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* Copyright 2016, Data61
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
theory inf_loop_gref
imports inf_loop "AsmRefine.SimplExport" "AsmRefine.ProveGraphRefine"
locale graph_refine = target
+ fixes domain
assumes globals_list_distinct:
"globals_list_distinct domain symbol_table globals_list"
assumes globals_list_ok:
"\<forall>g \<in> set globals_list. global_data_ok symbol_table g"
assumes asm_semantics_respects:
"asm_ops_are_swap t_hrs_' t_hrs_'_update
phantom_machine_state_' phantom_machine_state_'_update
symbol_table (\<lambda>s. (ghost'state_' s, hrs_htd (t_hrs_' s))) globals_list"
lemmas globals_list_def = inf_loop_global_addresses.global_data_list_def
declare asm_semantics_respects[unfolded Let_def, simp]
ML \<open>
emit_C_everything_relative @{context}
(CalculateState.get_csenv @{theory} "inf_loop.c" |> the)
lemma globals_list_valid:
"globals_list_valid symbol_table t_hrs_' t_hrs_'_update globals_list"
apply (rule globals_list_valid_optimisation[OF _ _ globals_list_ok])
apply (simp_all add: globals_list_def globals_list_valid_def
del: distinct_prop.simps split del: if_split)
apply (simp add: global_data_swappable_def global_data_def)
apply (simp_all add: global_data_valid)?
apply (simp_all add: global_data_valid_def addressed_global_data_def
const_global_data_def global_data_ok_def global_data_def
lemma global_acc_valid:
"global_acc_valid t_hrs_' t_hrs_'_update"
by (simp add: global_acc_valid_def)
abbreviation "gswap == globals_swap t_hrs_' t_hrs_'_update symbol_table globals_list"
lemma globals_swap_ex_swap:
"\<forall>x \<in> set gxs. is_global_data x \<longrightarrow> (case x of GlobalData nm sz tg g' s'
\<Rightarrow> (\<forall>v v' gs. s' v (s v' gs) = s v' (s' v gs))
\<and> (\<forall>v gs. g' (s v gs) = g' gs)
\<and> (\<forall>v gs. g (s' v gs) = g gs))
\<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>v v' gs. th_s v (s v' gs) = s v' (th_s v gs))
\<and> (\<forall>v gs. g (th_s v gs) = g gs)
\<and> (\<forall>v gs. th_g (s v gs) = th_g gs)
\<Longrightarrow> g (globals_swap th_g th_s symt gxs gs) = g gs
\<and> globals_swap th_g th_s symt gxs (s v gs) = s v (globals_swap th_g th_s symt gxs gs)"
apply (simp add: globals_swap_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule foldr_does_nothing_to_xf)
apply (drule(1) bspec)
apply (case_tac x, simp_all add: global_swap_def is_global_data_def K_def)
apply (rule foldr_update_commutes[symmetric])
apply (drule(1) bspec)
apply (case_tac x, simp_all add: global_swap_def is_global_data_def K_def)
lemma ghost'state_update_globals_swap:
"ghost'state_' (gswap gs) = ghost'state_' gs
\<and> gswap (ghost'state_'_update f gs) = ghost'state_'_update f (gswap gs)"
apply (rule globals_swap_ex_swap)
apply (simp only: globals_list_def global_data_defs list.simps ball_simps
is_global_data_simps simp_thms)
apply (simp_all add: global_data_def)
lemma phantom_machine_state_'_update_globals_swap[simp]:
"phantom_machine_state_' (gswap gs) = phantom_machine_state_' gs
\<and> gswap (phantom_machine_state_'_update f gs) = phantom_machine_state_'_update f (gswap gs)"
apply (rule globals_swap_ex_swap)
apply (simp only: globals_list_def global_data_defs list.simps ball_simps
is_global_data_simps simp_thms)
apply (simp_all add: global_data_def)
(* FIXME: this has to be done and should be standardised *)
lemma t_hrs_ghost'state_update_globals_swap[simp]:
"t_hrs_' (gswap (ghost'state_'_update f gs)) = t_hrs_' (gswap gs)"
by (simp add: ghost'state_update_globals_swap)
lemma t_hrs_phantom_machine_state_'_update_globals_swap[simp]:
"t_hrs_' (gswap (phantom_machine_state_'_update f gs)) = t_hrs_' (gswap gs)"
by (simp add: phantom_machine_state_'_update_globals_swap)
lemma globals_swap_twice[simp]:
"gswap (gswap gs) = gs"
by (metis globals_swap_twice_helper globals_list_distinct
globals_list_valid global_acc_valid)
lemma t_hrs_'_update_hmu_triv[simp]:
"f (hrs_mem (t_hrs_' gs)) = hrs_mem (t_hrs_' gs)
\<Longrightarrow> t_hrs_'_update (hrs_mem_update f) gs = gs"
by (cases gs, auto simp add: hrs_mem_update_def hrs_mem_def)
encode_machine_state :: "machine_state \<Rightarrow> unit \<times> nat"
ML \<open>
val funs = ParseGraph.funs @{theory} "inf_loop_Cfuns.txt"
local_setup \<open>add_field_h_val_rewrites #> add_field_to_bytes_rewrites\<close>
context graph_refine begin
local_setup \<open>add_globals_swap_rewrites @{thms inf_loop_global_addresses.global_data_mems}\<close>
simpl_invariant :: "globals myvars set"
"simpl_invariant = {s. const_globals_in_memory symbol_table globals_list
(hrs_mem (t_hrs_' (globals s)))
\<and> htd_safe domain (hrs_htd (t_hrs_' (globals s)))}"
abbreviation(input) "ghost_assns_from_globals
\<equiv> (K (K 0 :: ghost_assertions) o ghost'state_' :: globals \<Rightarrow> _)"
text \<open>Test everything.\<close>
ML \<open>
val dbg = ProveSimplToGraphGoals.new_debug [] [];
(CalculateState.get_csenv @{theory} "inf_loop.c" |> the)
text \<open>Manual test for debugging.\<close>
ML \<open>val nm = "inf_loop.other_f"\<close>
local_setup \<open>define_graph_fun_short funs nm\<close>
ML \<open>
val hints = SimplToGraphProof.mk_hints funs @{context} nm
ML \<open>
val init_thm = SimplToGraphProof.simpl_to_graph_upto_subgoals funs hints nm
ML \<open>
ProveSimplToGraphGoals.simpl_to_graph_thm funs
(CalculateState.get_csenv @{theory} "inf_loop.c" |> the)
@{context} nm;
ML \<open>
val tacs = ProveSimplToGraphGoals.graph_refine_proof_tacs
(CalculateState.get_csenv @{theory} "inf_loop.c" |> the)
#> map snd
val full_tac = ProveSimplToGraphGoals.graph_refine_proof_full_tac
(CalculateState.get_csenv @{theory} "inf_loop.c" |> the)
val full_goal_tac = ProveSimplToGraphGoals.graph_refine_proof_full_goal_tac
(CalculateState.get_csenv @{theory} "inf_loop.c" |> the)
val debug_tac = ProveSimplToGraphGoals.debug_tac
(CalculateState.get_csenv @{theory} "inf_loop.c" |> the)
schematic_goal "PROP ?P"
apply (tactic \<open>resolve_tac @{context} [init_thm] 1\<close>)
apply (tactic \<open>ALLGOALS (TRY o (debug_tac @{context} THEN_ALL_NEW K no_tac))\<close>)