Defined HOL and ML data types for Nano JSON and implemented conversion between them.

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Achim D. Brucker 2019-01-20 19:57:44 +00:00
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1 changed files with 129 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -35,6 +35,134 @@ theory
imports imports
Complex_Main Complex_Main
"Assert" (* Can be removed, after removing all assertions. *) "Assert" (* Can be removed, after removing all assertions. *)
begin begin
This theory implements an import/export format for Isabelle/HOL that is inspired by
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). While the format defined in this theory is inspired
by the JSON standard (@{url ""}), it is not fully compliant. Most
\<^item> only basic support for Unicode characters
\<^item> numbers are mapped to @{type "real"}, which is not a faithful representation of IEEE floating
point numbers, moreover, we extended the abstract syntax to allow for representing integers as
@{type "int"}.
Still, our JSON-like import/expert should work with most real-world JSON files, i.e., simplifying
the data exchange between Isabelle/HOL and tools that can read/write JSON.
section\<open>Defining a JSON-like Data Structure\<close>
datatype number = INTEGER int | REAL real
datatype json = OBJECT "(string * json) list"
| ARRAY "json list"
| NUMBER "number"
| STRING "string"
| BOOL "bool"
The translation of the data type @{typ "json"} to ML is straight forward. In addition, we also
provide methods for converting JSON instances between the representation as Isabelle terms and
the representation as ML data structure.
signature NANO_JSON_TYPE = sig
datatype number = INTEGER of int | REAL of real
datatype json = OBJECT of (string * json) list
| ARRAY of json list
| NUMBER of number
| STRING of string
| BOOL of bool
val term_of_json: json -> term
val json_of_term: term -> json
structure Nano_Json_Type : NANO_JSON_TYPE = struct
datatype number = INTEGER of int | REAL of real
datatype json = OBJECT of (string * json) list
| ARRAY of json list
| NUMBER of number
| STRING of string
| BOOL of bool
fun real_to_rat_approx r = let
val _ = warning ("Conversion of real numbers is not IEEE compliant!")
val rat = Real.toDecimal r
fun pow (_, 0) = 1
| pow (x, n) = if n mod 2 = 0 then pow (x*x, n div 2)
else x * pow (x*x, n div 2);
fun rat_of_dec rat = let
val sign = #sign rat
val digits = #digits rat
val exp = #exp rat
fun numerator_of _ [] = 0
| numerator_of c (x::xs) = x*pow(10,c) + (numerator_of (c+1) xs)
val numerator_abs = numerator_of 0 (rev digits)
val denominator = pow(10, (List.length digits - exp))
(if sign then ~ numerator_abs else numerator_abs, denominator)
case #class rat of
IEEEReal.ZERO => (0,0)
| IEEEReal.SUBNORMAL => rat_of_dec rat
| IEEEReal.NORMAL => rat_of_dec rat
| IEEEReal.INF => error "Real is INF, not yet supported."
| IEEEReal.NAN => error "Real is NaN, not yet supported."
fun mk_divide t1 t2 = @{const Rings.divide_class.divide (real)} $ t1 $ t2
fun mk_real_num i = HOLogic.mk_number @{typ "Real.real"} i
fun mk_real (p,q) = if q = 1 then mk_real_num p else mk_divide (mk_real_num p) (mk_real_num q)
fun dest_real (@{const Rings.divide_class.divide (real)} $a$b) = Real.fromInt(HOLogic.dest_number a |> snd)
/ Real.fromInt(HOLogic.dest_number b |> snd)
| dest_real t = Real.fromInt (HOLogic.dest_number t |> snd)
fun term_of_json (OBJECT l) = @{const "OBJECT"}
$(HOLogic.mk_list ((HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.stringT,@{typ "json"})))
(map (fn (s,j) => HOLogic.mk_tuple[HOLogic.mk_string s, term_of_json j]) l))
| term_of_json (ARRAY l) = @{const "ARRAY"}
$(HOLogic.mk_list ( @{typ "json"}) (map term_of_json l))
| term_of_json (NUMBER (INTEGER i)) = @{const "NUMBER"}
$(@{const "INTEGER"}$(HOLogic.mk_number @{typ "int"} i))
| term_of_json (NUMBER (REAL r)) = @{const "NUMBER"}
$(@{const "REAL"}$(mk_real (real_to_rat_approx r)))
| term_of_json (STRING s) = @{const "STRING"}$(HOLogic.mk_string s)
| term_of_json (BOOL v) = @{const "BOOL"}$(if v then @{const "True"} else @{const "False"})
| term_of_json (NULL) = @{const "NULL"}
fun json_of_term t = let
fun dest_key_value [string, json] = (HOLogic.dest_string string, json_of json)
| dest_key_value _ = error "dest_key_value: not a key-value pair."
and json_of (@{const "OBJECT"} $ l) = OBJECT (map (dest_key_value o HOLogic.strip_tuple) (HOLogic.dest_list l))
| json_of (@{const "ARRAY"} $ l) = ARRAY (map json_of (HOLogic.dest_list l))
| json_of (@{const "NUMBER"} $ @{const "INTEGER"} $ i) = (NUMBER (INTEGER (HOLogic.dest_numeral i)))
| json_of (@{const "NUMBER"} $ @{const "REAL"} $ r) = (NUMBER (REAL (dest_real r)))
| json_of (@{const "STRING"} $ s) = STRING (HOLogic.dest_string s)
| json_of (@{const "BOOL"} $ @{const "True"}) = BOOL true
| json_of (@{const "BOOL"} $ @{const "False"}) = BOOL true
| json_of @{const "NULL"} = NULL
| json_of _ = error "Term not supported in json_of_term."
if type_of t = @{typ "json"} then json_of t
else error "Term not of type json!"
section\<open>Serializing Nano JSON\<close>
section\<open>Parsing Nano JSON\<close>
end end