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2022-06-20 17:51:24 +00:00
# A LaTeX Style Implementing the Layout of EPSRC Funding Proposals
2022-05-13 09:21:53 +00:00
This LaTeX class provides a layout for EPSRC funding applications in the UK. It
focuses on the traditional proposal layout, that is summarized on the [EPSRC
as follows:
> All attachments must be completed in single-spaced typescript in Arial 11 or
> other sans serif typeface of equivalent size, with margins of at least 2cm.
> Arial narrow and Calibri are not allowable font types.
> Text in embedded diagrams or pictures, numerical formulae or references can be
> smaller, as long as it is legible. Text in tables and figure labels not within
> embedded diagrams or pictures should be at least 11 point.
> We recommend that all attachments are uploaded into Je-S as Adobe Acrobat files
> (PDF) as uploading word documents can result in layout changes to the document.
> Also, as Je-S does not support all Microsoft Office Word font types, unsupported
> fonts will be replaced, possibly resulting in layout changes to the document.
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**Disclaimer:** While this class tries to follow this layout as closely as possible,
there is no guarantee that proposal written using the EPSRC class are accepted for
2022-05-13 09:21:53 +00:00
review (i.e., not desk rejected) and neither is there a guarantee of a positive
funding outcome.
2022-06-20 17:51:24 +00:00
## Usage
To ensure the consistency of common configurations across the various documents
that EPSRC requires, the class file uses a file `epsrc.config` that, if available,
is shared across all documents. A minimal example is:
\author{Poor Researcher}
\projectitle[PGMM]{Please Give Me Money}
Otherwise, the class file is loaded as usual:
This ensures a document following the basic layout on a4 paper with 2 cm margins
and a base font that is metrially compatible with Arial (the current setup uses
[Arimo](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Arimo)). Moreover, the font size is
scaled to use 11 pt in Postscript Points.
### Package Options
The `epsrc` class only has one option, called `hideinfo` that is `false` by
default. This options configures if additional information using the `\info{}`
command are shown or now.
### Provided Commands
The provides the following commands:
* `\info{...}` for type-setting informative text for co-authors. In the final
submission, this text is usually hidden (using the class option `hideinfo`).
* `\projectitle[shorttitle]{longtitle}` for setting the project title (and,
optional, an acronym).
* `\project` for printing the full title of a project (long title and acronym)
* `\projectlong` for printing the long title of a project
* `\projectshort` for printing the short title of a project
### Bibliography
The package configures `biblatex` for type-setting bibliographies. All standard commands of the package `biblatex` can be used. Moreover, the class file provides
the following additional commands:
* `\citeapplicant{...}` as a variation of the `\cite{...}`, marking the citation
a work of one of the applicants of the proposal. They are marked in the
* `\singlecolprintbibliography` as an alternative to `\printbibliography` with a
pre-configured single-column layout (this might be bending the EPSRC rules)
* `\twocolprintbibliography` as an alternative to `\printbibliography` with a
pre-configured two-column layout (this might be bending the EPSRC rules)
2022-05-13 09:21:53 +00:00
## Authors
Main author: [Achim D. Brucker](http://www.brucker.ch/)
## License
This project is dual-licensed under a 2-clause BSD-style license and/or
the LPPL version 1.3c or (at your opinion) any later version.
SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+ OR BSD-2-Clause
## Upstream Repository
The upstream git repository, i.e., the single source of truth, for this
project is hosted by the
[Software Assurance & Security Research Team](https://logicalhacking.com) at