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%% Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Achim D. Brucker,
2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00
%% License:
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
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[2018/02/25 Unreleased v1.0.0+%
Self-archiving information for scientific publications.]
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% Option declarations
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% Default option rule
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% Pass the option to package color.
% Again it is better to expand \CurrentOption.
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% Package color does not take options with values.
% We provide the standard LaTeX error.
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% Provide command for dynamic configuration seutp
% Load local configuration
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2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00
\AA@publication, pp. \thepage--\pageref{LastPage}, \AA@year.
2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00
This is the author's
version of the work. It is posted
at \url{\AA@baseurl/\AA@key\AA@suffix} %
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by permission of \AA@publisher{}
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for your personal use.
The final publication is available at Springer via
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2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00
2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00
\textcopyright~\AA@year~\AA@publisher. %
2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00
This is the author's
version of the work. It is posted
at \url{\AA@baseurl/\AA@key\AA@suffix} %
2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00
by permission of \AA@publisher{} %
2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00
for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive
2018-01-28 19:18:42 +00:00
version was published in \emph{\AA@publication}, pp.~\thepage--\pageref{LastPage}, \AA@year%
2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00
, doi: \href{\AA@doi}{\AA@doi}.%
2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00
, doi: \href{\AA@doi}{\AA@doiText}.%
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2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00
2018-02-26 14:14:48 +00:00
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2016-08-26 12:32:46 +00:00