svninfo ======= Version 0.7.4, 23 March 2010 Description ----------- This package is used to extract the revision and file information provided by the subversion revision control system. Installation ------------ To install: unpack and ``` make ``` or execute the commands manually: ``` latex svninfo.ins // creates the file of this package latex svninfo.dtx // create the package documentation ``` The following files are created by 'latex svninfo.ins' ``` svninfo.cfg svninfo.sty svninfo.perl svninfo.init ``` then copy the files ``` svninfo.sty svninfo.cfg ``` to a place where LaTeX can find it, e.g., ``` $HOME/tex/inputs ``` and set the environment variable ``` TEXINPUTS=$HOME/tex/inputs//:$TEXINPUTS ``` License ------- This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1.3c of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that it is distributed together with all the following files: ``` svninfo.ins svninfo.dtx Makefile README ``` If you receive only some of these files from someone, complain! Changelog --------- ``` 0.7.4 : Fixed localization of date formats, e.g., \svnToday. 0.7.3 : Fixed bug resulting in wrong date for maximal revision (\svnInfoMaxToday). 0.7.2 : Fixed documentation: the option for using scrpage2 package is called scrpage. Fixed support for svk. 0.7.1 : Fixed \svnMaxToday and introduced \svnInfoMaxToday as an alternative name. Improved documentation 0.7 : Added option margin for showing version info in the margins of the document; added option svk for supporting the keyword expansion of svk; added new command \svnMaxToday; and fixed the use of fancyhdr for single-sided documents. 0.6 : Added \svnInfoMinRevision and \svnInfoMaxRevision together with the option "revrange". Also added support for \ in keywords. 0.5 : Removed support for LaTeX2HTML and added new command \svnKeyword for defining arbitrary svn keywords (e.g. $Author:$). 0.4 : Added new package options draft, final, eso-foot, and scrpage. Fixed problem with `\_' in file names. 0.3 : Added support for Id-keywords without owner information (fixes a bug reported by Uwe Ziegenhagen). 0.2.1 : Added \svnId (suggested by Thomas Weber). 0.2 : Removed latex2html build-dependency 0.1 : Initial Version, based on rcsinfo from Dr. Juergen Vollmer ```