theory AssnsLemmaThmEtc imports "../../ontologies/Conceptual" "../../ontologies/math_paper" begin section\Elementary Creation of Doc-items and Access of their Attibutes\ text\Current status:\ print_doc_classes print_doc_items section\Definitions, Lemmas, Theorems, Assertions\ (* auxilliary *) ML\fun assert_list_dest X = map HOLogic.dest_string (map (fn Const ("Isa_DOF.ISA_term", _) $ s => s ) (HOLogic.dest_list X))\ text*[aa::F]\Our definition of the HOL-Logic has the following properties:\ assert*[aa::F] "True" ML\assert_list_dest @{docitem_attribute property :: aa}\ assert*[aa::F] "True & True" (* small pb: unicodes crashes here ... *) ML\ assert_list_dest @{docitem_attribute property :: aa}\ text\An example for the ontology specification character of the short-cuts such as @{command "assert*"}: in the following, we use the same notation referring to a completely different class. "F" and "assertion" have only in common that they posses the attribute \<^verbatim>\property\: \ text*[aaa::assertion]\Our definition of the integers has the following properties:\ assert*[aaa::assertion] "3 < (4::int)" assert*[aaa::assertion] "0 < (4::int)" end (*>*)