Diverse Code-Massagen/Restruktorationen um Monitore vorzubereiten.

This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2018-10-08 10:30:53 +02:00
parent b1e4e64e19
commit 04a354f10a
3 changed files with 64 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ struct
type docclass_struct = {params : (string * sort) list, (*currently not used *)
name : binding, thy_name : string, id : serial, (* for pide *)
inherits_from : (typ list * string) option,
attribute_decl : (binding * typ * term option) list
(*, rex : term list -- not yet used *)}
attribute_decl : (binding * typ * term option) list,
rex : term list }
type docclass_tab = docclass_struct Symtab.table
@ -141,9 +141,10 @@ val map_data = Data.map;
val get_data_global = Data.get o Context.Theory;
val map_data_global = Context.theory_map o map_data;
fun apfst f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab} =
fun upd_docobj_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab} =
{docobj_tab = f docobj_tab, docclass_tab=docclass_tab, ISA_transformer_tab=ISA_transformer_tab};
fun apsnd f {docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = z} =
fun upd_docclass_tab f {docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = z} =
{docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = f y,ISA_transformer_tab = z};
fun apthrd f{docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = z} =
{docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = f z};
@ -214,18 +215,18 @@ fun is_defined_oid_local oid thy = let val {tab,...} = #docobj_tab(get_data th
fun declare_object_global oid thy =
let fun decl {tab=t,maxano=x} = {tab=Symtab.update_new(oid,NONE)t, maxano=x}
in (map_data_global (apfst(decl)) (thy)
in (map_data_global (upd_docobj_tab(decl)) (thy)
handle Symtab.DUP _ => error("multiple declaration of document reference"))
fun declare_object_local oid ctxt =
let fun decl {tab,maxano} = {tab=Symtab.update_new(oid,NONE) tab, maxano=maxano}
in (map_data(apfst decl)(ctxt)
in (map_data(upd_docobj_tab decl)(ctxt)
handle Symtab.DUP _ => error("multiple declaration of document reference"))
fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields thy =
fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields reg_exp thy =
let val nn = Context.theory_name thy (* in case that we need the thy-name to identify
the space where it is ... *)
val cid = (Binding.name_of binding)
@ -254,10 +255,10 @@ fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields thy =
from prior record definition ? For the moment: own
generation of serials ... *)
inherits_from = parent,
attribute_decl = fields (* currently unchecked *)
(*, rex : term list -- not yet used *)}
attribute_decl = fields ,
rex = reg_exp }
in map_data_global(apsnd(Symtab.update(cid_long,info)))(thy)
in map_data_global(upd_docclass_tab(Symtab.update(cid_long,info)))(thy)
@ -266,14 +267,14 @@ fun define_object_global (oid, bbb) thy =
the space where it is ... *)
in if is_defined_oid_global oid thy
then error("multiple definition of document reference")
else map_data_global (apfst(fn {tab=t,maxano=x} =>
else map_data_global (upd_docobj_tab(fn {tab=t,maxano=x} =>
{tab=Symtab.update(oid,SOME bbb) t,
fun define_object_local (oid, bbb) ctxt =
map_data (apfst(fn{tab,maxano}=>{tab=Symtab.update(oid,SOME bbb)tab,maxano=maxano})) ctxt
map_data (upd_docobj_tab(fn{tab,maxano}=>{tab=Symtab.update(oid,SOME bbb)tab,maxano=maxano})) ctxt
(* declares an anonyme label of a given type and generates a unique reference ... *)
@ -281,14 +282,14 @@ fun declare_anoobject_global thy cid =
let fun declare {tab,maxano} = let val str = cid^":"^Int.toString(maxano+1)
val _ = writeln("Anonymous doc-ref declared: " ^ str)
in {tab=Symtab.update(str,NONE)tab,maxano= maxano+1} end
in map_data_global (apfst declare) (thy)
in map_data_global (upd_docobj_tab declare) (thy)
fun declare_anoobject_local ctxt cid =
let fun declare {tab,maxano} = let val str = cid^":"^Int.toString(maxano+1)
val _ = writeln("Anonymous doc-ref declared: " ^str)
in {tab=Symtab.update(str,NONE)tab, maxano=maxano+1} end
in map_data (apfst declare) (ctxt)
in map_data (upd_docobj_tab declare) (ctxt)
@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ fun update_value_global oid upd thy =
SOME{pos,thy_name,value,id,cid} =>
let val tab' = Symtab.update(oid,SOME{pos=pos,thy_name=thy_name,
value=upd value,id=id, cid=cid})
in map_data_global (apfst(fn{tab,maxano}=>{tab=tab' tab,maxano=maxano})) thy end
in map_data_global (upd_docobj_tab(fn{tab,maxano}=>{tab=tab' tab,maxano=maxano})) thy end
| NONE => error("undefined doc object: "^oid)
@ -444,7 +445,7 @@ fun print_doc_classes b ctxt =
val _ = writeln "=====================================";
fun print_attr (n, ty, NONE) = (Binding.print n)
| print_attr (n, ty, SOME t) = (Binding.print n^"("^Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t^")")
fun print_class (n, {attribute_decl, id, inherits_from, name, params, thy_name}) =
fun print_class (n, {attribute_decl, id, inherits_from, name, params, thy_name, rex}) =
(case inherits_from of
NONE => writeln ("docclass: "^n)
| SOME(_,nn) => writeln ("docclass: "^n^" = "^nn^" + ");
@ -510,7 +511,7 @@ fun write_ontology_latex_sty_template thy =
val {docobj_tab={tab = x, ...},docclass_tab,...}= get_data_global thy;
fun write_attr (n, ty, _) = YXML.content_of(Binding.print n)^ "=\n"
fun write_class (n, {attribute_decl, id, inherits_from, name, params, thy_name}) =
fun write_class (n, {attribute_decl, id, inherits_from, name, params, thy_name,rex}) =
if curr_thy_name = thy_name then
toStringDocItemCommand "section" n (map write_attr attribute_decl) ^
toStringDocItemCommand "text" n (map write_attr attribute_decl) ^
@ -767,9 +768,6 @@ fun check_classref (SOME(cid,pos')) thy =
fun generalize_typ n = Term.map_type_tfree (fn (str,sort)=> Term.TVar((str,n),sort));
fun infer_type thy term = hd (Type_Infer_Context.infer_types (Proof_Context.init_global thy) [term])
val SPY5 = Unsynchronized.ref(@{theory})
val SPY6 = Unsynchronized.ref("")
val SPY7 = Unsynchronized.ref([]:(string * Position.T * string * term) list)
fun calc_update_term thy cid_long (S:(string * Position.T * string * term)list) term =
let val cid_ty = cid_2_cidType cid_long thy
@ -843,7 +841,6 @@ fun enriched_document_command markdown (((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : meta
: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition =
fun check_text thy = (Thy_Output.output_text(Toplevel.theory_toplevel thy) markdown toks; thy)
(* as side-effect, generates markup *)
@ -853,7 +850,10 @@ fun enriched_document_command markdown (((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : meta
fun open_monitor_command ((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : meta_args_t) =
Toplevel.theory(create_and_check_docitem oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs)
let fun o_m_c oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs thy = create_and_check_docitem oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs thy
Toplevel.theory(o_m_c oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs)
fun update_instance_command (((oid:string,pos),cid_pos),
@ -1213,11 +1213,24 @@ fun read_fields raw_fields ctxt =
val tag_attr = (Binding.make("tag_attribute",@{here}), @{typ "int"},Mixfix.NoSyn)
val trace_attr = ((Binding.make("trace",@{here}), "doc_class rexp list",Mixfix.NoSyn),
SOME "[]"): ((binding * string * mixfix) * string option)
fun check_regexps term =
let val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_free_names term [] of
n::_ => error("No free variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_var_names term [] of
(n,_)::_ => error("No schematic variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
(* Missing: Checks on constants such as undefined, ... *)
in term end
fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding) raw_parent raw_fieldsNdefaults rexp thy =
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
val _ = map (Syntax.read_term_global thy) rexp;
val regexps = map (Syntax.read_term_global thy) rexp;
val _ = map check_regexps regexps
val params = map (apsnd (Typedecl.read_constraint ctxt)) raw_params;
val ctxt1 = fold (Variable.declare_typ o TFree) params ctxt;
fun cid thy = DOF_core.name2doc_class_name thy (Binding.name_of binding)
@ -1225,7 +1238,16 @@ fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding) raw_parent raw_fieldsNdef
val parent_cid_long = case parent of
NONE => DOF_core.default_cid
| SOME(_,str) => str
val (fields, terms, ctxt3) = read_fields raw_fieldsNdefaults ctxt2;
val raw_fieldsNdefaults' = filter (fn((bi,_,_),_) => Binding.name_of bi <> "trace")
val _ = if length raw_fieldsNdefaults' <> length raw_fieldsNdefaults
then warning("re-declaration of trace attribute in monitor --- ignored")
else ()
val raw_fieldsNdefaults'' = if null rexp
then trace_attr::raw_fieldsNdefaults'
else raw_fieldsNdefaults
val (fields, terms, ctxt3) = read_fields raw_fieldsNdefaults'' ctxt2;
val fieldsNterms = (map (fn (a,b,_) => (a,b)) fields) ~~ terms
val fieldsNterms' = map (fn ((x,y),z) => (x,y,z)) fieldsNterms
val params' = map (Proof_Context.check_tfree ctxt3) params;
@ -1240,7 +1262,7 @@ fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding) raw_parent raw_fieldsNdef
val gen_antiquotation = OntoLinkParser.docitem_ref_antiquotation
val _ = map_filter (check_n_filter thy) fields
in thy |> Record.add_record overloaded (params', binding) parent (tag_attr::fields)
|> DOF_core.define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fieldsNterms'
|> DOF_core.define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fieldsNterms' regexps
|> (fn thy => gen_antiquotation binding (cid thy) thy)
(* defines the ontology-checked text antiquotation to this document class *)
|> (Sign.add_consts_cmd [(binding, "doc_class RegExp.rexp", Mixfix.NoSyn)])
@ -1300,7 +1322,8 @@ text*[sdfg] {* fg @{thm refl}*}
text*[xxxy] {* dd @{docitem_ref \<open>sdfg\<close>} @{thm refl}*}
(* the following test crashes the LaTeX generation - however, without the latter this output is
writeln (DOF_core.toStringDocItemCommand "section" "scholarly_paper.introduction" []);
writeln (DOF_core.toStringDocItemLabel "scholarly_paper.introduction" []);
@ -1309,4 +1332,11 @@ writeln (DOF_core.toStringDocItemRef "scholarly_paper.introduction" "XX" []);
(DOF_core.write_ontology_latex_sty_template @{theory})
ML\<open> fold_aterms Term.add_free_names;
fold_aterms Term.add_var_names;
filter (fn((bi,_,_),_) => Binding.name_of bi = "trace")

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ propagation. This challenge incites numerous research efforts
summarized under the labels ``semantic web'', ``data mining'', or any
form of advanced ``semantic'' text processing. A key role in
structuring this linking play \<^emph>\<open>document ontologies\<close> (also called
\<^emph>\<open>vocabulary\<close> in the semantic web community~\cite{w3c:ontologies:2015}),
\<^emph>\<open>vocabulary\<close> in the semantic web community~@{cite "w3c:ontologies:2015"}),
\ie, a machine-readable form of the structure of documents as well as
the document discourse.
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ For the antiquotation \inlineisar+\at{value "fac 5"}+ we assume the usual defin
text*[anti]\<open> Thus, antiquotations can refer to formal content, can be type-checked before being
displayed and can be used for calculations before actually being typeset. When editing,
Isabelle's PIDE offers auto-completion and error-messages while typing the above
\emph{semi-formal} content. \<close>
\<^emph>\<open>semi-formal\<close> content. \<close>
section*[isadof::technical,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''adb''}::author)"]\<open> \isadof \<close>
@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ as enumerations. In particular, document class definitions provide:
instances of document classes.
Attributes referring to other ontological concepts are called \emph{links}.
Attributes referring to other ontological concepts are called \<^emph>\<open>links\<close>.
The HOL-types inside the document specification language support built-in types for Isabelle/HOL \inlineisar+typ+'s,
\inlineisar+term+'s, and \inlineisar+thm+'s reflecting internal Isabelle's internal types
for these entities; when denoted in HOL-terms to instantiate an attribute, for example, there is a
specific syntax (called \emph{inner syntax antiquotations}) that is checked by \isadof
specific syntax (called \<^emph>\<open>inner syntax antiquotations\<close>) that is checked by \isadof
for consistency.
Document classes can have a \inlineisar+where+ clause containing a regular
@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ text\<open> \isadof in its present form has a number of technical short-comings
presentation (such as HTML) would be highly desirable in particular for the
math exam scenarios. And last but not least, it would be desirable that PIDE
itself is ``ontology-aware'' and can, for example, use meta-information
to control read- and write accesses of \emph{parts} of documents.
to control read- and write accesses of \<^emph>\<open>parts\<close> of documents.
paragraph\<open> Availability. \<close>