(* (C) Copyright Andreas Viktor Hess, DTU, 2020 (C) Copyright Sebastian A. Mödersheim, DTU, 2020 (C) Copyright Achim D. Brucker, University of Exeter, 2020 (C) Copyright Anders Schlichtkrull, DTU, 2020 All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) open Trac_Term exception NotYetSupported of string %% %verbose %eop EOF %left %name TracTransaction %term EOF | OPENP of string | CLOSEP of string | OPENB of string | CLOSEB of string | OPENSCRYPT of string | CLOSESCRYPT of string | COLON of string | SEMICOLON of string | SECCH of string | AUTHCH of string | CONFCH of string | INSECCH of string | FAUTHCH of string | FSECCH of string | PERCENT of string | UNEQUAL of string | EXCLAM of string | DOT of string | COMMA of string | OPENSQB of string | CLOSESQB of string | UNION of string | PROTOCOL of string | KNOWLEDGE of string | WHERE of string | ACTIONS of string | ABSTRACTION of string | GOALS of string | AUTHENTICATES of string | WEAKLY of string | ON of string | TSECRET of string | TBETWEEN of string | Sets of string | FUNCTIONS of string | PUBLIC of string | PRIVATE of string | RECEIVE of string | SEND of string | IN of string | NOTIN of string | INSERT of string | DELETE of string | NEW of string | ATTACK of string | slash of string | QUESTION of string | equal of string | TYPES of string | SETS of string | ARROW of string | ANALYSIS of string | TRANSACTIONS of string | STRING_LITERAL of string | UPPER_STRING_LITERAL of string | LOWER_STRING_LITERAL of string | UNDERSCORE of string | INTEGER_LITERAL of string | STAR of string | OF of string %nonterm START of TracProtocol.protocol | name of string | arity of string | uident of string | lident of string | ident of string | trac_protocol of TracProtocol.protocol | protocol_spec of TracProtocol.protocol | type_union of (string list) | type_spec of (string * TracProtocol.type_spec_elem) | type_specs of (string * TracProtocol.type_spec_elem) list | idents of string list | uidents of string list | lidents of string list | set_specs of TracProtocol.set_spec list | set_spec of TracProtocol.set_spec | priv_or_pub_fun_spec of TracProtocol.fun_spec | fun_specs of TracProtocol.funT list | fun_spec of TracProtocol.funT | priv_fun_spec of TracProtocol.funT list | pub_fun_spec of TracProtocol.funT list | analysis_spec of TracProtocol.anaT | transaction_spec_head of string option | transaction_spec of TracProtocol.transaction list | rule of TracProtocol.ruleT | head of string * string list | head_params of string list | keys of Trac_Term.Msg list | result of string list | msg of Trac_Term.Msg | msgs of Trac_Term.Msg list | setexp of string * Trac_Term.Msg list | action of TracProtocol.prot_label * TracProtocol.action | actions of (TracProtocol.prot_label * TracProtocol.action) list | ineq_aux of string | ineq of string * string | ineqs of (string * string) list | transaction of TracProtocol.transaction_name | typ of string | parameter of string * string | parameters of (string * string) list %pos (int * int * int) %noshift EOF %% START: trac_protocol (trac_protocol) trac_protocol: PROTOCOL COLON name protocol_spec (TracProtocol.update_name protocol_spec name) protocol_spec: TYPES COLON type_specs protocol_spec (TracProtocol.update_type_spec protocol_spec type_specs) | SETS COLON set_specs protocol_spec (TracProtocol.update_sets protocol_spec set_specs) | FUNCTIONS COLON priv_or_pub_fun_spec protocol_spec (TracProtocol.update_functions protocol_spec (SOME priv_or_pub_fun_spec)) | ANALYSIS COLON analysis_spec protocol_spec (TracProtocol.update_analysis protocol_spec analysis_spec) | transaction_spec_head COLON transaction_spec protocol_spec (TracProtocol.update_transactions transaction_spec_head protocol_spec transaction_spec) | (TracProtocol.empty) type_union: ident ([ident]) | ident UNION type_union (ident::type_union) type_specs: type_spec ([type_spec]) | type_spec type_specs (type_spec::type_specs) type_spec: ident equal OPENB lidents CLOSEB ((ident, TracProtocol.Consts lidents)) | ident equal type_union ((ident, TracProtocol.Union type_union)) set_specs: set_spec ([set_spec]) | set_spec set_specs (set_spec::set_specs) set_spec: ident slash arity ((ident, arity)) priv_or_pub_fun_spec: pub_fun_spec priv_or_pub_fun_spec (TracProtocol.update_fun_public priv_or_pub_fun_spec pub_fun_spec) | priv_fun_spec priv_or_pub_fun_spec (TracProtocol.update_fun_private priv_or_pub_fun_spec priv_fun_spec) | (TracProtocol.fun_empty) pub_fun_spec: PUBLIC fun_specs (fun_specs) priv_fun_spec: PRIVATE fun_specs (fun_specs) fun_specs: fun_spec ([fun_spec]) | fun_spec fun_specs (fun_spec::fun_specs) fun_spec: ident slash arity ((ident, arity)) analysis_spec: rule ([rule]) | rule analysis_spec (rule::analysis_spec) rule: head ARROW result ((head,[],result)) | head QUESTION keys ARROW result ((head,keys,result)) head: LOWER_STRING_LITERAL OPENP head_params CLOSEP ((LOWER_STRING_LITERAL,head_params)) head_params: UPPER_STRING_LITERAL ([UPPER_STRING_LITERAL]) | UPPER_STRING_LITERAL COMMA head_params ([UPPER_STRING_LITERAL]@head_params) keys: msgs (msgs) result: UPPER_STRING_LITERAL ([UPPER_STRING_LITERAL]) | UPPER_STRING_LITERAL COMMA result ([UPPER_STRING_LITERAL]@result) transaction_spec_head: TRANSACTIONS (NONE) | TRANSACTIONS OF LOWER_STRING_LITERAL (SOME LOWER_STRING_LITERAL) transaction_spec: transaction actions DOT ([TracProtocol.mkTransaction transaction actions]) | transaction actions DOT transaction_spec ((TracProtocol.mkTransaction transaction actions)::transaction_spec) ineq_aux: UNEQUAL UPPER_STRING_LITERAL (UPPER_STRING_LITERAL) ineq: UPPER_STRING_LITERAL ineq_aux ((UPPER_STRING_LITERAL,ineq_aux)) ineqs: ineq ([ineq]) | ineq COMMA ineqs ([ineq]@ineqs) transaction: ident OPENP parameters CLOSEP WHERE ineqs ((ident,parameters,ineqs)) | ident OPENP parameters CLOSEP ((ident,parameters,[])) | ident OPENP CLOSEP ((ident,[],[])) parameters: parameter ([parameter]) | parameter COMMA parameters (parameter::parameters) parameter: ident COLON typ ((ident, typ)) typ: UPPER_STRING_LITERAL (UPPER_STRING_LITERAL) | LOWER_STRING_LITERAL (LOWER_STRING_LITERAL) actions: action ([action]) | action actions (action::actions) action: RECEIVE msg ((TracProtocol.LabelN,TracProtocol.RECEIVE(msg))) | SEND msg ((TracProtocol.LabelN,TracProtocol.SEND(msg))) | msg IN setexp ((TracProtocol.LabelN,TracProtocol.IN(msg,setexp))) | msg NOTIN setexp ((TracProtocol.LabelN,TracProtocol.NOTIN(msg,setexp))) | msg NOTIN lident OPENP UNDERSCORE CLOSEP ((TracProtocol.LabelN,TracProtocol.NOTINANY(msg,lident))) | INSERT msg setexp ((TracProtocol.LabelN,TracProtocol.INSERT(msg,setexp))) | DELETE msg setexp ((TracProtocol.LabelN,TracProtocol.DELETE(msg,setexp))) | NEW uident ((TracProtocol.LabelS,TracProtocol.NEW(uident))) | ATTACK ((TracProtocol.LabelN,TracProtocol.ATTACK)) | STAR RECEIVE msg ((TracProtocol.LabelS,TracProtocol.RECEIVE(msg))) | STAR SEND msg ((TracProtocol.LabelS,TracProtocol.SEND(msg))) | STAR msg IN setexp ((TracProtocol.LabelS,TracProtocol.IN(msg,setexp))) | STAR msg NOTIN setexp ((TracProtocol.LabelS,TracProtocol.NOTIN(msg,setexp))) | STAR msg NOTIN lident OPENP UNDERSCORE CLOSEP ((TracProtocol.LabelS,TracProtocol.NOTINANY(msg,lident))) | STAR INSERT msg setexp ((TracProtocol.LabelS,TracProtocol.INSERT(msg,setexp))) | STAR DELETE msg setexp ((TracProtocol.LabelS,TracProtocol.DELETE(msg,setexp))) setexp: lident ((lident,[])) | lident OPENP msgs CLOSEP ((lident,msgs)) msg: uident (Var uident) | lident (Const lident) | lident OPENP msgs CLOSEP (Fun (lident,msgs)) msgs: msg ([msg]) | msg COMMA msgs (msg::msgs) name: UPPER_STRING_LITERAL (UPPER_STRING_LITERAL) | LOWER_STRING_LITERAL (LOWER_STRING_LITERAL) uident: UPPER_STRING_LITERAL (UPPER_STRING_LITERAL) uidents: uident ([uident]) | uident COMMA uidents (uident::uidents) lident: LOWER_STRING_LITERAL (LOWER_STRING_LITERAL) lidents: lident ([lident]) | lident COMMA lidents (lident::lidents) ident: uident (uident) | lident (lident) idents: ident ([ident]) | ident COMMA idents (ident::idents) arity: INTEGER_LITERAL (INTEGER_LITERAL)