
1.3 KiB


A LaTeX class (based on the beamerposter) that implements the cooperate style of the Software Assurance & Security Research Team Sheffield.


  • The lh-presentation theme/class.


  • Copy the various *.sty and *.cls files into your texmf tree.


The lh-poster class (respectively, a beamerposter theme) is a customised setup of the beamer class and of the beamerposter package. Thus, please consult their documentation for detailed use. In general, you can either use the class file (i.e., \documentclass{lh-poster} or use \usetheme{lh-poster} in a regular beamerposter setup.


This project is dual-licensed under a 2-clause BSD-style license and/or the LPPL version 1.3c or (at your opinion) any later version.

SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+ OR BSD-2-Clause

Master Repository

The master git repository for this project is hosted by the Software Assurance & Security Research Team at https://git.logicalhacking.com/adbrucker/logicalhacking-latex.