implemented reject alphabets. (untested)

slight corrections in MyCommentedIsabelle (MCI)
This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2018-11-19 20:53:59 +01:00
parent 0617315fb0
commit d406b3daeb
5 changed files with 107 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -28,13 +28,22 @@ doc_class side_by_side_figure = figure +
anchor2 :: "string"
caption2 :: "string"
ML\<open>@{term "figure_group"}\<close>
doc_class figure_group =
(* trace :: "doc_class rexp list" <= "[]" automatically generated since monitor clause *)
anchor :: "string"
caption :: "string"
rejects "figure_group" (* this forbids recursive figure-groups *)
rejects "figure" (* this forbids recursive figure-groups *)
accepts "\<lbrace>figure\<rbrace>\<^sup>+"
ML\<open>@{term "side_by_side_figure"};
@{typ "doc_class rexp"};
(* dito the future table *)
(* dito the future monitor: table - block *)

View File

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ struct
name : binding, thy_name : string, id : serial, (* for pide *)
inherits_from : (typ list * string) option, (* imports *)
attribute_decl : (binding * typ * term option) list, (* class local *)
rejectS : term list,
rex : term list } (* monitoring regexps --- product semantics*)
@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ struct
val initial_ISA_tab:ISA_transformer_tab = Symtab.empty
type open_monitor_info = {accepted_cids : string list,
rejected_cids : string list,
automatas : RegExpInterface.automaton list }
type monitor_tab = open_monitor_info Symtab.table
@ -169,8 +171,8 @@ fun upd_monitor_tabs f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab = f monitor_tab};
fun get_accepted_cids ({accepted_cids, automatas }:open_monitor_info) = accepted_cids
fun get_automatas ({accepted_cids, automatas }:open_monitor_info) = automatas
fun get_accepted_cids ({accepted_cids, ... } : open_monitor_info) = accepted_cids
fun get_automatas ({automatas, ... } : open_monitor_info) = automatas
(* doc-class-name management: We still use the record-package for internally
@ -250,8 +252,33 @@ fun declare_object_local oid ctxt =
handle Symtab.DUP _ => error("multiple declaration of document reference"))
val SPY = Unsynchronized.ref(Bound 0)
fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields reg_exp thy =
fun check_regexps term =
let val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_free_names term [] of
n::_ => error("No free variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_var_names term [] of
(n,_)::_ => error("No schematic variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
(* Missing: Checks on constants such as undefined, ... *)
in term end
fun check_reject_atom cid_long term =
let val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_free_names term [] of
n::_ => error("No free variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_var_names term [] of
(n,_)::_ => error("No schematic variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
(* Missing: Checks on constants such as undefined, ... *)
val _ = case term of
Const(_ ,Type(@{type_name "rexp"},[_])) => ()
| _ => error("current restriction: only atoms allowed here!")
in term end
fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields rexp reject_Atoms thy =
let val nn = Context.theory_name thy (* in case that we need the thy-name to identify
the space where it is ... *)
val cid = (Binding.name_of binding)
@ -273,6 +300,12 @@ fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields reg_exp thy =
val id = serial ();
val _ = pos (docclass_markup true cid id pos);
val rejectS = map (Syntax.read_term_global thy) reject_Atoms;
val _ = map (check_reject_atom cid_long) rejectS;
val reg_exps = map (Syntax.read_term_global thy) rexp;
val _ = map check_regexps reg_exps
val _ = if not(null rejectS) andalso (null reg_exps)
then error ("reject clause requires accept clause ! ") else ();
val info = {params=params',
name = binding,
thy_name = nn,
@ -281,7 +314,8 @@ fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields reg_exp thy =
generation of serials ... *)
inherits_from = parent,
attribute_decl = fields ,
rex = reg_exp }
rejectS = rejectS,
rex = reg_exps }
in map_data_global(upd_docclass_tab(Symtab.update(cid_long,info)))(thy)
@ -470,7 +504,7 @@ fun print_doc_classes b ctxt =
val _ = writeln "=====================================";
fun print_attr (n, ty, NONE) = (Binding.print n)
| print_attr (n, ty, SOME t) = (Binding.print n^"("^Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t^")")
fun print_class (n, {attribute_decl, id, inherits_from, name, params, thy_name, rex}) =
fun print_class (n, {attribute_decl, id, inherits_from, name, params, thy_name, rejectS, rex}) =
(case inherits_from of
NONE => writeln ("docclass: "^n)
| SOME(_,nn) => writeln ("docclass: "^n^" = "^nn^" + ");
@ -548,7 +582,7 @@ fun write_ontology_latex_sty_template thy =
val {docobj_tab={tab = x, ...},docclass_tab,...}= get_data_global thy;
fun write_attr (n, ty, _) = YXML.content_of(Binding.print n)^ "=\n"
fun write_class (n, {attribute_decl, id, inherits_from, name, params, thy_name,rex}) =
fun write_class (n, {attribute_decl,id,inherits_from,name,params,thy_name,rex,rejectS}) =
if curr_thy_name = thy_name then
toStringDocItemCommand "section" n (map write_attr attribute_decl) ^
toStringDocItemCommand "text" n (map write_attr attribute_decl) ^
@ -875,7 +909,8 @@ fun register_oid_cid_in_open_monitors oid pos cid_long thy =
along the super-class id. The evaluation is in parallel, simulating a product
semantics without expanding the subclass relationship. *)
fun is_enabled_for_cid moid =
let val {accepted_cids, automatas} = the(Symtab.lookup monitor_tab moid)
let val {accepted_cids, rejected_cids, automatas} =
the(Symtab.lookup monitor_tab moid)
val indexS= 1 upto (length automatas)
val indexed_autoS = automatas ~~ indexS
fun check_for_cid (A,n) =
@ -901,8 +936,10 @@ fun register_oid_cid_in_open_monitors oid pos cid_long thy =
(* check that any transition is possible : *)
val delta_autoS = map is_enabled_for_cid enabled_monitors;
fun update_info (n, aS) (tab: DOF_core.monitor_tab) =
let val {accepted_cids,automatas} = the(Symtab.lookup tab n)
in Symtab.update(n, {accepted_cids=accepted_cids, automatas=aS}) tab end
let val {accepted_cids,rejected_cids,automatas} = the(Symtab.lookup tab n)
in Symtab.update(n, {accepted_cids=accepted_cids,
automatas=aS}) tab end
fun update_trace mon_oid = DOF_core.update_value_global mon_oid (def_trans mon_oid)
val update_automatons = DOF_core.upd_monitor_tabs(fold update_info delta_autoS)
in thy |> fold (update_trace) (enabled_monitors)
@ -974,18 +1011,19 @@ fun enriched_document_command markdown (((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : meta
fun open_monitor_command ((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : meta_args_t) =
let fun o_m_c oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs thy = create_and_check_docitem true oid pos
cid_pos doc_attrs thy
let fun o_m_c oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs thy = create_and_check_docitem
true oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs thy
fun compute_enabled_set cid thy =
case DOF_core.get_doc_class_global cid thy of
SOME X => let val alph = RegExpInterface.alphabet (#rex X)
SOME X => let val ralph = RegExpInterface.alphabet (#rejectS X)
val alph = RegExpInterface.ext_alphabet ralph (#rex X)
in (alph, map (RegExpInterface.rexp_term2da alph)(#rex X)) end
| NONE => error("Internal error: class id undefined. ");
fun create_monitor_entry thy =
let val {cid, ...} = the(DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy)
val (S, aS) = compute_enabled_set cid thy
val info = {accepted_cids = S, automatas = aS }
val info = {accepted_cids = S, rejected_cids = [], automatas = aS }
in DOF_core.map_data_global(DOF_core.upd_monitor_tabs(Symtab.update(oid, info )))(thy)
@ -996,7 +1034,7 @@ fun open_monitor_command ((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : meta_args_t) =
fun close_monitor_command (args as (((oid:string,pos),cid_pos),
doc_attrs: (((string*Position.T)*string)*string)list)) thy =
let val {monitor_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data_global thy
fun check_if_final {accepted_cids, automatas} = true (* check if final: TODO *)
fun check_if_final {accepted_cids, rejected_cids,automatas} = true (* check if final: TODO *)
val _ = case Symtab.lookup monitor_tab oid of
SOME X => check_if_final X
| NONE => error ("Not belonging to a monitor class: "^oid)
@ -1364,21 +1402,11 @@ val tag_attr = (Binding.make("tag_attribute",@{here}), @{typ "int"},Mixfix.NoSyn
val trace_attr = ((Binding.make("trace",@{here}), "(doc_class rexp \<times> string) list",Mixfix.NoSyn),
SOME "[]"): ((binding * string * mixfix) * string option)
fun check_regexps term =
let val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_free_names term [] of
n::_ => error("No free variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_var_names term [] of
(n,_)::_ => error("No schematic variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
(* Missing: Checks on constants such as undefined, ... *)
in term end
fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding) raw_parent raw_fieldsNdefaults rjtS rexp thy =
fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding)
raw_parent raw_fieldsNdefaults reject_Atoms regexps thy =
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
val regexps = map (Syntax.read_term_global thy) rexp;
val _ = map check_regexps regexps
val params = map (apsnd (Typedecl.read_constraint ctxt)) raw_params;
val ctxt1 = fold (Variable.declare_typ o TFree) params ctxt;
fun cid thy = DOF_core.name2doc_class_name thy (Binding.name_of binding)
@ -1391,9 +1419,9 @@ fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding) raw_parent raw_fieldsNdef
val _ = if length raw_fieldsNdefaults' <> length raw_fieldsNdefaults
then warning("re-declaration of trace attribute in monitor --- ignored")
else ()
val raw_fieldsNdefaults'' = if null rexp
then raw_fieldsNdefaults'
else trace_attr::raw_fieldsNdefaults'
val raw_fieldsNdefaults'' = if null regexps
then raw_fieldsNdefaults'
else trace_attr::raw_fieldsNdefaults'
val (fields, terms, ctxt3) = read_fields raw_fieldsNdefaults'' ctxt2;
val fieldsNterms = (map (fn (a,b,_) => (a,b)) fields) ~~ terms
@ -1409,12 +1437,14 @@ fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding) raw_parent raw_fieldsNdef
else error("no overloading allowed.")
val gen_antiquotation = OntoLinkParser.docitem_ref_antiquotation
val _ = map_filter (check_n_filter thy) fields
in thy |> Record.add_record overloaded (params', binding) parent (tag_attr::fields)
|> DOF_core.define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fieldsNterms' regexps
|> (fn thy => gen_antiquotation binding (cid thy) thy)
(* defines the ontology-checked text antiquotation to this document class *)
|> (Sign.add_consts_cmd [(binding, "doc_class Regular_Exp.rexp", Mixfix.NoSyn)])
in thy |> Record.add_record overloaded (params', binding) parent (tag_attr::fields)
|> (Sign.add_consts_cmd [(binding, "doc_class Regular_Exp.rexp", Mixfix.NoSyn)])
|> DOF_core.define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fieldsNterms' regexps reject_Atoms
(* adding const symbol representing doc-class for Monitor-RegExps.*)
|> (fn thy => gen_antiquotation binding (cid thy) thy)
(* defines the ontology-checked text antiquotation to this document class *)
@ -1427,7 +1457,7 @@ val _ =
|-- Scan.option (Parse.typ --| @{keyword "+"})
-- Scan.repeat1
(Parse.const_binding -- Scan.option (@{keyword "<="} |-- Parse.term)))
-- ( Scan.repeat (@{keyword "rejects"} |-- Parse.enum1 ","
-- ( Scan.optional (@{keyword "rejects"} |-- Parse.enum1 "," Parse.term) []
-- Scan.repeat (@{keyword "accepts"} |-- Parse.term)))
>> (fn (((overloaded, x), (y, z)),(rejectS,accept_rex)) =>
Toplevel.theory (add_doc_class_cmd {overloaded = overloaded} x y z rejectS accept_rex)));

View File

@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ This universe of denotations is in our concrete case: *}
text{* Now the denotational semantics for regular expression can be defined on a post-card: *}
fun L :: "'a rexp => 'a lang"
where L_Emp : "L Zero = {}"
|L_One: "L One = {[]}"
|L_Atom: "L (\<lfloor>a\<rfloor>) = {[a]}"
|L_Un: "L (el || er) = (L el) \<union> (L er)"
|L_Conc: "L (el ~~ er) = {xs@ys | xs ys. xs \<in> L el \<and> ys \<in> L er}"
|L_Star: "L (Star e) = e)"
fun L :: "'a rexp => 'a lang"
where L_Emp : "L Zero = {}"
|L_One: "L One = {[]}"
|L_Atom: "L (\<lfloor>a\<rfloor>) = {[a]}"
|L_Un: "L (el || er) = (L el) \<union> (L er)"
|L_Conc: "L (el ~~ er) = {xs@ys | xs ys. xs \<in> L el \<and> ys \<in> L er}"
|L_Star: "L (Star e) = e)"
text\<open>A more useful definition is the \<close>
text\<open>A more useful definition is the sub-language - definition\<close>
fun L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b :: "'a::order rexp => 'a lang"
where L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Emp: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b Zero = {}"
|L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_One: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b One = {[]}"
@ -114,13 +114,14 @@ structure RegExpInterface : sig
type automaton
type env
type cid
val alphabet: term list -> env
val conv : term -> env -> int RegExpChecker.rexp (* for debugging *)
val alphabet : term list -> env
val ext_alphabet: env -> term list -> env
val conv : term -> env -> int RegExpChecker.rexp (* for debugging *)
val rexp_term2da: env -> term -> automaton
val enabled : automaton -> env -> cid list
val next : automaton -> env -> cid -> automaton
val final : automaton -> bool
val accepts : automaton -> env -> cid list -> bool
val enabled : automaton -> env -> cid list
val next : automaton -> env -> cid -> automaton
val final : automaton -> bool
val accepts : automaton -> env -> cid list -> bool
@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ local open RegExpChecker in
val add_atom = fold_aterms (fn Const(c as(_,Type(@{type_name "rexp"},_)))=> insert (op=) c |_=>I);
fun alphabet termS = rev(map fst (fold add_atom termS []));
fun ext_alphabet env termS = rev(map fst (fold add_atom termS [])) @ env;
fun conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.Zero"},_)) _ = Zero
|conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.One"},_)) _ = Onea

View File

@ -691,27 +691,21 @@ of the coherence to a document ontology of the latter, is, as we believe, novel
a unique potential for the semantic treatment of scientific texts and technical documentations. \<close>
To our knowledge, this is the first ontology-driven framework for
editing mathematical and technical documents that focuses particularly
on documents mixing formal and informal content---a type of documents
that is very common in technical certification processes. We see
mainly one area of related works: IDEs and text editors that support
editing and checking of documents based on an ontology. There is a
large group of ontology editors (\eg, Prot{\'e}g{\'e}~@{cite "protege"},
Fluent Editor~@{cite "cognitum"}, NeOn~@{cite "neon"}, or
OWLGrEd~@{cite "owlgred"}). With them, we share the support for defining
ontologies as well as auto-completion when editing documents based on
an ontology. While our ontology definitions are currently based on a
textual definition, widely used ontology editors (\eg,
OWLGrEd~@{cite "owlgred"}) also support graphical notations. This could
be added to \isadof in the future. A unique feature of \isadof is the
deep integration of formal and informal text parts. The only other
work in this area we are aware of is rOntorium~@{cite "rontorium"}, a plugin
for Prot{\'e}g{\'e} that integrates R~@{cite "adler:r:2010"} into an
ontology environment. Here, the main motivation behind this
integration is to allow for statistically analyze ontological
documents. Thus, this is complementary to our work.
To our knowledge, this is the first ontology-driven framework for editing mathematical and technical
documents that focuses particularly on documents mixing formal and informal content---a type of
documents that is very common in technical certification processes. We see mainly one area of
related works: IDEs and text editors that support editing and checking of documents based on an
ontology. There is a large group of ontology editors (\eg, Prot{\'e}g{\'e}~@{cite "protege"},
Fluent Editor~@{cite "cognitum"}, NeOn~@{cite "neon"}, or OWLGrEd~@{cite "owlgred"}). With them,
we share the support for defining ontologies as well as auto-completion when editing documents
based on an ontology. While our ontology definitions are currently based on a textual definition,
widely used ontology editors (\eg, OWLGrEd~@{cite "owlgred"}) also support graphical notations.
This could be added to \isadof in the future. A unique feature of \isadof is the deep integration
of formal and informal text parts. The only other work in this area we are aware of is
rOntorium~@{cite "rontorium"}, a plugin for Prot{\'e}g{\'e} that integrates
R~@{cite "adler:r:2010"} into an ontology environment. Here, the main motivation behind this
integration is to allow for statistically analyze ontological documents. Thus, this is
complementary to our work. \<close>
text\<open> \isadof in its present form has a number of technical short-comings as well
as potentials not yet explored. On the long list of the short-comings is the

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@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ be constrained to interfaces (called \<^emph>\<open>signatures\<close>) and even
text\<open> The Isabelle/Isar interpreter (called \<^emph>\<open>toplevel\<close> ) is extensible; by a mixture of SML
and Isar-commands, domain-specific components can be developed and integrated into the system
on the fly. Actually, the Isabelle system code-base consists mainly of SML and \<^verbatim>\<open>.thy\<close>-files
containing mixtures of Isar commands and SML. \<close>
containing such mixtures of Isar commands and SML. \<close>
text\<open> Besides the ML-command used in the above examples, there are a number of commands
representing text-elements in Isabelle/Isar; text commands can be interleaved arbitraryly