Use a name space for Isabelle_DOF transformers
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline failed Details

- Use a name space table to store Isabelle_DOF transformers objects
- Remove ISA_transformer_tab table and accesses
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Méric 2023-02-12 15:56:06 +01:00
parent 4a77347e40
commit 7c16d02979
3 changed files with 131 additions and 124 deletions

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@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ val makeN = "make"
val schemeN = "_scheme"
val instanceN = "instance"
val monitor_infoN = "monitor_info"
val isa_transformerN = "isa_transformer"
(* derived from: theory_markup *)
fun docref_markup_gen refN def name id pos =
@ -242,13 +243,48 @@ struct
SOME entry => entry
| NONE => raise TYPE ("Unknown instance: " ^ quote i, [], []));
type ISA_transformers = {check :
(theory -> term * typ * Position.T -> string -> term option),
elaborate : (theory -> string -> typ -> term option -> Position.T -> term)
type ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformers Symtab.table
val initial_ISA_tab:ISA_transformer_tab = Symtab.empty
datatype isa_transformer = ISA_Transformer of
{check : (theory -> term * typ * Position.T -> string -> term option),
elaborate : (theory -> string -> typ -> term option -> Position.T -> term)}
fun make_isa_transformer (check, elaborate) =
ISA_Transformer {check = check, elaborate = elaborate}
structure ISA_Transformers = Theory_Data
type T = isa_transformer Name_Space.table;
val empty : T = Name_Space.empty_table isa_transformerN;
fun merge data : T = Name_Space.merge_tables data;
val get_isa_transformers = ISA_Transformers.get o Proof_Context.theory_of
fun check_isa_transformer ctxt =
#1 o Name_Space.check (Context.Proof ctxt) (get_isa_transformers ctxt);
fun add_isa_transformer name isa_transformer thy =
thy |>
(Name_Space.define (Context.Theory thy) true (name, isa_transformer) #> #2);
fun update_isa_transformer name isa_transformer thy =
thy |>
(Name_Space.define (Context.Theory thy) false (name, isa_transformer) #> #2);
fun update_isa_transformer_entry name new_isa_transformer thy =
thy |>
(Name_Space.map_table_entry name (fn _ => new_isa_transformer));
fun print_isa_transformers verbose ctxt =
Pretty.big_list "Isabelle.DOF ISA_Transformers:"
(map (Pretty.mark_str o #1) (Name_Space.markup_table verbose ctxt (get_isa_transformers ctxt)))
|> Pretty.writeln;
fun the_isa_transformer T i =
(case Name_Space.lookup_key T i of
SOME entry => entry
| NONE => raise TYPE ("Unknown isa_transformer: " ^ quote i, [], []));
type docclass_inv_tab = (string -> {is_monitor:bool} -> Context.generic -> bool) Symtab.table
val initial_docclass_inv_tab : docclass_inv_tab = Symtab.empty
@ -314,32 +350,21 @@ struct
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T = {docclass_tab : docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab : ISA_transformer_tab,
docclass_inv_tab : docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab : docclass_eager_inv_tab,
docclass_lazy_inv_tab : docclass_lazy_inv_tab}
val empty = {docclass_tab = initial_docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = initial_ISA_tab,
docclass_inv_tab = initial_docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab = initial_docclass_eager_inv_tab,
docclass_lazy_inv_tab = initial_docclass_lazy_inv_tab
fun merge( {docclass_tab = c1,
ISA_transformer_tab = e1,
docclass_inv_tab = n1,
docclass_eager_inv_tab = en1, docclass_lazy_inv_tab = ln1},
{docclass_tab = c2,
ISA_transformer_tab = e2,
docclass_inv_tab = n2,
docclass_eager_inv_tab = en2, docclass_lazy_inv_tab = ln2}) =
{docclass_tab = merge_docclass_tab (c1,c2),
The following merge is ultra-critical: the transformer tabs were
just extended by letting *the first* entry with the same long-name win.
Since the range is a (call-back) function, a comparison on its content
is impossible and some choice has to be made... Alternative: Symtab.join ?
ISA_transformer_tab = Symtab.merge (fn (_ , _) => true)(e1,e2),
docclass_inv_tab = override(n1,n2),
docclass_eager_inv_tab = override(en1,en2),
@ -356,43 +381,33 @@ val get_data_global = Data.get o Context.Theory;
val map_data_global = Context.theory_map o map_data;
fun upd_docclass_tab f {docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = z,
fun upd_docclass_tab f {docclass_tab = y,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docclass_tab = f y,ISA_transformer_tab = z,
{docclass_tab = f y,
fun upd_ISA_transformers f {docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = z,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = f z,
fun upd_docclass_inv_tab f {docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
fun upd_docclass_inv_tab f {docclass_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docclass_tab = docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab,
docclass_inv_tab = f docclass_inv_tab,
fun upd_docclass_eager_inv_tab f {docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
fun upd_docclass_eager_inv_tab f {docclass_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docclass_tab = docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab=f docclass_eager_inv_tab,
fun upd_docclass_lazy_inv_tab f {docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
fun upd_docclass_lazy_inv_tab f {docclass_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docclass_tab = docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab,
docclass_lazy_inv_tab=f docclass_lazy_inv_tab};
@ -745,7 +760,7 @@ fun update_value_input_term_global name upd_input_term upd_value thy =
update_value_global name upd_value thy |> update_input_term_global name upd_input_term
val ISA_prefix = "ISA_" (* ISA's must be declared in Isa_DOF.thy !!! *)
val ISA_prefix = "Isabelle_DOF_"
val doc_class_prefix = ISA_prefix ^ "doc_class_"
@ -766,54 +781,38 @@ fun is_class_ISA thy s = let val bname = Long_Name.base_name s
is_defined_cid_global (class_name) thy end
else false end
fun get_isa_global isa thy =
case Symtab.lookup (#ISA_transformer_tab(get_data_global thy)) (ISA_prefix^isa) of
NONE => error("undefined inner syntax antiquotation: "^isa)
| SOME(bbb) => bbb
fun get_isa_local isa ctxt = case Symtab.lookup (#ISA_transformer_tab(get_data ctxt)) (ISA_prefix^isa) of
NONE => error("undefined inner syntax antiquotation: "^isa)
|SOME(bbb) => bbb
fun update_isa map_data_fun (isa, trans) ctxt =
val bname = Long_Name.base_name isa;
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier isa;
val long_name = Long_Name.qualify qual (ISA_prefix ^ bname);
in map_data_fun (upd_ISA_transformers(Symtab.update(long_name, trans))) ctxt end
fun update_isa_local (isa, trans) ctxt = update_isa map_data (isa, trans) ctxt
fun update_isa_global (isa, trans) thy = update_isa map_data_global (isa, trans) thy
fun transduce_term_global {mk_elaboration=mk_elaboration} (term,pos) thy =
(* pre: term should be fully typed in order to allow type-related term-transformations *)
let val tab = #ISA_transformer_tab(get_data_global thy)
fun T(Const(s,ty) $ t) = if is_ISA s
then case Symtab.lookup tab s of
NONE => error("undefined inner syntax antiquotation: "^s)
| SOME({check=check, elaborate=elaborate}) =>
case check thy (t,ty,pos) s of
NONE => Const(s,ty) $ t
(* checking isa, may raise error though. *)
| SOME t => if mk_elaboration
then elaborate thy s ty (SOME t) pos
else Const(s,ty) $ t
(* transforming isa *)
else (Const(s,ty) $ (T t))
|T(t1 $ t2) = T(t1) $ T(t2)
|T(Const(s,ty)) = if is_ISA s
then case Symtab.lookup tab s of
NONE => error("undefined inner syntax antiquotation: "^s)
| SOME({elaborate=elaborate, ...}) =>
if mk_elaboration
then elaborate thy s ty NONE pos
else Const(s, ty)
(* transforming isa *)
else Const(s, ty)
|T(Abs(s,ty,t)) = Abs(s,ty,T t)
|T t = t
let val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
val tab = get_isa_transformers ctxt
fun T(Const(s,ty) $ t) =
if is_ISA s
then let val name = check_isa_transformer ctxt (s, Position.none)
val (_, ISA_Transformer {check, elaborate}) = the_isa_transformer tab name
in case check thy (t,ty,pos) s of
NONE => Const(s,ty) $ t
(* checking isa, may raise error though. *)
| SOME t => if mk_elaboration
then elaborate thy s ty (SOME t) pos
else Const(s,ty) $ t
(* transforming isa *)
else (Const(s,ty) $ (T t))
| T(t1 $ t2) = T(t1) $ T(t2)
| T(Const(s,ty)) =
if is_ISA s
let val name = check_isa_transformer ctxt (s, Position.none)
val (_, ISA_Transformer {elaborate, ...}) = the_isa_transformer tab name
in if mk_elaboration
then elaborate thy s ty NONE pos
else Const(s, ty)
(* transforming isa *)
else Const(s, ty)
| T(Abs(s,ty,t)) = Abs(s,ty,T t)
| T t = t
in T term end
fun elaborate_term ctxt term = transduce_term_global {mk_elaboration=true}
@ -893,15 +892,15 @@ datatype "doc_class" = mk string
\<comment> \<open>and others in the future : file, http, thy, ...\<close>
datatype "typ" = ISA_typ string ("@{typ _}")
datatype "term" = ISA_term string ("@{term _}")
consts ISA_term_repr :: "string \<Rightarrow> term" ("@{termrepr _}")
datatype "thm" = ISA_thm string ("@{thm _}")
datatype "file" = ISA_file string ("@{file _}")
datatype "thy" = ISA_thy string ("@{thy _}")
consts ISA_docitem :: "string \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("@{docitem _}")
datatype "docitem_attr" = ISA_docitem_attr string string ("@{docitemattr (_) :: (_)}")
consts ISA_trace_attribute :: "string \<Rightarrow> (string * string) list" ("@{trace-attribute _}")
datatype "typ" = Isabelle_DOF_typ string ("@{typ _}")
datatype "term" = Isabelle_DOF_term string ("@{term _}")
consts Isabelle_DOF_term_repr :: "string \<Rightarrow> term" ("@{termrepr _}")
datatype "thm" = Isabelle_DOF_thm string ("@{thm _}")
datatype "file" = Isabelle_DOF_file string ("@{file _}")
datatype "thy" = Isabelle_DOF_thy string ("@{thy _}")
consts Isabelle_DOF_docitem :: "string \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("@{docitem _}")
datatype "docitem_attr" = Isabelle_DOF_docitem_attr string string ("@{docitemattr (_) :: (_)}")
consts Isabelle_DOF_trace_attribute :: "string \<Rightarrow> (string * string) list" ("@{trace-attribute _}")
\<comment> \<open>Dynamic setup of inner syntax cartouche\<close>
@ -1135,15 +1134,8 @@ fun declare_ISA_class_accessor_and_check_instance doc_class_name =
val mixfix_string = "@{" ^ conv_class_name ^ " _}"
Sign.add_consts_cmd [(bind, typestring, Mixfix.mixfix(mixfix_string))]
#> (fn thy => let
val long_name = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy (Binding.name_of doc_class_name)
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier long_name
val class_name = Long_Name.qualify qual
(DOF_core.get_doc_class_name_without_ISA_prefix (Binding.name_of bind))
(class_name, {check=check_instance, elaborate=elaborate_instance}) thy
#> DOF_core.add_isa_transformer bind (DOF_core.make_isa_transformer
(check_instance, elaborate_instance))
fun elaborate_instances_list thy isa_name _ _ pos =
@ -1179,14 +1171,8 @@ fun declare_class_instances_annotation thy doc_class_name =
val mixfix_string = "@{" ^ conv_class_name' ^ "}"
Sign.add_consts [(bind', class_list_typ, Mixfix.mixfix(mixfix_string))]
#> (fn thy => let
val long_name = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy (Binding.name_of doc_class_name)
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier long_name
val transformer_name = Long_Name.qualify qual
(DOF_core.get_doc_class_name_without_ISA_prefix (Binding.name_of bind'))
DOF_core.update_isa_global (transformer_name,
{check=check_identity, elaborate= elaborate_instances_list}) thy end)
#> DOF_core.add_isa_transformer bind' (DOF_core.make_isa_transformer
(check_identity, elaborate_instances_list))
fun symbex_attr_access0 ctxt proj_term term =
@ -1245,8 +1231,8 @@ case term_option of
(* utilities *)
fun property_list_dest ctxt X =
map (fn \<^Const_>\<open>ISA_term for s\<close> => HOLogic.dest_string s
|\<^Const_>\<open>ISA_term_repr for s\<close> => holstring_to_bstring ctxt (HOLogic.dest_string s))
map (fn \<^Const_>\<open>Isabelle_DOF_term for s\<close> => HOLogic.dest_string s
|\<^Const_>\<open>Isabelle_DOF_term_repr for s\<close> => holstring_to_bstring ctxt (HOLogic.dest_string s))
(HOLogic.dest_list X)
end; (* struct *)
@ -1255,21 +1241,41 @@ end; (* struct *)
subsection\<open> Isar - Setup\<close>
(* Isa_transformers declaration for Isabelle_DOF term anti-quotations (typ, term, thm, etc.).
They must be declared in the same theory file as the one of the declaration
of Isabelle_DOF term anti-quotations !!! *)
[(\<^type_name>\<open>typ\<close>, ISA_core.ML_isa_check_typ, ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic)
, (\<^type_name>\<open>term\<close>, ISA_core.ML_isa_check_term, ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic)
, (\<^type_name>\<open>thm\<close>, ISA_core.ML_isa_check_thm, ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic)
, (\<^type_name>\<open>file\<close>, ISA_core.ML_isa_check_file, ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic)]
|> fold (fn (n, check, elaborate) => fn thy =>
let val ns = Sign.tsig_of thy |> Type.type_space
val name = n
val {pos, ...} = Name_Space.the_entry ns name
val bname = Long_Name.base_name name
val binding = Binding.make (bname, pos)
val binding' = (Binding.prefix_name DOF_core.ISA_prefix binding)
|> Binding.prefix false bname
in DOF_core.add_isa_transformer binding' ((check, elaborate) |> DOF_core.make_isa_transformer) thy
ISA_core.check_identity, ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic)
ISA_core.ML_isa_check_docitem, ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic)
ISA_core.ML_isa_check_trace_attribute, ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_trace_attribute)]
|> fold (fn (n, check, elaborate) => fn thy =>
let val ns = Sign.consts_of thy |> Consts.space_of
val name = n
val {pos, ...} = Name_Space.the_entry ns name
val bname = Long_Name.base_name name
val binding = Binding.make (bname, pos)
in DOF_core.add_isa_transformer binding ((check, elaborate) |> DOF_core.make_isa_transformer) thy
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_typ, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_term, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.check_identity, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_thm, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_file, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_docitem, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_trace_attribute, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_trace_attribute}) \<close>
section\<open> Syntax for Annotated Documentation Commands (the '' View'' Part I) \<close>

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@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ print_doc_items
(* this corresponds to low-level accesses : *)
val docitem_tab = DOF_core.get_instances \<^context>
val {docclass_tab, ISA_transformer_tab, ...}
= DOF_core.get_data @{context};
val isa_transformer_tab = DOF_core.get_isa_transformers \<^context>
val {docclass_tab, ...} = DOF_core.get_data @{context};
Name_Space.dest_table docitem_tab;
Symtab.dest docclass_tab;

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@ -43,8 +43,9 @@ ODL on a paradigmatical example.
text\<open>Voila the content of the Isabelle_DOF environment so far:\<close>
val x = DOF_core.get_instances \<^context>
val {docclass_tab, ISA_transformer_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data @{context};
Symtab.dest ISA_transformer_tab;
val isa_transformer_tab = DOF_core.get_isa_transformers \<^context>
val {docclass_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data @{context};
Name_Space.dest_table isa_transformer_tab;
text\<open>Some sample lemma:\<close>