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Burkhart Wolff 2020-09-21 19:41:47 +02:00
parent b9de7663b6
commit 6f36efae7f
1 changed files with 108 additions and 89 deletions

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@ -310,11 +310,12 @@ text\<open>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Context.ancestors_of: theory -> theory list\<close> gets the imported theories
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Context.proper_subthy : theory * theory -> bool\<close> subcontext test
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Context.Proof: Proof.context -> Context.generic \<close> A constructor embedding local contexts
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Context.proof_of : Context.generic -> Proof.context\<close> the imnverse
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Context.proof_of : Context.generic -> Proof.context\<close> the inverse
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Context.theory_name : theory -> string\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Context.map_theory: (theory -> theory) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic\<close>
text\<open>The structure \<^ML_structure>\<open>Proof_Context\<close> provides a key data-structures concerning contexts:
@ -361,13 +362,14 @@ with the functions:
section*[lcfk::technical]\<open> The LCF-Kernel: \<^ML_type>\<open>term\<close>s, \<^ML_type>\<open>typ\<close>es, \<^ML_type>\<open>theory\<close>s,
\<^ML_type>\<open> Proof.context\<close>s, \<^ML_type>\<open>thm\<close>s \<close>
section*[lcfk::technical]\<open>The LCF-Kernel: \<^ML_type>\<open>term\<close>s, \<^ML_type>\<open>typ\<close>es, \<^ML_type>\<open>theory\<close>s,
\<^ML_type>\<open> Proof.context\<close>s, \<^ML_type>\<open>thm\<close>s \<close>
text\<open>The classical LCF-style \<^emph>\<open>kernel\<close> is about
\<^enum> Types and terms of a typed \<open>\<lambda>\<close>-Calculus including constant symbols,
free variables, \<open>\<lambda>\<close>-binder and application,
\<^enum> An infrastructure to define types and terms, a \<^emph>\<open>signature\<close> in structure \<^ML_structure>\<open>Sign\<close>
that also assigns to constant symbols types and concrete syntax managed in structure \<^ML_structure>\<open>Syntax\<close>
that also assigns to constant symbols types and concrete syntax managed in structure
\<^enum> An abstract type \<^ML_type>\<open>thm\<close> for \<^emph>\<open>theorem\<close> and logical operations on them
\<^enum> (Isabelle specific): a notion of \<^ML_type>\<open>theory\<close>, i.e. a container
providing a signature and set (list) of theorems.
@ -401,8 +403,10 @@ signature TERM' = sig
(* ... *)
(* methodologically better: *)
text\<open> Basic types introduced by structure \<^ML_structure>\<open>Term\<close> are:
text\<open>\<^noindent> Basic types introduced by structure \<^ML_structure>\<open>Term\<close> are:
\<^item> \<^ML_type>\<open>Term.indexname\<close> which is a synonym to \<^ML_type>\<open>string * int\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML_type>\<open>Term.class\<close> which is a synonym to \<^ML_type>\<open>string\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML_type>\<open>Term.sort\<close> which is a synonym to \<^ML_type>\<open>class list\<close>
@ -497,16 +501,16 @@ ML\<open> Type.typ_instance: Type.tsig -> typ * typ -> bool (* raises TYPE_MATC
text\<open> there is a joker type that can be added as place-holder during term construction.
Jokers can be eliminated by the type inference. \<close>
ML\<open> Term.dummyT : typ \<close>
text\<open> \<^ML>\<open> Term.dummyT : typ \<close> \<close>
Sign.typ_instance: theory -> typ * typ -> bool;
Sign.typ_match: theory -> typ * typ -> Type.tyenv -> Type.tyenv;
Sign.typ_unify: theory -> typ * typ -> Type.tyenv * int -> Type.tyenv * int;
Sign.const_type: theory -> string -> typ option;
Sign.certify_term: theory -> term -> term * typ * int; (* core routine for CERTIFICATION of types*)
Sign.cert_term: theory -> term -> term; (* short-cut for the latter *)
Sign.tsig_of: theory -> Type.tsig (* projects the type signature *)
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open>Sign.typ_instance: theory -> typ * typ -> bool\<close>
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open>Sign.typ_match: theory -> typ * typ -> Type.tyenv -> Type.tyenv\<close>
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open> Sign.typ_unify: theory -> typ * typ -> Type.tyenv * int -> Type.tyenv * int\<close>
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open>Sign.const_type: theory -> string -> typ option\<close>
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open>Sign.certify_term: theory -> term -> term * typ * int\<close> (* core routine for CERTIFICATION of types*)
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open>Sign.cert_term: theory -> term -> term\<close> (* short-cut for the latter *)
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open>Sign.tsig_of: theory -> Type.tsig\<close> (* projects the type signature *)
@{ML "Sign.typ_match"} etc. is actually an abstract wrapper on the structure
@ -517,7 +521,7 @@ text\<open>
which in itself is a synonym for @{ML_type "'a Symtab.table"}, so
possesses the usual @{ML "Symtab.empty"} and @{ML "Symtab.dest"} operations. \<close>
text\<open>Note that @{emph \<open>polymorphic variables\<close>} are treated like constant symbols
text\<open>Note that \<^emph>\<open>polymorphic variables\<close> are treated like constant symbols
in the type inference; thus, the following test, that one type is an instance of the
other, yields false:\<close>
@ -563,25 +567,26 @@ text*[exo4::example]\<open> Example:\<close>
ML\<open>val t = generalize_term @{term "[]"}\<close>
text\<open>Now we turn to the crucial issue of type-instantiation and with a given type environment
@{ML "tyenv"}. For this purpose, one has to switch to the low-level interface
@{ML_structure "Term_Subst"}. \<close>
\<^ML>\<open>tyenv\<close>. For this purpose, one has to switch to the low-level interface
\<^ML_structure>\<open>Term_Subst\<close>. \<close>
Term_Subst.map_types_same : (typ -> typ) -> term -> term;
Term_Subst.map_aterms_same : (term -> term) -> term -> term;
Term_Subst.instantiate: ((indexname * sort) * typ) list * ((indexname * typ) * term) list -> term -> term;
Term_Subst.instantiateT: ((indexname * sort) * typ) list -> typ -> typ;
Term_Subst.generalizeT: string list -> int -> typ -> typ;
(* this is the standard type generalisation function !!!
only type-frees in the string-list were taken into account. *)
Term_Subst.generalize: string list * string list -> int -> term -> term
(* this is the standard term generalisation function !!!
only type-frees and frees in the string-lists were taken
into account. *)
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Term_Subst.map_types_same : (typ -> typ) -> term -> term\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Term_Subst.map_aterms_same : (term -> term) -> term -> term\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Term_Subst.instantiate: ((indexname * sort) * typ) list * ((indexname * typ) * term) list
-> term -> term\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Term_Subst.instantiateT: ((indexname * sort) * typ) list -> typ -> typ\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Term_Subst.generalizeT: string list -> int -> typ -> typ\<close>
this is the standard type generalisation function !!!
only type-frees in the string-list were taken into account.
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Term_Subst.generalize: string list * string list -> int -> term -> term\<close>
this is the standard term generalisation function !!!
only type-frees and frees in the string-lists were taken
into account.
text \<open>Apparently, a bizarre conversion between the old-style interface and
the new-style @{ML "tyenv"} is necessary. See the following example.\<close>
the new-style \<^ML>\<open>tyenv\<close> is necessary. See the following example.\<close>
val S = Vartab.dest tyenv;
val S' = (map (fn (s,(t,u)) => ((s,t),u)) S) : ((indexname * sort) * typ) list;
@ -676,23 +681,37 @@ proof - fix a :: nat
subsection*[t233::technical]\<open> Theories and the Signature API\<close>
Sign.tsig_of : theory -> Type.tsig;
Sign.syn_of : theory -> Syntax.syntax;
Sign.of_sort : theory -> typ * sort -> bool ;
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open>Sign.tsig_of : theory -> Type.tsig\<close> extraxts the type-signature of a theory
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open>Sign.syn_of : theory -> Syntax.syntax\<close> extracts the constant-symbol signature
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open>Sign.of_sort : theory -> typ * sort -> bool\<close> decides that a type belongs to a sort.
subsection*[t234::technical]\<open>Thm's and the LCF-Style, "Mikro"-Kernel \<close>
subsection*[t234::technical]\<open>\<^ML_structure>\<open>Thm\<close>'s and the LCF-Style, "Mikro"-Kernel \<close>
The basic constructors and operations on theorems@{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/thm.ML"},
a set of derived (Pure) inferences can be found in @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/drule.ML"}.
The basic constructors and operations on theorems \<^file>\<open>$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/thm.ML\<close>,
a set of derived (Pure) inferences can be found in \<^file>\<open>$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/drule.ML\<close>.
The main types provided by structure \<^verbatim>\<open>thm\<close> are certified types @{ML_type ctyp},
certified terms @{ML_type cterm}, @{ML_type thm} as well as conversions @{ML_type conv}.
The main types provided by structure \<^verbatim>\<open>thm\<close> are certified types \<^ML_type>\<open>Thm.ctyp\<close>,
certified terms \<^ML_type>\<open>Thm.cterm\<close>, \<^ML_type>\<open>Thm.thm\<close> as well as conversions \<^ML_type>\<open>Thm.conv\<close>
\<^ie>, transformation operations of \<^ML_type>\<open>Thm.thm\<close>s to logically equivalent ones.
Errors were reported with the \<^ML>\<open>CTERM: string * cterm list -> exn\<close>-exceptions.
Over this kernel, two infix main operations were provided:
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open>op RS: thm * thm -> thm\<close> resolved the conclusion of left argument into the left-most
assumption of the right arguement, while
\<^enum> \<^ML>\<open>op RSN: thm * (int * thm) -> thm\<close> resolves the conclusion of the left argument into
the nth assumption of the right argument, so generalizes \<^ML>\<open>op RS\<close>.
Errors of the resolution operations were reported by
\<^ML>\<open>THM : string * int * thm list -> exn\<close>.
At a glance, the very heart of the kernel is represented as follows (UNSAFE):
signature BASIC_THM =
signature BASIC_THM' =
type ctyp
type cterm
@ -700,43 +719,46 @@ sig
type thm
type conv = cterm -> thm
exception THM of string * int * thm list
val RSN: thm * (int * thm) -> thm
val RS: thm * thm -> thm
text\<open>Certification of types and terms on the kernel-level is done by the generators:\<close>
Thm.global_ctyp_of: theory -> typ -> ctyp;
Thm.ctyp_of: Proof.context -> typ -> ctyp;
Thm.global_cterm_of: theory -> term -> cterm;
Thm.cterm_of: Proof.context -> term -> cterm;
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.global_ctyp_of: theory -> typ -> ctyp\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.ctyp_of: Proof.context -> typ -> ctyp\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.global_cterm_of: theory -> term -> cterm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.cterm_of: Proof.context -> term -> cterm\<close>
text\<open>... which perform type-checking in the given theory context in order to make a type
or term "admissible" for the kernel.\<close>
text\<open>These operations were internally used in the ML-antiquotation:\<open>ML\<open>\<^cterm>\<open>zero\<close>\<close>\<close> yielding:\<close>
text\<open> We come now to the very heart of the LCF-Kernel of Isabelle, which
provides the fundamental inference rules of Isabelle/Pure.
Besides a number of destructors on @{ML_type thm}'s,
the abstract data-type \<^verbatim>\<open>thm\<close> is used for logical objects of the form
$\Gamma \vdash_\theta \phi$, where $\Gamma$ represents a set of local assumptions,
$\theta$ the "theory" or more precisely the global context in which a formula $\phi$
Besides a number of destructors on \<^ML_type>\<open>thm\<close>'s,
the abstract data-type \<^ML_type>\<open>thm\<close> is used for logical objects of the form
\<open>\<Gamma> \<turnstile>\<^sub>\<theta> \<phi>\<close>, where \<open>\<Gamma>\<close> represents a set of local assumptions,
\<open>\<theta>\<close> the global context or \<^ML_type>\<open>theory\<close> in which a formula \<open>\<phi>\<close>
has been constructed just by applying the following operations representing
logical inference rules:
the logical kernel inference rules:
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.assume: cterm -> thm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.implies_intr: cterm -> thm -> thm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.implies_elim: thm -> thm -> thm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.forall_intr: cterm -> thm -> thm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.forall_elim: cterm -> thm -> thm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.transfer : theory -> thm -> thm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.generalize: string list * string list -> int -> thm -> thm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.instantiate: ((indexname*sort)*ctyp)list * ((indexname*typ)*cterm) list -> thm -> thm\<close>
(*inference rules*)
Thm.assume: cterm -> thm;
Thm.implies_intr: cterm -> thm -> thm;
Thm.implies_elim: thm -> thm -> thm;
Thm.forall_intr: cterm -> thm -> thm;
Thm.forall_elim: cterm -> thm -> thm;
Thm.transfer : theory -> thm -> thm;
Thm.generalize: string list * string list -> int -> thm -> thm;
Thm.instantiate: ((indexname*sort)*ctyp)list * ((indexname*typ)*cterm) list -> thm -> thm;
text\<open> They reflect the Pure logic depicted in a number of presentations such as
M. Wenzel, \<^emph>\<open>Parallel Proof Checking in Isabelle/Isar\<close>, PLMMS 2009, or simiular papers.
Notated as logical inference rules, these operations were presented as follows:
@ -767,42 +789,39 @@ text\<open>Note that the transfer rule:
and a remarkable difference to its sisters HOL-Light and HOL4; instead of transfer, these systems
reconstruct proofs in an enlarged global context instead of taking the result and converting it.\<close>
text\<open>Besides the meta-logical (Pure) implication $\_\Longrightarrow \_$, the Kernel axiomatizes
also a Pure-Equality $\_ \equiv \_ $ used for definitions of constant symbols: \<close>
Thm.reflexive: cterm -> thm;
Thm.symmetric: thm -> thm;
Thm.transitive: thm -> thm -> thm;
text\<open>Besides the meta-logical (Pure) implication \<open>_ \<Longrightarrow> _\<close>, the Kernel axiomatizes
also a Pure-Equality \<open>_ \<equiv> _\<close> used for definitions of constant symbols:
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.reflexive: cterm -> thm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.symmetric: thm -> thm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Thm.transitive: thm -> thm -> thm\<close>
text\<open>The operation:\<close>
ML\<open> Thm.trivial: cterm -> thm; \<close>
text\<open>... produces the elementary tautologies of the form @{prop "A \<Longrightarrow> A"},
text\<open>The operation \<^ML>\<open> Thm.trivial: cterm -> thm \<close>
... produces the elementary tautologies of the form \<^prop>\<open>A \<Longrightarrow> A\<close>,
an operation used to start a backward-style proof.\<close>
text\<open>The elementary conversions are:\<close>
Thm.beta_conversion: bool -> conv;
Thm.eta_conversion: conv;
Thm.eta_long_conversion: conv;
text\<open>The elementary conversions are:
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Thm.beta_conversion: bool -> conv\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Thm.eta_conversion: conv\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Thm.eta_long_conversion: conv\<close>
text\<open>On the level of @{ML_structure "Drule"}, a number of higher-level operations is established,
which is in part accessible by a number of forward-reasoning notations on Isar-level.\<close>
op RSN: thm * (int * thm) -> thm;
op RS: thm * thm -> thm;
op RLN: thm list * (int * thm list) -> thm list;
op RL: thm list * thm list -> thm list;
op MRS: thm list * thm -> thm;
op OF: thm * thm list -> thm;
op COMP: thm * thm -> thm;
text\<open>On the level of \<^ML_structure>\<open>Drule\<close>, a number of higher-level operations is established,
which is in part accessible by a number of forward-reasoning notations on Isar-level.
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> op RLN: thm list * (int * thm list) -> thm list\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> op RL: thm list * thm list -> thm list\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> op MRS: thm list * thm -> thm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> op OF: thm * thm list -> thm\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> op COMP: thm * thm -> thm\<close>
subsection*[t235::technical]\<open> Theories \<close>
subsection*[t235::technical]\<open> \<^ML_structure>\<open>Theory\<close>'s \<close>
text \<open> This structure yields the datatype \<^verbatim>\<open>thy\<close> which becomes the content of
@{ML_type "Context.theory"}. In a way, the LCF-Kernel registers itself into the Nano-Kernel,
text \<open> This structure yields the abstract datatype \<^ML_structure>\<open>Theory\<close> which becomes the content of
\<^ML_type>\<open>Context.theory\<close>. In a way, the LCF-Kernel registers itself into the Nano-Kernel,
which inspired me (bu) to this naming. \<close>