theory RegExpInterface imports "Functional-Automata.Execute" begin term Atom value "Star (Times(Plus (Atom(CHR ''a'')) (Atom(CHR ''b''))) (Atom(CHR ''c'')))" notation Star ("\(_)\\<^sup>*" [0]100) notation Plus (infixr "||" 55) notation Times (infixr "~~" 60) notation Atom ("\_\" 65) (* datatype 'a rexp = Empty ("<>") | Atom 'a ("\_\" 65) | Alt "('a rexp)" "('a rexp)" (infixr "||" 55) | Conc "('a rexp)" "('a rexp)" (infixr "~~" 60) | Star "('a rexp)" ("\(_)\\<^sup>*" [0]100) *) definition rep1 :: "'a rexp \ 'a rexp" ("\(_)\\<^sup>+") where "\A\\<^sup>+ \ A ~~ \A\\<^sup>*" definition opt :: "'a rexp \ 'a rexp" ("\(_)\") where "\A\ \ A || One" value "Star (Conc(Alt (Atom(CHR ''a'')) (Atom(CHR ''b''))) (Atom(CHR ''c'')))" text{* or better equivalently: *} value "\(\CHR ''a''\ || \CHR ''b''\) ~~ \CHR ''c''\\\<^sup>*" section{* Definition of a semantic function: the ``language'' of the regular expression *} text\ This is just a reminder - already defined in @{theory Regular_Exp} as @{term lang}.\ text{* In the following, we give a semantics for our regular expressions, which so far have just been a term language (i.e. abstract syntax). The semantics is a ``denotational semantics'', i.e. we give a direct meaning for regular expressions in some universe of ``denotations''. This universe of denotations is in our concrete case: *} definition enabled :: "('a,'\ set)da \ '\ set \ 'a list \ 'a list" where "enabled A \ = filter (\x. next A x \ \ {}) " text{* Now the denotational semantics for regular expression can be defined on a post-card: *} fun L :: "'a rexp => 'a lang" where L_Emp : "L Zero = {}" |L_One: "L One = {[]}" |L_Atom: "L (\a\) = {[a]}" |L_Un: "L (el || er) = (L el) \ (L er)" |L_Conc: "L (el ~~ er) = {xs@ys | xs ys. xs \ L el \ ys \ L er}" |L_Star: "L (Star e) = e)" text\A more useful definition is the \ fun L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b :: "'a::order rexp => 'a lang" where L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Emp: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b Zero = {}" |L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_One: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b One = {[]}" |L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Atom: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b (\a\) = {z . \x. x \ a \ z=[x]}" |L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Un: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b (el || er) = (L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b el) \ (L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b er)" |L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Conc: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b (el ~~ er) = {xs@ys | xs ys. xs \ L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b el \ ys \ L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b er}" |L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Star: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b (Star e) =\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b e)" definition XX where "XX = (rexp2na example_expression)" definition YY where "YY = na2da(rexp2na example_expression)" (* reminder from execute *) value "NA.accepts (rexp2na example_expression) [0,1,1,0,0,1]" value "DA.accepts (na2da (rexp2na example_expression)) [0,1,1,0,0,1]" definition zero where "zero = (0::nat)" definition one where "one = (1::nat)" typ "'a set" export_code zero one Suc Int.nat nat_of_integer int_of_integer Zero One Atom Plus Times Star rexp2na na2da enabled NA.accepts DA.accepts example_expression in SML module_name RegExpChecker file "RegExpChecker.sml" SML_file "RegExpChecker.sml" ML\ use "RegExpChecker.sml"; structure RegExpInterface : sig type automaton type env val alphabet: term list -> env val conv : term -> env -> int RegExpChecker.rexp (* for debugging *) val rexp_term2da: env -> term -> automaton val enabled : automaton -> env -> string list val next : automaton -> env -> string -> automaton val final : automaton -> bool val accepts : automaton -> env -> string list -> bool end = struct local open RegExpChecker in type state = bool list RegExpChecker.set type env = string list type automaton = state * (( -> state -> state) * (state -> bool)) val add_atom = fold_aterms (fn Const(c as(_,Type(@{type_name "rexp"},_)))=> insert (op=) c |_=>I); fun alphabet termS = rev(map fst (fold add_atom termS [])); fun conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.Zero"},_)) _ = Zero |conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.One"},_)) _ = Onea |conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.Times"},_) $ X $ Y) env = Times(conv X env, conv Y env) |conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.Plus"},_) $ X $ Y) env = Plus(conv X env, conv Y env) |conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.Star"},_) $ X) env = Star(conv X env) |conv (Const(@{const_name "RegExpInterface.opt"},_) $ X) env = Plus(conv X env, Onea) |conv (Const(@{const_name "RegExpInterface.rep1"},_) $ X) env = Times(conv X env, Star(conv X env)) |conv (Const (s, Type(@{type_name "rexp"},_))) env = let val n = find_index (fn x => x = s) env val _ = if n<0 then error"conversion error of regexp." else () in Atom(n) end |conv S _ = error("conversion error of regexp:" ^ (Syntax.string_of_term (@{context})S)) val eq_int = {equal = curry(op =) : -> -> bool}; val eq_bool_list = {equal = curry(op =) : bool list -> bool list -> bool}; fun rexp_term2da env term = let val rexp = conv term env; val nda = RegExpChecker.rexp2na eq_int rexp; val da = RegExpChecker.na2da eq_bool_list nda; in da end; (* here comes the main interface of the module: - "enabled" gives the part of the alphabet "env" for which the automatan does not go into a final state - next provides an automata transformation that produces an automaton that recognizes the rest of a word after a *) fun enabled (da as (state,(_,_))) env = let val inds = RegExpChecker.enabled da state (0 upto (length env - 1)) in map (fn i => nth env i) inds end fun next (current_state, (step,fin)) env a = let val index = find_index (fn x => x = a) env in if index < 0 then error"undefined id for monitor" else (step index current_state,(step,fin)) end fun final (current_state, (_,fin)) = fin current_state fun accepts da env word = let fun index a = find_index (fn x => x = a) env val indexL = map index word val _ = if forall (fn x => x >= 0) indexL then () else error"undefined id for monitor" in RegExpChecker.accepts da indexL end end; (* local *) end (* struct *) \ no_notation Atom ("\_\") end