negate => if integer_type ty then ty
else raise Fail "Bad type to unary negation"
| Not => if scalar_type ty then Signed Int
else raise Fail "Bad type to boolean negation"
| Addr => Ptr ty
| BitNegate => if integer_type ty then ty
else raise Fail "Bad type to bitwise complement"
fun expr_type ecenv senv varinfo e = let
val expr_type = expr_type ecenv senv varinfo
fun Fail s = (Feedback.errorStr'(eleft e, eright e, "expr-typing: " ^ s);
raise Feedback.WantToExit "Can't continue")
case enode e of
BinOp(binop, e1, e2) => binop_type(eleft e, eright e, binop,
expr_type e1, expr_type e2)
| UnOp(unop, e0) => unop_type (unop, expr_type e0)
| Constant c => constant_type c
| Var (s, ref NONE) => let
case varinfo s of
NONE => let
case eclookup ecenv s of
NONE => Fail ("Bad variable reference: "^s)
| SOME _ => Signed Int
| SOME ty => ty
| Var (_, ref (SOME (cty, _))) => cty
| StructDot (e0, fld) => let
case expr_type e0 of
StructTy sname => let
val sinfo = valOf (assoc(senv, sname))
val fld_type =
valOf (assoc(sinfo,fld))
handle Option =>
Fail ("Field \""^fld^"\" invalid fieldname")
| _ => Fail "Attempt to field-dereference non-struct value"
| ArrayDeref(e1, e2) => let
case expr_type e1 of
Array (ty1, _) => let
case expr_type e2 of
Signed _ => ty1
| Unsigned _ => ty1
| EnumTy _ => ty1
| badty => Fail ("Non-integer type "^tyname badty^
" used to dereference array")
| Ptr ty0 => let (* don't allow i[array] though C does *)
if integer_type (expr_type e2) then ty0
else Fail "Non-integer type used to dereference array"
| _ => Fail "Attempt to array-index non-array value"
| Deref e0 => let
case fndes_convert (expr_type e0) of
Ptr ty => ty
| Array (ty, _) => ty
| _ => Fail "Attempt to dereference non-pointer value"
| TypeCast(ty, e0) => let
val ty0 = expr_type e0
val ty' = Absyn.constify_abtype ecenv (node ty)
if cast_compatible ty0 ty' then ty'
else Fail ("Illegal cast - from: "^tyname ty0^" to: "^tyname ty')
| CondExp(_,t,_) => expr_type t (* bit bogus really *)
| Sizeof _ => ImplementationTypes.size_t
| SizeofTy _ => ImplementationTypes.size_t
| CompLiteral(ty, _) => Absyn.constify_abtype ecenv ty
| EFnCall(fn_e, args) => let
val fty = fndes_convert (expr_type fn_e)
val (rettype, parameter_types) =
case fty of
Ptr (Function(r, ps)) => (r,ps)
| _ => (Feedback.errorStr'(eleft e, eright e,
"Function not of function type");
raise Feedback.WantToExit "Can't continue")
val argtypes = List.map (fndes_convert o expr_type) args
fun recurse [] _ _ = rettype
| recurse (pty::prest) (aty::arest) (arg::erest) =
if assignment_compatible(pty, aty, arg) then
recurse prest arest erest
(Feedback.errorStr'(eleft arg, eright arg,
"Argument with type "^tyname aty^
" not compatible with parameter of type "^
tyname pty);
raise Feedback.WantToExit "Can't continue")
| recurse _ _ _ = raise Fail "Invariant failure in expr_type"
recurse parameter_types argtypes args
| MKBOOL e => let
val ty = expr_type e
if scalar_type ty then Signed Int
else Fail "Expression can't be boolean"
| _ => Fail ("expr_type: encountered unexpected expression form("
^expr_string e^ ")")
end; (* struct *)