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8 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Burkhart Wolff c39e06892c Final Disccsion with idir Nico
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline was successful Details
2022-07-29 11:36:13 +02:00
Nicolas Méric 2b51661181 Add MPIA description article
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline was successful Details
2022-07-29 11:05:12 +02:00
Burkhart Wolff f938894ef7 title
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline was successful Details
2022-07-29 09:01:12 +02:00
Burkhart Wolff 35c03cd667 fleshed out the abstract
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline was successful Details
2022-07-29 08:54:50 +02:00
Idir AIT SADOUNE 5aed97e171 Proposal of a first version of the article plan
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline was successful Details
2022-07-28 09:59:15 +01:00
Idir AIT SADOUNE 14263156b6 creating paper.thy file
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline was successful Details
2022-07-28 09:16:32 +01:00
Idir AIT SADOUNE 0e66068c7a creating CabineTemperature theory
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline was successful Details
2022-07-21 09:38:51 +01:00
Idir AIT SADOUNE d049690120 first commit
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline was successful Details
2022-07-21 09:10:46 +01:00
13 changed files with 6636 additions and 0 deletions

src/ontologies/ARINC661/.DS_Store vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
theory ARINC_661
imports "Isabelle_DOF.technical_report"
datatype A661_BOOL =
| A661_FALSE
datatype Alignment =
| A661_LEFT
| A661_RIGHT
datatype WidgetType =
(* Containers *)
| MutuallyExclusiveContainer
| TranslationContainer
| RotationContainer
| BlinkingContainer
| TabbedPanelGroup
| TabbedPanel
| ScrollPanel
(* Graphic widgets *)
| A661_LABEL
| LabelComplex
(* Interactive widgets *)
| PushButton
| ToggleButton
| EditBoxNumeric
| CheckButton
| ComboBox
(* Map widgets *)
| MapHorz
(* Utility widgets *)
| Connector
doc_class Widget =
name :: string
widget_type :: WidgetType
widget_ident :: int
parent_ident :: "int option"
doc_class Layer =
name :: string
layer_id :: int
context_number :: int
height :: int
width :: int
visible :: bool
enable :: A661_BOOL
widgets_tree :: "Widget set"
(* invariant : When a layer becomes inactive, its visibility is turned off
by the CDS (an exception to this is when a NoServiceMonitor widget is present in the layer; *)
doc_class Window =
application_id :: int
height :: int
width :: int
be_resized :: bool <= True
contained_layers :: "Layer set"
type_synonym DefinitionFile = Window
type_synonym DF = DefinitionFile
doc_class DisplayUnit =
contained_windows :: "Window set"
type_synonym DU = DisplayUnit
type_synonym UserApplication = DisplayUnit
type_synonym UA = UserApplication
doc_class CockpitDisplaySystem =
name :: string
contained_du :: DisplayUnit
type_synonym CDS = CockpitDisplaySystem
section\<open>WIDGET LIBRARY\<close>
text\<open>The ActiveArea is transparent rectangular widget.
The ActiveArea may have a graphical representation when this widget is highlighted
or when it has the focus. A selection of this widget by a crew member initiates
an event notification sent to the owner UA of the widget. \<close>
doc_class ActiveArea = Widget +
widget_type :: WidgetType <= A661_ACTIVE_AREA
visible :: bool
enable :: A661_BOOL
(* style_set :: ? *)
pos_x :: int
pos_y :: int
size_x :: int
size_y :: int
next_focused_widget :: int
(* automatic_focus_motion :: ? Automatic motion of the focus on widget specified in NextFocusedWidget parameter *)
EntryValidation :: bool
(* Indicator notifying the CDS that the UA has completed processing the entry or selection event. This flag also indicates the results of that processing *)
invariant force_widget_type_1 :: "widget_type \<sigma> = A661_ACTIVE_AREA"
text\<open>The BasicContainer has no graphical representation. Its purpose is to group children widgets
and to provide a means for managing the visibility and the interactivity of this set of widgets.
The contained widgets are positioned with respect to the PosX, PosY of the BasicContainer.
The position of the BasicContainer can be changed at run-time.\<close>
doc_class BasicContainer = Widget +
widget_type :: WidgetType <= A661_BASIC_CONTAINER
visible :: bool
enable :: A661_BOOL
pos_x :: int
pos_y :: int
invariant force_widget_type_2 :: "widget_type \<sigma> = A661_BASIC_CONTAINER"
text\<open>A BlinkingContainer is intended to apply blinking behavior to a group of widgets.\<close>
doc_class BlinkingContainer = Widget +
widget_type :: WidgetType <= A661_BLINKING_CONTAINER
visible :: bool
blinking_type :: int (* Type of blinking (appearance to be defined by the aircraft OEM). Value of zero means no blinking. The definition of all other 255 values is determined by OEM. *)
invariant force_widget_type_3 :: "widget_type \<sigma> = A661_BLINKING_CONTAINER"
text\<open>A Panel widget groups several widgets together in a rectangular area with clipping capabilities.
Widgets placed within a Panel widget have their coordinates referenced to the PosX, PosY
reference point of the Panel.\<close>
doc_class Panel = Widget +
widget_type :: WidgetType <= A661_PANEL
visible :: bool
enable :: A661_BOOL
(* style_set :: ? *)
pos_x :: int
pos_y :: int
size_x :: int
size_y :: int
contained_widgets :: "Widget set"
invariant force_widget_type_5 :: "widget_type \<sigma> = A661_PANEL"
text\<open>A Label widget consists of a text field at a defined display location. If the label is anonymous,
it cannot be modified at runtime by the UA. If it is not anonymous, it can be modified by the UA\<close>
doc_class Label = Widget +
widget_type :: WidgetType <= A661_LABEL
visible :: bool
anonymous :: bool
(* style_set :: ? *)
pos_x :: int
pos_y :: int
size_x :: int
size_y :: int
label_string :: string
max_string_length :: int
alignement :: Alignment
invariant force_widget_type_4 :: "widget_type \<sigma> = A661_LABEL"
text\<open>A Picture widget is a reference to an image available in the CDS.
The Picture reference can be modified by the UA\<close>
doc_class Picture = Widget +
widget_type :: WidgetType <= A661_PICTURE
visible :: bool
anonymous :: bool
(* style_set :: ? *)
pos_x :: int
pos_y :: int
size_x :: int
size_y :: int
(* picture_reference :: ? *)
invariant force_widget_type_6 :: "widget_type \<sigma> = A661_PICTURE"
text\<open>The Symbol widget is similar to the Label widget, except it does not have a Max-String-Length
parameter and the string parameter is replaced by a Symbol- Reference parameter (outside reference).\<close>
doc_class Symbol = Widget +
widget_type :: WidgetType <= A661_SYMBOL
visible :: bool
anonymous :: bool
(* style_set :: ? *)
pos_x :: int
pos_y :: int
invariant force_widget_type_7 :: "widget_type \<sigma> = A661_SYMBOL"
text\<open>A PicturePushButton widget is a PushButton including a picture and possibly a string.\<close>
doc_class PicturePushButton = Widget +
widget_type :: WidgetType <= A661_PICTURE_PUSH_BUTTON
visible :: bool
enable :: A661_BOOL
anonymous :: bool
(* style_set :: ? *)
pos_x :: int
pos_y :: int
size_x :: int
size_y :: int
(* picture_reference :: ? *)
invariant force_widget_type_8 :: "widget_type \<sigma> = A661_PICTURE_PUSH_BUTTON"
section\<open>UA Validation\<close>
After the "@{typ \<open>CDS\<close>}" sends a pilot interaction event to the "@{typ \<open>UA\<close>}",
the "@{typ \<open>CDS\<close>}" may suspend further pilot
interactions (exact scope is implementation dependent) to allow the "@{typ \<open>UA\<close>}"
time to validate the event. In order for this to occur, all of the following are required:
1 - CDS will need to know which specific widget instances contain events which will need to be
validated by the UA. To support this the "@{typ \<open>UA\<close>}" ("@{doc_class DisplayUnit}")
must set the Enable (A661_ENABLE) parameter
to A661_TRUE_WITH_VALIDATION for each applicable widget instance in either the DF and/or
during run-time.
2 - The UA will need to send a notification to let the CDS know when the UA has completed
validating the event. This is accomplished when the UA sends the Run-time Modifiable
Parameter A661_ENTRY_VALID.
A661_ENTRY_VALID messages should be ignored if the value of the Enable parameter is anything

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
theory CabineTemperature
imports ARINC_661
value*[TemperatureCelciusScale::Picture, widget_ident=4642,parent_ident="Some 4641"]
\<open>@{Picture \<open>TemperatureCelciusScale\<close>}\<close>
value*[TemperatureIndicatedPointer::Symbol, widget_ident=4643,parent_ident="Some 4641"]
\<open>@{Symbol \<open>TemperatureIndicatedPointer\<close>}\<close>
value*[TemperatureSelectedPointer::Symbol, widget_ident=4644,parent_ident="Some 4641"]
\<open>@{Symbol \<open>TemperatureSelectedPointer\<close>}\<close>
value*[IndicatedTempDRO::Label, widget_ident=4645,parent_ident="Some 4641", label_string="\<open>24\<close>"]
\<open>@{Label \<open>IndicatedTempDRO\<close>}\<close>
value*[IndicatedUnitLabel::Label, widget_ident=4645,parent_ident="Some 4641", label_string="\<open>C\<close>"]
\<open>@{Label \<open>IndicatedUnitLabel\<close>}\<close>
value*[IncreaseSelectTemp::PicturePushButton, widget_ident=4646,parent_ident="Some 4641"]
\<open>@{PicturePushButton \<open>IncreaseSelectTemp\<close>}\<close>
value*[DecreaseSelectTemp::PicturePushButton, widget_ident=4647,parent_ident="Some 4641"]
\<open>@{PicturePushButton \<open>DecreaseSelectTemp\<close>}\<close>
value*[CabinTempPanel::Panel, widget_ident=4641]
\<open>@{Panel \<open>CabinTempPanel\<close>}\<close>
value*[Layer66::Layer, layer_id=66, widgets_tree="{CabinTempPanel, DecreaseSelectTemp, IncreaseSelectTemp, IndicatedUnitLabel, IndicatedTempDRO, TemperatureSelectedPointer, TemperatureIndicatedPointer, TemperatureCelciusScale}"]
\<open>@{Layer \<open>Layer66\<close>}\<close>
value*[CabineTemperature::Window, application_id="6788", contained_layers="{@{Layer \<open>Layer66\<close>}}"]
\<open>@{Window \<open>CabineTemperature\<close>}\<close>

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
theory "paper"
imports "Isabelle_DOF.scholarly_paper"
declare[[ strict_monitor_checking = false]]
declare[[ Definition_default_class = "definition"]]
declare[[ Lemma_default_class = "lemma"]]
declare[[ Theorem_default_class = "theorem"]]
define_shortcut* isabelle \<rightleftharpoons> \<open>Isabelle/HOL\<close>
isadof \<rightleftharpoons> \<open>\isadof\<close>
(* TITLE ************************************************)
title*[tit::title]\<open>Formal Conformance of a Safety-Critical UI-Component with the ARINC Standard\<close>
(* AUTHORS ************************************************)
affiliation="\<open>LMF, CentraleSupelec, Université Paris-Saclay\<close>"]
\<open>Idir Ait-Sadoune\<close>
author*[nicolas,email="\<open>\<close>",affiliation="\<open>LMF, Université Paris-Saclay\<close>"]
\<open>Nicolas Méric\<close>
author*[bu,email= "\<open>\<close>",affiliation = "\<open>LMF, Université Paris-Saclay\<close>"]
\<open>Burkhart Wolff\<close>
(* ABSTRACT ************************************************)
abstract*[abs, keywordlist="[\<open>w1\<close>,\<open>w2\<close>,\<open>w3\<close>,\<open>w4\<close>]"]
\<open> We describe a new case-study in the domain of user-interfaces (UI) for safety-critical avionics systems.
We use \<^isadof> designed to handle documents with both formal and informal in order
to \<^emph>\<open>model\<close> the ontology of the relevant ARINC 661 standard as well as the semi-formal
\<^emph>\<open>description\<close> for a concrete UI component. The purpose of the exercise is to demonstrate
the conformance of the formal component model and its conformance to both the informal as
well as semi-formal, ontologically modeled aspects of the standard.
In particular, We show how ontological invariants can be linked to safety-properties
in the UI domain.
(* INTRODUCTION ************************************************)
section*[introheader::introduction,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''bu''}::author)"]
\<open> Introduction \<close>
Our article should cover the following points:
- Isa_Dof framework and its features to annotate informal texts with formal concepts of ontologies.
- Checking the conformance of object instances with an ontology model in the context of ARINC 661 standard.
- Possibility of expressing invariants (the case of the propagation of the visible and enable properties
between the root widget and the child widgets is to be treated)
- modelling of the UA Validation process.
(* BACKGROUND **************************************************)
section*[bgrnd::text_section,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''bu''}::author)"]
\<open> Background \<close>
bla bla bla bla ...
subsection*[isabelle::technical,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''bu''}::author)"]
\<open> The Isabelle System \<close>
bla bla bla bla ...
subsection*[isadof::technical,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''bu''}::author)"]
\<open> The Isa_DOF Framework \<close>
bla bla bla bla ...
(* CASE STUDY **************************************************)
section*[arinc::example,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''bu''}::author)"]
\<open> Case study : ARINC 661 and Multi-Purpose Interactive Application (MPIA)\<close>
bla bla bla bla ...
\<open> Modeling ARINC 661 in \<^isadof> \<close>
bla bla bla bla ...
\<open> Checking MPIA conformance in \<^isadof> \<close>
bla bla bla bla ...
\<open> Document generation with \<^isadof> \<close>
bla bla bla bla ...
(* INVARIANTS **************************************************)
section*[inv::technical,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''bu''}::author)"]
\<open> Expressing Invariants in ISADOF\<close>
bla bla bla bla ...
(* The UA Validation process. **********************************)
section*[validation::technical,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''bu''}::author)"]
\<open> The User Application (UA) Validation process \<close>
bla bla bla bla ...
(* RELATED WORK ************************************************)
section*[related::conclusion,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''bu''}::author)"]
\<open>Related Work\<close>
bla bla bla bla ...
(* CONCLUSION ************************************************)
section*[conclusion::conclusion,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''bu''}::author)"]
Conclusion content