Merge pull request 'Fix the record generation in class implementation' (#5) from nicolas.meric/Isabelle_DOF:fix-record-generation into master

Reviewed-on: #5
This commit is contained in:
Achim D. Brucker 2021-12-07 18:51:33 +00:00
commit 84588fccb3
2 changed files with 116 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -59,7 +59,12 @@ section\<open>Primitive Markup Generators\<close>
val docrefN = "docref";
val docclassN = "doc_class";
val docclassN = "doc_class";
(** name components **)
val makeN = "make";
(* derived from: theory_markup *)
fun docref_markup_gen refN def name id pos =
@ -121,6 +126,7 @@ fun map_optional _ s NONE = s
fun map_fst f (x,y) = (f x,y)
fun map_snd f (x,y) = (x,f y)
fun map_eq_fst_triple f (x,_,_) (y,_,_) = equal (f x) (f y)
@ -131,9 +137,10 @@ ML\<open>
structure DOF_core =
type virtual = {virtual : bool}
type docclass_struct = {params : (string * sort) list, (*currently not used *)
name : binding,
name : binding,
virtual : virtual,
thy_name : string, id : serial, (* for pide *)
inherits_from : (typ list * string) option, (* imports *)
attribute_decl : (binding*typ*term option)list, (* class local *)
@ -177,7 +184,8 @@ struct
value : term,
inline : bool,
id : serial,
cid : string}
cid : string,
vcid : string option}
type docobj_tab ={tab : (docobj option) Symtab.table,
maxano : int
@ -302,7 +310,7 @@ fun typ_to_cid (Type(s,[@{typ "unit"}])) = Long_Name.qualifier s
fun parse_cid ctxt cid =
(* parses a type lexically/syntactically, checks abscence of type vars *)
(* parses a type lexically/syntactically, checks absence of type vars *)
(case Syntax.parse_typ ctxt cid of
Type(tyname, []) => tyname
| _ => error "illegal type-format for doc-class-name.")
@ -313,7 +321,7 @@ fun read_cid ctxt "text" = default_cid (* text = default_cid *)
| read_cid ctxt cid =
(* parses a type syntactically, type-identification, checking as class id *)
(case Syntax.read_typ ctxt cid of
ty as Type(tyname, _) => let val res = typ_to_cid ty
ty as Type(tyname, _) => let val res = typ_to_cid ty
val t = #docclass_tab(get_data ctxt)
in if Symtab.defined t res
then res
@ -372,6 +380,13 @@ fun is_defined_oid_local oid thy = let val {tab,...} = #docobj_tab(get_data th
|SOME _ => true
fun is_virtual cid thy = let val tab = (#docclass_tab(get_data_global thy))
(* takes class synonyms into account *)
val long_name = read_cid_global thy cid
in case Symtab.lookup tab long_name of
NONE => error("Undefined class id: " ^ cid)
| SOME ({virtual=virtual, ...}) => #virtual virtual
fun declare_object_global oid thy =
let fun decl {tab=t,maxano=x} = {tab=Symtab.update_new(oid,NONE)t, maxano=x}
@ -426,8 +441,8 @@ fun check_reject_atom cid_long term =
in term end
fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields rexp reject_Atoms invs thy =
(* This operation is executed in a context where the record has amready been defined, but
fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields rexp reject_Atoms invs virtual thy =
(* This operation is executed in a context where the record has already been defined, but
its conversion into a class is not yet done. *)
let val nn = Context.theory_name thy (* in case that we need the thy-name to identify
the space where it is ... *)
@ -437,9 +452,7 @@ fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields rexp reject_Atoms i
val _ = if is_defined_cid_global cid thy
then error("redefinition of document class:"^cid )
else ()
val parent' = map_option (map_snd (read_cid_global thy)) parent
(* weird construction. Necessary since parse produces at rare cases
string representations that do no longer have the lexis of a type name. *)
val cid_long = parse_cid_global thy cid
@ -461,7 +474,8 @@ fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields rexp reject_Atoms i
else ()
val invs' = map (map_snd(Syntax.read_term_global thy)) invs
val info = {params=params',
name = binding,
name = binding,
virtual = virtual,
thy_name = nn,
id = id, (* for pide --- really fresh or better reconstruct
from prior record definition ? For the moment: own
@ -551,11 +565,13 @@ fun get_attributes_local cid ctxt =
fun get_attributes cid thy = get_attributes_local cid (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
fun get_all_attributes_local cid ctxt =
(tag_attr, get_attributes_local cid ctxt)
fun get_all_attributes cid thy = get_all_attributes_local cid (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
type attributes_info = { def_occurrence : string,
def_pos : Position.T,
long_name : string,
@ -595,10 +611,10 @@ fun get_value_local oid ctxt = case get_object_local oid ctxt of
(* missing : setting terms to ground (no type-schema vars, no schema vars. )*)
fun update_value_global oid upd thy =
case get_object_global oid thy of
SOME{pos,thy_name,value,inline,id,cid} =>
SOME{pos,thy_name,value,inline,id,cid,vcid} =>
let val tab' = Symtab.update(oid,SOME{pos=pos,thy_name=thy_name,
value=upd value,id=id,
inline=inline,cid=cid, vcid=vcid})
in map_data_global (upd_docobj_tab(fn{tab,maxano}=>{tab=tab' tab,maxano=maxano})) thy end
| NONE => error("undefined doc object: "^oid)
@ -677,12 +693,14 @@ fun print_doc_items b ctxt =
val _ = writeln "=====================================";
fun dfg true = "true"
|dfg false= "false"
fun print_item (n, SOME({cid,id,pos,thy_name,inline,value})) =
(writeln ("docitem: "^n);
writeln (" type: "^cid);
writeln (" origine: "^thy_name);
writeln (" inline: "^dfg inline);
writeln (" value: "^(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt value))
fun print_item (n, SOME({cid,vcid,id,pos,thy_name,inline,value})) =
(writeln ("docitem: "^n);
writeln (" type: "^cid);
case vcid of NONE => () | SOME (s) =>
writeln (" virtual type: "^ s);
writeln (" origine: "^thy_name);
writeln (" inline: "^dfg inline);
writeln (" value: "^(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt value))
| print_item (n, NONE) =
(writeln ("forward reference for docitem: "^n));
@ -709,14 +727,16 @@ fun print_doc_classes b ctxt =
fun print_attr (n, ty, NONE) = (Binding.print n)
| print_attr (n, ty, SOME t)= (Binding.print n^"("^Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t^")")
fun print_inv ((lab,pos),trm) = (lab ^"::"^Syntax.string_of_term ctxt trm)
fun print_class (n, {attribute_decl, id, inherits_from, name, params, thy_name, rejectS, rex,invs}) =
fun print_virtual {virtual} = Bool.toString virtual
fun print_class (n, {attribute_decl, id, inherits_from, name, virtual, params, thy_name, rejectS, rex,invs}) =
(case inherits_from of
NONE => writeln ("docclass: "^n)
| SOME(_,nn) => writeln ("docclass: "^n^" = "^nn^" + ");
writeln (" name: "^(Binding.print name));
writeln (" origin: "^thy_name);
writeln (" attrs: "^commas (map print_attr attribute_decl));
writeln (" invs: "^commas (map print_inv invs))
writeln (" name: "^(Binding.print name));
writeln (" virtual: "^(print_virtual virtual));
writeln (" origin: "^thy_name);
writeln (" attrs: "^commas (map print_attr attribute_decl));
writeln (" invs: "^commas (map print_inv invs))
in map print_class (Symtab.dest docclass_tab);
writeln "=====================================\n\n\n"
@ -1022,7 +1042,6 @@ fun declare_ISA_class_accessor_and_check_instance doc_class_name =
Sign.add_consts_cmd [(bind, typestring, Mixfix.mixfix(mixfix_string))]
#> (fn thy => let
val long_name = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy (Binding.name_of doc_class_name)
(*val bname = Long_Name.base_name long_name*)
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier long_name
val class_name = Long_Name.qualify qual
(DOF_core.get_doc_class_name_without_ISA_prefix (Binding.name_of bind))
@ -1157,7 +1176,7 @@ val attributes_upd =
fun cid_2_cidType cid_long thy =
if cid_long = DOF_core.default_cid then @{typ "unit"}
else let val t = #docclass_tab(DOF_core.get_data_global thy)
fun ty_name cid = cid^"."^ Long_Name.base_name cid^"_ext"
fun ty_name cid = cid^"."^ Long_Name.base_name cid ^ Record.extN
fun fathers cid_long = case Symtab.lookup t cid_long of
NONE => let val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
val tty = Syntax.parse_typ (Proof_Context.init_global thy) cid_long
@ -1171,15 +1190,30 @@ fun cid_2_cidType cid_long thy =
fun create_default_object thy class_name =
val purified_class_name = String.translate (fn #"." => "_" | x => String.implode [x]) class_name
val make_const = Syntax.read_term_global thy (class_name ^ ".make");
fun attr_to_free (binding, typ, _) = Free (purified_class_name ^ "_"
^ (Binding.name_of binding)
^ "_Attribute_Not_Initialized", typ)
fun all_attr_free_list (tag_attr, class_list) =
(attr_to_free tag_attr)::(map (attr_to_free) (flat (map snd class_list)))
in list_comb (make_const, all_attr_free_list (DOF_core.get_all_attributes class_name thy)) end;
val purified_class_name = String.translate (fn #"." => "_" | x => String.implode [x]) class_name
val make_const = Syntax.read_term_global thy (Long_Name.qualify class_name makeN);
fun attr_to_free (binding, typ, _) = Free (purified_class_name ^ "_"
^ (Binding.name_of binding)
^ "_Attribute_Not_Initialized", typ)
val class_list' = DOF_core.get_attributes class_name thy
fun attrs_filter [] = []
| attrs_filter (x::xs) =
let val (cid, ys) = x
fun is_duplicated _ [] = false
| is_duplicated y (x::xs) =
let val (_, ys) = x
in if exists (map_eq_fst_triple Binding.name_of y) ys
then true
else is_duplicated y xs end
in (cid, filter_out (fn y => is_duplicated y xs) ys)::attrs_filter xs end
val class_list'' = rev (attrs_filter (rev class_list'))
fun add_tag_to_attrs_free tag_attr thy (cid, filtered_attr_list) =
if DOF_core.is_virtual cid thy
then (attr_to_free tag_attr)::(map (attr_to_free) filtered_attr_list)
else (map (attr_to_free) filtered_attr_list)
val class_list''' = flat (map (add_tag_to_attrs_free DOF_core.tag_attr thy) class_list'')
in list_comb (make_const, (attr_to_free DOF_core.tag_attr)::class_list''') end
fun base_default_term cid_long thy = create_default_object thy cid_long;
@ -1215,7 +1249,7 @@ fun calc_update_term thy cid_long (S:(string * Position.T * string * term)list)
^((Long_Name.base_name lhs))
^"< in class: "^cid_long)
| SOME{long_name, typ, ...} => (long_name, typ,
long_name ^"_update",
long_name ^ Record.updateN,
(typ --> typ)
--> cid_ty --> cid_ty)
val tyenv = Sign.typ_match thy ((generalize_typ 0)(type_of rhs), lnt) (Vartab.empty)
@ -1310,6 +1344,10 @@ fun create_and_check_docitem is_monitor {is_inline=is_inline} oid pos cid_pos do
(* creates a markup label for this position and reports it to the PIDE framework;
this label is used as jump-target for point-and-click feature. *)
val cid_long = check_classref is_monitor cid_pos thy
val vcid = case cid_pos of NONE => NONE
| SOME (cid,_) => if (DOF_core.is_virtual cid thy)
then SOME (DOF_core.parse_cid_global thy cid)
else NONE
val value_term = if (cid_long = DOF_core.default_cid)
then (Free ("Undefined_Value", @{typ "unit"}))
@ -1334,7 +1372,8 @@ fun create_and_check_docitem is_monitor {is_inline=is_inline} oid pos cid_pos do
value = value_term,
inline = is_inline,
id = id,
cid = cid_long})
cid = cid_long,
vcid = vcid})
|> register_oid_cid_in_open_monitors oid pos cid_long
|> (fn thy => (check_inv thy; thy))
@ -2020,7 +2059,7 @@ fun mk_meta_eq (t, u) = meta_eq_const (fastype_of t) $ t $ u;
fun define_cond binding f_sty cond_suffix read_cond (ctxt:local_theory) =
let val bdg = Binding.suffix_name cond_suffix binding
val eq = mk_meta_eq(Free(Binding.name_of bdg, f_sty),read_cond ctxt)
val args = (SOME(bdg,NONE,NoSyn), (Binding.empty_atts,eq),[],[])
val args = (SOME(bdg,NONE,NoSyn), (Binding.empty_atts,eq),[],[])
in def_cmd args true ctxt end
fun define_inv cid_long ((lbl, pos), inv) thy =
@ -2029,7 +2068,7 @@ fun define_inv cid_long ((lbl, pos), inv) thy =
val inv_ty = (Syntax.read_typ_global thy cid_long) --> HOLogic.boolT
in thy |> Named_Target.theory_map (define_cond bdg inv_ty "_inv" inv_term) end
fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding)
fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding)
raw_parent raw_fieldsNdefaults reject_Atoms regexps invariants thy =
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
@ -2038,8 +2077,9 @@ fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding)
fun cid thy = DOF_core.parse_cid_global thy (Binding.name_of binding)
val (parent, ctxt2) = read_parent raw_parent ctxt1;
val parent_cid_long = map_optional snd DOF_core.default_cid parent;
(* takes class synonyms into account *)
(* takes class synonyms into account *)
val parent' = map_option (map_snd (K (DOF_core.read_cid_global thy parent_cid_long))) parent
val parent'_cid_long = map_optional snd DOF_core.default_cid parent';
val raw_fieldsNdefaults' = filter (fn((bi,_,_),_) => Binding.name_of bi <> "trace")
val _ = if length raw_fieldsNdefaults' <> length raw_fieldsNdefaults
@ -2049,39 +2089,49 @@ fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding)
then raw_fieldsNdefaults'
else trace_attr::raw_fieldsNdefaults'
val (fields, terms, ctxt3) = read_fields raw_fieldsNdefaults'' ctxt2;
val fieldsNterms = (map (fn (a,b,_) => (a,b)) fields) ~~ terms
val fieldsNterms' = map (fn ((x,y),z) => (x,y,z)) fieldsNterms
val params' = map (Proof_Context.check_tfree ctxt3) params;
fun check_n_filter thy (bind,ty,mf) =
case DOF_core.get_attribute_info parent_cid_long (Binding.name_of bind) thy of
NONE => (* no prior declaration *) SOME(bind,ty,mf)
| SOME{def_occurrence,long_name,typ,...} => if ty = typ
then (warning("overriding attribute:"^long_name^
" in doc class:" ^ def_occurrence);
else error("no overloading allowed.")
val _ = map_filter (check_n_filter thy) fields
in thy |> (fn thy => case parent' of
NONE => Record.add_record
overloaded (params', binding) parent' (DOF_core.tag_attr::fields) thy
| SOME _ => Record.add_record
overloaded (params', binding) parent' (fields) thy)
|> (Sign.add_consts_cmd [(binding, "doc_class Regular_Exp.rexp", Mixfix.NoSyn)])
|> DOF_core.define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fieldsNterms' regexps
reject_Atoms invariants
case DOF_core.get_attribute_info parent'_cid_long (Binding.name_of bind) thy of
NONE => SOME(bind,ty,mf)
| SOME{def_occurrence,long_name,typ,...}
=> if ty = typ
then (warning("overriding attribute:"
^ long_name
^ " in doc class:"
^ def_occurrence);
else error("no overloading allowed.")
val record_fields = map_filter (check_n_filter thy) fields
(* adding const symbol representing doc-class for Monitor-RegExps.*)
in thy |> (Sign.add_consts_cmd [(binding, "doc_class Regular_Exp.rexp", Mixfix.NoSyn)])
|> (fn thy =>
case parent' of
NONE => (Record.add_record
overloaded (params', binding) parent' (DOF_core.tag_attr::record_fields)
#> DOF_core.define_doc_class_global
(params', binding) parent fieldsNterms' regexps
reject_Atoms invariants {virtual=false}) thy
| SOME _ =>
if (not o null) record_fields
then (Record.add_record overloaded (params', binding) parent' (record_fields)
#> DOF_core.define_doc_class_global
(params', binding) parent fieldsNterms' regexps
reject_Atoms invariants {virtual=false}) thy
else (Record.add_record
overloaded (params', binding) parent' ([DOF_core.tag_attr])
#> DOF_core.define_doc_class_global
(params', binding) parent fieldsNterms' regexps
reject_Atoms invariants {virtual=true}) thy)
|> (fn thy => OntoLinkParser.docitem_antiquotation binding (cid thy) thy)
(* defines the ontology-checked text antiquotation to this document class *)
|> (fn thy => fold(define_inv (cid thy)) (invariants) thy)
The function declare_ISA_class_accessor_and_check_instance uses a prefix
because the class name is already bound to "doc_class Regular_Exp.rexp" constant
by add_doc_class_cmd function
|> ISA_core.declare_ISA_class_accessor_and_check_instance binding
(* The function declare_ISA_class_accessor_and_check_instance uses a prefix
because the class name is already bound to "doc_class Regular_Exp.rexp" constant
by add_doc_class_cmd function *)
|> ISA_core.declare_ISA_class_accessor_and_check_instance binding

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@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ doc_class math_content = tc +
status :: status <= "semiformal"
mcc :: "math_content_class" <= "thm"
invariant s1 :: "\<lambda> \<sigma>::math_content. \<not>referentiable \<sigma> \<longrightarrow> short_name \<sigma> = ''''"
invariant s2 :: "\<lambda> \<sigma>::math_content. status \<sigma> = semiformal"
invariant s2 :: "\<lambda> \<sigma>::math_content. technical.status \<sigma> = semiformal"
type_synonym math_tc = math_content
text\<open>The class \<^typ>\<open>math_content\<close> is perhaps more adequaltely described as "math-alike content".