Updated documentation to reflect switch to gradle.

This commit is contained in:
Achim D. Brucker 2018-10-27 21:36:03 +01:00
parent cee54c801c
commit 2911969097
1 changed files with 27 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -9,34 +9,18 @@
* Eclipse Oxygen, including
* The Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)
* JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT)
* Gradle Integration (Buildship)
* [Scala IDE and Scalatest Runner (the latter is optional)](http://download.scala-ide.org/sdk/lithium/e44/scala211/stable/site)
* ["Maven for Scala" - Maven Integration for Eclipse](http://alchim31.free.fr/m2e-scala/update-site)
* m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse
* [CVC3](http://cs.nyu.edu/acsys/cvc3/) including the Java bindings for CVC3
* [apktool](https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/)
### Checkout
The repository can be cloned as usual:
``` sh
git clone https://git.logicalhacking.com/DASCA/DASCA.git
### Resolving external dependencies
* Ensure that the environment variable `ANDROID_HOME` is set correctly and that
the Android SDK has API 19 installed, i.e.,
`${ANDROID_HOME}/platforms/android-19/android.jar` should be a valid path.
* Install ``apktool_2.3.0.jar`` into your local maven repository:
cd $(mktemp -d)
wget https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads/apktool_2.3.0.jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=apktool_2.3.0.jar -DgroupId=apktool -DartifactId=apktool -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=2.3.0
### WALA configuration
DASCA (and the underlying WALA setup) is tested with Java version 8.
@ -48,34 +32,39 @@ by analyzing the programs based on a different Java version), you
might need to configure the location of the Java JDK. The JDK used
as part of the static analysis is configured in the `wala.properties`
file, e.g.
``` sh
echo "java_runtime_dir = <PATH-TO-JDK>" >> externals/WALA/com.ibm.wala.core/dat/wala.properties
Don't forget to adjust the path to the Java JDK accordingly, i.e.,
the `<PATH-TO-JDK>` should point to the directory containing the file
### How to Compile
First check that the variable `JAVA_HOME` is configured correctly, e.g.:
First check that the variable `JAVA_HOME` is configured correctly, to ensure
that Java 8 is used, e.g.:
``` sh
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
Second, resolve the dependencies using maven:
cd src/com.logicalhacking.dasca.parent/
mvn -P wala clean verify -DskipTests=true
The project can be compiled using gradle
``` sh
./gradlew clean assemble test
After this, all projects can be imported into a fresh Eclipse
workspace using `File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects`:
1. Select the DASCA `src` folder as source for the import
2. Import all offered projects (WALA and DASCA)
### Import into Eclipse
While some WALA projects may contain compilation errors, all DASCA
projects (i.e., `com.logicalhacking.dasca.*`) should compile without errors.
All projects can be imported into a (fresh) Eclipse workspace
using `File -> Import -> Gradle -> Existing Maven Projects`:
1. Select the DASCA folder as source for the import
2. Import all offered projects
## Team