Implement rejects clause
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline was successful Details

- The current implementation triggers a warning when
  rejected classes are find in the monitor,
  and an error if monitor_strict_checking is enable.
  It follows these rules:
  Inside the scope of a monitor,
  all instances of classes mentioned in its accepts_clause
  (the ∗‹accept-set›) have to appear in the order specified
  by the regular expression.
  Instances not covered by an accept-set may freely occur.
  Monitors may additionally contain a rejects_clause
  with a list of class-ids (the reject-list).
  This allows specifying ranges of
  admissible instances along the class hierarchy:
  - a superclass in the reject-list and a subclass in the
    accept-expression forbids instances superior to the subclass, and
  - a subclass S in the reject-list and a superclass T in the
    accept-list allows instances of superclasses of T to occur freely,
    instances of T to occur in the specified order and forbids
    instances of S.
- No message is triggered for the free classes,
  but two theory options, free_class_in_monitor_checking
  and free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking,
  are added and can be used if we want to trigger warnings or errors,
  in the case we do not want free classes inside a monitor.
- Fix the checking warning when defining a monitor,
  as the monitor was added to the monitor table and then
  the instance of the monitor was added to the theory.
  So a monitor had the bad behavior to check itself.
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Méric 2022-12-14 12:02:15 +01:00
parent c0afe1105e
commit 73dfcd6c1e
4 changed files with 243 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -1112,7 +1112,8 @@ text\<open>
@{boxed_theory_text [display]\<open>
declare[[invariants_checking_with_tactics = true]]\<close>}
There are still some limitations with this high-level syntax.
For now, the high-level syntax does not support monitors (see \<^technical>\<open>sec:monitors\<close>).
For now, the high-level syntax does not support the checking of
specific monitor behaviors (see \<^technical>\<open>sec:monitors\<close>).
For example, one would like to delay a final error message till the
closing of a monitor.
For this use-case you can use low-level class invariants (see \<^technical>\<open>sec:low_level_inv\<close>).
@ -1154,6 +1155,20 @@ text\<open>
instances of \<open>S\<close>.
Should the specified ranges of admissible instances not be observed, warnings will be triggered.
To forbid the violation of the specified ranges,
one can enable the \<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>strict_monitor_checking\<close> theory attribute:
@{boxed_theory_text [display]\<open>declare[[strict_monitor_checking = true]]\<close>}
It is possible to enable the tracing of free classes occurring inside the scope of a monitor by
enabling the \<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>free_class_in_monitor_checking\<close>
theory attribute:
@{boxed_theory_text [display]\<open>declare[[free_class_in_monitor_checking = true]]\<close>}
Then a warning will be triggered when defining an instance of a free class
inside the scope of a monitor.
To forbid free classes inside the scope of a monitor, one can enable the
\<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking\<close> theory attribute:
@{boxed_theory_text [display]\<open>declare[[free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking = true]]\<close>}
Monitored document sections can be nested and overlap; thus, it is
possible to combine the effect of different monitors. For example, it
would be possible to refine the \<^boxed_theory_text>\<open>example\<close> section by its own
@ -1171,8 +1186,9 @@ text\<open>
header delimiting the borders of its representation. Class invariants
on monitors allow for specifying structural properties on document
For now, the high-level syntax of invariants is not supported for monitors and you must use
the low-level class invariants (see \<^technical>\<open>sec:low_level_inv\<close>.\<close>
For now, the high-level syntax of invariants does not support the checking of
specific monitor behaviors like the one above and you must use
the low-level class invariants (see \<^technical>\<open>sec:low_level_inv\<close>).\<close>
subsection*["sec:low_level_inv"::technical]\<open>ODL Low-level Class Invariants\<close>

View File

@ -346,6 +346,8 @@ fun upd_docclass_lazy_inv_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
docclass_lazy_inv_tab=f docclass_lazy_inv_tab};
fun get_accepted_cids ({accepted_cids, ... } : open_monitor_info) = accepted_cids
fun get_rejected_cids ({rejected_cids, ... } : open_monitor_info) = rejected_cids
fun get_alphabet monitor_info = (get_accepted_cids monitor_info) @ (get_rejected_cids monitor_info)
fun get_automatas ({automatas, ... } : open_monitor_info) = automatas
@ -813,6 +815,12 @@ fun print_doc_class_tree ctxt P T =
val (strict_monitor_checking, strict_monitor_checking_setup)
= Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>\<open>strict_monitor_checking\<close> (K false);
val (free_class_in_monitor_checking, free_class_in_monitor_checking_setup)
= Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>\<open>free_class_in_monitor_checking\<close> (K false);
val (free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking, free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking_setup)
= Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>\<open>free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking\<close> (K false);
val (invariants_strict_checking, invariants_strict_checking_setup)
= Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>\<open>invariants_strict_checking\<close> (K false);
@ -825,6 +833,8 @@ end (* struct *)
#> DOF_core.free_class_in_monitor_checking_setup
#> DOF_core.free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking_setup
#> DOF_core.invariants_strict_checking_setup
#> DOF_core.invariants_checking_with_tactics_setup\<close>
@ -1434,7 +1444,7 @@ fun create_default_object thy class_name =
in list_comb (make_const, (tag_attr (serial()))::class_list'') end
fun check_classref {is_monitor=is_monitor} (SOME(cid,pos')) thy =
fun check_classref {is_monitor=is_monitor} (SOME(cid,pos)) thy =
val cid_long = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy cid
@ -1444,10 +1454,10 @@ fun check_classref {is_monitor=is_monitor} (SOME(cid,pos')) thy =
else ()
val markup = docclass_markup false cid id (Binding.pos_of bind_target);
val ctxt = Context.Theory thy
val _ = Context_Position.report_generic ctxt pos' markup;
in cid_long
val _ = Context_Position.report_generic ctxt pos markup;
in (cid_long, pos)
| check_classref _ NONE _ = DOF_core.default_cid
| check_classref _ NONE _ = (DOF_core.default_cid, \<^here>)
fun generalize_typ n = Term.map_type_tfree (fn (str,sort)=> Term.TVar((str,n),sort));
@ -1515,67 +1525,104 @@ fun calc_update_term {mk_elaboration=mk_elaboration} thy cid_long
in Sign.certify_term thy (fold read_assn S term) end
fun msg thy txt = if Config.get_global thy DOF_core.strict_monitor_checking
then error txt
else warning txt
fun msg thy txt pos = if Config.get_global thy DOF_core.strict_monitor_checking
then ISA_core.err txt pos
else ISA_core.warn txt pos
fun register_oid_cid_in_open_monitors oid pos cid_long thy =
let val {monitor_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data_global thy
fun is_enabled (n, info) =
if exists (DOF_core.is_subclass_global thy cid_long)
(DOF_core.get_accepted_cids info)
then SOME n
else NONE
(* filtering those monitors with automata, whose alphabet contains the
cid of this oid. The enabled ones were selected and moved to their successor state
along the super-class id. The evaluation is in parallel, simulating a product
semantics without expanding the subclass relationship. *)
fun is_enabled_for_cid moid =
let val {accepted_cids, automatas, ...} =
the(Symtab.lookup monitor_tab moid)
val indexS= 1 upto (length automatas)
val indexed_autoS = automatas ~~ indexS
fun check_for_cid (A,n) =
let val accS = (RegExpInterface.enabled A accepted_cids)
val is_subclass = DOF_core.is_subclass_global thy
val idx = find_index (is_subclass cid_long) accS
in if idx < 0
then (msg thy ("monitor "^moid^"(" ^ Int.toString n
^") not enabled for doc_class: "^cid_long);A)
else A accepted_cids (nth accS idx)
fun register_oid_cid_in_open_monitors oid pos cid_pos thy =
let val {monitor_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data_global thy
val cid_long= fst cid_pos
val pos' = snd cid_pos
fun is_enabled (n, info) =
if exists (DOF_core.is_subclass_global thy cid_long)
(DOF_core.get_alphabet info)
then SOME n
else if Config.get_global thy DOF_core.free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking
orelse Config.get_global thy DOF_core.free_class_in_monitor_checking
then SOME n
else NONE
(* filtering those monitors with automata, whose alphabet contains the
cid of this oid. The enabled ones were selected and moved to their successor state
along the super-class id. The evaluation is in parallel, simulating a product
semantics without expanding the subclass relationship. *)
fun is_enabled_for_cid moid =
let val {accepted_cids, automatas, rejected_cids, ...} =
the(Symtab.lookup monitor_tab moid)
val indexS= 1 upto (length automatas)
val indexed_autoS = automatas ~~ indexS
fun check_for_cid (A,n) =
let fun direct_super_class _ cid [] = cid
| direct_super_class thy cid (x::xs) =
if DOF_core.is_subclass_global thy cid x
then direct_super_class thy cid xs
else direct_super_class thy x xs
val accS = (RegExpInterface.enabled A accepted_cids)
val accS' = filter (DOF_core.is_subclass_global thy cid_long) accS
fun first_super_class cids =
case List.getItem cids
of SOME (hd,tl) => SOME (direct_super_class thy hd tl)
val first_accepted = first_super_class accS'
val rejectS = filter (DOF_core.is_subclass_global thy cid_long) rejected_cids
val first_rejected = first_super_class rejectS
case first_accepted of
NONE => (case first_rejected of
let val msg_intro = ("accepts clause " ^ Int.toString n
^ " of monitor " ^ moid
^ " not enabled for doc_class: " ^ cid_long)
if Config.get_global thy DOF_core.free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking
then ISA_core.err msg_intro pos'
else if Config.get_global thy DOF_core.free_class_in_monitor_checking
then (ISA_core.warn msg_intro pos';A)
else A
in (moid,map check_for_cid indexed_autoS) end
val enabled_monitors = List.mapPartial is_enabled (Symtab.dest monitor_tab)
fun conv_attrs (((lhs, pos), opn), rhs) = (markup2string lhs,pos,opn,
Syntax.read_term_global thy rhs)
val trace_attr = [((("trace", @{here}), "+="), "[("^cid_long^", ''"^oid^"'')]")]
val assns' = map conv_attrs trace_attr
fun cid_of oid = #cid(the(DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy))
fun def_trans_input_term oid =
#1 o (calc_update_term {mk_elaboration=false} thy (cid_of oid) assns')
fun def_trans_value oid =
(#1 o (calc_update_term {mk_elaboration=true} thy (cid_of oid) assns'))
#> value (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
val _ = if null enabled_monitors then () else writeln "registrating in monitors ..."
val _ = app (fn n => writeln(oid^" : "^cid_long^" ==> "^n)) enabled_monitors;
(* check that any transition is possible : *)
fun inst_class_inv x = DOF_core.get_class_invariant(cid_of x) thy x {is_monitor=false}
fun class_inv_checks ctxt = map (fn x => inst_class_inv x ctxt) enabled_monitors
val delta_autoS = map is_enabled_for_cid enabled_monitors;
fun update_info (n, aS) (tab: DOF_core.monitor_tab) =
let val {accepted_cids,rejected_cids,...} = the(Symtab.lookup tab n)
in Symtab.update(n, {accepted_cids=accepted_cids,
automatas=aS}) tab end
fun update_trace mon_oid = DOF_core.update_value_global mon_oid (def_trans_input_term mon_oid) (def_trans_value mon_oid)
val update_automatons = DOF_core.upd_monitor_tabs(fold update_info delta_autoS)
in thy |> (* update traces of all enabled monitors *)
fold (update_trace) (enabled_monitors)
|> (* check class invariants of enabled monitors *)
(fn thy => (class_inv_checks (Context.Theory thy); thy))
|> (* update the automata of enabled monitors *)
| SOME _ => (msg thy ("accepts clause " ^ Int.toString n
^ " of monitor " ^ moid
^ " rejected doc_class: " ^ cid_long) pos';A))
| SOME accepted => (case first_rejected of
NONE => A accepted_cids (accepted)
| SOME rejected =>
if DOF_core.is_subclass_global thy accepted rejected
then A accepted_cids (accepted)
else (msg thy ("accepts clause " ^ Int.toString n
^ " of monitor " ^ moid
^ " rejected doc_class: " ^ cid_long) pos';A))
in (moid,map check_for_cid indexed_autoS) end
val enabled_monitors = List.mapPartial is_enabled (Symtab.dest monitor_tab)
fun conv_attrs (((lhs, pos), opn), rhs) = (markup2string lhs,pos,opn,
Syntax.read_term_global thy rhs)
val trace_attr = [((("trace", @{here}), "+="), "[("^cid_long^", ''"^oid^"'')]")]
val assns' = map conv_attrs trace_attr
fun cid_of oid = #cid(the(DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy))
fun def_trans_input_term oid =
#1 o (calc_update_term {mk_elaboration=false} thy (cid_of oid) assns')
fun def_trans_value oid =
(#1 o (calc_update_term {mk_elaboration=true} thy (cid_of oid) assns'))
#> value (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
val _ = if null enabled_monitors then () else writeln "registrating in monitors ..."
val _ = app (fn n => writeln(oid^" : "^cid_long^" ==> "^n)) enabled_monitors;
(* check that any transition is possible : *)
fun inst_class_inv x = DOF_core.get_class_invariant(cid_of x) thy x {is_monitor=false}
fun class_inv_checks ctxt = map (fn x => inst_class_inv x ctxt) enabled_monitors
val delta_autoS = map is_enabled_for_cid enabled_monitors;
fun update_info (n, aS) (tab: DOF_core.monitor_tab) =
let val {accepted_cids,rejected_cids,...} = the(Symtab.lookup tab n)
in Symtab.update(n, {accepted_cids=accepted_cids,
automatas=aS}) tab end
fun update_trace mon_oid = DOF_core.update_value_global mon_oid (def_trans_input_term mon_oid) (def_trans_value mon_oid)
val update_automatons = DOF_core.upd_monitor_tabs(fold update_info delta_autoS)
in thy |> (* update traces of all enabled monitors *)
fold (update_trace) (enabled_monitors)
|> (* check class invariants of enabled monitors *)
(fn thy => (class_inv_checks (Context.Theory thy); thy))
|> (* update the automata of enabled monitors *)
fun check_invariants thy oid =
@ -1655,7 +1702,8 @@ fun create_and_check_docitem is_monitor {is_inline=is_inline} oid pos cid_pos do
val _ = pos (docref_markup true oid id pos);
(* creates a markup label for this position and reports it to the PIDE framework;
this label is used as jump-target for point-and-click feature. *)
val cid_long = check_classref is_monitor cid_pos thy
val cid_pos' = check_classref is_monitor cid_pos thy
val cid_long = fst cid_pos'
val default_cid = cid_long = DOF_core.default_cid
val vcid = case cid_pos of NONE => NONE
| SOME (cid,_) => if (DOF_core.is_virtual cid thy)
@ -1694,7 +1742,7 @@ fun create_and_check_docitem is_monitor {is_inline=is_inline} oid pos cid_pos do
id = id,
cid = cid_long,
vcid = vcid})
|> register_oid_cid_in_open_monitors oid pos cid_long
|> register_oid_cid_in_open_monitors oid pos cid_pos'
|> (fn thy => if #is_monitor(is_monitor)
then (((DOF_core.get_class_eager_invariant cid_long thy oid) is_monitor
o Context.Theory) thy; thy)
@ -1870,8 +1918,9 @@ fun update_instance_command (((oid:string,pos),cid_pos),
val _ = ctxt pos markup;
in cid end
| NONE => error("undefined doc_class.")
val cid_long = Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.check_classref {is_monitor = false}
val cid_pos' = Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.check_classref {is_monitor = false}
cid_pos thy
val cid_long = fst cid_pos'
val _ = if cid_long = DOF_core.default_cid orelse cid = cid_long
then ()
else error("incompatible classes:"^cid^":"^cid_long)
@ -1911,31 +1960,33 @@ fun open_monitor_command ((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : ODL_Meta_Args_Pars
case DOF_core.get_doc_class_global long_cid thy of
SOME X => let val ralph = RegExpInterface.alphabet (#rejectS X)
val alph = RegExpInterface.ext_alphabet ralph (#rex X)
in (alph, map (RegExpInterface.rexp_term2da alph)(#rex X)) end
val aalph = RegExpInterface.alphabet (#rex X)
in (aalph, ralph, map (RegExpInterface.rexp_term2da aalph)(#rex X)) end
| NONE => error("Internal error: class id undefined. ")
fun create_monitor_entry thy =
let val cid = case cid_pos of
NONE => ISA_core.err ("You must specified a monitor class.") pos
| SOME (cid, _) => cid
val (S, aS) = compute_enabled_set cid thy
val info = {accepted_cids = S, rejected_cids = [], automatas = aS }
val (accS, rejectS, aS) = compute_enabled_set cid thy
val info = {accepted_cids = accS, rejected_cids = rejectS, automatas = aS }
in DOF_core.map_data_global(DOF_core.upd_monitor_tabs(Symtab.update(oid, info )))(thy)
create_monitor_entry #> o_m_c oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs
o_m_c oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs #> create_monitor_entry
fun close_monitor_command (args as (((oid:string,pos),cid_pos),
doc_attrs: (((string*Position.T)*string)*string)list)) thy =
let val {monitor_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data_global thy
fun check_if_final aS = let val i = find_index (not o aS
in if i >= 0
fun check_if_final aS = let val i = (find_index (not o aS) + 1
in if i >= 1
Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.msg thy
("monitor number "^Int.toString i^" not in final state.")
("accepts clause " ^ Int.toString i
^ " of monitor " ^ oid
^ " not in final state.") pos
else ()
val _ = case Symtab.lookup monitor_tab oid of

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@ -177,4 +177,47 @@ text*[ sdfg :: F] \<open> Lorem ipsum @{thm refl}\<close>
text*[ xxxy ] \<open> Lorem ipsum @{F \<open>sdfg\<close>} rate @{thm refl}\<close>
doc_class test_monitor_free =
tmhd :: int
doc_class test_monitor_head =
tmhd :: int
doc_class test_monitor_A = test_monitor_head +
tmA :: int
doc_class test_monitor_B = test_monitor_A +
tmB :: int
doc_class test_monitor_C = test_monitor_A +
tmC :: int
doc_class test_monitor_D = test_monitor_B +
tmD :: int
doc_class test_monitor_E = test_monitor_D +
tmE :: int
doc_class monitor_M =
tmM :: int
rejects "test_monitor_A"
accepts "test_monitor_head ~~ test_monitor_B ~~ test_monitor_C"

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@ -173,9 +173,20 @@ text\<open> @{docitem_attribute y::omega} \<close>
section\<open>Simulation of a Monitor\<close>
val thy = \<^theory>
val long_cid = "Isa_COL.figure_group"
val t = DOF_core.get_doc_class_global long_cid thy
caption="''Sample ''"]
val thy = \<^theory>
val {monitor_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data_global thy
figure*[fig_A::figure, spawn_columns=False,
@ -185,6 +196,47 @@ figure*[fig_B::figure,
\<open> The B train \ldots \<close>
caption="''Sample ''"]
val thy = \<^theory>
val {monitor_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data_global thy
figure*[fig_C::figure, spawn_columns=False,
\<open> The C train \ldots \<close>
caption="''Sample ''"]
val thy = \<^theory>
val {monitor_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data_global thy
\<open> The D train \ldots \<close>
caption="''Sample ''"]
val thy = \<^theory>
val {monitor_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data_global thy
text*[testRejected1::figure_group, caption="''figures/A.png''"]
\<open> The A train \ldots \<close>
\<open> The E train \ldots \<close>
text*[testRejected2::figure_group, caption="''figures/A.png''"]
\<open> The A train \ldots \<close>
@ -199,7 +251,8 @@ term*\<open>map snd @{trace-attribute \<open>figs1\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>map snd @{trace-attribute \<open>figs1\<close>}\<close>
term*\<open>map fst @{trace-attribute \<open>aaa\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>map fst @{trace-attribute \<open>aaa\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>(map fst @{trace-attribute \<open>aaa\<close>}) \<close>
term*\<open>map fst @{trace-attribute \<open>test_monitor_M\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>map fst @{trace-attribute \<open>test_monitor_M\<close>}\<close>
definition example_expression where "example_expression \<equiv> \<lbrace>\<lfloor>''Conceptual.A''\<rfloor> || \<lfloor>''Conceptual.F''\<rfloor>\<rbrace>\<^sup>*"
value* \<open> DA.accepts (na2da (rexp2na example_expression)) (map fst @{trace-attribute \<open>aaa\<close>}) \<close>