%\documentclass[aspectratio=169,classification=confidential]{lh-presentation} \documentclass[inverse,aspectratio=169,classification=confidential]{lh-presentation} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \title{A Beamer-theme for LogicalHacking.com} \subtitle{Example presentation} \institute[The University of Sheffield] {Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK} \author[A.D. Brucker] {% \href{http://www.brucker.uk/}{Achim D. Brucker}\\ \texttt{\footnotesize\href{mailto:"Achim D. Brucker" }{a.brucker@sheffield.ac.uk} \hspace{.6cm} \url{http://www.brucker.uk/}} } \titlevisual{visuals/lh-title-visual-code-dark} \contactauthor{Dr. Achim D. Brucker} \contactemail{a.brucker@sheffield.ac.uk} \contacttwitter{adbrucker} \contactlinkedin{https://de.linkedin.com/in/adbrucker/} \contactwww{https://www.brucker.ch/} \contactblog{https://logicalhacking.com/blog/} \DeclareTextCommand{\nobreakspace}{T1}{\leavevmode\nobreak\ } \begin{document} \begin{frame}[plain] \maketitle \end{frame} \AgendaFrame \section{Introduction} \subsection{A few example slides} \frame{\sectionpage} %\begin{frame}[classification={public-cc-by}] \begin{frame}[classification={confidential}] \frametitle{A standard slide} \framesubtitle{With a frame subtitle} \begin{itemize} \item Only first word of slide title \ldots \begin{itemize} \item And a second level \begin{itemize} \item Officially, a third level should be avoided \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \[ x = \sum_{i=0}^{-\infty}\sqrt{-i}\] \begin{itemize} \item rm: {\rmfamily The quick {\mdseries brown fox} \emph{jumps over} \textbf{the lazy's doc back}} \item sf: {\sffamily The quick {\mdseries brown fox} \emph{jumps over} \textbf{the lazy's doc back}} \item tt: {\ttfamily The quick {\mdseries brown fox} \emph{jumps over} \textbf{the lazy's doc back}} \item {\Huge Huge} {\huge huge} {\Large Large} {\large large} {\normalsize normal} {\small small} {\footnotesize footnote} {\scriptsize scriptsize} {\tiny tiny} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Block Examples} \begin{block}{Regular Block} The \alert{quick} \textbf{brown} \emph{fox} \ldots \end{block} \begin{alertblock}{Alert Block} The \alert{quick} \textbf{brown} \emph{fox} \ldots \end{alertblock} \begin{exampleblock}{Example Block} The \alert{quick} \textbf{brown} \emph{fox} \ldots \end{exampleblock} \begin{quotebox} The \alert{quick} \textbf{brown} \emph{fox} \ldots \end{quotebox} \end{frame} \begin{frame} A Frame without Title \ldots asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af asdf asdf af \end{frame} \section{Conclusion} \subsection{Concluding remarks} \frame{\sectionpage} \begin{frame}[plain,classification=confidential] \frametitle{A plain slide} \framesubtitle{With a frame subtitle} \begin{itemize} \item Only first word of slide title \ldots \begin{itemize} \item And a second level \begin{itemize} \item Officially, a third level should be avoided \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \[ x = \sum_{i=0}^{-\infty}\sqrt{-i}\] \end{frame} \ThanksFrame \CopyrightFrame \PartFrame[white][lhMagentaDark]{New Chapter} \section{Another Section} \frame{\sectionpage} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Conclusion} \end{frame} \end{document}