section{* An example ontology for a scholarly paper*} theory scholarly_paper imports "../Isa_COL" begin doc_class title = short_title :: "string option" <= "None" doc_class subtitle = abbrev :: "string option" <= "None" -- \adding a contribution list and checking that it is cited as well in tech as in conclusion. ? \ doc_class author = email :: "string" orcid :: "string" affiliation :: "string" doc_class abstract = keywordlist :: "string list" <= "[]" principal_theorems :: "thm list" doc_class text_section = main_author :: "author option" <= None fixme_list :: "string list" <= "[]" doc_class introduction = text_section + comment :: string claims :: "thm list" doc_class technical = text_section + definition_list :: "string list" <= "[]" formal_results :: "thm list" text{* A very rough formatting style could be modeled as follows:*} doc_class example = text_section + comment :: "string" doc_class "conclusion" = text_section + main_author :: "author option" <= None doc_class related_work = "conclusion" + main_author :: "author option" <= None doc_class bibliography = style :: "string option" <= "Some ''LNCS''" text\ Besides subtyping, there is another relation between doc_classes: a class can be a \<^emph>\monitor\ to other ones, which is expressed by occurrence in the where clause. While sub-classing refers to data-inheritance of attributes, a monitor captures structural constraints -- the order -- in which instances of monitored classes may occur. The control of monitors is done by the commands: \<^item> \<^verbatim>\ monitor > \ \<^item> \<^verbatim>\ close_monitor > \ where the automaton of the monitor class is expected to be in a final state. Monitors can be nested. Classes neither directly or indirectly (via inheritance) mentioned in the monitor clause are \<^emph>\independent\ from the monitor and may occur freely, \ie{} in arbitrary order.n \ text \underlying idea: a monitor class automatically receives a \<^verbatim>\trace\ attribute in which a list of observed class-ids is maintained. The \<^verbatim>\trace\ is a \<^emph>\`predefined id`\ like \<^verbatim>\main\ in C. It can be accessed like any other attribute of a class instance, \ie{} a document item.\ doc_class article = style_id :: string <= "''LNCS''" version :: "(int \ int \ int)" <= "(0,0,0)" where "(title ~~ \subtitle\ ~~ \author\\<^sup>+ ~~ abstract ~~ introduction ~~ \technical || example\\<^sup>+ ~~ conclusion ~~ bibliography)" gen_sty_template end