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\title{Formal Network Models and Their Application to Firewall Policies\\ (UPF-Firewall)}
\author{Achim D. Brucker\footnotemark[1] \quad
Lukas Br\"ugger\footnotemark[2] \quad
Burkhart Wolff\footnotemark[3]\\[1.5em]
\normalsize\footnotemark[1]~Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
\normalsize\href{mailto:"Achim D. Brucker"
\normalsize\footnotemark[2]Information Security, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
\normalsize\href{mailto:"Lukas Bruegger"
\normalsize\footnotemark[3]~Univ. Paris-Sud, Laboratoire LRI,
UMR8623, 91405 Orsay, France
\normalsize\href{mailto:"Burkhart Wolff" <burkhart.wolff@lri.fr>}{burkhart.wolff@lri.fr}
\centerline{\textsf{\textbf{\large Abstract}}}
We present a formal model of network protocols and their
application to modeling firewall policies. The formalization is
based on the \emph{Unified Policy Framework} (UPF). The
formalization was originally developed with for generating test
cases for testing the security configuration actual firewall and
router (middle-boxes) using HOL-TestGen. Our work focuses on
modeling application level protocols on top of tcp/ip. Thus, its
abstraction level differs from Diekmann's Network Security
Policy Verification formalization
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