# [Unsanitize Safelinks](https://git.logicalhacking.com/adbrucker/unsanitize-safelinks): A Utility for Microsoft's Safelinks Both the home and personal online offerings of Microsoft Outlook (e.g., Outlook.com, Office 365 Home, or Office 365 Personal) and the professional Office 365 offerings (e.g., as part of Office 365 Advanced Threat Detection) might rewrite links in received emails with the goal of protecting users against certain treats (e.g., phishing). For various reasons, one might to rewrite these `"safelinks" back into their original form. The script [unsantize-safelinks](./unsantize-safelinks) does exactly this. This can, for example, be used for displaying mails with mails nicely in [mutt](https://www.mutt.org). In your "muttrc" you need to add/edit the following configuration: ```muttrc set display_filter="unsanitize-safelinks" ``` If you want to also rewrite the links when using tools such as urlscan, use: ```muttrc macro index,pager \cb " unsanitize-safelinks| urlscan" ``` And the following trick rewrites the links prior to editing a message (e.g., when replying): ```muttrc set editor ="unsanitize-safelinks -i %s && $EDITOR %s" ``` Finally, if links should be rewritten when viewing the HTML-part, you need to edit your your ".mailcap" entry for type "text/html": ```mailcap text/html; unsanitize-safelinks -i --html %s && /usr/bin/sensible-browser %s; description=HTML Text; nametemplate=%s.html ``` ## Author * [Achim D. Brucker](http://www.brucker.ch/) ## License This project is licensed under a 2-clause BSD license. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause ## Master Repository The master git repository for this project is hosted .