git-svn-id: 3260e6d1-4efc-4170-b0a7-36055960796d
This commit is contained in:
Frédéric Tuong 2019-03-20 08:33:20 +00:00
parent c392f10f19
commit 09faec4800
3 changed files with 5 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -104,10 +104,7 @@ signature LR_PARSER1 =
sharing LrTable = Token.LrTable
type ('_b, '_c) stack = (LrTable.state * ('_b * '_c * '_c)) list
* ml_source_range list list
* ('_c * '_c) list
* (LrTable.state, '_b, '_c) C_Env.rule_ml C_Env.tree list
type ('_b, '_c) stack = (LrTable.state, '_b, '_c) stack'
type ('_b, '_c, 'arg) lexer = (('arg -> '_b * 'arg,'_c) Token.token, ('_b, '_c) stack * 'arg) * 'arg
@ -214,10 +211,7 @@ signature ARG_LEXER1 =
type svalue = arg -> svalue0 * arg
type state
type stack = (UserDeclarations.state, UserDeclarations.svalue0, UserDeclarations.pos) stack0
* ml_source_range list list
* (UserDeclarations.pos * UserDeclarations.pos) list
* (UserDeclarations.state, UserDeclarations.svalue0, UserDeclarations.pos) C_Env.rule_ml C_Env.tree list
type stack = (UserDeclarations.state, UserDeclarations.svalue0, UserDeclarations.pos) stack'
val makeLexer : (stack * UserDeclarations.arg)
-> (UserDeclarations.svalue, UserDeclarations.pos) UserDeclarations.token
* (stack * UserDeclarations.arg)
@ -399,10 +393,7 @@ signature ARG_PARSER1 =
type svalue0
type svalue = arg -> svalue0 * arg
type stack = (Token.LrTable.state, svalue0, pos) stack0
* ml_source_range list list
* (pos * pos) list
* (Token.LrTable.state, svalue0, pos) C_Env.rule_ml C_Env.tree list
type stack = (Token.LrTable.state, svalue0, pos) stack'
type 'arg lexer = ((svalue, pos) Token.token, stack * 'arg) * 'arg

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@ -75,10 +75,7 @@ struct
type svalue0 = ParserData.svalue0
type svalue = arg -> svalue0 * arg
type stack = (Token.LrTable.state, svalue0, pos) stack0
* ml_source_range list list
* (pos * pos) list
* (Token.LrTable.state, svalue0, pos) C_Env.rule_ml C_Env.tree list
type stack = (Token.LrTable.state, svalue0, pos) stack'
type 'arg lexer = ((svalue, pos) Token.token, stack * 'arg) * 'arg

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@ -33,10 +33,7 @@ exception ParseImpossible of int
type ('a,'b) stack0 = (state * ('a * 'b * 'b)) list
type ('_b, '_c) stack = (LrTable.state * ('_b * '_c * '_c)) list
* ml_source_range list list
* ('_c * '_c) list
* (LrTable.state, '_b, '_c) C_Env.rule_ml C_Env.tree list
type ('_b, '_c) stack = (LrTable.state, '_b, '_c) stack'
type ('_b, '_c, 'arg) lexer = (('arg -> '_b * 'arg,'_c) Token.token, ('_b, '_c) stack * 'arg) * 'arg