# [Isabelle/DOF](https://git.logicalhacking.com/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF): Document Preparation Setup Isabelle/DOF is a novel Document Ontology Framework on top of Isabelle. Isabelle/DOF allows for both conventional typesetting as well as formal development. The manual for [Isabelle/DOF 1.2.0/Isabelle2021 is available online.](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.2.0_Isabelle2021.pdf) ## Pre-requisites Isabelle/DOF has three major prerequisites: * **Isabelle:** Isabelle/DOF requires [Isabelle 2021-1](http://isabelle.in.tum.de/website-Isabelle2021-1/). Please download the Isabelle 2021-1 distribution for your operating system from the [Isabelle website](http://isabelle.in.tum.de/website-Isabelle2021-1/). * **AFP:** Isabelle/DOF requires two entries from the [Archive of Formal Proofs (AFP)](https://www.isa-afp.org/). Please install the AFP following the instructions given at . For your convenience, we also provide a script that only installs the two entries required by Isabelle/DOF into the local Isabelle/DOF directory. You can use this script as follows: ```console foo@bar:~$ isabelle env ./install-afp ``` * **LaTeX:** Isabelle/DOF requires a modern LaTeX installation, i.e., at least [TeX Live 2022](https://www.tug.org/texlive/) with all available updates applied. ## Installation Isabelle/DOF is provided as an Isabelle component. After installing the prerequisites, change into the directory containing Isabelle/DOF (this should be the directory containing this `README.md` file) and execute ```console foo@bar:~$ isabelle components -u `pwd` ``` The final step for the installation is: ```console foo@bar:~$ isabelle build -D . ``` This will compile Isabelle/DOF and run the example suite. ## Usage ### Opening an Example If you want to work with or extend one of the examples, e.g., you can open it similar to any standard Isabelle theory: ```console isabelle jedit -d . -l Isabelle_DOF examples/scholarly_paper/2018_cicm/IsaDofApplications.thy ``` This will open an example of a scientific paper using the pre-compiled session ``Isabelle_DOF``, i.e., you will not be able to edit the ontology definitions. If you want to edit the ontology definition, just open the theory file with the default HOL session: ```console isabelle jedit -d . -l HOL examples/scholarly_paper/2018_cicm/IsaDofApplications.thy ``` While this gives you more flexibility, it might "clutter" your editing experience, as a lot of internal theories are loaded into Isabelle's editor. ### Creating a New Project The DOF-plugin provides an alternative to Isabelle's ``mkroot`` command. Isabelle projects that use DOF need to be created using ```console foo@bar:~$ isabelle dof_mkroot ``` The ``dof_mkroot`` command takes the same parameter as the standard ``mkroot`` command of Isabelle. Thereafter, the normal Isabelle command for building documents can be used. Using the ``-o`` option, different ontology setups can be selected and using the ``-t`` option, different LaTeX setups can be selected. For example, ```console foo@bar:~$ isabelle dof_mkroot -o scholarly_paper -t scrartcl ``` creates a setup using the scholarly_paper ontology and the article class from the KOMA-Script bundle. The help (option ``-h``) show a list of all supported ontologies and document templates: ```console foo@bar:~$ isabelle dof_mkroot -h Usage: isabelle dof_mkroot [OPTIONS] [DIRECTORY] Options are: -I init Mercurial repository and add generated files -n NAME alternative session name (default: directory base name) -o ONTOLOGY ontology (default: scholarly_paper) -t TEMPLATE tempalte (default: scrartcl) Prepare session root directory (default: current directory). ``` ## Releases For releases, signed archives including a PDF version of the Isabelle/DOF manual are available: * Isabelle/DOF 1.2.0/Isabelle2021 * [Isabelle_DOF-1.2.0_Isabelle2021.pdf](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.2.0_Isabelle2021.pdf) * [Isabelle_DOF-1.2.0_Isabelle2021.tar.xz](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.2.0_Isabelle2021.tar.xz) * [Isabelle_DOF-1.2.0_Isabelle2021.tar.xz.asc](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.2.0_Isabelle2021.tar.xz.asc) * Isabelle/DOF 1.1.0/Isabelle2021 * [Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2021.pdf](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2021.pdf) * [Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2021.tar.xz](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2021.tar.xz) * [Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2021.tar.xz.asc](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2021.tar.xz.asc) * Isabelle/DOF 1.1.0/Isabelle2020 * [Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2020.pdf](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2020.pdf) * [Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2020.tar.xz](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2020.tar.xz) * [Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2020.tar.xz.asc](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.1.0_Isabelle2020.tar.xz.asc) * Isabelle/DOF 1.0.0/Isabelle2019 * [Isabelle_DOF-1.0.0_Isabelle2019.pdf](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.0.0_Isabelle2019.pdf) * [Isabelle_DOF-1.0.0_Isabelle2019.tar.xz](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.0.0_Isabelle2019.tar.xz) * [Isabelle_DOF-1.0.0_Isabelle2019.tar.xz.asc](https://artifacts.logicalhacking.com/releases/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF/Isabelle_DOF-1.0.0_Isabelle2019.tar.xz.asc) ## Team Main contacts: * [Achim D. Brucker](http://www.brucker.ch/) * [Burkhart Wolff](https://www.lri.fr/~wolff/) ### Contributors * Idir Ait-Sadoune * Paolo Crisafulli * Chantal Keller * Nicolas Méric ## License This project is licensed under a 2-clause BSD license. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause ## Publications * Achim D. Brucker, Idir Ait-Sadoune, Paolo Crisafulli, and Burkhart Wolff. [Using The Isabelle Ontology Framework: Linking the Formal with the Informal](https://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2018/brucker.ea-isabelle-ontologies-2018.pdf). In Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11006), Springer-Verlag, 2018. [doi:10.1007/978-3-319-96812-4_3](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-96812-4_3). * Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff. [Isabelle/DOF: Design and Implementation](https://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2019/brucker.ea-isabelledof-2019.pdf). In Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11724), Springer-Verlag, 2019. [doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30446-1_15](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30446-1_15). * Achim D. Brucker, Burkhart Wolff. [Using Ontologies in Formal Developments Targeting Certification](https://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2019/brucker.ea-ontologies-certification-2019.pdf). In Integrated Formal Methods (IFM). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11918). Springer-Verlag 2019. [doi:10.1007/978-3-030-34968-4_4](http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34968-4_4) * Sergio Bezzecchi, Paolo Crisafulli, Charlotte Pichot, and Burkhart Wolff. [Making Agile Development Processes fit for V-style Certification Procedures.](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01702815/document) In ERTS 2018. ## Upstream Repository The upstream git repository, i.e., the single source of truth, for this project is hosted at .