% $Id: adb-long.bib 7880 2012-01-06 17:38:24Z brucker $ @PREAMBLE{ {\providecommand{\ac}[1]{\textsc{#1}} } # {\providecommand{\acs}[1]{\textsc{#1}} } # {\providecommand{\acf}[1]{\textsc{#1}} } # {\providecommand{\TAP}{T\kern-.1em\lower-.5ex\hbox{A}\kern-.1em P} } # {\providecommand{\leanTAP}{\mbox{\sf lean\it\TAP}} } # {\providecommand{\holz}{\textsc{hol-z}} } # {\providecommand{\holocl}{\textsc{hol-ocl}} } # {\providecommand{\isbn}{\textsc{isbn}} } # {\providecommand{\Cpp}{C++} } # {\providecommand{\Specsharp}{Spec\#} } # {\providecommand{\doi}[1]{\href{http://dx.doi.org/#1}{doi: {\urlstyle{rm}\nolinkurl{#1}}}}} } @STRING{conf-tphols="{TPHOLs}" } @STRING{iso = {International Organization for Standardization} } @STRING{j-ar = "Journal of Automated Reasoning" } @STRING{j-cacm = "Communications of the {ACM}" } @STRING{j-acta-informatica = "Acta Informatica" } @STRING{j-sosym = "Software and Systems Modeling" } @STRING{j-sttt = "International Journal on Software Tools for Technology (STTT)" } @STRING{j-ist = "Information and Software Technology" } @STRING{j-toplas= "{ACM} Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems" } @STRING{j-tosem = "{ACM} Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology" } @STRING{j-eceasst="Electronic Communications of the {EASST}" } @STRING{j-fac = "Formal Aspects of Computing (FAC)" } @STRING{j-ucs = "Journal of Universal Computer Science" } @STRING{j-sl = "Journal of Symbolic Logic" } @STRING{j-fp = "Journal of Functional Programming" } @STRING{j-tkde = {{IEEE} Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering} } @STRING{j-tse = {{IEEE} Transaction on Software Engineering} } @STRING{j-entcs = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science} } @STRING{s-lni = "Lecture Notes in Informatics" } @STRING{s-lnai = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" } @STRING{s-lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" } @STRING{s-lnbip = "Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing" } @String{j-computer = "Computer"} @String{j-tissec = "{ACM} Transactions on Information and System Security"} @STRING{omg = {Object Management Group} } @STRING{j-ipl = {Information Processing Letters} } @STRING{j-login = ";login: the USENIX Association newsletter" } @STRING{PROC = "Proceedings of the " } @String{j-nams = "Notices of the American Mathematical Society"} @String{j-jucs = "Journal of Universal Computer Science"} @String{j-acm = "Journal of the ACM (JACM)"} % Conferences % ============ @STRING{conf-sacmat = "ACM symposium on access control models and technologies (SACMAT)"} @STRING{conf-policy = "IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY)"} % Publisher: % ========== @STRING{pub-awl = {Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.} } @STRING{pub-awl:adr={Reading, MA, {USA}} } @STRING{pub-springer={Springer-Verlag} } @STRING{pub-springer:adr={Heidelberg} } @STRING{pub-cup = {Cambridge University Press} } @STRING{pub-cup:adr={New York, {NY}, {USA}} } @STRING{pub-mit = {{MIT} Press} } @STRING{pub-mit:adr={Cambridge, Massachusetts} } @STRING{pub-springer-ny={Springer-Verlag} } , @STRING{pub-springer-netherlands={Springer Netherlands} } @STRING{pub-springer-netherlands:adr={} } @STRING{pub-springer-ny:adr={New York, {NY}, {USA}} } @STRING{pub-springer-london={Springer-Verlag} } @STRING{pub-springer-london:adr={London} } @STRING{pub-ieee= {{IEEE} Computer Society} } @STRING{pub-ieee:adr={Los Alamitos, {CA}, {USA}} } @STRING{pub-prentice={Prentice Hall, Inc.} } @STRING{pub-prentice:adr={Upper Saddle River, {NJ}, {USA}} } @STRING{pub-acm = {{ACM} Press} } @STRING{pub-acm:adr={New York, {NY} {USA}} } @STRING{pub-oxford={Oxford University Press, Inc.} } @STRING{pub-oxford:adr={New York, {NY}, {USA}} } @STRING{pub-kluwer={Kluwer Academic Publishers} } @STRING{pub-kluwer:adr={Dordrecht} } @STRING{pub-elsevier={Elsevier Science Publishers} } @STRING{pub-elsevier:adr={Amsterdam} } @STRING{pub-north={North-Holland Publishing Co.} } @STRING{pub-north:adr={Nijmegen, The Netherlands} } @STRING{pub-ios = {\textsc{ios} Press} } @STRING{pub-ios:adr={Amsterdam, The Netherlands} } @STRING{pub-heise={Heise Zeitschriften Verlag} } @STRING{pub-heise:adr={Hannover, Germany} } @STRING{pub-wiley={John Wiley \& Sons} } @STRING{pub-wiley:adr={} } @Book{ andrews:introduction:2002, author = {Peter B. Andrews}, title = {Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Type Theory: To Truth through Proof}, year = 2002, isbn = {1-402-00763-9}, edition = {2nd}, publisher = pub-kluwer, address = pub-kluwer:adr, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23}, bibkey = {andrews:introduction:2002} } @InProceedings{ barnett.ea:spec:2004, author = {Mike Barnett and K. Rustan M. Leino and Wolfram Schulte}, abstract = "Spec# is the latest in a long line of work on programming languages and systems aimed at improving the development of correct software. This paper describes the goals and architecture of the Spec# programming system, consisting of the object-oriented Spec# programming language, the Spec# compiler, and the Boogie static program verifier. The language includes constructs for writing specifications that capture programmer intentions about how methods and data are to be used, the compiler emits run-time checks to enforce these specifications, and the verifier can check the consistency between a program and its specifications.", language = {USenglish}, title = {The {\Specsharp} programming system: An overview}, pages = {49--69}, crossref = {barthe.ea:construction:2005}, bibkey = {barnett.ea:spec:2004}, doi = {10.1007/b105030}, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-02-19}, month = may # {~25} } @InProceedings{ barrett.ea:cvc3:2007, author = {Clark Barrett and Cesare Tinelli}, title = {CVC3}, booktitle = {CAV}, year = 2007, pages = {298--302}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-73368-3_34}, crossref = {damm.ea:computer:2007} } @Proceedings{ barthe.ea:construction:2005, editor = {Gilles Barthe and Lilian Burdy and Marieke Huisman and Jean-Louis Lanet and Traian Muntean}, title = {Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices ({CASSIS})}, booktitle = {Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices ({CASSIS})}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, series = s-lncs, volume = 3362, year = 2005, isbn = {978-3-540-24287-1}, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-02-19}, doi = {10.1007/b105030} } @Proceedings{ bezivin.ea:unified:1999, editor = {Jean B{\'e}zivin and Pierre-Alain Muller}, doi = {10.1007/b72309}, booktitle = {The Unified Modeling Language. \guillemotleft {UML}\guillemotright'98: Beyond the Notation}, title = {The Unified Modeling Language. \guillemotleft {UML}\guillemotright'98: Beyond the Notation}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23}, series = s-lncs, volume = 1618, year = 1999, isbn = {3-540-66252-9} } @InProceedings{ blanchette.ea:nitpick:2010, author = {Jasmin Christian Blanchette and Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Nitpick: A Counterexample Generator for Higher-Order Logic Based on a Relational Model Finder}, booktitle = {ITP}, year = 2010, pages = {131--146}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-14052-5_11}, crossref = {kaufmann.ea:interactive:2010} } @Article{ church:types:1940, author = {Church, Alonzo}, title = {A formulation of the simple theory of types}, journal = j-sl, year = 1940, volume = 5, number = 2, month = jun, pages = {56--68}, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23}, bibkey = {church:types:1940} } @InProceedings{ cook.ea::amsterdam:2002, abstract = {In November 1998 the authors participated in a two-day workshop on the Object Constraint Language (OCL) in Amsterdam. The focus was to clarify issues about the semantics and the use of OCL, and to discuss useful and necessary extensions of OCL. Various topics have been raised and clarified. This manifesto contains the results of that workshop and the following work on these topics. Overview of OCL.}, author = {Steve Cook and Anneke Kleppe and Richard Mitchell and Bernhard Rumpe and Jos Warmer and Alan Wills}, title = {The Amsterdam Manifesto on {OCL}}, pages = {115--149}, crossref = {clark.ea:object:2002}, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-02-19}, tags = {MDE}, clearance = {unclassified}, timestap = {2008-05-26} } @Proceedings{ damm.ea:computer:2007, editor = {Werner Damm and Holger Hermanns}, title = {Computer Aided Verification, 19th International Conference, CAV 2007, Berlin, Germany, July 3-7, 2007, Proceedings}, booktitle = {CAV}, publisher = pub-springer, series = s-lncs, volume = 4590, year = 2007, isbn = {978-3-540-73367-6} } @InProceedings{ gogolla.ea:expressing:2001, author = {Martin Gogolla and Mark Richters}, bibkey = {gogolla.ea:expressing:2001}, abstract = {The Unified Modeling Language {UML} is a complex language offering many modeling features. Especially the description of static structures with class diagrams is supported by a rich set of primitives. This paper shows how to transfrom {UML} class diagrams involving cardinality constraints, qualifiers, association classes, aggregations, compositions, and generalizations into equivalent {UML} class diagrams employing only binary associations and {OCL} constraints. Thus we provide a better understanding of {UML} features. By reducing more complex features in terms of basic ones, we suggest an easy way users can gradually extend the set of {UML} elements they commonly apply in the modeling process.}, title = {Expressing {UML} Class Diagrams Properties with {OCL}}, pages = {85--114}, crossref = {clark.ea:object:2002}, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-02-19}, tags = {MDE}, clearance = {unclassified}, timestap = {2008-05-26} } @Proceedings{ clark.ea:object:2002, editor = {Tony Clark and Jos Warmer}, booktitle = {Object Modeling with the {OCL}: The Rationale behind the Object Constraint Language}, title = {Object Modeling with the {OCL}: The Rationale behind the Object Constraint Language}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, series = s-lncs, volume = 2263, year = 2002, isbn = {3-540-43169-1}, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-02-19}, tags = {MDE}, clearance = {unclassified}, timestap = {2008-05-26} } @Proceedings{ grumberg.ea:tools:2007, editor = {Orna Grumberg and Michael Huth}, title = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 13th International Conference, TACAS 2007, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2007 Braga, Portugal, March 24 - April 1, 2007, Proceedings}, booktitle = {TACAS}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, series = s-lncs, volume = 4424, year = 2007, isbn = {978-3-540-71208-4} } @InProceedings{ hamie.ea:reflections:1998, bibkey = {hamie.ea:reflections:1998}, author = {Ali Hamie and Franco Civello and John Howse and Stuart Kent and Richard Mitchell}, title = {{Reflections on the Object Constraint Language}}, year = 1998, doi = {10.1007/b72309}, topic = {formalism}, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23}, pages = {162--172}, crossref = {bezivin.ea:unified:1999}, abstract = {The \acf{ocl}, which forms part of the {UML} set of modelling notations, is a precise, textual language for expressing constraints that cannot be shown diagrammatically in {UML}. This paper reflects on a number of aspects of the syntax and semantics of the {OCL}, and makes proposals for clarification or extension. Specifically, the paper suggests that: the concept of flattening collections of collections is unnecessary, state models should be connectable to class models, defining object creation should be made more convenient, {OCL} should be based on a 2-valued logic, set subtraction should be covered more fully, and a "let" feature should be introduced. } } @Proceedings{ kaufmann.ea:interactive:2010, editor = {Matt Kaufmann and Lawrence C. Paulson}, title = {Interactive Theorem Proving, First International Conference, ITP 2010, Edinburgh, UK, July 11-14, 2010. Proceedings}, booktitle = {ITP}, publisher = pub-springer, series = s-lncs, volume = 6172, year = 2010, isbn = {978-3-642-14051-8}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-14052-5} } @InProceedings{ kosiuczenko:specification:2006, author = {Piotr Kosiuczenko}, title = {Specification of Invariability in {OCL}}, pages = {676--691}, doi = {10.1007/11880240_47}, crossref = {nierstrasz.ea:model:2006}, abstract = {The paradigm of contractual specification provides a transparent way of specifying systems. It clearly distinguishes between client and implementer obligations. One of the best known languages used for this purpose is OCL. Nevertheless, OCL does not provide primitives for a compact specification of what remains unchanged when a method is executed. In this paper, problems with specifying invariability are listed and some weaknesses of existing solutions are pointed out. The question of specifying invariability in OCL is studied and a simple but expressive and flexible extension is proposed. It is shown that this extension has a simple OCL based semantics.} } @InProceedings{ krieger.ea:generative:2010, author = {Matthias P. Krieger and Alexander Knapp and Burkhart Wolff}, title = {Generative Programming and Component Engineering}, booktitle = {International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE 2010)}, month = oct, location = {Eindhoven, The Netherlands, October 10-13, 2010}, year = 2010, pages = {53--62}, ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1868294.1868303}, editor = {Eelco Visser and Jaakko J{\"a}rvi}, publisher = {ACM}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0154-1}, abstract = {Operation contracts consisting of pre- and postconditions are a well-known means of specifying operations. In this paper we deal with the problem of operation contract simulation, i.e., determining operation results satisfying the postconditions based on input data supplied by the user; simulating operation contracts is an important technique for requirements validation and prototyping. Current approaches to operation contract simulation exhibit poor performance for large sets of input data or require additional guidance from the user. We show how these problems can be alleviated and describe an efficient as well as fully automatic approach. It is implemented in our tool OCLexec that generates from UML/OCL operation contracts corresponding Java implementations which call a constraint solver at runtime. The generated code can serve as a prototype. A case study demonstrates that our approach can handle problem instances of considerable size.} } @InProceedings{ mandel.ea:ocl:1999, author = {Luis Mandel and Mar{\`i}a Victoria Cengarle}, bibkey = {mandel.ea:ocl:1999}, language = {USenglish}, topic = {formalism}, public = {yes}, title = {On the expressive power of {{OCL}}}, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23}, timestamp = 962971498, abstract = {This paper examines the expressive power of {OCL} in terms of navigability and computability. First the expressive power of {OCL} is compared with the relational calculus; it is showed that {OCL} is not equivalent to the relational calculus. Then an algorithm computing the transitive closure of a binary relation operation that cannot be encoded in the relational calculus is expressed in {OCL}. Finally the equivalence of {OCL} with a Turing machine is pondered.}, pages = {854--874}, crossref = {wing.ea:world:1999}, ee = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/1708/17080854.htm} } @InProceedings{ moura.ea:z3:2008, author = {Leonardo Mendon\c{c}a de Moura and Nikolaj Bj{\o}rner}, title = {Z3: An Efficient {SMT} Solver}, booktitle = {TACAS}, year = 2008, pages = {337--340}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-78800-3_24}, abstract = {Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problem is a decision problem for logical first order formulas with respect to combinations of background theories such as: arithmetic, bit-vectors, arrays, and uninterpreted functions. Z3 is a new and efficient SMT Solver freely available from Microsoft Research. It is used in various software verification and analysis applications. }, crossref = {ramakrishnan.ea:tools:2008} } @Proceedings{ nierstrasz.ea:model:2006, editor = {Oscar Nierstrasz and Jon Whittle and David Harel and Gianna Reggio}, title = {Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems ({MoDELS})}, booktitle = {Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems ({MoDELS})}, address = pub-springer:adr, location = {Genova, Italy}, publisher = pub-springer, series = s-lncs, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-02-19}, volume = 4199, year = 2006, doi = {10.1007/11880240}, isbn = {978-3-540-45772-5} } @Book{ nipkow.ea:isabelle:2002, author = {Tobias Nipkow and Lawrence C. Paulson and Markus Wenzel}, title = {Isabelle/{HOL}---A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, series = s-lncs, volume = 2283, doi = {10.1007/3-540-45949-9}, abstract = {This book is a self-contained introduction to interactive proof in higher-order logic ({HOL}), using the proof assistant Isabelle2002. It is a tutorial for potential users rather than a monograph for researchers. The book has three parts. 1. Elementary Techniques shows how to model functional programs in higher-order logic. Early examples involve lists and the natural numbers. Most proofs are two steps long, consisting of induction on a chosen variable followed by the auto tactic. But even this elementary part covers such advanced topics as nested and mutual recursion. 2. Logic and Sets presents a collection of lower-level tactics that you can use to apply rules selectively. It also describes Isabelle/{HOL}'s treatment of sets, functions and relations and explains how to define sets inductively. One of the examples concerns the theory of model checking, and another is drawn from a classic textbook on formal languages. 3. Advanced Material describes a variety of other topics. Among these are the real numbers, records and overloading. Advanced techniques are described involving induction and recursion. A whole chapter is devoted to an extended example: the verification of a security protocol. }, year = 2002, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-02-19}, bibkey = {nipkow.ea:isabelle:2002}, tags = {noTAG}, clearance = {unclassified}, timestap = {2008-05-26} } @Booklet{ omg:ocl:1997, bibkey = {omg:ocl:1997}, key = omg, abstract = {This document introduces and defines the Object Constraint Language ({OCL}), a formal language to express side effect-free constraints. Users of the Unified Modeling Language and other languages can use {OCL} to specify constraints and other expressions attached to their models. {OCL} was used in the {UML} Semantics document to specify the well-formedness rules of the {UML} metamodel. Each well-formedness rule in the static semantics sections in the {UML} Semantics document contains an {OCL} expression, which is an invariant for the involved class. The grammar for {OCL} is specified at the end of this document. A parser generated from this grammar has correctly parsed all the constraints in the {UML} Semantics document, a process which improved the correctness of the specifications for {OCL} and {UML}.}, institution = omg, language = {USenglish}, month = sep, note = {Available as {OMG} document \href{http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?ad/97-08-08} {ad/97-08-08}}, keywords = {{UML}, OCL}, topic = {formalism}, public = {yes}, title = {Object Constraint Language Specification (Version 1.1)}, year = 1997, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23} } @Booklet{ omg:ocl:2003, bibkey = {omg:ocl:2003}, key = omg, abstract = {This document introduces and defines the Object Constraint Language (OCL), a formal language to express side effect-free constraints. Users of the Unified Modeling Language and other languages can use OCL to specify constraints and other expressions attached to their models. OCL was used in the {UML} Semantics document to specify the well-formedness rules of the {UML} metamodel. Each well-formedness rule in the static semantics sections in the {UML} Semantics document contains an OCL expression, which is an invariant for the involved class. The grammar for OCL is specified at the end of this document. A parser generated from this grammar has correctly parsed all the constraints in the {UML} Semantics document, a process which improved the correctness of the specifications for OCL and {UML}.}, publisher = omg, language = {USenglish}, month = oct, keywords = {{UML}, OCL}, topic = {formalism}, public = {yes}, note = {Available as {OMG} document \href{http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?ptc/03-10-14} {ptc/03-10-14}}, title = {{UML} 2.0 {OCL} Specification}, year = 2003, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23} } @Booklet{ omg:ocl:2006, bibkey = {omg:ocl:2006}, key = omg, abstract = {This document introduces and defines the Object Constraint Language (OCL), a formal language to express side effect-free constraints. Users of the Unified Modeling Language and other languages can use OCL to specify constraints and other expressions attached to their models. OCL was used in the {UML} Semantics document to specify the well-formedness rules of the {UML} metamodel. Each well-formedness rule in the static semantics sections in the {UML} Semantics document contains an OCL expression, which is an invariant for the involved class. The grammar for OCL is specified at the end of this document. A parser generated from this grammar has correctly parsed all the constraints in the {UML} Semantics document, a process which improved the correctness of the specifications for OCL and {UML}.}, publisher = omg, language = {USenglish}, month = apr, keywords = {{UML}, OCL}, topic = {formalism}, note = {Available as {OMG} document \href{http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/06-05-01} {formal/06-05-01}}, public = {yes}, title = {{UML} 2.0 {OCL} Specification}, year = 2006, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23} } @Booklet{ omg:ocl:2012, bibkey = {omg:ocl:2012}, key = omg, abstract = {This document introduces and defines the Object Constraint Language (OCL), a formal language to express side effect-free constraints. Users of the Unified Modeling Language and other languages can use OCL to specify constraints and other expressions attached to their models. OCL was used in the {UML} Semantics document to specify the well-formedness rules of the {UML} metamodel. Each well-formedness rule in the static semantics sections in the {UML} Semantics document contains an OCL expression, which is an invariant for the involved class. The grammar for OCL is specified at the end of this document. A parser generated from this grammar has correctly parsed all the constraints in the {UML} Semantics document, a process which improved the correctness of the specifications for OCL and {UML}.}, publisher = omg, language = {USenglish}, month = feb, keywords = {{UML}, OCL}, topic = {formalism}, note = {Available as {OMG} document \href{http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/2012-01-01} {formal/2012-01-01}}, public = {yes}, title = {{UML} 2.3.1 {OCL} Specification}, year = 2012, acknowledgement={brucker, 2012-08-01} } @Booklet{ omg:uml-infrastructure:2011, key = omg, abstract = {}, publisher = omg, language = {USenglish}, month = aug, year = 2011, note = {Available as {OMG} document \href{http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/2011-08-05} {formal/2011-08-05}}, keywords = {}, topic = {}, public = {yes}, title = {{UML} 2.4.1: Infrastructure Specification} } @Booklet{ omg:uml-superstructure:2011, key = omg, abstract = {}, publisher = omg, language = {USenglish}, month = aug, year = 2011, note = {Available as {OMG} document \href{http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/2011-08-06} {formal/2011-08-06}}, keywords = {}, topic = {}, public = {yes}, title = {{UML} 2.4.1: Superstructure Specification} } @Proceedings{ ramakrishnan.ea:tools:2008, editor = {C. R. Ramakrishnan and Jakob Rehof}, title = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 14th International Conference, TACAS 2008, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2008, Budapest, Hungary, March 29-April 6, 2008. Proceedings}, booktitle = {TACAS}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, series = s-lncs, volume = 4963, year = 2008, isbn = {978-3-540-78799-0} } @PhDThesis{ richters:precise:2002, author = {Mark Richters}, title = {A Precise Approach to Validating {{UML}} Models and {{OCL}} Constraints}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Bremen}, year = 2002, address = {Logos Verlag, Berlin, {BISS} Monographs, No. 14}, isbn = {3-89722-842-4}, abstract = {We present a precise approach that allows an analysis and validation of {UML} models and OCL constraints. We focus on models and constraints specified in the analysis and early design stage of a software development process. For this purpose, a suitable subset of {UML} corresponding to information that is usually represented in class diagrams is identified and formally defined. This basic modeling language provides a context for all OCL constraints. We define a formal syntax and semantics of OCL types, operations, expressions, invariants, and pre-/postconditions. We also give solutions for problems with the current OCL definition and discuss possible extensions. A metamodel for OCL is introduced that defines the abstract syntax of OCL expressions and the structure of types and values. The metamodel approach allows a seamless integration with the {UML} metamodeling architecture and makes the benefits of a precise OCL definition easier accessible. The OCL metamodel also allows to define context-sensitive conditions for well-formed OCL expressions more precisely. These conditions can now be specified with OCL whereas they previously were specified only informally. In order to demonstrate the practical applicability of our work, we have realized substantial parts of it in a tool supporting the validation of models and constraints. Design specifications can be ``executed'' and animated thus providing early feedback in an iterative development process. Our approach offers novel ways for checking user data against specifications, for automating test procedures, and for checking CASE tools for standards conformance. Therefore, this work contributes to the goal of improving the overall quality of software systems by combining theoretical and practical techniques.}, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23} } @InProceedings{ torlak.ea:kodkod:2007, author = {Emina Torlak and Daniel Jackson}, title = {Kodkod: A Relational Model Finder}, booktitle = {TACAS}, year = 2007, pages = {632--647}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-71209-1_49}, crossref = {grumberg.ea:tools:2007}, abstract = {The key design challenges in the construction of a SAT-based relational model finder are described, and novel techniques are proposed to address them. An efficient model finder must have a mechanism for specifying partial solutions, an effective symmetry detection and breaking scheme, and an economical translation from relational to boolean logic. These desiderata are addressed with three new techniques: a symmetry detection algorithm that works in the presence of partial solutions, a sparse-matrix representation of relations, and a compact representation of boolean formulas inspired by boolean expression diagrams and reduced boolean circuits. The presented techniques have been implemented and evaluated, with promising results.} } @InCollection{ wenzel.ea:building:2007, abstract = {We present the generic system framework of Isabelle/Isarunderlying recent versions of Isabelle. Among other things, Isar provides an infrastructure for Isabelle plug-ins, comprising extensible state components and extensible syntax that can be bound to tactical ML programs. Thus the Isabelle/Isar architecture may be understood as an extension and refinement of the traditional LCF approach, with explicit infrastructure for building derivative systems. To demonstrate the technical potential of the framework, we apply it to a concrete formalmethods tool: the HOL-Z 3.0 environment, which is geared towards the analysis of Z specifications and formal proof of forward-refinements.}, author = {Makarius Wenzel and Burkhart Wolff}, booktitle = {{TPHOLs} 2007}, editor = {Klaus Schneider and Jens Brandt}, language = {USenglish}, acknowledgement={none}, pages = {352--367}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, number = 4732, series = s-lncs, title = {Building Formal Method Tools in the {Isabelle}/{Isar} Framework}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-74591-4_26}, year = 2007 } @PhDThesis{ wenzel:isabelleisar:2002, author = {Markus M. Wenzel}, title = {Isabelle/Isar --- a versatile environment for human-readable formal proof documents}, school = {TU M{\"u}nchen}, year = 2002, url = {http://tumb1.biblio.tu-muenchen.de/publ/diss/in/2002/wenzel.html} , abstract = {The basic motivation of this work is to make formal theory developments with machine-checked proofs accessible to a broader audience. Our particular approach is centered around the Isar formal proof language that is intended to support adequate composition of proof documents that are suitable for human consumption. Such primary proofs written in Isar may be both checked by the machine and read by human-beings; final presentation merely involves trivial pretty printing of the sources. Sound logical foundations of Isar are achieved by interpretation within the generic Natural Deduction framework of Isabelle, reducing all high-level reasoning steps to primitive inferences. The resulting Isabelle/Isar system is generic with respect to object-logics and proof tools, just as pure Isabelle itself. The full Isar language emerges from a small core by means of several derived elements, which may be combined freely with existing ones. This results in a very rich space of expressions of formal reasoning, supporting many viable proof techniques. The general paradigms of Natural Deduction and Calculational Reasoning are both covered particularly well. Concrete examples from logic, mathematics, and computer-science demonstrate that the Isar concepts are indeed sufficiently versatile to cover a broad range of applications.}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, month = feb, acknowledgement={none}, bibkey = {wenzel:isabelleisar:2002} } @Proceedings{ wing.ea:world:1999, editor = {Jeannette M. Wing and Jim Woodcock and Jim Davies}, booktitle = {World Congress on Formal Methods in the Development of Computing Systems (FM)}, title = {World Congress on Formal Methods in the Development of Computing Systems (FM)}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23}, series = s-lncs, volume = 1708, year = 1999, isbn = {3-540-66587-0} } @Proceedings{ bezivin.ea:unified:1999, editor = {Jean B{\'e}zivin and Pierre-Alain Muller}, doi = {10.1007/b72309}, booktitle = {The Unified Modeling Language. \guillemotleft {UML}\guillemotright'98: Beyond the Notation}, title = {The Unified Modeling Language. \guillemotleft {UML}\guillemotright'98: Beyond the Notation}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23}, series = s-lncs, volume = 1618, year = 1999, isbn = {3-540-66252-9} } @Proceedings{ grumberg.ea:tools:2007, editor = {Orna Grumberg and Michael Huth}, title = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 13th International Conference, TACAS 2007, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2007 Braga, Portugal, March 24 - April 1, 2007, Proceedings}, booktitle = {TACAS}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, series = s-lncs, volume = 4424, year = 2007, isbn = {978-3-540-71208-4} } @Article{ brucker.ea:semantic:2006-b, abstract = {We report on the results of a long-term project to formalize the semantics of OCL 2.0 in Higher-order Logic (HOL). The ultimate goal of the project is to provide a formalized, machine-checked semantic basis for a theorem proving environment for OCL (as an example for an object-oriented specification formalism) which is as faithful as possible to the original informal semantics. We report on various (minor) inconsistencies of the OCL semantics, discuss the more recent attempt to align the OCL semantics with UML 2.0 and suggest several extensions which make, in our view, OCL semantics more fit for future extensions towards programming-like verifications and specification refinement, which are, in our view, necessary to make OCL more fit for future extensions. }, author = {Achim D. Brucker and J\"urgen Doser and Burkhart Wolff}, language = {USenglish}, public = {yes}, categories = {holocl}, classification= {workshop}, areas = {formal methods, software}, keywords = {HOL-OCL, UML/OCL, formal semantics}, title = {Semantic Issues of {OCL}: Past, Present, and Future}, editor = {Birgith Demuth and Dan Chiorean and Martin Gogolla and Jos Warmer}, issn = {1863-2122}, volume = {5}, year = {2006}, journal = {Electronic Communications of the EASST}, copyright = {ECEASST}, copyrighturl = {http://eceasst.cs.tu-berlin.de/index.php/eceasst/article/view/46} , pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2006/brucker.ea-semantic-2006-b.pdf}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-semantic-2006-b} } @InCollection{ brucker.ea:proposal:2002, abstract = {We present a formal semantics as a conservative shallow embedding of the Object Constraint Language (OCL). OCL is currently under development within an open standardization process within the OMG; our work is an attempt to accompany this process by a proposal solving open questions in a consistent way and exploring alternatives of the language design. Moreover, our encoding gives the foundation for tool supported reasoning over OCL specifications, for example as basis for test case generation.}, keywords = {Isabelle, OCL, UML, shallow embedding, testing}, location = {Hampton, VA, USA}, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff}, booktitle = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs)}, editor = {V{\'\i}ctor A. Carre{\~n}o and C{\'e}sar A. Mu{\~n}oz and Sophi{\`e}ne Tahar}, language = {USenglish}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2002/brucker.ea-proposal-2002.pdf}, filelabel = {Extended Version}, file = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2002/ocl_semantic_extended.pdf}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, number = {2410}, pages = {99--114}, project = {CSFMDOS}, doi = {10.1007/3-540-45685-6_8}, title = {A Proposal for a Formal {OCL} Semantics in {Isabelle/HOL}}, categories = {holocl}, classification= {conference}, areas = {formal methods, software}, isbn = {3-540-44039-9}, issn = {0302-9743}, year = {2002}, public = {yes}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-proposal-2002} } @InProceedings{ brucker.ea:summary-aachen:2013, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Dan Chiorean and Tony Clark and Birgit Demuth and Martin Gogolla and Dimitri Plotnikov and Bernhard Rumpe and Edward D. Willink and Burkhart Wolff}, title = {Report on the {Aachen} {OCL} Meeting}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the MODELS 2013 OCL Workshop (OCL 2013)}, location = {Miami, USA}, editor = {Jordi Cabot and Martin Gogolla and Istvan Rath and Edward Willink}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {1092}, ee = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1092}, pages = {103--111}, year = {2013}, abstract = {As a continuation of the OCL workshop during the MODELS 2013 conference in October 2013, a number of OCL experts decided to meet in November 2013 in Aachen for two days to discuss possible short term improvements of OCL for an upcoming OMG meeting and to envision possible future long-term developments of the language. This paper is a sort of ``minutes of the meeting'' and intended to quickly inform the OCL community about the discussion topics.}, classification= {invited}, categories = {holocl}, areas = {software}, public = {yes}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2013/brucker.ea-ocl-aachen-2013.pdf}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-summary-aachen-2013} } @InCollection{ brucker.ea:transformation:2006, abstract = {SecureUML is a security modeling language for formalizing access control requirements in a declarative way. It is equipped with a UML notation in terms of a UML profile, and can be combined with arbitrary design modeling languages. We present a semantics for SecureUML in terms of a model transformation to standard UML/OCL. The transformation scheme is used as part of an implementation of a tool chain ranging from front-end visual modeling tools over code-generators to the interactive theorem proving environment \holocl. The methodological consequences for an analysis of the generated OCL formulae are discussed.}, keywords = {security, SecureUML, UML, OCL, HOL-OCL, model-transformation}, location = {Genova}, author = {Achim D. Brucker and J\"urgen Doser and Burkhart Wolff}, booktitle = {{MoDELS} 2006: Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems}, language = {USenglish}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, talk = {talk:brucker.ea:transformation:2006}, address = {Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, doi = {10.1007/11880240_22}, number = {4199}, pages = {306--320}, editor = {Oscar Nierstrasz and Jon Whittle and David Harel and Gianna Reggio}, project = {CSFMDOS}, title = {A Model Transformation Semantics and Analysis Methodology for {SecureUML}}, categories = {holocl}, classification= {conference}, areas = {security, formal methods, software}, file = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2006/brucker.ea-transformation-2006-b.pdf}, filelabel = {Extended Version}, year = {2006}, public = {yes}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2006/brucker.ea-transformation-2006.pdf}, note = {An extended version of this paper is available as ETH Technical Report, no. 524.}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-transformation-2006} } @TechReport{ brucker.ea:hol-ocl-book:2006, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff}, institution = {ETH Zurich}, language = {USenglish}, title = {The {HOL-OCL} Book}, classification= {unrefereed}, areas = {formal methods, software}, categories = {holocl}, year = {2006}, number = {525}, abstract = {HOL-OCL is an interactive proof environment for the Object Constraint Language (OCL). It is implemented as a shallow embedding of OCL into the Higher-order Logic (HOL) instance of the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. HOL-OCL defines a machine-checked formalization of the semantics as described in the standard for OCL 2.0. This conservative, shallow embedding of UML/OCL into Isabelle/HOL includes support for typed, extensible UML data models supporting inheritance and subtyping inside the typed lambda-calculus with parametric polymorphism. As a consequence of conservativity with respect to higher-order logic (HOL), we can guarantee the consistency of the semantic model. Moreover, HOL-OCL provides several derived calculi for UML/OCL that allow for formal derivations establishing the validity of UML/OCL formulae. Elementary automated support for such proofs is also provided top }, bibkey = {brucker.ea:hol-ocl-book:2006}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2006/brucker.ea-hol-ocl-book-2006.pdf}, keywords = {security, SecureUML, UML, OCL, HOL-OCL, model-transformation}, public = {yes}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-hol-ocl-book-2006} } @InCollection{ brucker.ea:hol-ocl:2008, abstract = {We present the theorem proving environment HOL-OCL that is integrated in a MDE framework. HOL-OCL allows to reason over UMLclass models annotated with OCL specifications. Thus, HOL-OCL strengthens a crucial part of the UML to an object-oriented formal method. HOL-OCL provides several derived proof calculi that allow for formal derivations establishing the validity of UML/OCL formulae. These formulae arise naturally when checking the consistency of class models, when formally refining abstract models to more concrete ones or when discharging side-conditions from model-transformations.}, keywords = {HOL-OCL, UML, OCL, Formal Methods, Theorem Proving, Refinement}, location = {Budapest, Hungary}, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff}, booktitle = {Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering {(FASE08)}}, talk = {brucker.ea:hol-ocl:2008}, language = {USenglish}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, number = {4961}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-78743-3_8}, pages = {97--100}, editor = {Jos{\'e} Fiadeiro and Paola Inverardi}, title = {{HOL-OCL} -- {A Formal Proof Environment for {UML}/{OCL}}}, categories = {holocl}, classification= {conference}, areas = {formal methods, software}, year = {2008}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2008/brucker.ea-hol-ocl-2008.pdf}, public = {yes}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-hol-ocl-2008} } @PhDThesis{ brucker:interactive:2007, author = {Achim D. Brucker}, title = {An Interactive Proof Environment for Object-oriented Specifications}, school = {ETH Zurich}, year = {2007}, public = {yes}, month = mar, classification= {thesis}, areas = {formal methods, software}, categories = {holocl}, keywords = {OCL, UML, formal semantics, theorem proving, Isabelle, HOL-OCL}, note = {ETH Dissertation No. 17097.}, abstract = {We present a semantic framework for object-oriented specification languages. We develop this framework as a conservative shallow embedding in Isabelle/HOL. Using only conservative extensions guarantees by construction the consistency of our formalization. Moreover, we show how our framework can be used to build an interactive proof environment, called HOL-OCL, for object-oriented specifications in general and for UML/OCL in particular. Our main contributions are an extensible encoding of object-oriented data structures in HOL, a datatype package for object-oriented specifications, and the development of several equational and tableaux calculi for object-oriented specifications. Further, we show that our formal framework can be the basis of a formal machine-checked semantics for OCL that is compliant to the OCL 2.0 standard. }, abstract_de = {In dieser Arbeit wird ein semantisches Rahmenwerk f{\"u}r objektorientierte Spezifikationen vorgestellt. Das Rahmenwerk ist als konservative, flache Einbettung in Isabelle/HOL realisiert. Durch die Beschr{\"a}nkung auf konservative Erweiterungen kann die logische Konsistenz der Einbettung garantiert werden. Das semantische Rahmenwerk wird verwendet, um das interaktives Beweissystem HOL-OCL f{\"u}r objektorientierte Spezifikationen im Allgemeinen und insbesondere f{\"u}r UML/OCL zu entwickeln. Die Hauptbeitr{\"a}ge dieser Arbeit sind die Entwicklung einer erweiterbaren Kodierung objektorientierter Datenstrukturen in HOL, ein Datentyp-Paket f{\"u}r objektorientierte Spezifikationen und die Entwicklung verschiedener Kalk{\"u}le f{\"u}r objektorientierte Spezifikationen. Zudem zeigen wir, wie das formale Rahmenwerk verwendet werden kann, um eine formale, maschinell gepr{\"u}fte Semantik f{\"u}r OCL anzugeben, die konform zum Standard f{\"u}r OCL 2.0 ist.}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2007/brucker-interactive-2007.pdf}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker-interactive-2007} } @Article{ brucker.ea:extensible:2008-b, abstract = {We present an extensible encoding of object-oriented data models into HOL. Our encoding is supported by a datatype package that leverages the use of the shallow embedding technique to object-oriented specification and programming languages. The package incrementally compiles an object-oriented data model, i.e., a class model, to a theory containing object-universes, constructors, accessor functions, coercions (casts) between dynamic and static types, characteristic sets, and co-inductive class invariants. The package is conservative, i.e., all properties are derived entirely from constant definitions, including the constraints over object structures. As an application, we use the package for an object-oriented core-language called IMP++, for which we formally prove the correctness of a Hoare-Logic with respect to a denotational semantics.}, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff}, language = {USenglish}, public = {yes}, classification= {journal}, areas = {formal methods, software}, keywords = {object-oriented data models, HOL, theorem proving, verification}, title = {An Extensible Encoding of Object-oriented Data Models in HOL}, year = {2008}, journal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning}, volume = {41}, issue = {3}, pages = {219--249}, issn = {0168-7433}, doi = {10.1007/s10817-008-9108-3}, categories = {holocl}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2008/brucker.ea-extensible-2008-b.pdf}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-extensible-2008-b} } @Article{ brucker.ea:semantics:2009, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff}, title = {Semantics, Calculi, and Analysis for Object-oriented Specifications}, journal = {Acta Informatica}, classification= {journal}, areas = {formal methods, software}, keywords = {UML, OCL, object-oriented specification, refinement, formal methods}, abstract = {We present a formal semantics for an object-oriented specification language. The formal semantics is presented as a conservative shallow embedding in Isabelle/HOL and the language is oriented towards OCL formulae in the context of UML class diagrams. On this basis, we formally derive several equational and tableaux calculi, which form the basis of an integrated proof environment including automatic proof support and support for the analysis of this type of specifications. We show applications of our proof environment to data refinement based on an adapted standard refinement notion. Thus, we provide an integrated formal method for refinement-based object-oriented development.}, year = {2009}, language = {USenglish}, public = {yes}, issn = {0001-5903}, doi = {10.1007/s00236-009-0093-8}, categories = {holocl}, pages = {255--284}, month = jul, volume = {46}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2009/brucker.ea-semantics-2009.pdf}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-semantics-2009} } @InCollection{ brucker.ea:ocl-null:2009, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Matthias P. Krieger and Burkhart Wolff}, wsbooktitle = {The Pragmatics of OCL and Other Textual Specification Languages}, note = {Selected best papers from all satellite events of the MoDELS 2009 conference.}, booktitle = {Models in Software Engineering}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, number = {6002}, editor = {Sudipto Gosh}, pages = {261--275}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-12261-3_25}, language = {USenglish}, title = {Extending {OCL} with Null-References}, year = {2009}, classification= {workshop}, categories = {holocl}, location = {Denver, Colorado, USA}, areas = {formal methods, software}, public = {yes}, abstract = {From its beginnings, OCL is based on a strict semantics for undefinedness, with the exception of the logical connectives of type Boolean that constitute a three-valued propositional logic. Recent versions of the OCL standard added a second exception element, which, similar to the null references in object-oriented programming languages, is given a non-strict semantics. Unfortunately, this extension has been done in an ad hoc manner, which results in several inconsistencies and contradictions. In this paper, we present a consistent formal semantics (based on our HOL-OCL approach) that includes such a non-strict exception element. We discuss the possible consequences concerning class diagram semantics as well as deduction rules. The benefits of our approach for the specification-pragmatics of design level operation contracts are demonstrated with a small case-study.}, bibkey = {brucker.ea:ocl-null:2009}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2009/brucker.ea-ocl-null-2009.pdf}, keywords = {HOL-OCL, UML, OCL, null reference, formal semantics}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-ocl-null-2009} } @InCollection{ brucker.ea:ocl-testing:2010, abstract = {Automated test data generation is an important method for the verification and validation of UML/OCL specifications. In this paper, we present an extension of DNF-based test case generation methods to cyclic class-diagrams and recursive query operations on them. A key feature of our approach is a implicit representation of object graphs avoiding a representation based on object-id's; thus, our approach avoids the generation of isomorphic object graphs by using a concise and still human-readable symbolic representation.}, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Matthias P. Krieger and Delphine Longuet and Burkhart Wolff}, booktitle = {MoDELS Workshops}, language = {USenglish}, public = {yes}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, number = {6627}, classification= workshop, areas = {formal methods, software}, year = {2010}, note = {Selected best papers from all satellite events of the MoDELS 2010 conference. Workshop on OCL and Textual Modelling.}, categories = {holocl,holtestgen}, keywords = {OCL, UML, test case generation, specification-based testing}, pages = {334--348}, title = {A Specification-based Test Case Generation Method for {UML}/{OCL}}, editor = {J{\"u}rgen Dingel and Arnor Solberg}, isbn = {978-3-642-21209-3}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2010/brucker.ea-ocl-testing-2010.pdf}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-21210-9_33}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-ocl-testing-2010} } @InCollection{ brucker.ea:hol-testgen:2009, abstract = {We present HOL-TestGen, an extensible test environment for specification-based testing build upon the proof assistant Isabelle. HOL-TestGen leverages the semi-automated generation of test theorems (a form of a partition), and their refinement to concrete test data, as well as the automatic generation of a test driver for the execution and test result verification. HOL-TestGen can also be understood as a unifying technical and conceptual framework for presenting and investigating the variety of unit and sequence test techniques in a logically consistent way. }, keywords = {symbolic test case generations, black box testing, white box testing, theorem proving, interactive testing}, location = {York, UK}, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff}, booktitle = {Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering {(FASE09)}}, talk = {talk:brucker.ea:hol-testgen:2009}, language = {USenglish}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, number = {5503}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-00593-0_28}, pages = {417--420}, editor = {Marsha Chechik and Martin Wirsing}, title = {{HOL-TestGen}: An Interactive Test-case Generation Framework}, categories = {holtestgen}, classification= {conference}, areas = {formal methods, software}, year = {2009}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2009/brucker.ea-hol-testgen-2009.pdf}, public = {yes}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-hol-testgen-2009} } @InProceedings{ brucker.ea:path-expressions:2013, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Delphine Longuet and Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Tuong and Burkhart Wolff}, title = {On the Semantics of Object-oriented Data Structures and Path Expressions}, year = 2013, booktitle = {Proceedings of the \acs{models} 2013 \acs{ocl} Workshop (\acs{ocl} 2013)}, location = {Miami, \acs{usa}}, editor = {Jordi Cabot and Martin Gogolla and Istv{\'a}n R{\'a}th and Edward D. Willink}, publisher = {\acs{ceur-ws}.org}, series = {\acs{ceur} Workshop Proceedings}, volume = 1092, ee = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1092}, pages = {23--32}, abstract = { \\acs{uml}/\\acs{ocl} is perceived as the de-facto standard for specifying object-oriented models in general and data models in particular. Since recently, all data types of \\acs{uml}/\\acs{ocl} comprise two different exception elements: \inlineocl{invalid} (``bottom'' in semantics terminology) and \inlineocl{null} (for ``non-existing element''). This has far-reaching consequences on both the logical and algebraic properties of \\acs{ocl} expressions as well as the path expressions over object-oriented data structures, \ie, class models. In this paper, we present a formal semantics for object-oriented data models in which all data types and, thus, all class attributes and path expressions, support \inlineocl{invalid} and \inlineocl{null}. Based on this formal semantics, we present a set of \\acs{ocl} test cases that can be used for evaluating the support of \inlineocl{null} and \inlineocl{invalid} in \\acs{ocl} tools.}, classification= {workshop}, categories = {holocl}, areas = {formal methods, software}, keywords = {Object-oriented Data Structures, Path Expressions, Featherweight \acs{ocl}, Null, Invalid, Formal Semantics}, public = {yes}, pdf = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2013/brucker.ea-path-expressions-2013.pdf}, note = {An extended version of this paper is available as \acs{lri} Technical Report 1565.}, filelabel = {Extended Version}, file = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2013/brucker.ea-path-expressions-2013-b.pdf}, url = {http://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-path-expressions-2013} } @InProceedings{ riazanov.ea:vampire:1999, author = {Alexandre Riazanov and Andrei Voronkov}, title = {Vampire}, booktitle = {CADE}, year = 1999, pages = {292--296}, doi = {10.1007/3-540-48660-7_26}, crossref = {ganzinger:automated:1999} } @Proceedings{ ganzinger:automated:1999, editor = {Harald Ganzinger}, title = {Automated Deduction - CADE-16, 16th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Trento, Italy, July 7-10, 1999, Proceedings}, booktitle = {CADE}, publisher = pub-springer, series = s-lncs, volume = 1632, year = 1999, isbn = {3-540-66222-7} } @Booklet{ levens.ea:jml:2007, bibkey = {levens.ea:jml:2007}, author = {Gary T. Leavens and Erik Poll and Curtis Clifton and Yoonsik Cheon and Clyde Ruby and David R. Cok and Peter M\"{u}ller and Joseph Kiniry and Patrice Chalin}, title = {{\acs{jml}} Reference Manual (Revision 1.2)}, month = feb, year = 2007, organization = {Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University.}, note = {Available from \url{http://www.jmlspecs.org}}, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-23} } @InProceedings{ haftmann.ea:constructive:2006, author = {Florian Haftmann and Makarius Wenzel}, title = {Constructive Type Classes in Isabelle}, booktitle = {Types for Proofs and Programs, International Workshop, {TYPES} 2006, Nottingham, UK, April 18-21, 2006, Revised Selected Papers}, year = 2006, pages = {160--174}, crossref = {altenkirch.ea:types:2007}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-74464-1_11}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-74464-1_11}, timestamp = {Thu, 04 Sep 2014 22:14:34 +0200}, biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/types/HaftmannW06} } @Proceedings{ altenkirch.ea:types:2007, editor = {Thorsten Altenkirch and Conor McBride}, title = {Types for Proofs and Programs, International Workshop, {TYPES} 2006, Nottingham, UK, April 18-21, 2006, Revised Selected Papers}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, year = 2007, volume = 4502, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-540-74463-4}, timestamp = {Thu, 04 Sep 2014 22:14:34 +0200}, biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/types/2006} }