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* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
section "Solving Word Equalities"
theory Word_EqI
text \<open>
Some word equalities can be solved by considering the problem bitwise for all
@{prop "n < LENGTH('a::len)"}. This is similar to the existing method @{text word_bitwise}
and expanding into an explicit list of bits. The @{text word_bitwise} only works on
concrete word lengths, but can treat a wider number of operators (in particular a mix of
arithmetic, order, and bit operations). The @{text word_eqI} method below works on words of
abstract size (@{typ "'a word"}) and produces smaller, more abstract goals, but does not deal
with arithmetic operations.
lemmas le_mask_high_bits_len = le_mask_high_bits[unfolded word_size]
lemmas neg_mask_le_high_bits_len = neg_mask_le_high_bits[unfolded word_size]
named_theorems word_eqI_simps
lemmas [word_eqI_simps] =
word_size (* keep this, because the goal may contain "n < size x" terms *)
lemmas word_eqI_folds [symmetric] =
(* bit_eqI subsumes the first rule; kept for backwards compatibility *)
lemmas word_eqI_rules = word_eqI [rule_format, unfolded word_size] bit_eqI
lemma test_bit_lenD:
"bit x n \<Longrightarrow> n < LENGTH('a) \<and> bit x n" for x :: "'a :: len word"
by (fastforce dest: test_bit_size simp: word_size)
\<comment> \<open>Method to reduce goals of the form @{prop "P \<Longrightarrow> x = y"} for words of abstract length to
reasoning on bits of the words. Leaves open goal if unsolved.\<close>
method word_eqI uses simp simp_del split split_del cong flip =
((* reduce conclusion to test_bit: *)
rule word_eqI_rules,
(* fold common patterns into bit form *)
(simp only: word_eqI_folds)?,
(* make sure we're in clarsimp normal form: *)
(clarsimp simp: simp simp del: simp_del simp flip: flip split: split split del: split_del cong: cong)?,
(* turn x < 2^n assumptions into mask equations: *)
((drule less_mask_eq)+)?,
(* expand and distribute test_bit everywhere: *)
(simp only: bit_simps word_eqI_simps)?,
(* clarsimp normal form again, also resolve negated < and \<le> *)
(clarsimp simp: simp not_less not_le simp del: simp_del simp flip: flip
split: split split del: split_del cong: cong)?,
(* add any additional word size constraints to new indices: *)
((drule test_bit_lenD)+)?,
(* try to make progress (can't use +, would loop): *)
(simp only: bit_simps word_eqI_simps)?,
(clarsimp simp: simp simp del: simp_del simp flip: flip
split: split split del: split_del cong: cong)?,
(* helps sometimes, rarely: *)
(simp add: simp test_bit_conj_lt del: simp_del flip: flip split: split split del: split_del cong: cong)?)
\<comment> \<open>Method to reduce goals of the form @{prop "P \<Longrightarrow> x = y"} for words of abstract length to
reasoning on bits of the words. Fails if goal unsolved, but tries harder than @{method word_eqI}.\<close>
method word_eqI_solve uses simp simp_del split split_del cong flip dest =
solves \<open>word_eqI simp: simp simp_del: simp_del split: split split_del: split_del
cong: cong simp flip: flip;
(fastforce dest: dest simp: simp flip: flip
simp: simp simp del: simp_del split: split split del: split_del cong: cong)?\<close>