# tuos-latex Trivial LaTeX style for for using the cooperate fonts used by The University Sheffield. The actual magic is done by two style files that are auto-generated by `autoinst`, which is part of [Fontool](https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/utilities/fontools/). ## Disclaimer Please not that this LaTeX setup is neither endorsed nor officially supported by the University of Sheffield. ## Prerequists * The [Stephenson and Blake fonts](https://www.shef.ac.uk/marketing/help-yourself/visual-identity/core-elements/fonts/blake-stephenson) used by The University for Sheffield. Note that you need to be a member of the University do [download](https://www.shef.ac.uk/marketing/help-yourself/visual-identity/downloads/fonts/download-stephenson-blake) them. * The `autoinst' too from the [Fontool](https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/utilities/fontools/) package. If you have a modern LaTeX distribution, it is most likely already installed on your machine. ## Installation * First, we use `autoinst` to generate LaTeX styles for both fonts. * Unzip the archive with the fonts: ``` mkdir fonts cd fonts unzip ../Fonts.zip ``` * Now use `autoinst` for generating the font-specific LaTeX styles (using the default, autoinst will install the styles in your home directory): * Stephenson (the serif font) ``` autoinst Steph.ttf StephBd.ttf StephIt.ttf ``` * Blake (the sans serif font) ``` autoinst -sanserif Blake.ttf BlakeBd.ttf BlakeIt.ttf ``` * Most likely, you need to update the font maps. Please consult your LaTeX distribution and operating system help for detailed instructions. For example, in case Debian, you might (for a system wide-installation) to edit `/etc/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg` and add the two lines (adapt the path information): ``` MixedMap TUOSBlake/TUOSBlake.map MixedMap TUOSStephenson/TUOSStephenson.map ``` and call `update-updmap`. * For your convince, you might want to install `tuos-fonts.sty`, which just includes the generated styles for Stephenson and Blake and configures them using lining figures (as this is the default used by The University of Sheffield. Please not that the fonts provided by The University of Sheffield do not provide all the symbols requires for type-setting mathematical content. ## License This project is licensed under a 2-clause BSD-style license.