structure MOF : sig type 'a equal type num type 'a rexp type char type attribute_types type class_hierarchy val mt : class_hierarchy val classes : class_hierarchy -> string list val all_entities : class_hierarchy -> ((string * (string * string) rexp) list) list val all_attributes : class_hierarchy -> ((string * attribute_types) list) list val remove_overrides : 'b equal -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'a list end = struct type 'a equal = {equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool}; val equal = #equal : 'a equal -> 'a -> 'a -> bool; datatype int = Int_of_integer of; datatype num = One | Bit0 of num | Bit1 of num; datatype 'a rexp = Empty | Atom of 'a | Alt of 'a rexp * 'a rexp | Conc of 'a rexp * 'a rexp | Star of 'a rexp; datatype char = Zero_char | Char of num; datatype attribute_types = File_T of string | Image_file_T of string | Thms_T of string list | Int_T of int | Bool_T of bool | String_T of string | Text_T of string | Range_T of int * int option | Enum_T of string list; datatype class_hierarchy = Class_T of string * class_hierarchy list * (string * attribute_types) list * (string * (string * string) rexp) list; fun eq A_ a b = equal A_ a b; fun maps f [] = [] | maps f (x :: xs) = f x @ maps f xs; fun implode _ = raise Fail "String.implode"; val mt : class_hierarchy = Class_T (implode [Char (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit0 One)))))], [], [], []); fun member A_ [] y = false | member A_ (x :: xs) y = eq A_ x y orelse member A_ xs y; fun map f [] = [] | map f (x21 :: x22) = f x21 :: map f x22; fun classes (Class_T (name, sub_classes, attr, comps)) = name :: maps classes sub_classes; fun entities (Class_T (x1, x2, x3, x4)) = x4; fun all_entities (Class_T (name, sub_classes, attr, comps)) = comps :: map entities sub_classes; fun attributes (Class_T (x1, x2, x3, x4)) = x3; fun all_attributes (Class_T (name, sub_classes, attr, comps)) = attr :: map attributes sub_classes; fun remove_overrides B_ f [] = [] | remove_overrides B_ f (a :: r) = (if member B_ (map f r) (f a) then remove_overrides B_ f r else a :: remove_overrides B_ f r); end; (*struct MOF*)