recvision till line 2000 (Term Parsing)

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Burkhart Wolff 2020-10-20 18:26:20 +02:00
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commit 9b2c08183e
1 changed files with 178 additions and 162 deletions

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@ -1570,7 +1570,8 @@ text\<open>The @\<open>ML report_defining_occurrence\<close>-function above take
subsection\<open>A Slightly more Complex Example\<close>
text\<open>Note that this example is only animated in the integrated source of this document;
it is essential that is executed inside Isabelle/jedit. \<close>
ML \<open>
fun markup_tvar def_name ps (name, id) =
@ -1650,25 +1651,26 @@ text\<open>The pudding comes with the eating: \<close>
subsection\<open>Environment Structured Reporting\<close>
text\<open> The structure @{ML_structure \<open>Name_Space\<close>} offers an own infra-structure for names and
text\<open> The structure \<^ML_structure>\<open>Name_Space\<close> offers an own infra-structure for names and
manages the markup accordingly. MORE TO COME\<close>
text\<open> @{ML_type "'a Name_Space.table"} \<close>
text\<open> \<^ML_type>\<open>'a Name_Space.table\<close> \<close>
section\<open> The System Lexer and Token Issues\<close>
section\<open>The System Lexer and Token Issues\<close>
text\<open>Four syntactic contexts are predefined in Isabelle (others can be added):
the ML context, the text context, the Isar-command context and the teerm-context, referring
the ML context, the text context, the Isar-command context and the term-context, referring
to different needs of the Isabelle Framework as an extensible framework supporting incremental,
partially programmable extensions and as a Framework geared towards Formal Proofs and therefore
mathematical notations. The basic data-structure for the lexical treatment of these elemens
are @{ML_structure "Token"}'s. \<close>
mathematical notations. The basic data-structure for the lexical treatment of these elements
are \<^ML_structure>\<open>Token\<close>'s. \<close>
text\<open>The basic entity that lexers treat are \<^emph>\<open>tokens\<close>. defined in @{ML_structure "Token"}
text\<open>The basic entity that lexers treat are \<^emph>\<open>tokens\<close>. defined in \<^ML_structure>\<open>Token\<close>
It provides a classification infrastructure, the references to positions and Markup
as well as way's to annotate tokens with (some) values they denote:\<close>
open Token
@ -1727,48 +1729,49 @@ text\<open>Parsing Combinators go back to monadic programming as advocated by Wa
worked out @{cite "DBLP:journals/jfp/Hutton92"}. Parsing combinators are one of the two
major parsing technologies of the Isabelle front-end, in particular for the outer-syntax used
for the parsing of toplevel-commands. The core of the combinator library is
@{ML_structure \<open>Scan\<close>} providing the @{ML_type "'a parser"} which is a synonym for
@{ML_type " Token.T list -> 'a * Token.T list"}.
\<^ML_structure>\<open>Scan\<close> providing the \<^ML_type>\<open>'a parser\<close> which is a synonym for
\<^ML_type>\<open>Token.T list -> 'a * Token.T list\<close>.
"parsers" are actually interpreters; an 'a parser is a function that parses
an input stream and computes(=evaluates, computes) it into 'a.
Since the semantics of an Isabelle command is a transition => transition
or theory $\Rightarrow$ theory function, i.e. a global system transition.
parsers of that type can be constructed and be bound as call-back functions
"parsers" are actually interpreters; an \<^ML_type>\<open>'a parser\<close> is a function that parses
an input stream and computes (=evaluates) it into \<open>'a\<close>.
\<^item> \<^theory_text>\<open>type 'a parser = Token.T list -> 'a * Token.T list\<close>
\<^item> \<^theory_text>\<open> type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * Token.T list ->
'a * (Context.generic * Token.T list)\<close>
Since the semantics of an Isabelle command is a \<^ML_type>\<open>Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition \<close>
or theory \<^ML_type>\<open>theory -> theory\<close> function, i.e. a global system transition.
"parsers" of that type can be constructed and be bound as call-back functions
to a table in the Toplevel-structure of Isar.
The library also provides a bunch of infix parsing combinators, notably:\<close>
The library also provides a bunch of infix parsing combinators, notably:
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>op !! : ('a * message option -> message) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b\<close>
(*apply function*)
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>op >> : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('b -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'd * 'c\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> op || : ('a -> 'b) * ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b\<close>
(*sequential pairing*)
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>op -- : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> ('b * 'd) * 'e\<close>
(*dependent pairing*)
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> op :-- : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('b -> 'c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> ('b * 'd) * 'e\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>op :|-- : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('b -> 'c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> 'd * 'e\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>op |-- : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> 'd * 'e\<close>
concatenate and forget first parse result
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>op --| : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> 'b * 'e\<close>
concatenation and forget second parse result
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>op ^^ : ('a -> string * 'b) * ('b -> string * 'c) -> 'a -> string * 'c\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>op ::: : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('c -> 'b list * 'd) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'd\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>op @@@ : ('a -> 'b list * 'c) * ('c -> 'b list * 'd) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'd\<close>
parse one element literal
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>op $$ : string -> string list -> string * string list\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>op ~$$ : string -> string list -> string * string list\<close>
subsection\<open>Examples and Useful Glue\<close>
val _ = op !! : ('a * message option -> message) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
(*apply function*)
val _ = op >> : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('b -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'd * 'c
val _ = op || : ('a -> 'b) * ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
(*sequential pairing*)
val _ = op -- : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> ('b * 'd) * 'e
(*dependent pairing*)
val _ = op :-- : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('b -> 'c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> ('b * 'd) * 'e
val _ = op :|-- : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('b -> 'c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> 'd * 'e
val _ = op |-- : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> 'd * 'e
val _ = op --| : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> 'b * 'e
val _ = op ^^ : ('a -> string * 'b) * ('b -> string * 'c) -> 'a -> string * 'c
val _ = op ::: : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('c -> 'b list * 'd) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'd
val _ = op @@@ : ('a -> 'b list * 'c) * ('c -> 'b list * 'd) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'd
(*one element literal*)
val _ = op $$ : string -> string list -> string * string list
val _ = op ~$$ : string -> string list -> string * string list
text\<open>Usually, combinators were used in one of these following instances:\<close>
type 'a parser = Token.T list -> 'a * Token.T list
type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * Token.T list -> 'a * (Context.generic * Token.T list)
(* conversion between these two : *)
@ -1784,121 +1787,123 @@ subsection\<open>Advanced Parser Library\<close>
text\<open>There are two parts. A general multi-purpose parsing combinator library is
found under @{ML_structure "Parse"}, providing basic functionality for parsing strings
or integers. There is also an important combinator that reads the current position information
out of the input stream:\<close>
Parse.nat: int parser; int parser;
Parse.enum_positions: string -> 'a parser -> ('a list * Position.T list) parser;
Parse.enum: string -> 'a parser -> 'a list parser;
Parse.input: 'a parser -> Input.source parser;
out of the input stream:
Parse.enum : string -> 'a parser -> 'a list parser;
Parse.!!! : (Token.T list -> 'a) -> Token.T list -> 'a;
Parse.position: 'a parser -> ('a * Position.T) parser;
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Parse.nat: int parser\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> int parser\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Parse.enum_positions: string -> 'a parser -> ('a list * Position.T list) parser\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Parse.enum: string -> 'a parser -> 'a list parser\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Parse.input: 'a parser -> Input.source parser\<close>
(* Examples *)
Parse.position Args.cartouche_input;
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Parse.enum : string -> 'a parser -> 'a list parser\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Parse.!!! : (Token.T list -> 'a) -> Token.T list -> 'a\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Parse.position: 'a parser -> ('a * Position.T) parser\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Parse.position Args.cartouche_input\<close>
text\<open>The second part is much more high-level, and can be found under @{ML_structure Args}.
text\<open>The second part is much more high-level, and can be found under \<^ML_structure>\<open>Args\<close>.
In parts, these combinators are again based on more low-level combinators, in parts they serve as
an an interface to the underlying Earley-parser for mathematical notation used in types and terms.
This is perhaps meant with the fairly cryptic comment:
"Quasi-inner syntax based on outer tokens: concrete argument syntax of
attributes, methods etc." at the beginning of this structure.\<close>
text\<open> Some more combinators
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.symbolic : Token.T parser\<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.$$$ : string -> string parser\<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.maybe : 'a parser -> 'a option parser\<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.name_token: Token.T parser\<close>
open Args
(* some more combinators *)
val _ = symbolic: Token.T parser
val _ = $$$ : string -> string parser
val _ = maybe: 'a parser -> 'a option parser
val _ = name_token: Token.T parser
Common Isar Syntax
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.colon: string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.query: string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.bang: string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.query_colon: string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.bang_colon: string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.parens: 'a parser -> 'a parser\<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.bracks: 'a parser -> 'a parser\<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.mode: string -> bool parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open> string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.name_position: (string * Position.T) parser\<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.cartouche_inner_syntax: string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.cartouche_input: Input.source parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.text_token: Token.T parser \<close>
(* common isar syntax *)
val _ = colon: string parser
val _ = query: string parser
val _ = bang: string parser
val _ = query_colon: string parser
val _ = bang_colon: string parser
val _ = parens: 'a parser -> 'a parser
val _ = bracks: 'a parser -> 'a parser
val _ = mode: string -> bool parser
val _ = name: string parser
val _ = name_position: (string * Position.T) parser
val _ = cartouche_inner_syntax: string parser
val _ = cartouche_input: Input.source parser
val _ = text_token: Token.T parser
Common Isar Syntax
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.embedded_token: Token.T parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.embedded_inner_syntax: string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.embedded_input: Input.source parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.embedded: string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.embedded_position: (string * Position.T) parser\<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.text_input: Input.source parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.text: string parser\<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.binding: Binding.binding parser\<close>
(* advanced string stuff *)
val _ = embedded_token: Token.T parser
val _ = embedded_inner_syntax: string parser
val _ = embedded_input: Input.source parser
val _ = embedded: string parser
val _ = embedded_position: (string * Position.T) parser
val _ = text_input: Input.source parser
val _ = text: string parser
val _ = binding: Binding.binding parser
(* stuff related to INNER SYNTAX PARSING *)
val _ = alt_name: string parser
val _ = liberal_name: string parser
val _ = var: indexname parser
val _ = internal_source: Token.src parser
val _ = internal_name: Token.name_value parser
val _ = internal_typ: typ parser
val _ = internal_term: term parser
val _ = internal_fact: thm list parser
val _ = internal_attribute: (morphism -> attribute) parser
val _ = internal_declaration: declaration parser
Common Stuff related to Inner Syntax Parsing
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.alt_name: string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.liberal_name: string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.var: indexname parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.internal_source: Token.src parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.internal_name: Token.name_value parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.internal_typ: typ parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.internal_term: term parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.internal_fact: thm list parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.internal_attribute: (morphism -> attribute) parser\<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.internal_declaration: declaration parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.alt_name: string parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.liberal_name: string parser \<close>
val _ = named_source: (Token.T -> Token.src) -> Token.src parser
val _ = named_typ: (string -> typ) -> typ parser
val _ = named_term: (string -> term) -> term parser
val _ = text_declaration: (Input.source -> declaration) -> declaration parser
val _ = cartouche_declaration: (Input.source -> declaration) -> declaration parser
val _ = typ_abbrev: typ context_parser
Common Isar Syntax
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.named_source: (Token.T -> Token.src) -> Token.src parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.named_typ: (string -> typ) -> typ parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.named_term: (string -> term) -> term parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.text_declaration: (Input.source -> declaration) -> declaration parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.cartouche_declaration: (Input.source -> declaration) -> declaration parser\<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.typ_abbrev: typ context_parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.typ: typ context_parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.term: term context_parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.term_pattern: term context_parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.term_abbrev: term context_parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.named_source: (Token.T -> Token.src) -> Token.src parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.named_typ: (string -> typ) -> typ parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.named_term: (string -> term) -> term parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.text_declaration: (Input.source -> declaration) -> declaration parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.cartouche_declaration: (Input.source -> declaration) -> declaration parser\<close>
val _ = typ: typ context_parser
val _ = term: term context_parser
val _ = term_pattern: term context_parser
val _ = term_abbrev: term context_parser
(* syntax for some major Pure commands in Isar *)
val _ = prop: term context_parser
val _ = type_name: {proper: bool, strict: bool} -> string context_parser
val _ = const: {proper: bool, strict: bool} -> string context_parser
val _ = goal_spec: ((int -> tactic) -> tactic) context_parser
val _ = context: Proof.context context_parser
val _ = theory: theory context_parser
in val _ = () end
Syntax for some major Pure commands in Isar
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.prop: term context_parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.type_name: {proper: bool, strict: bool} -> string context_parser\<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.const: {proper: bool, strict: bool} -> string context_parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.goal_spec: ((int -> tactic) -> tactic) context_parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.context: Proof.context context_parser \<close>
\<^item>\<^ML>\<open>Args.theory: theory context_parser \<close>
subsection\<open> Bindings \<close>
text\<open> The structure @{ML_structure \<open>Binding\<close>} serves as
text\<open> The structure \<^ML_structure>\<open>Binding\<close> serves as
\<open>structured name bindings\<close>, as says the description, i.e. a mechanism to basically
associate an input string-fragment to its position. This concept is vital in all parsing processes
and the interaction with PIDE.
Key are two things:
\<^enum> the type-synonym @{ML_type \<open>bstring\<close>} which is synonym to @{ML_type \<open>string\<close>}
\<^enum> the type-synonym \<^ML_type>\<open>bstring\<close> which is synonym to \<^ML_type>\<open>string\<close>
and intended for "primitive names to be bound"
\<^enum> the projection @{ML \<open>Binding.pos_of : Binding.binding -> Position.T\<close>}
\<^enum> the constructor establishing a binding @{ML \<open>Binding.make: bstring * Position.T -> Binding.binding\<close>}
\<^enum> the projection \<^ML>\<open>Binding.pos_of : Binding.binding -> Position.T\<close>
\<^enum> the constructor establishing a binding \<^ML>\<open>Binding.make: bstring * Position.T -> Binding.binding\<close>
subsubsection\<open> Example \<close>
text\<open>Since this is so common in interface programming, there are a number of antiquotations\<close>
val H = @{binding here}; (* There are "bindings" consisting of a text-span and a position,
@ -1913,11 +1918,16 @@ Binding.pos_of H; (* clicking on "H" activates the hyperlink to the defining oc
subsection \<open>Input streams. \<close>
text\<open>Reads as : Generic input with position information.\<close>
text\<open>Reads as : Generic input with position and range information, to be processed in a
left-to right manner. Preferable to strings if used for larger data.
Input.source_explode : Input.source -> Symbol_Pos.T list;
Input.source_explode (Input.string " f @{thm refl}");
Constructor: \<^ML>\<open>Input.source_explode : Input.source -> Symbol_Pos.T list\<close>
subsubsection \<open>Example :Input streams. \<close>
ML\<open> Input.source_explode (Input.string " f @{thm refl}");
(* If stemming from the input window, this can be s th like:
@ -1948,46 +1958,52 @@ text\<open> Note that the naming underlies the following convention :
text\<open> Inner Syntax Parsing combinators for elementary Isabelle Lexems\<close>
Syntax.parse_sort : Proof.context -> string -> sort;
Syntax.parse_typ : Proof.context -> string -> typ;
Syntax.parse_term : Proof.context -> string -> term;
Syntax.parse_prop : Proof.context -> string -> term;
Syntax.check_term : Proof.context -> term -> term;
Syntax.check_props: Proof.context -> term list -> term list;
Syntax.uncheck_sort: Proof.context -> sort -> sort;
Syntax.uncheck_typs: Proof.context -> typ list -> typ list;
Syntax.uncheck_terms: Proof.context -> term list -> term list;\<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Syntax.parse_sort : Proof.context -> string -> sort \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Syntax.parse_typ : Proof.context -> string -> typ \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Syntax.parse_term : Proof.context -> string -> term \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Syntax.parse_prop : Proof.context -> string -> term \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Syntax.check_term : Proof.context -> term -> term \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Syntax.check_props: Proof.context -> term list -> term list \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Syntax.uncheck_sort: Proof.context -> sort -> sort \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Syntax.uncheck_typs: Proof.context -> typ list -> typ list \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open> Syntax.uncheck_terms: Proof.context -> term list -> term list \<close>
text\<open>In contrast to mere parsing, the following operators provide also type-checking
and internal reporting to PIDE --- see below. I did not find a mechanism to address
the internal serial-numbers used for the PIDE protocol, however, rumours have it
that such a thing exists. The variants \<^verbatim>\<open>_global\<close> work on theories instead on
@{ML_type "Proof.context"}s.\<close>
Syntax.read_sort: Proof.context -> string -> sort;
Syntax.read_typ : Proof.context -> string -> typ;
Syntax.read_term: Proof.context -> string -> term;
Syntax.read_typs: Proof.context -> string list -> typ list;
Syntax.read_sort_global: theory -> string -> sort;
Syntax.read_typ_global: theory -> string -> typ;
Syntax.read_term_global: theory -> string -> term;
Syntax.read_prop_global: theory -> string -> term;
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.read_sort: Proof.context -> string -> sort \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.read_typ : Proof.context -> string -> typ \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.read_term: Proof.context -> string -> term \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.read_typs: Proof.context -> string list -> typ list \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.read_sort_global: theory -> string -> sort \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.read_typ_global: theory -> string -> typ \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.read_term_global: theory -> string -> term \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.read_prop_global: theory -> string -> term \<close>
text \<open>The following operations are concerned with the conversion of pretty-prints
and, from there, the generation of (non-layouted) strings.\<close>
Syntax.pretty_term:Proof.context -> term -> Pretty.T;
Syntax.pretty_typ:Proof.context -> typ -> Pretty.T;
Syntax.pretty_sort:Proof.context -> sort -> Pretty.T;
Syntax.pretty_classrel: Proof.context -> class list -> Pretty.T;
Syntax.pretty_arity: Proof.context -> arity -> Pretty.T;
Syntax.string_of_term: Proof.context -> term -> string;
Syntax.string_of_typ: Proof.context -> typ -> string;
Syntax.lookup_const : Syntax.syntax -> string -> string option;
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.pretty_term:Proof.context -> term -> Pretty.T \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.pretty_typ:Proof.context -> typ -> Pretty.T \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.pretty_sort:Proof.context -> sort -> Pretty.T \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.pretty_classrel: Proof.context -> class list -> Pretty.T \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.pretty_arity: Proof.context -> arity -> Pretty.T \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.string_of_term: Proof.context -> term -> string \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.string_of_typ: Proof.context -> typ -> string \<close>
\<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Syntax.lookup_const : Syntax.syntax -> string -> string option \<close>
Note that @{ML "Syntax.install_operations"} is a late-binding interface, i.e. a collection of
"hooks" used to resolve an apparent architectural cycle.