Integrated extraction of android.jar from Android SDK based on the implementation of the WALA gradle setup.

Este commit está contenido en:
Achim D. Brucker 2018-10-27 21:35:20 +01:00
padre 8d8b7e04e3
commit cee54c801c
Se han modificado 7 ficheros con 180 adiciones y 5 borrados

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@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
plugins {
id ''
allprojects {
apply plugin: 'maven'

buildSrc/.gitignore vendido Archivo normal
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

buildSrc/build.gradle Archivo normal
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'de.undercouch:gradle-download-task:3.4.3'

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
// create a Javadoc-style "package-list" file
class CreatePackageList extends org.gradle.api.DefaultTask {
@Input Object sourceSet
@OutputFile File packageList = new File("$temporaryDir/package-list")
def create() {
sourceSet.sourceCollections.collect { collection ->
def sourceRoot = collection.tree.dir.toPath()
collection.collect { source ->
def javaSourceFilePath = source.toPath()
def parentPath = javaSourceFilePath.parent
def relativePath = sourceRoot.relativize(parentPath)
relativePath.toString().replace(File.separator, '.')
}.flatten().sort().unique().each {
packageList << "$it\n"

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
// download and use checksum to verify that we got what we expected
class VerifiedDownload extends org.gradle.api.DefaultTask {
// URL of resource to download
def @Input src
// expected checksum of resource as hex digits
def @Input checksum
// algorithm to use for computing checksum
def @Input algorithm = 'MD5'
// whether to use ETag for selective downloading
def @Input useETag = true
// local file into which resource should be saved
def @OutputFile dest
File getDest() {
return project.file(dest)
VerifiedDownload() {
outputs.upToDateWhen {
downloadAndVerify() {
def destFile = getDest() {
src this.src
dest destFile
overwrite true
onlyIfModified true
useETag this.useETag
project.verifyChecksum {
src destFile
algorithm this.algorithm
checksum this.checksum

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@ -1,6 +1,80 @@
apply plugin: 'scala'
description = 'com.logicalhacking.dasca.crosslanguage.test'
def osName = System.getProperty('')
ext.isWindows = osName.startsWith('Windows ')
task downloadAndroidSdk(type: VerifiedDownload) {
def sdkOs
switch (osName) {
case ~/Linux/:
sdkOs = 'linux'
checksum '444e22ce8ca0f67353bda4b85175ed3731cae3ffa695ca18119cbacef1c1bea0'
case ~/Mac OS X/:
sdkOs = 'darwin'
checksum '4a81754a760fce88cba74d69c364b05b31c53d57b26f9f82355c61d5fe4b9df9'
case ~/Windows.*/:
sdkOs = 'windows'
checksum '7f6037d3a7d6789b4fdc06ee7af041e071e9860c51f66f7a4eb5913df9871fd2'
def archive = "sdk-tools-$"
src "$archive"
dest "$temporaryDir/$archive"
algorithm 'SHA-256'
task installAndroidSdk(type: Sync, dependsOn: downloadAndroidSdk) {
from zipTree(downloadAndroidSdk.dest)
into temporaryDir
def buildToolsVersion = '26.0.2'
ext {
components = [
'build-tools': buildToolsVersion,
'platforms': "android-${buildToolsVersion.tokenize('.')[0]}"
doLast {
exec {
def shell, shellFlags, yes, semicolon, discard
if (project.isWindows) {
shell = 'PowerShell'
shellFlags = '-Command'
yes = 'echo y'
semicolon = '`;'
discard = '$null'
} else {
shell = 'sh'
shellFlags = '-ceu'
yes = 'yes 2>/dev/null'
semicolon = /\;/
discard = '/dev/null'
def componentArgs = components.collect { "$it.key$semicolon$it.value" }.join ' '
commandLine shell, shellFlags, "$yes | $temporaryDir/tools/bin/sdkmanager $componentArgs >$discard"
outputs.cacheIf { true }
task copyAndroidJar(type: Sync, dependsOn: installAndroidSdk) {
from "${installAndroidSdk.destinationDir}/platforms/${installAndroidSdk.components['platforms']}/android.jar"
into temporaryDir
processResources {
with copySpec {
from copyAndroidJar
rename { "android-dasca.jar" }
dependencies {
implementation group: 'org.scala-lang', name: 'scala-library', version:'2.12.3'
implementation group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12'
@ -22,3 +96,5 @@ dependencies {
testRuntime group: 'com.typesafe.scala-logging', name: 'scala-logging_2.12', version: '3.5.0'
testRuntime group: 'apktool', name: 'apktool', version:'2.3.0'

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@ -159,13 +159,14 @@ class CordovaCGBuilder(val apk: File, val apkUnzipDir: File) {
private def createJavaCallGraph = {
val tmpAndroidJar = File.createTempFile("android", "jar")
val tmpAndroidJar = File.createTempFile("android-dasca", ".jar")
if (null != getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("android19.jar")){
TemporaryFile.urlToFile(tmpAndroidJar, getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("android19.jar"))
if (null != getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("android-dasca.jar")){
TemporaryFile.urlToFile(tmpAndroidJar, getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("android-dasca.jar"))
logger.error("Please install android19.jar.");
throw new FileNotFoundException("Please install android19.jar.");
val msg = "Please install android-dasca.jar in resources directory."
throw new FileNotFoundException(msg);
val scope = AndroidAnalysisScope.setUpAndroidAnalysisScope(apk.toURI(), getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("javaexclusions.txt").getFile, CordovaCGBuilder.getClass.getClassLoader())
scope.addToScope(ClassLoaderReference.Primordial, new JarFileModule(new JarFile(tmpAndroidJar)))