@STRING{pub-springer={Springer} } @STRING{pub-springer:adr=""} @STRING{s-lncs = "LNCS" } @Manual{ wenzel:isabelle-isar:2017, title = {The Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual}, author = {Makarius Wenzel}, OPTorganization = {}, OPTaddress = {}, OPTedition = {}, OPTmonth = {}, year = {2017}, note = {Part of the Isabelle distribution.}, OPTannote = {} } @Book{ adler:r:2010, abstract = {Presents a guide to the R computer language, covering such topics as the user interface, packages, syntax, objects, functions, object-oriented programming, data sets, lattice graphics, regression models, and bioconductor.}, added-at = {2013-01-10T22:39:38.000+0100}, address = {Sebastopol, CA}, author = {Adler, Joseph}, isbn = {9780596801700 059680170X}, keywords = {R}, publisher = {O'Reilly}, refid = 432987461, title = {R in a nutshell}, year = 2010 } @InCollection{ wenzel.ea:building:2007, abstract = {We present the generic system framework of Isabelle/Isarunderlying recent versions of Isabelle. Among other things, Isar provides an infrastructure for Isabelle plug-ins, comprising extensible state components and extensible syntax that can be bound to tactical ML programs. Thus the Isabelle/Isar architecture may be understood as an extension and refinement of the traditional LCF approach, with explicit infrastructure for building derivative systems. To demonstrate the technical potential of the framework, we apply it to a concrete formalmethods tool: the HOL-Z 3.0 environment, which is geared towards the analysis of Z specifications and formal proof of forward-refinements.}, author = {Makarius Wenzel and Burkhart Wolff}, booktitle = {TPHOLs 2007}, editor = {Klaus Schneider and Jens Brandt}, language = {USenglish}, acknowledgement={none}, pages = {352--367}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, number = 4732, series = s-lncs, title = {Building Formal Method Tools in the {Isabelle}/{Isar} Framework}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-74591-4_26}, year = 2007 } @Misc{w3c:ontologies:2015, title={Ontologies}, organisation={W3c}, url={https://www.w3.org/standards/semanticweb/ontology}, year=2018 } @BOOK{boulanger:cenelec-50128:2015, AUTHOR = "Boulanger, Jean-Louis", TITLE = "{CENELEC} 50128 and {IEC} 62279 Standards", PUBLISHER = "Wiley-ISTE", YEAR = "2015", ADDRESS = "Boston", NOTE = "The reference on the standard." } @Booklet{ cc:cc-part3:2006, bibkey = {cc:cc-part3:2006}, key = {Common Criteria}, institution = {Common Criteria}, language = {USenglish}, month = sep, year = 2006, public = {yes}, title = {Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (Version 3.1), {Part} 3: Security assurance components}, note = {Available as document \href{http://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/public/files/CCPART3V3.1R1.pdf} {CCMB-2006-09-003}}, number = {CCMB-2006-09-003}, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-04-24} } @Book{ nipkow.ea:isabelle:2002, author = {Tobias Nipkow and Lawrence C. Paulson and Markus Wenzel}, title = {Isabelle/HOL---A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic}, publisher = pub-springer, address = pub-springer:adr, series = s-lncs, volume = 2283, doi = {10.1007/3-540-45949-9}, abstract = {This book is a self-contained introduction to interactive proof in higher-order logic HOL, using the proof assistant Isabelle2002. It is a tutorial for potential users rather than a monograph for researchers. The book has three parts. 1. Elementary Techniques shows how to model functional programs in higher-order logic. Early examples involve lists and the natural numbers. Most proofs are two steps long, consisting of induction on a chosen variable followed by the auto tactic. But even this elementary part covers such advanced topics as nested and mutual recursion. 2. Logic and Sets presents a collection of lower-level tactics that you can use to apply rules selectively. It also describes Isabelle/HOL's treatment of sets, functions and relations and explains how to define sets inductively. One of the examples concerns the theory of model checking, and another is drawn from a classic textbook on formal languages. 3. Advanced Material describes a variety of other topics. Among these are the real numbers, records and overloading. Advanced techniques are described involving induction and recursion. A whole chapter is devoted to an extended example: the verification of a security protocol. }, year = 2002, acknowledgement={brucker, 2007-02-19}, bibkey = {nipkow.ea:isabelle:2002}, tags = {noTAG}, clearance = {unclassified}, timestap = {2008-05-26} } @InProceedings{ wenzel:asynchronous:2014, author = {Makarius Wenzel}, title = {Asynchronous User Interaction and Tool Integration in Isabelle/{PIDE}}, booktitle = {Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP)}, pages = {515--530}, year = 2014, crossref = {klein.ea:interactive:2014}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-08970-6_33}, timestamp = {Sun, 21 May 2017 00:18:59 +0200}, abstract = { Historically, the LCF tradition of interactive theorem proving was tied to the read-eval-print loop, with sequential and synchronous evaluation of prover commands given on the command-line. This user-interface technology was adequate when R. Milner introduced his LCF proof assistant in the 1970-ies, but it severely limits the potential of current multicore hardware and advanced IDE front-ends. Isabelle/PIDE breaks this loop and retrofits the read-eval-print phases into an asynchronous model of document-oriented proof processing. Instead of feeding a sequence of individual commands into the prover process, the primary interface works via edits over a family of document versions. Execution is implicit and managed by the prover on its own account in a timeless and stateless manner. Various aspects of interactive proof checking are scheduled according to requirements determined by the front-end perspective on the proof document, while making adequate use of the CPU resources on multicore hardware on the back-end. Recent refinements of Isabelle/PIDE provide an explicit concept of asynchronous print functions over existing proof states. This allows to integrate long-running or potentially non-terminating tools into the document-model. Applications range from traditional proof state output (which may consume substantial time in interactive development) to automated provers and dis-provers that report on existing proof document content (e.g. Sledgehammer, Nitpick, Quickcheck in Isabelle/HOL). Moreover, it is possible to integrate query operations via additional GUI panels with separate input and output (e.g. for Sledgehammer or find-theorems). Thus the Prover IDE provides continuous proof processing, augmented by add-on tools that help the user to continue writing proofs. } } @Proceedings{ klein.ea:interactive:2014, editor = {Gerwin Klein and Ruben Gamboa}, title = {Interactive Theorem Proving - 5th International Conference, {ITP} 2014, Held as Part of the Vienna Summer of Logic, {VSL} 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 14-17, 2014. Proceedings}, series = s-lncs, volume = 8558, publisher = pub-springer, year = 2014, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-08970-6}, isbn = {978-3-319-08969-0} } @InProceedings{ bezzecchi.ea:making:2018, title = {Making Agile Development Processes fit for V-style Certification Procedures}, author = {Bezzecchi, S. and Crisafulli, P. and Pichot, C. and Wolff, B.}, booktitle = {{ERTS'18}}, abstract = {We present a process for the development of safety and security critical components in transportation systems targeting a high-level certification (CENELEC 50126/50128, DO 178, CC ISO/IEC 15408). The process adheres to the objectives of an ``agile development'' in terms of evolutionary flexibility and continuous improvement. Yet, it enforces the overall coherence of the development artifacts (ranging from proofs over tests to code) by a particular environment (CVCE). In particular, the validation process is built around a formal development based on the interactive theorem proving system Isabelle/HOL, by linking the business logic of the application to the operating system model, down to code and concrete hardware models thanks to a series of refinement proofs. We apply both the process and its support in CVCE to a case-study that comprises a model of an odometric service in a railway-system with its corresponding implementation integrated in seL4 (a secure kernel for which a comprehensive Isabelle development exists). Novel techniques implemented in Isabelle enforce the coherence of semi-formal and formal definitions within to specific certification processes in order to improve their cost-effectiveness. }, pdf = {https://www.lri.fr/~wolff/papers/conf/2018erts-agile-fm.pdf}, year = 2018, series = {ERTS Conference Proceedings}, location = {Toulouse} } @MISC{owl2012, title = {OWL 2 Web Ontology Language}, note={\url{https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-overview/}, Document Overview (Second Edition)}, author = {World Wide Web Consortium} } @MISC{ protege, title = {Prot{\'e}g{\'e}}, note={\url{https://protege.stanford.edu}}, year = {2018} } @MISC{ cognitum, title = {Fluent Editor}, note={\url{http://www.cognitum.eu/Semantics/FluentEditor/}}, year = {2018} } @MISC{ neon, title = {The NeOn Toolkit}, note = {\url{http://neon-toolkit.org}}, year = {2018} } @MISC{ owlgred, title = {OWLGrEd}, note={\url{http://owlgred.lumii.lv/}}, year = {2018} } @MISC{ rontorium, title = {R Language Package for FLuent Editor (rOntorion)}, note={\url{http://www.cognitum.eu/semantics/FluentEditor/rOntorionFE.aspx}}, year = {2018} } @incollection{brucker.ea:isabelle-ontologies:2018, abstract = {While Isabelle is mostly known as part of Isabelle/HOL (an interactive theorem prover), it actually provides a framework for developing a wide spectrum of applications. A particular strength of the Isabelle framework is the combination of text editing, formal verification, and code generation.\\\\Up to now, Isabelle's document preparation system lacks a mechanism for ensuring the structure of different document types (as, e.g., required in certification processes) in general and, in particular, mechanism for linking informal and formal parts of a document.\\\\In this paper, we present Isabelle/DOF, a novel Document Ontology Framework on top of Isabelle. Isabelle/DOF allows for conventional typesetting \emph{as well} as formal development. We show how to model document ontologies inside Isabelle/DOF, how to use the resulting meta-information for enforcing a certain document structure, and discuss ontology-specific IDE support.}, address = {Heidelberg}, author = {Achim D. Brucker and Idir Ait-Sadoune and Paolo Crisafulli and Burkhart Wolff}, booktitle = {Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-96812-4_3}, keywords = {Isabelle/Isar, HOL, Ontologies}, language = {USenglish}, location = {Hagenberg, Austria}, number = {11006}, pdf = {https://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2018/brucker.ea-isabelle-ontologies-2018.pdf}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title = {Using The Isabelle Ontology Framework: Linking the Formal with the Informal}, url = {https://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/brucker.ea-isabelle-ontologies-2018}, year = {2018} }