
1221 lines
55 KiB

* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory Invocation_DP
imports KHeap_DP RWHelper_DP
crunch cdl_current_domain[wp]: update_available_range, generate_object_ids, update_thread,
mark_tcb_intent_error, corrupt_ipc_buffer, insert_cap_sibling,
insert_cap_child, move_cap, invoke_irq_control, invoke_irq_handler
"\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_domain s)"
(wp: crunch_wps select_wp alternative_wp alternativeE_wp hoare_unless_wp simp: split_def corrupt_intents_def)
crunch cdl_irq_node [wp]: corrupt_ipc_buffer "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_irq_node s)"
(wp: crunch_wps select_wp simp: corrupt_intents_def)
crunch cdl_irq_node [wp]: mark_tcb_intent_error "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_irq_node s)"
(wp: crunch_wps)
lemma all_scheduable_tcbs_corrupt[simp]:
"all_scheduable_tcbs (cdl_objects (corrupt_intents xa x s)) = all_scheduable_tcbs (cdl_objects s)"
apply (simp add:all_scheduable_tcbs_def object_at_heap_def)
apply (intro set_eqI iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp:corrupt_intents_def tcb_scheduable_def
split:option.splits cdl_object.splits if_splits)
apply (clarsimp simp:corrupt_intents_def
map_add_def tcb_scheduable_def)
lemma single_scheduable_tcb:
"all_scheduable_tcbs (cdl_objects s) = {cur_thread}
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>tcb. opt_object cur_thread s = Some tcb \<and> (
(object_slots tcb) tcb_pending_op_slot = Some RunningCap
\<or> (object_slots tcb) tcb_pending_op_slot = Some RestartCap)"
by (fastforce simp: all_scheduable_tcbs_def slots_of_def opt_object_def
tcb_scheduable_def object_slots_def opt_cap_def
dest!: singleton_eqD)
(*FIXME: dup *)
lemma intent_reset_projection[simp]:
"intent_reset (intent_reset a) = intent_reset a"
by (simp add:intent_reset_def split:cdl_object.splits)
lemma asid_reset_intent_reset_switch:
"asid_reset (intent_reset x) = intent_reset (asid_reset x)"
apply (cut_tac object_clean_def2[unfolded Fun.comp_def,simplified,symmetric])
apply (drule_tac x = x in fun_cong)
apply (simp add:object_clean_def)
lemma reset_cap_twice[simp]:
"reset_cap_asid \<circ>\<^sub>M (reset_cap_asid \<circ>\<^sub>M x)
= reset_cap_asid \<circ>\<^sub>M x"
apply (rule ext)
apply (clarsimp simp:reset_cap_asid_def)
apply (simp split:cdl_cap.splits option.splits)
lemma asid_reset_twice[simp]:
"(asid_reset (asid_reset x)) = asid_reset x"
by (case_tac x,
simp_all add:asid_reset_def
update_slots_def object_slots_def)
lemma object_clean_twice[simp]:
"object_clean (object_clean x) = object_clean x"
by (clarsimp simp:object_clean_def asid_reset_intent_reset_switch)
(* The following should be correct once we rule the intent out of our lift function *)
lemma sep_nonimpact_valid_lift:
assumes non_intent_impact:
"\<And>ptr P A. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. A (object_at (\<lambda>obj. P (object_clean obj)) ptr s)\<rbrace>
f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. A (object_at (\<lambda>obj. P (object_clean obj)) ptr s)\<rbrace>"
assumes non_irq_node_impact:
"\<And>ptr P A. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. A (cdl_irq_node s)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. A (cdl_irq_node s)\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. < Q > s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. < Q > s\<rbrace>"
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_def sep_state_projection_def Let_def
sep_state_add_def sep_disj_sep_state_def
split: if_split_asm option.splits sep_state.splits)
apply (erule rsubst [where P=Q])
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule ext)+
apply (clarsimp split:option.splits)
apply (intro conjI impI allI)
apply (drule_tac P1 ="\<lambda>x. True" and A1 = "\<lambda>x. \<not>x" in use_valid[OF _ non_intent_impact])
apply (simp add:object_at_def opt_object_def)+
apply (drule_tac P1 ="\<lambda>x. True" and A1 = "\<lambda>x. x" in use_valid[OF _ non_intent_impact])
apply (fastforce simp:object_at_def opt_object_def)+
apply (drule_tac P1 ="\<lambda>x. object_clean x = object_clean x2" and
A1 = "\<lambda>x. x" in use_valid[OF _ non_intent_impact])
apply (fastforce simp:object_at_def opt_object_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: object_at_def opt_object_def object_slots_object_clean
split: cdl_component_id.splits)
apply (rule ext)+
apply (clarsimp split:option.splits)
apply (drule_tac A1 = "\<lambda>x. x = (cdl_irq_node s)" in use_valid[OF _ non_irq_node_impact])
apply simp
apply simp
lemma mark_tcb_intent_error_sep_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. < P > s\<rbrace>
mark_tcb_intent_error thread b
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. < P > s\<rbrace>"
apply (rule sep_nonimpact_valid_lift)
apply (simp add:mark_tcb_intent_error_def update_thread_def
apply (wp | wpc | simp add:set_object_def)+
apply (clarsimp simp: object_at_def opt_object_def object_clean_def intent_reset_def
object_slots_def asid_reset_def update_slots_def)
apply wp
lemma corrupt_tcb_intent_sep_helper[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. A (object_at (\<lambda>obj. P (object_clean obj)) ptr s)\<rbrace> corrupt_tcb_intent thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. A (object_at (\<lambda>obj. P (object_clean obj)) ptr s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:corrupt_tcb_intent_def update_thread_def
apply (wp select_wp | wpc | simp add:set_object_def)+
apply (clarsimp simp:object_at_def opt_object_def)
apply (simp add:object_clean_def intent_reset_def
object_slots_def asid_reset_def update_slots_def)
lemma corrupt_tcb_intent_sep_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. < P > s\<rbrace>
corrupt_tcb_intent thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. < P > s\<rbrace>"
by (rule sep_nonimpact_valid_lift; wp)
lemma corrupt_frame_sep_helper[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. A (object_at (\<lambda>obj. P (object_clean obj)) ptr s)\<rbrace>
corrupt_frame a \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. A (object_at (\<lambda>obj. P (object_clean obj)) ptr s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:corrupt_frame_def)
apply (wp select_wp)
apply (clarsimp simp:corrupt_intents_def object_at_def
opt_object_def map_add_def split:option.splits cdl_object.splits)
apply (simp add:object_clean_def intent_reset_def
object_slots_def asid_reset_def update_slots_def)
crunch inv [wp]: get_ipc_buffer "P"
(wp: crunch_wps)
lemma corrupt_ipc_buffer_sep_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. < P > s\<rbrace>
corrupt_ipc_buffer cur_thread p
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. < P > s\<rbrace>"
apply (rule sep_nonimpact_valid_lift)
apply (simp add:corrupt_ipc_buffer_def)
apply (wp select_wp hoare_drop_imps | wpc | simp)+
lemma update_thread_intent_update:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. < P > s\<rbrace>
update_thread cur_thread (cdl_tcb_intent_update f)
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. < P > s\<rbrace>"
apply (rule sep_nonimpact_valid_lift)
apply (simp add:update_thread_def set_object_def get_thread_def)
apply (wp | wpc | simp add:object_at_def opt_object_def
intent_reset_def set_object_def)+
apply (simp add:object_clean_def intent_reset_def
object_slots_def asid_reset_def update_slots_def)
apply fastforce
apply wp
(* Following is the helper rules we used to prove properties about do_kernel_op *)
lemma liftE_wp_no_exception:
"\<lbrakk>\<And>r. \<lbrace>P' r\<rbrace> g r \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>;\<lbrace>P\<rbrace>f\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. P' r\<rbrace>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> liftE f >>=E g \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:liftE_bindE validE_def)
including no_pre apply wp
apply assumption
apply simp
lemma handle_event_no_exception:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> handle_event (SyscallEvent SysCall) \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>
\<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> handle_event (SyscallEvent SysCall) <handle> handler \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q\<rbrace>"
apply (rule validE_cases_valid)
including no_pre apply (wp)
apply (rule hoare_FalseE)
apply simp
lemma syscall_valid_helper:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>x xa. \<lbrace>Qa x xa\<rbrace> perform_syscall_fn xa \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Inv\<rbrace>;
\<And>r. \<lbrace>Qi r\<rbrace>arg_decode_fn r \<lbrace>Qa r\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>;
\<lbrace>P\<rbrace>cap_decoder_fn \<lbrace>Qi\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace>P\<rbrace>syscall cap_decoder_fn decode_error_handler
arg_decode_fn arg_error_handler_fn
\<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Inv\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:syscall_def del:split_paired_all)
apply (rule hoare_vcg_handle_elseE)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (rule hoare_vcg_handle_elseE)
apply fastforce
apply (rule hoare_FalseE)
apply auto
lemma no_exception_conj:
"\<lbrakk>\<lbrace>P\<rbrace>f\<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>;\<lbrace>P'\<rbrace>f\<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace>,-\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P and P'\<rbrace>f\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. Q r s \<and> Q' r s\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>"
apply (clarsimp simp add:validE_def validE_R_def valid_def)
apply (drule_tac x = s in spec)+
apply clarsimp
apply (drule(1) bspec)+
apply (auto split:sum.splits)
lemma no_exception_conj':
"\<lbrakk>\<lbrace>P'\<rbrace>f\<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,-; \<lbrace>P\<rbrace>f\<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P and P'\<rbrace>f\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. Q r s \<and> Q' r s\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>"
apply (clarsimp simp add:validE_def validE_R_def valid_def)
apply (drule_tac x = s in spec)+
apply clarsimp
apply (drule(1) bspec)+
apply (auto split:sum.splits)
crunch inv[wp]: decode_untyped_invocation P
(wp:crunch_wps alternativeE_wp mapME_x_inv_wp
unlessE_wp simp:crunch_simps throw_on_none_def)
crunch inv[wp]: decode_irq_handler_invocation P
(wp:crunch_wps alternativeE_wp
simp:liftE_bindE throw_on_none_def)
crunch inv[wp]: decode_tcb_invocation P
(wp:crunch_wps alternativeE_wp
simp:liftE_bindE throw_on_none_def)
crunch inv[wp]: decode_domain_invocation P
(wp:crunch_wps alternativeE_wp
simp:liftE_bindE throw_on_none_def)
crunch inv[wp]: decode_irq_control_invocation P
(wp:crunch_wps alternativeE_wp select_wp
simp:liftE_bindE throw_on_none_def)
crunch inv[wp]: decode_asid_control_invocation P
(wp:crunch_wps alternativeE_wp select_wp ignore:returnOk
simp:liftE_bindE throw_on_none_def)
crunch inv[wp]: lookup_cap_and_slot P
(wp:crunch_wps resolve_address_bits_wp)
crunch inv[wp]: decode_page_invocation P
(wp:crunch_wps alternativeE_wp select_wp resolve_address_bits_wp
lemma decode_page_table_invocation_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> decode_page_table_invocation a b c d \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:decode_page_table_invocation_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wpc|wp alternativeE_wp select_wp |simp add:throw_on_none_def)+
lemma decode_page_directory_invocation_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> decode_page_directory_invocation a b c d \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:decode_page_directory_invocation_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wpc|wp alternativeE_wp select_wp |simp add:throw_on_none_def)+
lemma decode_asid_pool_invocation_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> decode_asid_pool_invocation a b c d \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:decode_asid_pool_invocation_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wpc|wp alternativeE_wp select_wp |simp add:throw_on_none_def)+
lemma decode_invocation_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> decode_invocation a b c d\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>, -"
apply (simp add:decode_invocation_def)
apply (case_tac a,simp_all)
apply (rule hoare_pre, (wp | simp add:throw_opt_def | wpc | intro conjI impI)+)+
crunch inv[wp]: lookup_extra_caps P
(wp:crunch_wps mapME_wp' resolve_address_bits_wp)
lemma nonep_invocation_simps:
"nonep_invocation (InvokeUntyped a) = True"
by (simp add:nonep_invocation_def)
lemma decode_invocation_nonep:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. \<not> ep_related_cap cap \<rbrace>
decode_invocation cap cap_ref extra_caps intent
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. nonep_invocation rv\<rbrace>, -"
apply (simp add: decode_invocation_def)
apply (wpsimp
simp: o_def nonep_invocation_def simp_del: hoare_True_E_R)
apply (auto simp: ep_related_cap_def)
lemma ep_related_cap_reset_simp[simp]:
"ep_related_cap (reset_cap_asid x) = ep_related_cap x"
apply (case_tac x)
apply (auto simp:reset_cap_asid_def ep_related_cap_def)
lemma liftE_wp_split_r:
"\<lbrakk>\<And>r. \<lbrace>P' r\<rbrace> g r \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. R\<rbrace>;\<lbrace>P\<rbrace>f\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. P' r\<rbrace>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> liftE f >>=E g \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. R\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:liftE_bindE validE_def)
including no_pre
apply wp
apply assumption
apply simp
lemma wp_no_exception_seq_r:
assumes validE_g: "\<And>r. \<lbrace>P' r\<rbrace> g r \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>"
and validE_f: "\<lbrace>P\<rbrace>f\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. P' r\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Inv\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f >>=E g \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Inv\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule hoare_vcg_seqE)
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr[OF validE_g])
apply simp
apply simp
apply (wp validE_f)
apply simp
wp_no_exception_seq = wp_no_exception_seq_r[where Inv = "\<lambda>s. False"]
lemma handle_event_syscall_no_decode_exception:
assumes set_cap_hold: "\<lbrace>Rm \<rbrace>set_cap (cur_thread, tcb_pending_op_slot) RunningCap \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q\<rbrace>"
and decode_invocation_no_exception:
"\<And>c ref cs. \<lbrace> Pd cs c ref \<rbrace> decode_invocation c ref cs intent_op
\<lbrace> Ps \<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>xa s. False\<rbrace>"
and lookup_extra_caps_exec:
"\<And>r. \<lbrace> Pd1 (fst r) (snd r) \<rbrace> lookup_extra_caps cur_thread intent_extra
\<lbrace> \<lambda>xa s. Pd xa (fst r) (snd r) s \<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>"
and lookup_cap_and_slot_exec:
"\<lbrace> Pd2 \<rbrace> lookup_cap_and_slot cur_thread intent_cptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>r s. Pd1 (fst r) (snd r) s \<and> \<not> ep_related_cap (fst r) \<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>y s. False \<rbrace>"
and non_ep_cap:
"\<lbrace> Pd2 \<rbrace> lookup_cap_and_slot cur_thread intent_cptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>rv s. \<not> ep_related_cap (fst rv) \<rbrace>, -"
and mark_tcb_intent_error_hold: "\<lbrace> Ra \<rbrace>mark_tcb_intent_error cur_thread False \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Rm\<rbrace>"
and corrupt_ipc_buffer_hold: "\<lbrace> Rb \<rbrace>corrupt_ipc_buffer cur_thread True \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Ra\<rbrace>"
and perform_invocation_hold: "\<And>iv. \<lbrace>PIV iv\<rbrace> perform_invocation True True iv
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. Rb s \<and> <(cur_thread, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* sep_true > s\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Inv'\<rbrace>"
and set_restart_cap_hold: "\<And>iv. \<lbrace>Ps iv\<rbrace> set_cap (cur_thread, tcb_pending_op_slot) RestartCap \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. PIV iv\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. cdl_current_thread s = Some cur_thread)
and Pd2
and tcb_at'
(\<lambda>tcb. cdl_intent_op (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = Some intent_op \<and>
cdl_intent_cap (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = intent_cptr \<and>
cdl_intent_extras (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = intent_extra) cur_thread
\<rbrace> handle_event (SyscallEvent SysCall)
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>y. Inv'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:handle_event_def handle_syscall_def handle_invocation_def)
apply (rule liftE_wp_split_r)+
apply (rule syscall_valid_helper)
apply (rule liftE_wp_split_r)+
apply (rule wp_no_exception_seq_r)
apply (rule liftE_wp_no_exception)
apply (rule hoare_whenE_wp)
apply simp
apply wp
apply (rule_tac P = "y = cur_thread" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply simp
apply (rule set_cap_hold)
apply (rule_tac P = "y = cur_thread" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply simp
apply (rule mark_tcb_intent_error_hold)
apply (rule_tac P = "y = cur_thread" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply simp
apply (rule corrupt_ipc_buffer_hold)
apply (wp has_restart_cap_sep_wp[where cap = RestartCap])[1]
apply (rule_tac P = "y = cur_thread" in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply (simp add:conj_comms)
apply (rule perform_invocation_hold)
apply (rule_tac P = "y = cur_thread" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply simp
apply (wp hoare_vcg_conj_lift set_restart_cap_hold)[1]
apply (rule_tac P = " \<not> ep_related_cap (fst yb)
\<and> cdl_intent_op (cdl_tcb_intent ya) = Some intent_op \<and> y = cur_thread"
in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply (simp add:split_def)
apply (rule decode_invocation_no_exception)
apply (rule wp_no_exception_seq)+
apply (simp add:split_def)
apply (rule wp_no_exception_seq)
apply (simp add:returnOk_liftE)
apply wp[1]
apply (rule_tac P = " y = cur_thread \<and>
cdl_intent_extras (cdl_tcb_intent ya) = intent_extra" in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply simp
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr[OF no_exception_conj])
apply (rule_tac r = yb in lookup_extra_caps_exec)
prefer 2
apply (elim conjE)
apply (simp add:Fun.comp_def)
apply wp[1]
apply simp
apply (rule_tac P = "(cdl_intent_cap (cdl_tcb_intent ya)) = intent_cptr
\<and> y = cur_thread"
in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr[OF no_exception_conj])
apply simp
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_exec)
prefer 2
apply (elim conjE)
apply simp
apply simp
apply wp
apply simp
apply (wp non_ep_cap get_thread_sep_wp get_thread_inv | simp)+
apply (clarsimp simp:object_at_def)
crunch cdl_current_thread [wp]: delete_cap_simple "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s)"
(wp:crunch_wps select_wp simp:split_def unless_def)
crunch cdl_current_thread [wp]: mark_tcb_intent_error "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s)"
(wp:crunch_wps select_wp simp:split_def unless_def)
crunch cdl_current_thread [wp]: corrupt_ipc_buffer "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s)"
(wp:crunch_wps select_wp simp:split_def unless_def corrupt_frame_def corrupt_intents_def)
crunch cdl_current_thread [wp]: invoke_irq_control, invoke_irq_handler "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s)"
lemma corrupt_tcb_intent_all_active_tcbs[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (all_scheduable_tcbs (cdl_objects s)) \<rbrace>
corrupt_tcb_intent thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (all_scheduable_tcbs (cdl_objects s)) \<rbrace>"
apply (rule sep_inv_to_all_scheduable_tcbs)
apply wp
lemma corrupt_ipc_buffer_active_tcbs[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (all_scheduable_tcbs (cdl_objects s)) \<rbrace>
corrupt_ipc_buffer thread p
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (all_scheduable_tcbs (cdl_objects s)) \<rbrace>"
apply (rule sep_inv_to_all_scheduable_tcbs)
apply wp
crunch cdl_current_thread [wp]: update_thread "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s)"
(wp: crunch_wps)
lemma update_thread_wp:
"\<lbrace>tcb_at' (\<lambda>tcb. P (f tcb)) thread\<rbrace> update_thread thread f
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. tcb_at' P thread \<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:update_thread_def)
apply (wp|wpc | simp add:set_object_def)+
apply (simp add:object_at_def)
apply (clarsimp simp:object_at_def opt_object_def)
crunch inv[wp]: thread_has_error P
crunch inv[wp]: has_restart_cap P
"no_pending s \<equiv> \<forall>oid cap.
opt_cap (oid,tcb_pending_op_slot) s = Some cap \<longrightarrow> \<not> is_pending_cap cap"
lemma send_signal_no_pending:
"\<lbrace>P and no_pending\<rbrace>
send_signal thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. P\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: send_signal_def send_signal_bound_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp alternative_wp | wpc)+
apply (rule hoare_pre_cont)
apply (rule_tac P = "waiters = {}" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: option_select_def)
apply wp+
apply (rule hoare_pre_cont)
apply wp+
apply (clarsimp simp: get_waiting_ntfn_recv_threads_def get_waiting_sync_bound_ntfn_threads_def
no_pending_def opt_cap_def)
apply (intro allI impI conjI)
apply (drule_tac x = x in spec)
apply (clarsimp simp: slots_of_def opt_object_def object_slots_def is_pending_cap_def)
apply (drule_tac x = x in spec)
apply (clarsimp simp: slots_of_def opt_object_def object_slots_def is_pending_cap_def)
crunch invs[wp]: get_active_irq P
(wp: crunch_wps alternative_wp select_wp)
lemma handle_pending_interrupts_no_ntf_cap:
"\<lbrace>P and no_pending\<rbrace>
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. P\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handle_pending_interrupts_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp send_signal_no_pending
| wpc
| simp add: option_select_def handle_interrupt_def
split del: if_splits)+
apply (wp alternative_wp select_wp hoare_drop_imps hoare_vcg_all_lift)
apply simp
lemma call_kernel_with_intent_no_fault_helper:
assumes unify: "cdl_intent_op intent = Some intent_op \<and>
cdl_intent_cap intent = intent_cptr \<and> cdl_intent_extras intent = intent_extra"
and set_cap_hold: "\<lbrace>R\<rbrace>set_cap (root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) RunningCap \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q\<rbrace>"
and mark_tcb_intent_error_hold: "\<lbrace>Ra\<rbrace>mark_tcb_intent_error root_tcb_id False \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. R\<rbrace>"
and corrupt_ipc_buffer_hold: "\<lbrace>Rb\<rbrace>corrupt_ipc_buffer root_tcb_id True \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Ra\<rbrace>"
and perform_invocation_hold: "\<And>iv. \<lbrace>PIV iv\<rbrace> perform_invocation True True iv
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. (cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound
\<and> <(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* (\<lambda>s. True)> s
\<and> Rb s)\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. tcb_at'
(\<lambda>tcb. cdl_intent_op (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = Some intent_op \<and>
cdl_intent_cap (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = cdl_intent_cap intent \<and>
cdl_intent_extras (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = cdl_intent_extras intent)
root_tcb_id s \<and>
cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id \<and>
cdl_current_domain s = minBound \<and> no_pending s \<and> Pd2 s\<rbrace>"
and set_restart_cap_hold: "\<And>iv.
\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. Ps iv s \<rbrace> set_cap (root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) RestartCap \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. PIV iv\<rbrace>"
and decode_invocation_no_exception:
"\<And>c ref cs. \<lbrace> Pd cs c ref \<rbrace> decode_invocation c ref cs intent_op
\<lbrace> Ps \<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>xa s. False\<rbrace>"
and lookup_extra_caps_exec:
"\<And>r. \<lbrace> Pd1 (fst r) (snd r) \<rbrace> lookup_extra_caps root_tcb_id intent_extra
\<lbrace> \<lambda>xa s. Pd xa (fst r) (snd r) s \<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>"
and lookup_cap_and_slot_exec:
"\<lbrace> Pd2 \<rbrace> lookup_cap_and_slot root_tcb_id intent_cptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>r s. Pd1 (fst r) (snd r) s \<and> \<not> ep_related_cap (fst r) \<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>y s. False \<rbrace>"
and non_ep_cap:
"\<lbrace> Pd2 \<rbrace> lookup_cap_and_slot root_tcb_id intent_cptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>rv s. \<not> ep_related_cap (fst rv) \<rbrace>, -"
and upd_thread:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> update_thread root_tcb_id (cdl_tcb_intent_update (\<lambda>x. intent))
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. Pd2 s\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. tcb_at' \<top> root_tcb_id s \<and>
(cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id \<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound \<longrightarrow> P s)\<rbrace>
call_kernel_with_intent intent False \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q\<rbrace>"
using unify
apply (simp add:call_kernel_with_intent_def)
apply wp
apply (rule_tac P = "thread_ptr = root_tcb_id" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply (simp add:call_kernel_loop_def)
apply (rule_tac Q = "\<lambda>r s. cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound \<longrightarrow> Q s
" in hoare_strengthen_post[rotated])
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply wp
apply (rule hoare_vcg_imp_lift)
apply (wpc|wp hoare_vcg_imp_lift|simp cong: if_cong)+
apply (rule hoare_pre_cont)
apply (wp has_restart_cap_sep_wp[where cap = RunningCap])[1]
apply wp
apply (rule_tac Q = "\<lambda>r s. cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound \<longrightarrow> (Q s
\<and> <(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>* (\<lambda>s. True)> s)"
in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply (rule schedule_no_choice_wp)
apply fastforce
apply (rule whileLoop_wp[where
I = "\<lambda>rv s. case rv of Inl _ \<Rightarrow> (tcb_at'
(\<lambda>tcb. cdl_intent_op (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = Some intent_op \<and>
cdl_intent_cap (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = cdl_intent_cap intent \<and>
cdl_intent_extras (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = cdl_intent_extras intent)
root_tcb_id s
\<and> cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound \<and> Pd2 s)
| Inr rv \<Rightarrow> Q (Inr rv) s" and Q=Q for Q, rotated])
apply (case_tac r, simp_all add: isLeft_def)[1]
apply (simp add: validE_def[symmetric])
apply (rule hoare_pre, wp)
apply (simp add: validE_def, (wp | simp add: validE_def[symmetric])+)
apply (wp handle_pending_interrupts_no_ntf_cap)
apply (rule handle_event_syscall_no_decode_exception
[where cur_thread = root_tcb_id
and intent_op = intent_op
and intent_cptr = intent_cptr
and intent_extra = intent_extra])
apply (wp set_cap_wp set_cap_all_scheduable_tcbs
set_cap_hold delete_cap_simple_wp[where cap = RestartCap])[1]
apply (rule decode_invocation_no_exception)
apply (rule lookup_extra_caps_exec)
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_exec)
apply (rule non_ep_cap)
apply ((wp corrupt_ipc_buffer_sep_inv corrupt_ipc_buffer_active_tcbs
mark_tcb_intent_error_hold corrupt_ipc_buffer_hold | simp)+)[2]
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr[OF perform_invocation_hold])
apply (fastforce simp:sep_state_projection_def sep_any_def
sep_map_c_def sep_conj_def)
apply simp
apply (wp set_restart_cap_hold)
apply (clarsimp simp: isLeft_def)
apply (rule_tac P = "thread_ptr = root_tcb_id" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply simp
apply (wp upd_thread update_thread_wp)+
apply auto
lemma invoke_cnode_insert_cap:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. < dest_slot \<mapsto>c - \<and>* R> s \<and> \<not> is_untyped_cap cap' \<rbrace>
invoke_cnode (InsertCall cap' src_slot dest_slot)
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. <dest_slot \<mapsto>c cap' \<and>* R> s\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. Q\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:validE_def)
apply (rule hoare_name_pre_state)
apply (clarsimp simp:invoke_cnode_def liftE_bindE validE_def[symmetric])
apply (rule alternative_valid)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule insert_cap_sibling_wp)
apply simp
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule insert_cap_child_wp)
apply simp
lemma invoke_cnode_move_wp:
"\<lbrace><dest \<mapsto>c - \<and>* src \<mapsto>c cap \<and>* R>\<rbrace> invoke_cnode (MoveCall cap' src dest)
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. <dest \<mapsto>c cap' \<and>* src \<mapsto>c NullCap \<and>* R>\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:invoke_cnode_def)
apply (wp move_cap_wp)
lemma decode_invocation_simps:
"is_cnode_cap cap
\<Longrightarrow> decode_invocation cap cap_ref caps (CNodeIntent intent)
= liftME InvokeCNode (decode_cnode_invocation cap cap_ref caps intent)"
by (clarsimp simp: decode_invocation_def get_cnode_intent_def
throw_opt_def cap_type_def
split: cdl_cap.splits)
lemma liftME_wp:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> m \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q (f r)\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> liftME f m \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace>"
apply wp
apply (simp add:Fun.comp_def)
apply assumption
lemma sep_normal_conj_absorb:
"(<A \<and>* sep_true> s \<and> <A \<and>* B> s) = <A \<and>* B> s"
by (auto intro:sep_conj_sep_true_right)
lemma sep_normal_conj_absorb':
"(<A \<and>* sep_true > s \<and> < C \<and>* A \<and>* B > s) = < C \<and>* A \<and>* B> s"
apply (subst sep_conj_left_commute)
apply (simp add:sep_normal_conj_absorb)
apply (simp add:sep_conj_left_commute)
lemma cnode_cap_non_ep_related:
"is_cnode_cap cap \<Longrightarrow> \<not> ep_related_cap cap"
by (clarsimp simp: cap_type_def ep_related_cap_def split:cdl_cap.splits)
lemma update_thread_cnode_at:
"\<lbrace>object_at(\<lambda>x. x = CNode cnode) ptr\<rbrace>
update_thread cur_thread content
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. object_at (\<lambda>x. x = CNode cnode) ptr \<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:update_thread_def get_thread_def set_object_def)
apply (wp|wpc|simp add:opt_object_def object_at_def set_object_def)+
apply auto
lemma cdl_cur_thread_detype:
"cdl_current_thread (detype m s) = cdl_current_thread s"
by (simp add:detype_def)
crunch cdl_current_thread[wp]: reset_untyped_cap "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s)"
(wp: select_wp alternativeE_wp mapME_x_inv_wp hoare_whenE_wp
simp: cdl_cur_thread_detype crunch_simps)
lemmas helper = valid_validE_E[OF reset_untyped_cap_cdl_current_thread]
crunch cdl_current_thread[wp]: invoke_untyped "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s)"
(wp:select_wp mapM_x_wp' crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp alternativeE_wp
simp:cdl_cur_thread_detype crunch_simps)
crunch cdl_current_thread[wp]: insert_cap_sibling "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s)"
(wp:select_wp mapM_x_wp' crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp
simp: crunch_simps)
crunch cdl_current_thread[wp]: insert_cap_child "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s)"
(wp:select_wp mapM_x_wp' crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp
crunch cdl_current_thread[wp]: move_cap "\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s)"
(wp:select_wp mapM_x_wp' crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp
lemma cnode_insert_cap_cdl_current_thread:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s) \<rbrace>
invoke_cnode (InsertCall a b c)
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (cdl_current_thread s)\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_name_pre_state)
apply (clarsimp simp:
invoke_cnode_def liftE_bindE validE_def[symmetric])
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp alternative_valid | simp | wpc)+
lemma cnode_move_cap_cdl_current_thread:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (cdl_current_thread s) \<rbrace>
invoke_cnode (MoveCall a b c)
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (cdl_current_thread s)\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_name_pre_state)
apply (clarsimp simp:
invoke_cnode_def liftE_bindE validE_def[symmetric])
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp alternative_valid | simp | wpc)+
lemma sep_any_imp_c'_conj:
"< slot \<mapsto>c cap \<and>* R> s \<Longrightarrow> < slot \<mapsto>c - \<and>* R> s"
by sep_solve
lemma cnode_non_ep:
"is_cnode_cap cap \<Longrightarrow> \<not> ep_related_cap cap"
by (simp add: cap_type_def ep_related_cap_def
split: cdl_cap.splits)
lemma reset_cap_asid_cnode_cap_cong:
"\<lbrakk>reset_cap_asid cap = reset_cap_asid cap'\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> is_cnode_cap cap = is_cnode_cap cap'"
by (case_tac cap,
simp_all add: cap_type_def reset_cap_asid_def
split: cdl_cap.splits)
lemma is_exclusive_cap_update_cap[simp]:
"safe_for_derive (update_cap_data_det data cap) = safe_for_derive cap"
by (case_tac cap,
simp_all add: update_cap_data_det_def update_cap_badge_def
safe_for_derive_def badge_update_def guard_update_def)
lemma cnode_cap_reset_asid:
"is_cnode_cap cap \<Longrightarrow> (reset_cap_asid cap) = cap"
by (unfold cap_type_def,
simp add: reset_cap_asid_def
split: cdl_cap.splits cdl_object_type.splits)
lemma is_cnode_cap_guard_equal:
"is_cnode_cap x \<Longrightarrow> guard_equal (reset_cap_asid x) = guard_equal x"
apply (rule ext)+
by (unfold cap_type_def, simp add:guard_equal_def Let_def cap_guard_size_def
reset_cap_asid_def split:cdl_cap.splits)
lemma valid_src_cap_has_type[simp]:
"cap_type cap = Some type
\<Longrightarrow> valid_src_cap (default_cap type ids (cnode_cap_size cap) dev)
= valid_src_cap cap"
apply (rule ext)
apply (clarsimp simp: default_cap_def valid_src_cap_def
split: cdl_cap.splits cdl_object_type.splits)
apply (clarsimp simp: cap_type_def cnode_cap_size_def)
lemma exclusive_cap_has_type[simp]:
"cap_type cap = Some type
\<Longrightarrow> safe_for_derive (default_cap type ids sz dev) = safe_for_derive cap"
by (fastforce simp: default_cap_def
cap_type_def safe_for_derive_def
split: cdl_cap.splits)
lemma is_untyped_cap_derived[simp]:
"is_untyped_cap (derived_cap cap) = (is_untyped_cap cap)"
by (case_tac cap, simp_all add:derived_cap_def cap_type_def)
lemma cap_type_cdl_update_cnode_cap_data [simp]:
"cap_type (cdl_update_cnode_cap_data cap data) = cap_type cap"
by (clarsimp simp: cap_type_def cdl_update_cnode_cap_data_def split: cdl_cap.splits)
lemma cap_type_guard_update [simp]:
"cap_type (guard_update cap data) = cap_type cap"
by (clarsimp simp: cap_type_def guard_update_def split: cdl_cap.splits)
lemma cap_type_badge_update [simp]:
"cap_type (badge_update data cap) = cap_type cap"
by (clarsimp simp: badge_update_def)
lemma cap_type_update_cap_data_det [simp]:
"cap_type (update_cap_data_det data cap) = cap_type cap"
by (auto simp: update_cap_data_det_def
split: cdl_cap.splits)
lemma safe_for_derive_not_untyped:
"safe_for_derive cap \<Longrightarrow> \<not> is_untyped_cap cap"
by (clarsimp simp: safe_for_derive_def cap_type_def
split: cdl_cap.splits)
(* These lemmas are not cong rules,
but were declared as such and sometimes work as cong rules.
This should get deleted, eventually.
lemmas cap_type_bad_cong =
cap_object_reset_cap_asid reset_cap_asid_cap_type
reset_cap_asid_ep_related_cap cap_rights_reset_cap_asid
valid_src_cap_asid_cong cap_has_type_asid_cong
definition "tcb_has_error
\<equiv> object_at (\<lambda>obj. case obj of Tcb x \<Rightarrow> cdl_intent_error (cdl_tcb_intent x) = True | _ \<Rightarrow> False)"
lemma mark_tcb_intent_error_no_error:
"\<lbrace>\<top> \<rbrace> mark_tcb_intent_error thread_ptr True \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. \<not> tcb_has_error thread_ptr s \<longrightarrow> Q r s\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:mark_tcb_intent_error_def tcb_has_error_def)
apply (simp add:object_at_def update_thread_def
gets_the_def gets_def )
apply (wp|wpc|simp add:set_object_def)+
lemma mark_tcb_intent_error_no_error':
"\<lbrace>\<top> \<rbrace> mark_tcb_intent_error thread_ptr False \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. \<not> tcb_has_error thread_ptr s\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:mark_tcb_intent_error_def update_thread_def
gets_the_def set_object_def)
apply (wp|wpc|simp add:set_object_def)+
apply (clarsimp simp:opt_object_def
tcb_has_error_def object_at_def)
lemma syscall_valid_helper_allow_error:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>x xa. \<lbrace>Qa x xa \<rbrace> perform_syscall_fn xa
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q and (\<lambda>s. \<not> tcb_has_error thread_ptr s)\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Inv\<rbrace>;
\<And>r. \<lbrace>Qi r\<rbrace>arg_decode_fn r \<lbrace>Qa r\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>ret. P\<rbrace>;
\<lbrace>Pre\<rbrace>cap_decoder_fn \<lbrace>Qi\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>;
\<lbrace>P\<rbrace>mark_tcb_intent_error thread_ptr True \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P s\<rbrace>;
\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> corrupt_ipc_buffer thread_ptr True \<lbrace>\<lambda>ya. P\<rbrace>;
\<And>s. Pre s \<Longrightarrow> P s
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace>Pre and (\<lambda>s. \<not> tcb_has_error thread_ptr s) \<rbrace>syscall cap_decoder_fn decode_error_handler
(do ya \<leftarrow> corrupt_ipc_buffer thread_ptr True;
mark_tcb_intent_error thread_ptr True
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. (\<not> tcb_has_error thread_ptr s \<longrightarrow> Q s)
\<and> (tcb_has_error thread_ptr s \<longrightarrow> P s)\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Inv\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:syscall_def del:split_paired_all)
apply (rule hoare_vcg_handle_elseE)
apply (erule hoare_pre)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (rule hoare_vcg_handle_elseE)
apply assumption
including no_pre apply wp
apply (wp mark_tcb_intent_error_no_error)
apply (rule hoare_drop_imp,simp)
apply simp
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr)
apply fastforce
apply simp
apply simp
lemma tcb_has_error_set_cap:
"\<lbrace> (\<lambda>s. P (tcb_has_error p s)) and K (snd slot \<noteq> tcb_ipcbuffer_slot) \<rbrace> set_cap slot cap
\<lbrace>\<lambda>ya s. P (tcb_has_error p s)\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_name_pre_state)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac Q = "\<lambda>r s'. tcb_has_error p s' = tcb_has_error p s" in
apply (simp add:set_cap_def
gets_the_def set_object_def
apply (wp select_wp|wpc|simp)+
apply (clarsimp simp:tcb_has_error_def
object_at_def,simp split:cdl_object.split_asm)
apply (intro conjI impI)
apply (simp add:update_slots_def
has_slots_def opt_object_def
lemma handle_event_syscall_allow_error:
assumes set_cap_hold: "\<lbrace>Rm \<rbrace>set_cap (cur_thread, tcb_pending_op_slot) RunningCap \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q\<rbrace>"
and decode_invocation_allow_error:
"\<And>c ref cs. \<lbrace> Pd cs c ref \<rbrace> decode_invocation c ref cs intent_op
\<lbrace> Ps \<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Perror\<rbrace>"
and lookup_extra_caps_exec:
"\<And>r. \<lbrace> Pd1 (fst r) (snd r) \<rbrace> lookup_extra_caps cur_thread intent_extra
\<lbrace> \<lambda>xa s. Pd xa (fst r) (snd r) s \<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>"
and lookup_cap_and_slot_exec:
"\<lbrace> Pd2 \<rbrace> lookup_cap_and_slot cur_thread intent_cptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>r s. Pd1 (fst r) (snd r) s \<and> \<not> ep_related_cap (fst r) \<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>y s. False \<rbrace>"
and non_ep_cap:
"\<lbrace> Pd2 \<rbrace> lookup_cap_and_slot cur_thread intent_cptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>rv s. \<not> ep_related_cap (fst rv) \<rbrace>, -"
and mark_tcb_intent_error_hold: "\<lbrace> Ra \<rbrace>mark_tcb_intent_error cur_thread False \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Rm\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>Perror\<rbrace> mark_tcb_intent_error cur_thread True \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. Perror\<rbrace>"
and corrupt_ipc_buffer_hold: "\<lbrace> Rb \<rbrace>corrupt_ipc_buffer cur_thread True \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Ra\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>Perror\<rbrace> corrupt_ipc_buffer cur_thread True \<lbrace>\<lambda>ya. Perror\<rbrace>"
and perform_invocation_hold: "\<And>iv. \<lbrace>PIV iv\<rbrace> perform_invocation True True iv
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. Rb s \<and> <(cur_thread, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* sep_true > s\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Inv\<rbrace>"
and set_restart_cap_hold: "\<And>iv. \<lbrace>Ps iv\<rbrace> set_cap (cur_thread, tcb_pending_op_slot) RestartCap \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. PIV iv\<rbrace>"
and error_imp: "\<And>s. Pd2 s \<Longrightarrow> cdl_current_thread s = Some cur_thread \<and> Perror s"
shows "\<lbrace> Pd2
and tcb_at'
(\<lambda>tcb. cdl_intent_op (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = Some intent_op \<and>
cdl_intent_cap (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = intent_cptr \<and>
cdl_intent_extras (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = intent_extra \<and>
cdl_intent_error (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = False) cur_thread
\<rbrace> handle_event (SyscallEvent SysCall)
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. (\<not> tcb_has_error cur_thread s \<longrightarrow> Q s)
\<and> (tcb_has_error cur_thread s \<longrightarrow> Perror s)\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>y. Inv\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:handle_event_def handle_syscall_def
handle_invocation_def when_def)
apply (rule liftE_wp_split_r)+
apply (rule_tac P = "y = cur_thread" in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply simp
apply (rule_tac P = "cdl_intent_op (cdl_tcb_intent ya) = Some intent_op
\<and> (cdl_intent_cap (cdl_tcb_intent ya)) = intent_cptr
\<and> cdl_intent_extras (cdl_tcb_intent ya) = intent_extra"
in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply simp
apply (rule syscall_valid_helper_allow_error)
apply (rule liftE_wp_split_r)+
apply (rule wp_no_exception_seq_r)
apply (rule liftE_wp_no_exception)
apply (rule hoare_whenE_wp)
apply (simp)
apply wp
apply (rule_tac P = "y = cur_thread" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply simp
apply (wp set_cap_hold tcb_has_error_set_cap)
apply (rule_tac P = "y = cur_thread" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply (simp add:tcb_pending_op_slot_def tcb_ipcbuffer_slot_def)
apply (wp mark_tcb_intent_error_hold mark_tcb_intent_error_no_error')
apply simp
apply (rule corrupt_ipc_buffer_hold)
apply (wp has_restart_cap_sep_wp[where cap = RestartCap])[1]
apply (rule_tac P = "y = cur_thread" in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply (simp add:conj_comms)
apply (rule perform_invocation_hold)
apply (rule_tac P = "y = cur_thread" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply simp
apply (wp hoare_vcg_conj_lift set_restart_cap_hold)[1]
apply simp
apply (rule_tac P = " \<not> ep_related_cap (fst r)
\<and> cdl_intent_op (cdl_tcb_intent ya) = Some intent_op"
in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply (simp add:split_def)
apply (rule decode_invocation_allow_error)
apply (rule wp_no_exception_seq)+
apply (simp add:split_def)
apply (rule wp_no_exception_seq)
apply (simp add:returnOk_liftE)
apply wp[1]
apply simp
apply (rule_tac P = "
cdl_intent_extras (cdl_tcb_intent ya) = intent_extra" in hoare_gen_asmEx)
apply simp
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr[OF no_exception_conj])
apply (rule_tac r = r in lookup_extra_caps_exec)
prefer 2
apply (elim conjE)
apply (simp add:Fun.comp_def)
apply wp[1]
apply simp
apply simp
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_exec)
apply (wp mark_tcb_intent_error_hold
corrupt_ipc_buffer_hold |
simp add:error_imp)+
apply (wp non_ep_cap get_thread_sep_wp get_thread_inv | simp)+
apply (clarsimp simp:object_at_def tcb_has_error_def error_imp)
lemma thread_has_error_wp:
"\<lbrace> \<lambda>s. Q (tcb_has_error thread_ptr s) s\<rbrace>
thread_has_error thread_ptr \<lbrace>\<lambda>has_error s. Q has_error s\<rbrace>"
apply (clarsimp simp:thread_has_error_def get_thread_def
gets_the_def tcb_has_error_def)
apply (wp|wpc)+
apply (clarsimp simp:opt_object_def object_at_def)
lemma call_kernel_with_intent_allow_error_helper:
assumes unify: "cdl_intent_op intent = Some intent_op \<and>
cdl_intent_cap intent = intent_cptr \<and> cdl_intent_extras intent = intent_extra"
and set_cap_hold: "\<lbrace>R\<rbrace>set_cap (root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) RunningCap \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q\<rbrace>"
and mark_tcb_intent_error_hold: "\<lbrace>Ra\<rbrace>mark_tcb_intent_error root_tcb_id False \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. R\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>Perror\<rbrace>mark_tcb_intent_error root_tcb_id True \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Perror\<rbrace>"
and corrupt_ipc_buffer_hold: "\<lbrace>Rb\<rbrace>corrupt_ipc_buffer root_tcb_id True \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Ra\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>Perror\<rbrace>corrupt_ipc_buffer root_tcb_id True \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Perror\<rbrace>"
and perform_invocation_hold: "\<And>iv. \<lbrace>PIV iv\<rbrace> perform_invocation True True iv
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. (cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound
\<and> <(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RestartCap \<and>* (\<lambda>s. True)> s
\<and> Rb s)\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. tcb_at'
(\<lambda>tcb. cdl_intent_op (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = Some intent_op \<and>
cdl_intent_cap (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = cdl_intent_cap intent \<and>
cdl_intent_extras (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = cdl_intent_extras intent \<and>
cdl_intent_error (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = False)
root_tcb_id s \<and>
cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id \<and>
cdl_current_domain s = minBound \<and> no_pending s \<and> Pd2 s\<rbrace>"
and set_restart_cap_hold: "\<And>iv.
\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. Ps iv s \<rbrace> set_cap (root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) RestartCap \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. PIV iv\<rbrace>"
and decode_invocation_allow_error:
"\<And>c ref cs. \<lbrace> Pd cs c ref \<rbrace> decode_invocation c ref cs intent_op
\<lbrace> Ps \<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. Perror s
\<and> cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound
\<and> <(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>* (\<lambda>s. True)> s \<rbrace>
and lookup_extra_caps_exec:
"\<And>r. \<lbrace> Pd1 (fst r) (snd r) \<rbrace> lookup_extra_caps root_tcb_id intent_extra
\<lbrace> \<lambda>xa s. Pd xa (fst r) (snd r) s \<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. False\<rbrace>"
and lookup_cap_and_slot_exec:
"\<lbrace> Pd2 \<rbrace> lookup_cap_and_slot root_tcb_id intent_cptr
\<lbrace> \<lambda>r s. Pd1 (fst r) (snd r) s \<and> \<not> ep_related_cap (fst r) \<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>y s. False \<rbrace>"
and upd_thread:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> update_thread root_tcb_id (cdl_tcb_intent_update (\<lambda>x. intent))
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. Pd2 s\<rbrace>"
and error_imp: "\<And>s. Pd2 s \<Longrightarrow> (cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id)
\<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound
\<and> <(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap
\<and>* (root_tcb_id) \<mapsto>f (Tcb tcb) \<and>* (\<lambda>s. True)> s
\<and> Perror s"
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. \<not> cdl_intent_error intent
\<and> ((cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id \<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound) \<longrightarrow> P s)
\<and> <(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap
\<and>* (root_tcb_id) \<mapsto>f (Tcb tcb) \<and>* (\<lambda>s. True)> s
\<rbrace> call_kernel_with_intent intent check \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. ((\<not> r \<or> check) \<longrightarrow> Q s)
\<and> ((r \<and> \<not> check) \<longrightarrow> Perror s) \<rbrace>"
using unify
apply (simp add:call_kernel_with_intent_def)
apply (wp thread_has_error_wp)
apply (simp add:call_kernel_loop_def)
apply (rule_tac P = "thread_ptr = root_tcb_id" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply (rule_tac Q = "\<lambda>r s. (cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound) \<longrightarrow> (
((\<not> tcb_has_error (the (cdl_current_thread s)) s) \<longrightarrow> Q s) \<and>
((tcb_has_error (the (cdl_current_thread s)) s) \<longrightarrow> Perror s))"
in hoare_strengthen_post[rotated])
apply (fastforce simp: error_imp)
apply wp
(* fragile , do not know why *)
apply (rule hoare_vcg_imp_lift[where P' = "\<lambda>s. cdl_current_thread s \<noteq> Some root_tcb_id
\<or> cdl_current_domain s \<noteq> minBound"])
apply (rule hoare_pre,(wp hoare_vcg_imp_lift|wpc|simp cong: if_cong)+)[1]
apply (wp | wpc | simp)+
apply (rule hoare_pre_cont)
apply (wp has_restart_cap_sep_wp[where cap = RunningCap])+
apply simp
apply (rule_tac current_thread1=root_tcb_id and current_domain1=minBound in
hoare_strengthen_post[OF schedule_no_choice_wp])
apply (clarsimp, assumption)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac Q = "\<lambda>r a. (\<not> tcb_has_error root_tcb_id a \<longrightarrow> (Q a
\<and> cdl_current_thread a = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain a = minBound
\<and> <(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>* (\<lambda>s. True)> a))
\<and> (tcb_has_error root_tcb_id a \<longrightarrow> (Perror a
\<and> cdl_current_thread a = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain a = minBound
\<and> <(root_tcb_id, tcb_pending_op_slot) \<mapsto>c RunningCap \<and>* (\<lambda>s. True)> a))"
in hoare_strengthen_post[rotated])
apply fastforce
apply (rule whileLoop_wp[where
I = "\<lambda>rv s. case rv of Inl _ \<Rightarrow> (tcb_at'
(\<lambda>tcb. cdl_intent_op (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = Some intent_op \<and>
cdl_intent_cap (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = cdl_intent_cap intent \<and>
cdl_intent_extras (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = cdl_intent_extras intent \<and>
cdl_intent_error (cdl_tcb_intent tcb) = False)
root_tcb_id s
\<and> cdl_current_thread s = Some root_tcb_id
\<and> cdl_current_domain s = minBound \<and> Pd2 s)
| Inr rv \<Rightarrow> Q (Inr rv) s" and Q=Q for Q, rotated])
apply (case_tac r, simp_all add: isLeft_def)[1]
apply (simp add: validE_def[symmetric])
apply (rule hoare_pre, wp)
apply (simp add: validE_def, (wp | simp add: validE_def[symmetric])+)
apply (wp handle_pending_interrupts_no_ntf_cap)
apply (rule handle_event_syscall_allow_error
[where cur_thread = root_tcb_id
and intent_op = intent_op
and intent_cptr = intent_cptr
and intent_extra = intent_extra])
apply (wp set_cap_wp
set_cap_hold delete_cap_simple_wp[where cap = RestartCap])[1]
apply (rule decode_invocation_allow_error)
apply (rule lookup_extra_caps_exec)
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_exec)
apply (unfold validE_R_def)
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr)
apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_exec)
apply simp
apply simp
apply ((wp corrupt_ipc_buffer_sep_inv corrupt_ipc_buffer_active_tcbs
mark_tcb_intent_error_hold corrupt_ipc_buffer_hold | simp)+)[4]
apply (rule hoare_post_impErr[OF perform_invocation_hold])
apply (fastforce simp:sep_state_projection_def sep_any_def
sep_map_c_def sep_conj_def)
apply simp
apply (wp set_restart_cap_hold)
apply (clarsimp dest!:error_imp)
apply (sep_cancel, simp)
apply (clarsimp simp: isLeft_def)
apply (rule_tac P = "thread_ptr = root_tcb_id" in hoare_gen_asm)
apply simp
apply (wp upd_thread update_thread_wp)+
apply (clarsimp)
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_map_c_conj sep_map_f_conj object_at_def
object_project_def sep_state_projection_def
split:option.splits cdl_object.split)
apply (case_tac z)
apply (clarsimp dest!:arg_cong[where f= object_type],simp add:object_type_def)+
"cap_of_insert_call c = (case c of (InvokeCNode (InsertCall cap src dest)) \<Rightarrow> cap)"
lemma invoke_cnode_insert_cap':
"incall = InsertCall cap src_slot dest_slot
\<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. < dest_slot \<mapsto>c - \<and>* R> s \<and> \<not> is_untyped_cap (cap_of_insert_call (InvokeCNode incall)) \<rbrace>
invoke_cnode incall
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. <dest_slot \<mapsto>c cap \<and>* R> s\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. Q\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:validE_def)
apply (rule hoare_name_pre_state)
apply (clarsimp simp:invoke_cnode_def liftE_bindE validE_def[symmetric])
apply (rule alternative_valid)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule insert_cap_sibling_wp)
apply (simp add:cap_of_insert_call_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule insert_cap_child_wp)
apply (simp add:cap_of_insert_call_def)
lemma object_to_sep_state_slot:
"object_to_sep_state (fst ptr) obj {Slot (snd ptr)} = [(fst ptr, Slot (snd ptr)) \<mapsto>
(CDL_Cap ((reset_cap_asid \<circ>\<^sub>M object_slots obj) (snd ptr)))]"
apply (rule ext)
apply (clarsimp simp:object_to_sep_state_def
object_project_slot object_slots_object_clean
lemma sep_map_c_asid_reset:
"reset_cap_asid cap = reset_cap_asid cap'
\<Longrightarrow> sep_map_c ptr cap = sep_map_c ptr cap'"
apply (intro ext)
apply (clarsimp simp:sep_map_c_def split_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "\<not> has_slots obj")
apply simp
apply (rule_tac x = "update_slots (object_slots obj(snd ptr \<mapsto> cap')) obj"
in exI)
apply (simp add:sep_map_general_def object_to_sep_state_slot)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "\<not> has_slots obj")
apply simp
apply (rule_tac x = "update_slots (object_slots obj(snd ptr \<mapsto> cap)) obj"
in exI)
apply (simp add:sep_map_general_def object_to_sep_state_slot)
lemma reset_cap_asid_update_cap_data:
"reset_cap_asid (update_cap_data_det data dcap)
= update_cap_data_det data (reset_cap_asid dcap)"
by (case_tac dcap,simp_all add:reset_cap_asid_def badge_update_def
guard_update_def update_cap_badge_def
lemmas derived_cap_simps = derived_cap_def[split_simps cdl_cap.split]
lemma reset_cap_asid_derived:
"reset_cap_asid a = reset_cap_asid b
\<Longrightarrow> reset_cap_asid (derived_cap a) = reset_cap_asid (derived_cap b)"
apply (frule reset_cap_asid_id)
apply (safe, (case_tac b, simp_all add: reset_cap_asid_def derived_cap_simps)+)
lemma reset_cap_asid_update_cap_rights:
"reset_cap_asid (update_cap_rights rights b) = update_cap_rights rights (reset_cap_asid b)"
by (case_tac b,simp_all add:update_cap_rights_def reset_cap_asid_def)
lemma use_sep_true_for_sep_map_c:
"\<lbrakk> < slot \<mapsto>c cap \<and>* (\<lambda>s. True)> s ; < slot \<mapsto>c - \<and>* R> s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> < slot \<mapsto>c cap \<and>* R > s"
by (clarsimp simp:sep_map_c_conj sep_any_exist)