chapter\Ontologys Mathing\ theory Ontology_Matching_Example imports "Isabelle_DOF.Isa_DOF" begin text\Using HOL, we can define a mapping between two ontologies. It is called ontology matching or ontology alignment. Here is an example which show how to map two classes. HOL also allows us to map the invariants (ontological rules) of the classes!\ type_synonym UTF8 = string definition utf8_to_string where "utf8_to_string x = x" doc_class A = first_name :: UTF8 last_name :: UTF8 age :: nat married_to :: "string option" invariant a :: "age \ < 18 \ married_to \ = None" doc_class B = name :: string adult :: bool is_married :: bool invariant b :: "is_married \ \ adult \" text\We define the mapping between the two classes, i.e. how to transform the class @{doc_class A} in to the class @{doc_class B}:\ definition A_to_B_morphism where "A_to_B_morphism X = \ tag_attribute = A.tag_attribute X , name = utf8_to_string (first_name X) @ '' '' @ utf8_to_string (last_name X) , adult = (age X \ 18) , is_married = (married_to X \ None) \" text\Now we check that the invariant is preserved through the morphism:\ lemma inv_a_preserved : "a_inv X \ b_inv (A_to_B_morphism X)" unfolding a_inv_def b_inv_def A_to_B_morphism_def by auto lemma A_morphism_B_total : "A_to_B_morphism ` ({X::A. a_inv X}) \ ({X::B. b_inv X})" using inv_a_preserved by auto end