Added parser and overall cleanup.

This commit is contained in:
Achim D. Brucker 2019-01-21 09:49:22 +00:00
parent 338dcc874a
commit 41634c70ac
2 changed files with 485 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -33,8 +33,12 @@ chapter\<open>An Import/Export of JSON-like Formats for Isabelle/HOL\<close>
theory theory
"Nano_JSON" "Nano_JSON"
imports imports
Complex_Main Complex_Main (* required for type real *)
"Assert" (* Can be removed, after removing all assertions. *) keywords
"import_JSON" :: thy_decl
and "definition_JSON" :: thy_decl
(* and "serialize_JSON" :: thy_decl *)
begin begin
text\<open> text\<open>
This theory implements an import/export format for Isabelle/HOL that is inspired by This theory implements an import/export format for Isabelle/HOL that is inspired by
@ -49,10 +53,21 @@ text\<open>
Still, our JSON-like import/expert should work with most real-world JSON files, i.e., simplifying Still, our JSON-like import/expert should work with most real-world JSON files, i.e., simplifying
the data exchange between Isabelle/HOL and tools that can read/write JSON. the data exchange between Isabelle/HOL and tools that can read/write JSON.
Overall, this theory should enable you to work with JSON encoded data in Isabelle/HOL without
the need of implementing parsers or serialization in Isabelle/ML. You should be able to implement
mapping from the Nano JSON HOL data types to your own data types on the level of Isabelle/HOL (i.e.,
as executable HOL functions). Nevertheless, the provided ML routine that converts between the
ML representation and the HOL representation of Nano JSON can also serve as a starting point
for converting the ML representation to your own, domain-specific, HOL encoding.
\<close> \<close>
section\<open>Defining a JSON-like Data Structure\<close> section\<open>Defining a JSON-like Data Structure\<close>
In this section
datatype number = INTEGER int | REAL real datatype number = INTEGER int | REAL real
datatype json = OBJECT "(string * json) list" datatype json = OBJECT "(string * json) list"
| ARRAY "json list" | ARRAY "json list"
@ -61,11 +76,28 @@ datatype json = OBJECT "(string * json) list"
| BOOL "bool" | BOOL "bool"
Using the data type @{typ "json"}, we can now represent JSON encoded data easily in HOL:
definition example01::json where
"example01 =
OBJECT [(''menu'', OBJECT [(''id'', STRING ''file''), (''value'', STRING ''File''),
(''popup'', OBJECT [(''menuitem'', ARRAY
[OBJECT [(''value'', STRING ''New''), (''onclick'', STRING ''CreateNewDoc()'')],
OBJECT [(''value'', STRING ''Open''), (''onclick'', STRING ''OpenDoc()'')],
OBJECT [(''value'', STRING ''Close''), (''onclick'', STRING ''CloseDoc()'')]
text\<open> text\<open>
The translation of the data type @{typ "json"} to ML is straight forward. In addition, we also The translation of the data type @{typ "json"} to ML is straight forward. In addition, we also
provide methods for converting JSON instances between the representation as Isabelle terms and provide methods for converting JSON instances between the representation as Isabelle terms and
the representation as ML data structure. the representation as ML data structure.
\<close> \<close>
subsection\<open>ML Implementation\<close>
ML\<open> ML\<open>
signature NANO_JSON_TYPE = sig signature NANO_JSON_TYPE = sig
datatype number = INTEGER of int | REAL of real datatype number = INTEGER of int | REAL of real
@ -91,7 +123,7 @@ structure Nano_Json_Type : NANO_JSON_TYPE = struct
fun real_to_rat_approx r = let fun real_to_rat_approx r = let
val _ = warning ("Conversion of real numbers is not IEEE compliant!") val _ = warning ("Conversion of (real) numbers is not JSON compliant.")
val rat = Real.toDecimal r val rat = Real.toDecimal r
fun pow (_, 0) = 1 fun pow (_, 0) = 1
| pow (x, n) = if n mod 2 = 0 then pow (x*x, n div 2) | pow (x, n) = if n mod 2 = 0 then pow (x*x, n div 2)
@ -152,13 +184,429 @@ structure Nano_Json_Type : NANO_JSON_TYPE = struct
| json_of _ = error "Term not supported in json_of_term." | json_of _ = error "Term not supported in json_of_term."
in in
if type_of t = @{typ "json"} then json_of t if type_of t = @{typ "json"} then json_of t
else error "Term not of type json!" else error "Term not of type json."
end end
end end
\<close> \<close>
section\<open>Parsing Nano JSON\<close>
In this section, we define the infrastructure for parsing JSON-like data structures as
well as for importing them into Isabelle/HOL. This implementation was inspired by the
``Simple Standard ML JSON parser'' from Chris Cannam.
subsection\<open>ML Implementation\<close>
signature NANO_JSON_LEXER = sig
structure T : sig
datatype token = NUMBER of char list
| STRING of string
| BOOL of bool
val string_of_T : token -> string
val tokenize_string: string -> T.token list
structure Nano_Json_Lexer : NANO_JSON_LEXER = struct
structure T = struct
datatype token = NUMBER of char list
| STRING of string
| BOOL of bool
fun string_of_T t =
case t of NUMBER digits => String.implode digits
| STRING s => s
| BOOL b => Bool.toString b
| NULL => "null"
| CURLY_L => "{"
| CURLY_R => "}"
| SQUARE_L => "["
| SQUARE_R => "]"
| COLON => ":"
| COMMA => ","
fun lexer_error pos text = error (text ^ " at character position " ^
Int.toString (pos - 1))
fun token_error pos = lexer_error pos ("Unexpected token")
fun bmp_to_utf8 cp = map (Char.chr o Word.toInt)
(if cp < 0wx80
then [cp]
else if cp < 0wx800
then [Word.orb(0wxc0, Word.>>(cp,0w6)),
Word.orb(0wx8, Word.andb (cp, 0wx3f))]
else if cp < 0wx10000
then [Word.orb(0wxe0,Word.>>(cp, 0w12)),
Word.orb(0wx80, Word.andb(Word.>>(cp,0w6), 0wx3f)),
Word.orb(0wx80,Word.andb(cp, 0wx3f))]
else error ("Invalid BMP point in bmp_to_utf8 " ^ (Word.toString cp)))
fun lexNull pos acc (#"u" :: #"l" :: #"l" :: xs) =
lex (pos + 3) (T.NULL :: acc) xs
| lexNull pos _ _ = token_error pos
and lexTrue pos acc (#"r" :: #"u" :: #"e" :: xs) =
lex (pos + 3) (T.BOOL true :: acc) xs
| lexTrue pos _ _ = token_error pos
and lexFalse pos acc (#"a" :: #"l" :: #"s" :: #"e" :: xs) =
lex (pos + 4) (T.BOOL false :: acc) xs
| lexFalse pos _ _ = token_error pos
and lexChar tok pos acc xs =
lex pos (tok :: acc) xs
and lexString pos acc cc =
let datatype escaped = ESCAPED | NORMAL
fun lexString' pos _ ESCAPED [] =
lexer_error pos "End of input during escape sequence"
| lexString' pos _ NORMAL [] =
lexer_error pos "End of input during string"
| lexString' pos text ESCAPED (x :: xs) =
let fun esc c = lexString' (pos + 1) (c :: text) NORMAL xs
in case x of
#"\"" => esc x
| #"\\" => esc x
| #"/" => esc x
| #"b" => esc #"\b"
| #"f" => esc #"\f"
| #"n" => esc #"\n"
| #"r" => esc #"\r"
| #"t" => esc #"\t"
| _ => lexer_error pos ("Invalid escape \\" ^
Char.toString x)
| lexString' pos text NORMAL (#"\\" :: #"u" ::a::b::c::d:: xs) =
if List.all Char.isHexDigit [a,b,c,d]
then case Word.fromString ("0wx" ^ (String.implode [a,b,c,d])) of
SOME w => (let val utf = rev (bmp_to_utf8 w) in
lexString' (pos + 6) (utf @ text)
handle Fail err => lexer_error pos err)
| NONE => lexer_error pos "Invalid Unicode BMP escape sequence"
else lexer_error pos "Invalid Unicode BMP escape sequence"
| lexString' pos text NORMAL (x :: xs) =
if Char.ord x < 0x20
then lexer_error pos "Invalid unescaped control character"
case x of
#"\"" => (rev text, xs, pos + 1)
| #"\\" => lexString' (pos + 1) text ESCAPED xs
| _ => lexString' (pos + 1) (x :: text) NORMAL xs
val (text, rest, newpos) = lexString' pos [] NORMAL cc
lex newpos (T.STRING (String.implode text) :: acc) rest
and lexNumber firstChar pos acc cc =
let val valid = String.explode ".+-e"
fun lexNumber' pos digits [] = (rev digits, [], pos)
| lexNumber' pos digits (x :: xs) =
if x = #"E" then lexNumber' (pos + 1) (#"e" :: digits) xs
else if Char.isDigit x orelse List.exists (fn c => x = c) valid
then lexNumber' (pos + 1) (x :: digits) xs
else (rev digits, x :: xs, pos)
val (digits, rest, newpos) =
lexNumber' (pos - 1) [] (firstChar :: cc)
case digits of
[] => token_error pos
| _ => lex newpos (T.NUMBER digits :: acc) rest
and lex _ acc [] = rev acc
| lex pos acc (x::xs) =
(case x of
#" " => lex
| #"\t" => lex
| #"\n" => lex
| #"\r" => lex
| #"{" => lexChar T.CURLY_L
| #"}" => lexChar T.CURLY_R
| #"[" => lexChar T.SQUARE_L
| #"]" => lexChar T.SQUARE_R
| #":" => lexChar T.COLON
| #"," => lexChar T.COMMA
| #"\"" => lexString
| #"t" => lexTrue
| #"f" => lexFalse
| #"n" => lexNull
| x => lexNumber x) (pos + 1) acc xs
fun tokenize_string str = lex 1 [] (String.explode str)
signature NANO_JSON_PARSER = sig
val json_of_string : string -> Nano_Json_Type.json
val term_of_json_string : string -> term
structure Nano_Json_Parser : NANO_JSON_PARSER = struct
open Nano_Json_Type
open Nano_Json_Lexer
fun show [] = "end of input"
| show (tok :: _) = T.string_of_T tok
val parse_error = error
fun parseNumber digits =
let open Char
fun okExpDigits [] = false
| okExpDigits (c :: []) = isDigit c
| okExpDigits (c :: cs) = isDigit c andalso okExpDigits cs
fun okExponent [] = false
| okExponent (#"+" :: cs) = okExpDigits cs
| okExponent (#"-" :: cs) = okExpDigits cs
| okExponent cc = okExpDigits cc
fun okFracTrailing [] = true
| okFracTrailing (c :: cs) =
(isDigit c andalso okFracTrailing cs) orelse
(c = #"e" andalso okExponent cs)
fun okFraction [] = false
| okFraction (c :: cs) =
isDigit c andalso okFracTrailing cs
fun okPosTrailing [] = true
| okPosTrailing (#"." :: cs) = okFraction cs
| okPosTrailing (#"e" :: cs) = okExponent cs
| okPosTrailing (c :: cs) =
isDigit c andalso okPosTrailing cs
fun okPositive [] = false
| okPositive (#"0" :: []) = true
| okPositive (#"0" :: #"." :: cs) = okFraction cs
| okPositive (#"0" :: #"e" :: cs) = okExponent cs
| okPositive (#"0" :: _) = false
| okPositive (c :: cs) = isDigit c andalso okPosTrailing cs
fun okNumber (#"-" :: cs) = okPositive cs
| okNumber cc = okPositive cc
if okNumber digits then let
val number = String.implode digits
if List.all (Char.isDigit) (String.explode number)
then (case Int.fromString (String.implode digits) of
NONE => parse_error "Number out of range"
| SOME r => INTEGER r)
else (case Real.fromString (String.implode digits) of
NONE => parse_error "Number out of range"
| SOME r => REAL r)
else parse_error ("Invalid number \"" ^ (String.implode digits) ^ "\"")
fun parseObject (T.CURLY_R :: xs) = (OBJECT [], xs)
| parseObject tokens =
let fun parsePair (T.STRING key :: T.COLON :: xs) = let
val (j, xs) = parseTokens xs
((key, j), xs)
| parsePair other =
parse_error("Object key/value pair expected around \"" ^
show other ^ "\"")
fun parseObject' _ [] = parse_error "End of input during object"
| parseObject' acc tokens =
case parsePair tokens of
(pair, T.COMMA :: xs) =>
parseObject' (pair :: acc) xs
| (pair, T.CURLY_R :: xs) =>
(OBJECT (rev (pair :: acc)), xs)
| (_, _) =>parse_error "Expected , or } after object element"
parseObject' [] tokens
and parseArray (T.SQUARE_R :: xs) = (ARRAY [], xs)
| parseArray tokens =
let fun parseArray' _ [] = error "End of input during array"
| parseArray' acc tokens =
case parseTokens tokens of
(j, T.COMMA :: xs) => parseArray' (j :: acc) xs
| (j, T.SQUARE_R :: xs) => (ARRAY (rev (j :: acc)), xs)
| (_, _) => error "Expected , or ] after array element"
parseArray' [] tokens
and parseTokens [] = parse_error "Value expected"
| parseTokens (tok :: xs) =
(case tok of
T.NUMBER d => (NUMBER ((parseNumber d)), xs)
| T.STRING s => (STRING s, xs)
| T.BOOL b => (BOOL b, xs)
| T.NULL => (NULL, xs)
| T.CURLY_L => parseObject xs
| T.SQUARE_L => parseArray xs
| _ => parse_error ("Unexpected token " ^ T.string_of_T tok ^
" before " ^ show xs))
fun json_of_string str = case parseTokens (Nano_Json_Lexer.tokenize_string str) of
(value, []) => value
| (_, _) => parse_error "Extra data after input"
val term_of_json_string = term_of_json o json_of_string
subsection\<open>Isar Setup\<close>
subsubsection\<open>The JSON Cartouche\<close>
syntax "_cartouche_nano_json" :: "cartouche_position \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("JSON _")
fun translation args =
fun err () = raise TERM ("Common._cartouche_nano_json", args)
fun input s pos = Symbol_Pos.implode (Symbol_Pos.cartouche_content (Symbol_Pos.explode (s, pos)))
case args of
[(c as Const (@{syntax_const "_constrain"}, _)) $ Free (s, _) $ p] =>
(case Term_Position.decode_position p of
SOME (pos, _) => c $ Nano_Json_Parser.term_of_json_string (input s pos) $ p
| NONE => err ())
| _ => err ()
[(@{syntax_const "_cartouche_nano_json"}, K translation)]
subsubsection\<open>Isar Top-Level Commands\<close>
structure Nano_Json_Isar = struct
fun make_const_def (constname, trm) lthy = let
val arg = (( constname, NoSyn), (( (constname^"_def"),[]), trm))
val ((_, (_ , thm)), lthy') = Local_Theory.define arg lthy
(thm, lthy')
fun def_json name json = snd o (make_const_def (name, Nano_Json_Parser.term_of_json_string json ))
fun def_json_file name filename lthy = let
val filename = Path.explode filename
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy
val master_dir = Resources.master_directory thy
val abs_filename = if (Path.is_absolute filename)
then filename
else Path.append master_dir filename
val json = abs_filename
def_json name json lthy
val jsonFileP = --
val jsonP = -- Parse.cartouche
val _ = Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword "definition_JSON"} "Define JSON."
(Nano_Json_Isar.jsonP >> (fn (name, json) => Nano_Json_Isar.def_json name json));
val _ = Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword "import_JSON"} "Define JSON from file."
(Nano_Json_Isar.jsonFileP >> (fn (name, filename) => Nano_Json_Isar.def_json_file name filename));
Now we can use the JSON Cartouche for defining JSON-like data ``on-the-fly'', e.g.:
lemma \<open>y == JSON\<open>{"name": [true,false,"test"]}\<close>\<close>
Note that you need to escape quotes within the JSON Cartouche, if you are using
quotes as lemma delimiters, e.g.,:
lemma "y == JSON\<open>{\"name\": [true,false,\"test\"]}\<close>"
Thus, we recommend to use the Cartouche delimiters when using the JSON Cartouche with non
trivial data structures:
lemma \<open> example01 == JSON \<open>{"menu": {
"id": "file",
"value": "File",
"popup": {
"menuitem": [
{"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"},
{"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"},
{"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"}
by(simp add: example01_def)
Using the top level Isar commands defined in the last section, we can now easily define
JSON-like data:
definition_JSON example02 \<open>
{"menu": {
"id": "file",
"value": "File",
"popup": {
"menuitem": [
{"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"},
{"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"},
{"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"}
thm example02_def
lemma "example01 = example02"
by(simp add: example01_def example02_def)
Moreover, we can import JSON from external files:
import_JSON example03 "example.json"
thm example03_def
lemma "example01 = example03"
by(simp add: example01_def example03_def)
section\<open>Serializing Nano JSON\<close> section\<open>Serializing Nano JSON\<close>
In this section, we define the necessary infrastructure to serialize (export) data from HOL using
a JSON-like data structure that other JSON tools should be able to import.
subsection\<open>ML Implementation\<close>
ML\<open> ML\<open>
signature NANO_JSON_SERIALIZER = sig signature NANO_JSON_SERIALIZER = sig
val serialize_json: Nano_Json_Type.json -> string val serialize_json: Nano_Json_Type.json -> string
@ -169,6 +617,7 @@ end
structure Nano_Json_Serializer : NANO_JSON_SERIALIZER = struct structure Nano_Json_Serializer : NANO_JSON_SERIALIZER = struct
open Nano_Json_Type open Nano_Json_Type
fun escapeJsonString s = fun escapeJsonString s =
let fun bs c = "\\"^(Char.toString c) let fun bs c = "\\"^(Char.toString c)
fun escape #"\"" = bs #"\"" fun escape #"\"" = bs #"\""
@ -231,6 +680,26 @@ structure Nano_Json_Serializer : NANO_JSON_SERIALIZER = struct
end end
\<close> \<close>
section\<open>Parsing Nano JSON\<close> subsection\<open>Isar Setup\<close>
(* TODO *)
(* TODO *)
section\<open>Putting Everything Together\<close>
For convenience, we provide an ML structure that provides access to both the parser and the
structure Nano_Json = struct
open Nano_Json_Type
open Nano_Json_Parser
open Nano_Json_Serializer
end end

example.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
{"menu": {
"id": "file",
"value": "File",
"popup": {
"menuitem": [
{"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"},
{"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"},
{"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"}