chapter \A More Or Less Structured File with my Personal, Ecclectic Comments on Internal Isabelle/Infrastructure \ text" Covering Parsers, Pretty-Printers and Presentation, and Kernel. " theory MyCommentedIsabelle imports Main begin section "Isabelle/Pure bootstrap"; text "The Fundamental Boot Order gives an Idea on Module Dependencies: " text \ @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/ROOT.ML"}\ text "It's even roughly commented ... " section{* Stuff - Interesting operators (just sample code) *} (* Vorbild *) text \ @{footnote \sdf\ }\ subsection\ Global State Management\ subsubsection\ Mechanism 1 : configuration flags of fixed type. \ ML{* Config.get @{context} Thy_Output.quotes; Config.get @{context} Thy_Output.display; val C = Synchronized.var "Pretty.modes" "latEEex"; (* Synchronized: a mechanism to bookkeep global variables with synchronization mechanism included *) Synchronized.value C; (* fun output ctxt prts = 603 prts 604 |> Config.get ctxt quotes ? map Pretty.quote 605 |> (if Config.get ctxt display then 606 map (Pretty.indent (Config.get ctxt indent) #> string_of_margin ctxt #> Output.output) 607 #> space_implode "\\isasep\\isanewline%\n" 608 #> Latex.environment "isabelle" 609 else 610 map 611 ((if Config.get ctxt break then string_of_margin ctxt else Pretty.unformatted_string_of) 612 #> Output.output) 613 #> space_implode "\\isasep\\isanewline%\n" 614 #> enclose "\\isa{" "}"); *) *} subsubsection\ Mechanism 2 : global arbitrary data structure that is attached to the global and local Isabelle context $\theta$ \ ML {* datatype X = mt val init = mt; val ext = I fun merge (X,Y) = mt structure Data = Generic_Data ( type T = X val empty = init val extend = ext val merge = merge ); *} (* General combinators (in Pure/General/basics.ML)*) ML{* op #>; (* reversed function composition *) op |--; op --|; op --; op ?; *} (* Tokens and Bindings *) ML{* (* Core: Token.T *) (* Derived type : *) (* type 'a parser = T list -> 'a * T list type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * T list -> 'a * (Context.generic * T list) *) Token.is_command; Token.content_of; (* textueller kern eines Tokens. *) val H = @{binding here}; (* There are "bindings" consisting of a text-span and a position, where \positions\ are absolute references to a file *) Binding.make; Binding.pos_of @{binding erzerzer};; *} (* Scanning and combinator parsing. *) ML\ Scan.peek; Scan.option: ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b option * 'a; Scan.repeat: ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a; Scan.lift; Scan.optional; Scan.lift (Parse.position Args.cartouche_input); (* "parsers" are actually interpreters; an 'a parser is a function that parses an input stream and computes(=evaluates, computes) it into 'a. Since the semantics of an Isabelle command is a transition => transition or theory \ theory function, i.e. a global system transition. parsers of that type can be constructed and be bound as call-back functions to a table in the Toplevel-structure of Isar. The type 'a parser is already defined in the structure Toekn. *) Parse.nat: int parser; int parser; Parse.enum_positions: string -> 'a parser -> ('a list * Position.T list) parser; Parse.enum: string -> 'a parser -> 'a list parser; Parse.enum; Parse.!!!; Parse.position: 'a parser -> ('a * Position.T) parser; (* Examples *) Parse.position Args.cartouche_input; (* More High-level, more Isar-specific Parsers *); Args.const; Args.cartouche_input: Input.source parser; Args.text_token: Token.T parser; val Z = let val attribute = Parse.position -- Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ "=" |-- Parse.!!! ""; in (Scan.optional(Parse.$$$ "," |-- (Parse.enum "," attribute))) end ; (* this leads to constructions like the following, where a parser for a *) fn name => (Thy_Output.antiquotation name (Scan.lift (Parse.position Args.cartouche_input))); \ (* Bindings *) ML\val X = @{here};\ (* Output: Very Low Level *) ML\ Output.output; (* output is the structure for the "hooks" with the target devices. *) Output.output "bla_1:"; \ ML\ Thy_Output.verbatim_text; Thy_Output.output_text: Toplevel.state -> {markdown: bool} -> Input.source -> string; Thy_Output.antiquotation: binding -> 'a context_parser -> ({context: Proof.context, source: Token.src, state: Toplevel.state} -> 'a -> string) -> theory -> theory; Thy_Output.output: Proof.context -> Pretty.T list -> string; Thy_Output.output_text: Toplevel.state -> {markdown: bool} -> Input.source -> string; Thy_Output.output : Proof.context -> Pretty.T list -> string; \ (* Context and Theory: *) ML{* Context.theory_name; Theory.check; Context.map_theory; (* Theory.map_thy; *) Theory.begin_theory; Theory.check; (* Outer_Syntax.pretty_command; not exported*) Theory.setup; (* The thing to extend the table of "command"s with parser - callbacks. *) *} (* Syntax operations : Interface for parsing, type-checking, "reading" (both) and pretty-printing. Note that this is a late-binding interface, i.e. a collection of "hooks". The real work is done ... see below. Encapsulates the data structure "syntax" --- the table with const symbols, print and ast translations, ... The latter is accessible, e.g. from a Proof context via Proof_Context.syn_of. *) ML{* Syntax.parse_sort; Syntax.parse_typ; Syntax.parse_term; Syntax.parse_prop; Syntax.check_term; Syntax.check_props; Syntax.uncheck_sort; Syntax.uncheck_typs; Syntax.uncheck_terms; Syntax.read_sort; Syntax.read_typ; Syntax.read_term; Syntax.read_typs; Syntax.read_sort_global; Syntax.read_typ_global; Syntax.read_term_global; Syntax.read_prop_global; Syntax.pretty_term; Syntax.pretty_typ; Syntax.pretty_sort; Syntax.pretty_classrel; Syntax.pretty_arity; Syntax.string_of_term; Syntax.string_of_typ; Syntax.lookup_const; *} (* Main phases of inner syntax processing, with standard implementations of parse/unparse operations. At the very very end, it sets up the entire syntax engine (the hooks) via: val _ = Theory.setup (Syntax.install_operations {parse_sort = parse_sort, parse_typ = parse_typ, parse_term = parse_term false, parse_prop = parse_term true, unparse_sort = unparse_sort, unparse_typ = unparse_typ, unparse_term = unparse_term, check_typs = check_typs, check_terms = check_terms, check_props = check_props, uncheck_typs = uncheck_typs, uncheck_terms = uncheck_terms}); Thus, Syntax_Phases does the actual work, including markup generation and generation of reports. Look at: fun check_typs ctxt raw_tys = let val (sorting_report, tys) = Proof_Context.prepare_sortsT ctxt raw_tys; val _ = if Context_Position.is_visible ctxt then sorting_report else (); in tys |> apply_typ_check ctxt |> Term_Sharing.typs (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) end; which is the real implementation behind Syntax.check_typ *) ML{* Syntax_Phases.reports_of_scope; *} (* Pretty.T, pretty-operations. *) ML{* (* interesting piece for LaTeX Generation: fun verbatim_text ctxt = if Config.get ctxt display then split_lines #> map (prefix (Symbol.spaces (Config.get ctxt indent))) #> cat_lines #> Latex.output_ascii #> Latex.environment "isabellett" else split_lines #> map (Latex.output_ascii #> enclose "\\isatt{" "}") #> space_implode "\\isasep\\isanewline%\n"; (* From structure Thy_Output *) fun pretty_const ctxt c = let val t = Const (c, Consts.type_scheme (Proof_Context.consts_of ctxt) c) handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg; val ([t'], _) = Variable.import_terms true [t] ctxt; in pretty_term ctxt t' end; basic_entity @{binding const} (Args.const {proper = true, strict = false}) pretty_const #> *) Pretty.enclose : string -> string -> Pretty.T list -> Pretty.T; (* not to confuse with: String.enclose *) (* At times, checks where attached to Pretty - functions and exceptions used to stop the execution/validation of a command *) fun pretty_theory ctxt (name, pos) = (Theory.check ctxt (name, pos); Pretty.str name); Pretty.enclose; Pretty.str; Pretty.mark_str; Pretty.text "bla_d"; Pretty.quote; (* Pretty.T transformation adding " " *) Pretty.unformatted_string_of : Pretty.T -> string ; Latex.output_ascii; Latex.environment "isa" "bg"; Latex.output_ascii "a_b:c'é"; (* Note: *) space_implode "sd &e sf dfg" ["qs","er","alpa"]; (* fun pretty_command (cmd as (name, Command {comment, ...})) = Pretty.block (Pretty.marks_str ([Active.make_markup Markup.sendbackN {implicit = true, properties = [Markup.padding_line]}, command_markup false cmd], name) :: Pretty.str ":" :: Pretty.brk 2 :: Pretty.text comment); *) *} (* Markup Operations, and reporting. *) ML{* (* Markup.enclose; *) (* is also a type consisting of a pair of a position and markup. *) (* It would solve all my problems if I find a way to infer the defining from a type definition occurence ... *); Position.reports; (* ? ? ? I think this is the magic thing that sends reports to the GUI. *); Properties.get; fun theory_markup def name id pos = if id = 0 then Markup.empty else (Position.entity_properties_of def id pos) (Markup.entity Markup.theoryN name); Markup.theoryN; (* From Theory: fun check ctxt (name, pos) = let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt; val thy' = Context.get_theory thy name handle ERROR msg => let val completion = Completion.make (name, pos) (fn completed => map Context.theory_name (ancestors_of thy) |> filter completed |> sort_strings |> map (fn a => (a, (Markup.theoryN, a)))); val report = Markup.markup_report (Completion.reported_text completion); in error (msg ^ pos ^ report) end; val _ = ctxt pos (get_markup thy'); in thy' end; fun init_markup (name, pos) thy = let val id = serial (); val _ = pos (theory_markup true name id pos); in map_thy (fn (_, _, axioms, defs, wrappers) => (pos, id, axioms, defs, wrappers)) thy end; fun get_markup thy = let val {pos, id, ...} = rep_theory thy in theory_markup false (Context.theory_name thy) id pos end; *) serial(); (* A global, lock-guarded seriel counter used to produce unique identifiers, be it on the level of thy-internal states or as reference in markup in PIDE *) (* fun theory_markup def thy_name id pos = if id = 0 then Markup.empty else (Position.entity_properties_of def id pos) (Markup.entity Markup.theoryN thy_name); fun get_markup thy = let val {pos, id, ...} = rep_theory thy in theory_markup false (Context.theory_name thy) id pos end; fun init_markup (name, pos) thy = let val id = serial (); val _ = pos (theory_markup true name id pos); in map_thy (fn (_, _, axioms, defs, wrappers) => (pos, id, axioms, defs, wrappers)) thy end; fun check ctxt (name, pos) = let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt; val thy' = Context.get_theory thy name handle ERROR msg => let val completion = Completion.make (name, pos) (fn completed => map Context.theory_name (ancestors_of thy) |> filter completed |> sort_strings |> map (fn a => (a, (Markup.theoryN, a)))); val report = Markup.markup_report (Completion.reported_text completion); in error (msg ^ pos ^ report) end; val _ = ctxt pos (get_markup thy'); in thy' end; *); (* read : add Properties.T items into Markup.T *) Markup.entity; *} ML{* Toplevel.theory; Toplevel.presentation_context_of; (* Toplevel is a kind of table with call-bacl functions *) Proof_Context.consts_of; Consts.the_const; (* T is a kind of signature ... *) Variable.import_terms; Vartab.update; fun control_antiquotation name s1 s2 = Thy_Output.antiquotation name (Scan.lift Args.cartouche_input) (fn {state, ...} => enclose s1 s2 o Thy_Output.output_text state {markdown = false}); Output.output; Proof_Context.read_const; Syntax.read_input ; Input.source_content; (* basic_entity @{binding const} (Args.const {proper = true, strict = false}) pretty_const #> *) *} ML{* Config.get @{context} Thy_Output.display; Config.get @{context} Thy_Output.source; Config.get @{context} Thy_Output.modes; Thy_Output.document_command; (* is: fun document_command markdown (loc, txt) = Toplevel.keep (fn state => (case loc of NONE => ignore (output_text state markdown txt) | SOME (_, pos) => error ("Illegal target specification -- not a theory context" ^ pos))) o Toplevel.present_local_theory loc (fn state => ignore (output_text state markdown txt)); end; *) Thy_Output.output_text; (* is: fun output_text state {markdown} source = let val is_reported = (case try Toplevel.context_of state of SOME ctxt => Context_Position.is_visible ctxt | NONE => true); val pos = Input.pos_of source; val syms = Input.source_explode source; val _ = if is_reported then pos (Markup.language_document (Input.is_delimited source)) else (); val output_antiquotes = map (eval_antiquote state) #> implode; fun output_line line = (if Markdown.line_is_item line then "\\item " else "") ^ output_antiquotes (Markdown.line_content line); fun output_blocks blocks = space_implode "\n\n" (map output_block blocks) and output_block (Markdown.Par lines) = cat_lines (map output_line lines) | output_block (Markdown.List {kind, body, ...}) = Latex.environment (Markdown.print_kind kind) (output_blocks body); in if Toplevel.is_skipped_proof state then "" else if markdown andalso exists (Markdown.is_control o Symbol_Pos.symbol) syms then let val ants = Antiquote.parse pos syms; val reports = Antiquote.antiq_reports ants; val blocks = Markdown.read_antiquotes ants; val _ = if is_reported then Position.reports (reports @ Markdown.reports blocks) else (); in output_blocks blocks end else let val ants = Antiquote.parse pos (Symbol_Pos.trim_blanks syms); val reports = Antiquote.antiq_reports ants; val _ = if is_reported then Position.reports (reports @ Markdown.text_reports ants) else (); in output_antiquotes ants end end; *) *} ML{* Outer_Syntax.print_commands @{theory}; Outer_Syntax.command : Outer_Syntax.command_keyword -> string -> (Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser -> unit; (* creates an implicit thy_setup with an entry for a call-back function, which happens to be a parser that must have as side-effect a Toplevel-transition-transition. *) (* not exported: Thy_Output.output_token; Ich glaub, da passierts ... *) Thy_Output.present_thy; *} ML{* Thy_Output.document_command {markdown = true} *} (* Structures related to LaTeX Generation *) ML{* Latex.output_ascii; Latex.modes; Latex.output_token (* Hm, generierter output for subsection*[Shaft_Encoder_characteristics]{ * Shaft Encoder Characteristics * } : \begin{isamarkuptext}% \isa{{\isacharbackslash}label{\isacharbraceleft}general{\isacharunderscore}hyps{\isacharbraceright}}% \end{isamarkuptext}\isamarkuptrue% \isacommand{subsection{\isacharasterisk}}\isamarkupfalse% {\isacharbrackleft}Shaft{\isacharunderscore}Encoder{\isacharunderscore}characteristics{\isacharbrackright}{\isacharverbatimopen}\ Shaft\ Encoder\ Characteristics\ {\isacharverbatimclose}% Generierter output for: text\\label{sec:Shaft-Encoder-characteristics}\ \begin{isamarkuptext}% \label{sec:Shaft-Encoder-characteristics}% \end{isamarkuptext}\isamarkuptrue% *) *} ML{* Thy_Output.maybe_pretty_source : (Proof.context -> 'a -> Pretty.T) -> Proof.context -> Token.src -> 'a list -> Pretty.T list; Thy_Output.output: Proof.context -> Pretty.T list -> string; (* nuescht besonderes *) fun document_antiq check_file ctxt (name, pos) = let (* val dir = master_directory (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt); *) (* val _ = check_path check_file ctxt dir (name, pos); *) in space_explode "/" name |> map Latex.output_ascii |> space_implode (Latex.output_ascii "/" ^ "\\discretionary{}{}{}") |> enclose "\\isatt{" "}" end; *} end